Welsh Wolves 1: Let Sleeping Wolves Lie

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Welsh Wolves 1: Let Sleeping Wolves Lie Page 7

by Tielle St Clare

  Fuck, he bet Dex could suck cock.

  His dick twitched and he crossed his legs. The movement helped hide his erection and pulled his thigh from beneath Monica’s touch.

  The steady beat of his fingers started up again, faster. Harder. Fuck, he needed to move. Needed to get away from here and go—

  Go where?

  Back to the pub? Back to Dex? Bad idea. Good idea. Drag him into the back office and fuck him across the desk.

  Maddock shook his head, trying to reject the thoughts. The images crowded his brain.

  “So, when are you two getting married?” Green asked. The old man seemed to believe that marriage meant stability.

  Monica smiled. This time, she reached out and put her hand on his, covering his tapping fingers. Her squeeze was a little less gentle this time. “We’re thinking next June.”

  June? Wedding? When had they gotten engaged? Pressure pushed the bones in his hand together and he realized he was supposed to make some sort of comment. “Right. June. Perfect time for a wedding.”

  And it was nine months away so he had time to change his mind. Not that he was going to. Monica was the perfect wife. She understood his business. She knew how to work the social and political aspects.

  And she gave a pretty good blowjob, he reminded himself. When she wanted to. Which wasn’t often.

  I bet Dex loves to suck cock.

  Maddock pressed his lips together to try to crush the groan. He wasn’t going to think about Dex. It had been an anomaly. One that should have scared the hell out of him but every night, Maddock found himself retrieving the memory—Dex’s soft pleas, the tight squeeze of his ass. Even the feel of Dex’s cock in his hand. God, it had been sexy as fuck, feeling Dex come, hearing him cry out as Maddock stroked him off.

  The waiter placed the bill in front of him, jolting Maddock from his thoughts and giving him a reason to pull back—from the conversation and from Monica’s touch.

  He tossed his credit card to the server, hoping to hell things moved quickly.

  Monica and the Greens were discussing a play they’d all seen and unfortunately, it required no participation from Maddock. He sighed. He couldn’t exactly pull out his phone and distract himself with work. But with the current state of his brain, any free moment and his thoughts turned to Dex.

  He took a breath. The sex fantasies were bad enough, but the dreams, in those brief moments he was able to sleep, those scared the hell out of him.

  If he thought about Dex when he was awake, he remembered the sex, how tight his ass had been, how much the kid obviously loved being fucked.

  When Maddock slept, he dreamed of fucking Dex…and then biting him—hard. Breaking the skin and leaving four deep wounds on Dex’s neck.

  He'd woken up the past two mornings with his teeth feeling huge in his mouth, like the dream wouldn't let go of him. Fuck, he didn’t even like vampire movies. Why was he dreaming one? The same one. Every night.

  He ran his teeth over his gums, needing to convince himself even now that he didn't really have huge canine teeth that could penetrate a human neck.

  “Maddock.” The insistence in Monica's voice warned him he'd missed something important.

  “I'm sorry.” He offered a half smile to Monica then turned to Green. “I was wool-gathering.” He knew Green would appreciate an old-fashioned term.

  “Geoffrey was just saying that he'd like us to meet with his people first thing tomorrow. I said I didn't think we had anything on the schedule.”

  Maddock pulled out his phone. The movement was purely for show. He knew his calendar by heart. Still, he checked it, just to make sure. “No. Nothing scheduled.”

  He knew he should be pleased. This would broaden their business interests. If this had happened two weeks ago, his mind would have already been racing with strategies, but right now, he couldn’t find himself caring. Maybe he needed to get back out to the construction sites, get his hands dirty. The purchase of the farm tract would go through by the end of the week. Maybe he’d put himself in charge of that demolition and clearance. Nothing worked off tension like tearing something down.

  Except maybe a good, hard fuck.

  His knee started to bounce.

  Damn, he needed to move. Get his mind off sex. His gym was open twenty-four hours. Maybe he needed another workout. Or maybe you need to fuck.

