Welsh Wolves 1: Let Sleeping Wolves Lie

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Welsh Wolves 1: Let Sleeping Wolves Lie Page 11

by Tielle St Clare

  Like when Maddock tied him to the bed and fucked him.

  Micah stood a few feet away, his back arched, head tilted up to the sky, moonlight creating shadows on his chest.

  Unable to stop himself, he looked down. The guy was definitely naked. Not aroused, his cock hanging down between his thighs. Still even if he grew just a little bit, he had to be huge when he was hard. Not that Maddock was interested, but one couldn’t help but be a little impressed.

  Micah opened his mouth and a howl erupted, shattering the night silence. Dex and Reese tilted their heads back and echoed the sound.

  Maddock's throat ached and the center of his chest vibrated as the noise reverberated through his body.

  Micah lowered his head and directed his stare at Maddock. Power emanated from the guy and something inside Maddock reacted. He had the strangest urge to kneel. He locked his knees in place and curled his hands into fists, needing the extra bit of control.

  “The change will be a bit of a shock, but once it starts, the wolf will take over. Just go with it.”

  Maddock nodded. The tingling in his jaw expanded, like electric shocks through his bones.

  Moonlight washed across the clearing. Tension rippled through the air. Maddock felt it in his muscles and watched it invade the others.

  Reese groaned. “Fuck, this needs to happen soon.”

  “Go ahead and change,” Micah commanded. “It might inspire his wolf. You too, Dex.”

  Dex shook his head. “I want to be here in case, well, in case he needs help.”

  Energy pulsed through the clearing followed by the sickening sounds of cracking bones and tearing muscle. He couldn’t not look. Reese’s human body changed and twisted, falling to the ground and landing on front paws.

  The noises once again made Maddock’s stomach rumble, but another sensation followed quickly on its heels—hunger, longing. His bones ached and his skin burned.

  “Anything?” Dex asked. Support and sympathy hummed through his voice and the sound irritated Maddock even more.

  “No! I told you guys this was stupid. I'm not a werewolf.”

  Dex opened his mouth as if he was going to protest, but what was there to say? The moon was full. Reese’s theory that he needed to be around other werewolves didn’t seem to be holding true. Maddock wasn’t a werewolf.

  Disappointment curled through his chest, but he ignored it. This was a good thing. He couldn’t be at the whim of an animal trapped inside his body.

  “Listen, I’m going to—“

  “I fucked Dex.”

  Maddock whipped around and stared at Micah. The man's cool pronouncement shattered in his brain.



  Maddock ignored Dex's gasp.

  Rage burned through Maddock’s chest and spread to his limbs.

  “I fucked Dex,” Micah said again. “It’s been awhile, but yeah, I've been in his ass.”

  The gasp turned into a squeak. “Micah, stop.” Dex's protest was once again ignored.

  Pressure squeezed Maddock’s throat like a hand choking off his breath. The images of Micah fucking what belonged to him pounded against his brain.

  Micah's red eyes drilled into Maddock's head.

  “Hard, too. Man, that's a tight little—”

  He never heard the last word.

  He leapt forward, lunging at the other animal. His world exploded. Pain ripped through his muscles. The bones in his jaw broke and he roared. The sound bounced off the trees, but all he cared about was tearing out the throat of his enemy.

  Instinct consumed him. His teeth tore through his gums and he opened his mouth, aiming for Micah’s throat.

  The big man snatched him out of the air, one huge hand locking on Maddock’s neck. The world flipped as Micah spun him around and planted him on the ground, knee to his chest, fingers cutting off his air.

  “Settle.” The harsh command broke through the fury in his brain. He growled. Micah gave him a shake and pressed his back against the hard ground. “Settle down.”

  The grip on his neck eased, giving him a chance to breathe. He glared up at Micah and tried to order him to get the fuck off him, but the sound came out as a whine—and a bark.

  Holy shit. I’m a wolf.

  He tried to make another sound but it came out as a whine.

  “You’re fine,” Micah announced, getting up off him.

  Maddock rolled over and stood up. His legs trembled beneath him, but he figured he was allowed to be a bit shaken. The “presence” was huge now, taking over, making his human mind a rider.

  A lovely scent teased his nose and he turned, in time to meet Dex's touch. Fuck, he's a wolf. I'm a wolf. Dex's wolf form nuzzled Maddock's neck and the human portion of his brain continued its fade.

  He turned and rubbed against his mate.

  Another wolf came over and greeted him, bumping up against him. He vaguely recognized the animal's smell as Reese. That left only Micah.

  Maddock swung around and faced the bigger wolf. Instincts he barely recognized warned him that Micah, while big and strong in human form, was dangerous as a wolf.