  He glanced at Monica. Even if he could push himself past the sick feeling in his stomach at the thought of her hands on him, there was no way she’d be up for what he wanted in bed tonight.

  He looked away and his gaze landed on the backside of the busboy, busily clearing the table beside them. It was a tight little butt and reminded him a little of Dex. Maddock waited, but nothing erupted inside him, his dick didn’t get hard. The busboy moved with a cool precision. Dex bounced around like a puppy trying to get everyone’s attention.

  A growl clogged the back of his throat as he wondered who’d caught Dex’s attention this week. The big guy? One of the construction workers who seemed too fond of Dex’s ass?

  The waiter returned with his receipt. Maddock glanced up at the server, just a quick nod to acknowledge his presence. The guy licked his lips and winked. Maddock froze for a heartbeat then looked down at the paper.

  That had been happening as well—guys flirting with him like he was suddenly wearing a sign that said, “I fucked a guy last week.”

  Maddock signed the receipt, leaving a bigger tip than normal. Not because of the wink. He'd been doing that recently as if the memory of Dex wiping down tables, dealing with obnoxious patrons, including the ones who tried to grab his ass, had made him more sympathetic.

  His gums burned and his lips tingled. Damn, he needed to get out of here. Losing it in front of a potential client was not a good idea.

  He tossed his napkin on the table, pushing his chair back.

  “I'm sorry to rush you, but I have a meeting first thing.”

  “I thought you said you didn't have anything tomorrow,” Monica said through clenched teeth. She stood up and smiled though her lips stayed pressed together.

  “It's an early morning thing. Well before office hours.”

  “Of course.”

  They said good night to the Greens and Maddock walked Monica to her car. They'd met at the restaurant, each arriving from separate business meetings.

  Monica clicked the key ring to unlock her doors. The parking lot was well lit and he knew he could leave, but he also knew he was expected to give her some sort of goodnight kiss.

  She turned to face him and he bent down, brushing his lips across hers. Her mouth remained unresponsive.

  Maddock straightened. "What?" He should have known this was coming. Monica wasn't one to let something fester. That made her a good coworker. It would probably be an annoying feature as a wife.

  "What's going on?" she demanded.

  "I don't know what you're talking about." He crossed his arms over his chest and glared down at her.

  Monica wasn't intimidated.

  "Don't think I don't appreciate the whole macho thing you've been doing." She waved her hand vaguely in front of his body. "But you need to stop whatever it is." Her tone held a subtle warning that he couldn't quite decipher.

  "What do you think I’m doing?"

  She folded her arms and peered up at him. "Are you on steroids?"

  "What?! What the fuck would give you that idea?"

  Monica flinched. It couldn't be that she'd never heard the word before, but Maddock didn't usually swear around her.

  "That. That's exactly what I'm talking about."

  "Because I used the word 'fuck,' I'm on steroids?"

  "No. The aggression. The sudden changes in your body. Maddock, your shirts barely fit you."

  He rolled his shoulders uncomfortably. He'd been working out more than normal, trying to burn off the energy that had taken control of his body. And damn, if his shirts and suits weren’t getting tight. Was it even possible to build that much muscle in a we

  He took a breath and willed his muscles to relax, forcing his arms to hang at his sides.

  "Monica, I am not taking steroids."

  "Well—" She sniffed. "Whatever it is, stop it." She lifted her chin and met his stare with hers. "We have a business to run and we can't do that if you're going around growling at people. The staff is one thing, but you need to pay more attention to the way you treat clients.” She brushed the end of her sleeve with her perfectly manicured fingertip. “I thought Brent Wells was going to pass out yesterday when you ordered him out of your office.”

  Maddock tried to regret the incident, but every time he looked back on it, he wanted to growl. The guy had come into Maddock’s office, demanding a change in contract. If he’d asked nicely, that would have been one thing. But he’d tried to intimidate Maddock, tried to top him. Fuck, no.

  “The guy’s an asshole.”

  “He’s a client and he deserves better than you standing over him, snarling like some junkyard dog. And you could have been a little more attentive to Mrs. Green tonight.”

  That threw him off balance. "What? I spoke with her."

  "Would it have killed you to flirt a bit?"

  "You want me flirting with another woman? You just announced that we were getting married. June wedding and all that."

  "Maddock, you and I both know that the wedding is a formality. We'll continue as we have been.” Meaning she could fuck her little man in accounting. “Besides, I didn't say sleep with her—she’s a client’s wife—but this is business and you could have been more social."

  Maddock shook his head and stepped back to give Monica space to get into her car.

  "Whatever this is, get it out of your system." She glided into the driver's seat and closed the door with a solid thunk.

  He stood there as she drove away, staring at the dark parking lot.

  Monica could be a bitch, but she was smart and if she was seeing something different in his behavior then it wasn't all in his head.

  He stalked back to his car, his mind racing. It had all started that night at the bar. When Dex had fallen over his lap.

  Could he have slipped something into Maddock's drink? But why? And how?

  He didn't know what was happening but he knew one thing…the answers were back at The Red Dragon.

  * * * * *

  Maddock walked into The Red Dragon and headed straight to the bar.

  “Where is he?” he demanded of the blind guy behind the counter.

  Reese raised his head, his hands still moving, grabbing bottles and pouring.

  “I'm assuming you're talking about Dex.” He tilted his head to the side, indicating the hallway. “He's meeting with Micah.”

  Micah was the big guy. The guy whose office they'd fucked in the last time. Where Dex knew the location of the lube.

  Noises that he'd suppressed over the past week bubbled to the surface and he growled. The thought of Dex offering that sweet ass to someone else made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.

  None of it made sense. He knew that. Logically, he knew he shouldn't care, didn't care, but that didn't stop him from striding down the hall, ready to rip open the office door. If Micah wasn't fucking Dex, Maddock would, right in front of the big guy, so he knew Dex belonged to him.

  The words flew through his mind, riding a wave of panic, but a different noise drowned out the sounds—pleasure. Dex. Belonging to him. Only him.

  His vision blurred, turning a hazy red.

  The door at the end of the hall opened and Dex stepped out. His eyes widened when he saw Maddock.

  “Wh-what are you doing here?”

  “That's what I want to know.”

  Dex shook his head, not understanding Maddock's comment.

  Maddock stalked down the hall, looking like the predator Dex knew him to be. Fuck, he had enough power to be the Alpha of some pack. Why was he on his own?

  Maddock grabbed his arm, putting his free hand on the door to Micah's office.

  “Uh no.” Fucking once in Micah's office was okay. Twice? Not going to happen. “We could…”

  Maddock leaned in, bending down to place his nose at the base of Dex's neck. “Fuck, you smell good.” He pushed closer and every cell in Dex's body responded, relaxing, complying, letting those hard strong muscles push against him and back him into the wall.

  Hot lips skimmed along his throat followed by the dangerous brush of teeth.

  Dex couldn't help himself. He arched his neck, stretching it long, baring it for Maddock's bite. Maddock opened his mouth and bit down, not too hard, enough to leave a bruise.

  Then he moved on, lips sliding up, nipping at Dex's ear.

  Dex tried to ease his disappointment with logic. They barely knew each other. They shouldn't complete the claiming until they knew it would work. It made sense, but still he wanted to wear his mate's mark.

  Maddock pressed closer, easing his thigh between Dex's legs and rocking their hard cocks together.

  Dex clutched Maddock's arms, letting the heat flow into his groin. Fuck, it wouldn't take much to come, but damn, they couldn't do this here.

  “We-we can't.”

  Maddock lifted his head. He looked almost drunk and a little pissed off that he'd been interrupted.

  “Not here.” Dex wiggled, hoping Maddock would back up, but it only made him press closer. “Come on.”

  Reluctantly, Maddock pulled away and Dex grabbed his hand, dragging him down the hall to the bathroom. It was a little cliché and Micah would have a fit if he found out, but Dex needed Maddock. The only other option was outside. Dex had a feeling he was either going to be on his knees or with his pants dropped to his ankles…yeah, he wasn't going out into the cold.