  Still, he'd fucked Maddock's mate. His lips twitched over his gums and he snarled. Micah's head lowered and his shoulders rose up, his teeth glowing in the moonlight as he growled back, the warning clear.

  A whine sounded from his side and Maddock recognized the distressed cry from his mate. Dex leaned in and tapped his nose against Maddock's, moving it out of the way, as if trying to draw his attention away from Micah, breaking up the aggression.

  The wolf couldn't resist the temptation to play with his mate, so Maddock nudged Dex back. The human locked the truth in the back of his brain. They were going to have a discussion about Dex fucking anyone but him. They needed to do it when he could actually speak.

  Micah's wolf howled and this time, Maddock couldn't contain the noise. He joined in, his voice blending with the rest. The sound faded away and Micah took off.

  Dex bumped Maddock's shoulder indicating he should follow. Maddock tried to hold on to his human brain—to maintain control—but the animal’s instincts were too strong. Human thoughts retreated and he found himself falling into the wolf’s senses.

  The most overwhelming of all was the scent of Dex. He didn't have the urge to fuck. The animal wasn't aroused, but the smell made him feel safe, strong.

  He put his nose to the ground and let the wolf take over.

  Chapter Eight

  They returned to the clearing and collapsed in a pile, the three smaller wolves snuggled up against Micah. The hunt had been successful. After a few false starts, Maddock had learned how to run. The tail was always more of a challenge than most people thought it should be.

  They'd run and played in the woods. Caught a couple of rabbits and played in the creek. Now they cuddled. It was Dex's favorite part of a full moon run. They rested. Micah hated it that Dex called it cuddling, but that's how it felt. Almost like snuggling up with a lover after really great sex.

  It was also the time when the wolf and human occupied the mind together and he could enjoy the sensations. Slowly the wolf would retreat enough for the human form to return. The wolf’s energy, amplified by the full moon, lingered. This usually led to him following Micah to his room.

  Tonight, it would be Maddock. His mate. Maybe.

  The wolf grumbled his displeasure at the train of Dex's thoughts. Oh, he knew Maddock was his mate, but that didn't mean the human would agree or go along with it.

  And he didn't know how many more chances he had before the wolf imprinted permanently. But he couldn’t pull away. Not now.

  The moon still hung full in the sky, but already Dex could feel the human dominance returning.

  Micah was the first to move, standing up from the bottom of the dog pile and making them all move. Dex moaned, but the sound came out as a whine.

  Maddock leaned over and nudged his shoulder. Dex turned his head and nuzzled the other wolf’s neck, loving the sc
ent of his mate. The human brain tried to assert itself, warnings about imprinting permanently on a man who didn’t want him, a man who didn’t think of himself as gay.

  But the power of the full moon and the presence of Maddock, as beautiful in wolf form as he was in human, pushed Dex’s concerns aside.

  Micah shifted into human form and the action called the rest of them to follow. Even without a formal pack, Micah definitely served as their Alpha.

  Pain rippled through Dex’s muscles as he made the change. He really hated the actual shifting part. Being the wolf and coming back to being human was cool, but the physical change hurt like hell. He looked over and saw Maddock, on his hands and knees, chest bellowing in harsh deep breaths.

  “You okay?”

  “Fuck, that hurts.”

  “The price you pay.” Micah stepped forward and offered his hand down to Maddock.

  Tension vibrated the air between the two men before Maddock finally placed his palm on Micah’s and let him pull him up. Dex stood back as they faced each other. Micah was physically bigger, though not by much, and he wore the power of the wolf in his very being. Maddock’s wolf was still new enough that it seemed separate from him.

  Neither male moved for the longest time and finally Dex sighed.

  “Come on, boys. It’s done and I’m hungry.”

  He pulled on his jeans and T-shirt and noticed Maddock pulled on his jeans as well. Too bad.

  Of course, the jeans did really nice things to the man’s ass and the lovely bulge in the front gave Dex hope that his own ass would be sore by morning.

  Dex offered Reese his arm and led him back toward the house. Normally Reese had no problems, but the forest wasn’t something he could memorize. And there were no shadows to differentiate.

  Maddock trailed behind, his gaze flitting back and forth as if he couldn’t believe it had happened.

  The light of the kitchen was a welcome relief. Rhian usually had something cooking for them, though she rarely hung around, claimed the mass infusion of testosterone wasn’t good for the baby.

  As soon as they hit the door, Reese released him and headed toward the sink, downing a glass of water. Dex watched. The other wolf’s hand trembled as he refilled his glass.

  Reese seemed to notice his stare and waved him away. Knowing Reese didn’t like to be monitored, Dex turned away and opened the refrigerator. His stomach grumbled.