  The door slammed shut behind them and Dex once again found himself against the wall, Maddock's hard body against his. Warmth enveloped him and Dex reached up, wrapping his hands around Maddock's neck, wanting to feel his lips. But Maddock tipped his head away, bending down and placing a hot kiss on his neck, his tongue flicking out and teasing the soft skin.

  “Maddock, let me.” He reached down and tore at Maddock's fly. The tight material of his suit trousers—damn, his thighs looked bigger than before—barely gave him space to reach in and find that delicious cock. His hand curved around the shaft and Maddock groaned.

  Oh yeah. He tightened his grip and stroked up and down the thick shaft. He wanted Maddock in his mouth, wanted his mate to come inside him. His own cock pressed against his fly, aching in the best way.

  “Please.” Dex hadn’t even realized he’d said it aloud until Maddock’s strong hand ripped at his jeans. Dex tipped his head back against the wall, opening up, giving his mate full access.

  A powerful growl rumbled through Maddock’s throat and he leaned forward, scraping his teeth across the tight muscles of Dex’s neck. Pain zipped into his core and Dex rocked his hips forward, begging for his mate to touch him.

  “Fuck.” The guttural word was like a caress.

  Heat surrounded his cock as Maddock grabbed his dick and started to stroke.

  Even knowing he didn’t want to come like this—that he wanted Maddock fucking his ass when he finally came—Dex couldn’t pull back. It felt too good.

  He tightened his grip on Maddock’s cock, matching stroke for stroke.

  “Good, baby. Let me feel it.” He pumped forward, sending his shaft harder into the tight squeeze of Dex's hand.

  “I want to taste you,” Dex whispered, leaning in and kissing the underside of Maddock’s jaw. “I want you to come in my mouth.”

  “Fuck, yes.”

  Dex started to sink to his knees, but the grip on his cock held him upright.

  “Not so fast.” Another harsh nip on his neck. “I want to feel you come. I want to—“

  The door swung open.

  And every one of Dex’s human instincts went on full alert.

  Micah is going to be pissed.

  The door opened and Maddock flinched, his brain comi
ng awake. Reality slammed into him like a freight train. He jerked away from Dex and stared at the man standing in the doorway. It was the guy from the bar, the one who kept trying to grab Dex's ass last week.

  “Damn, I didn't know it was that kind of bar.” He winked at Dex then propped his shoulder against the doorframe. “You both look hot. Can anyone play?”

  Maddock looked down and realized his cock was out. So was Dex's and fuck, that was his hand wrapped around Dex's cock. He had another guy's dick in his hand. And he'd been practically begging for Dex to come for him, on him.

  He stepped back, shoved his cock back in his trousers and zipped them up.

  “I guess that's a 'no,' huh?”

  His teeth throbbed. Maddock snapped his head around and snarled at the guy in the doorway. The other man jumped.

  “Sorry, buddy, didn’t know you two were exclusive.” He backed out and the door swung shut.


  He couldn’t let Dex speak. He didn’t know what the hell the kid would say to explain, but he couldn’t hear it. The last few minutes were a blur—heat, sex and confusion.

  He’d come here to confront Dex about what the fuck was going on and he’d ended up giving a hand-job in the men’s room.

  “Maddock…” This time the word was accompanied by a light hand on his sleeve.

  “Don’t touch me.” He yanked his arm away. “I don’t know what the fuck you’ve done to me, but it ends now.” Maddock bared his teeth at Dex and whipped around, heading for the door. He had to get out of there.

  Noises started up in his head, growls and whimpers, animalistic pleas to stay.

  “Maddock, wait!”

  He ignored Dex's cry and stalked through the bar. Footsteps followed him and he knew he had to move. He couldn't talk to Dex. Couldn't look at him right now.

  He smacked his hand in the center of the front door and flung it open, practically knocking the thing off its hinges. Halfway across the parking lot, a hand grabbed his arm.

  “Maddock. Wait. You can't just—”

  Maddock spun around. The strangely seductive scent he now associated with Dex filled his nose. His jaw felt like it was on fire.


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