  Another voice echoed the sound. Dex froze then slowly turned his head and followed the sound of the noise.

  Red glittered in Maddock’s eyes—focused on Dex’s ass.

  His wolf shuddered with pleasure. Fuck, if he was a cat, he’d be purring.

  He wiggled his ass, tempting his mate.

  But Maddock didn’t seem to be in the mood to be teased.

  He took two steps and was at Dex’s side. Dex straightened and spun around, facing the other man.

  “I have no problem fucking you right here,” Maddock warned.

  “Uh, or we could go upstairs.” Dex grabbed Maddock’s hand and dragged him out of the kitchen and up to his bedroom. The wolf in his head started dancing around like a puppy. The thing really liked Maddock.

  Maddock followed Dex up the stairs. His mind crisscrossed with sounds and voices, human and not. Didn’t seem to make a difference. Everything was focused on one thing—the little man in front of him.

  Mounting him. Fucking him. Marking him. The wolf growled and Maddock let the sound come out. The animal was a part of him, at least for the moment.

  Dex opened the door at the top of the stairs and Maddock crowded him inside. Once he’d crossed the threshold, he slammed the door behind him, blocking out any chance the other wolves would interfere.

  His hyper-alert senses scanned the room for threats and challenges. The wolf took everything in and saw nothing of concern. As if comfortable that the place was safe, the animal retreated, letting Maddock retain control.

  He looked at the room with human eyes, his gaze landing on the twin bed in the corner. That had to go. No way was he sleeping on that tiny mattress. But it would work for tonight.

  Because he didn't plan on sleeping.

  He turned to his little mate. A corner of his mind noticed how easily he'd taken on the term “mate,” but the revelation didn't stick in his brain for long.

  Not when he saw the bright green eyes staring up at him, unblinking. Those pink pouty lips open, ready for Maddock's kiss. He realized as he stepped forward that he hadn't kissed Dex yet. Not on the mouth.

  He wrapped his hand around the back of his mate's neck and pulled Dex hard against him. Dex felt like he weighed nothing as his slim body pressed into Maddock's chest.

  Dex stared up, surprise, shock and just a little fear glinted in those pretty green eyes.


  Maddock bent down and covered Dex's mouth with his own. Fuck, he tasted good—coffee, chocolate and something distinctly Dex. He teased Dex’s lips open and sank his tongue into the wet heat. Dex groaned and tried to push closer, his tongue wrapping around Maddock’s, sucking and licking. Hell, yeah, he needed to feel that mouth on his cock.

  He cupped Dex’s chin and tilted the smaller man’s head, taking control of the kiss.

  Micah’s words echoed through his memory and before Maddock mounted his mate, he needed to make sure the little wolf knew that wasn't acceptable. Never again was he allowed to offer that tight ass to anyone but Maddock.

  He stepped back and stared down at Dex. With clothes on and that glint of fear in his eyes, he looked almost fragile.

  But Maddock knew that Dex would take it and take it hard.

  Dex reached for him, but Maddock backed away, shaking his head.

  “No touching. Not yet.”

  Dex slowly lowered his hands to his sides. “Are you all right?”

  “I'm fine.” His focus, all the attention of his human mind and the wolf brain was on his mate.

  Maddock walked around his lover, staring at the fine back and sweet, sweet ass. His cock, already hard and digging into his own zipper, ached, but Maddock savored the sensation. It helped him keep control.

  “Maddock?” The hesitation in Dex's voice pierced the lust that encompassed Maddock's brain.

  “Yes, baby.”

  “Are you mad at me? I mean, I didn't—”

  He didn't really want to hear Dex's apology. Didn't matter if the kid was sorry. He needed to be punished.

  “Sh, baby.” He stepped close, letting his cock press against that tight ass. “We can talk later.” He reached around and undid the button fly of Dex's jeans.

  His lover groaned and pressed back, rocking his ass against Maddock's cock.

  Maddock smacked Dex's butt. “What did I tell you about touching?”

  “But I thought—”

  He didn't let Dex finish. He grabbed the sides of his button fly and yanked. The wolf's strength joined his, wanting access to his mate's skin. The denim shredded beneath his hands, tearing down the legs and leaving Dex instantly bare. Dex's gasp only made it better.

  “Bend over, baby. Put your hands on the desk.”


  He gave a quick swat to Dex's hip. “Don't make me tell you twice. You'll take your punishment like a good boy and then you'll get fucked.”

  Dex hesitated, that slim body tensing. Maddock might have been concerned if he hadn't seen how Dex's cock had twitched when he'd told him to be a “good boy.”

  Dex met his gaze as if to assure himself Maddock was in control. Maddock nodded once. Dex swallowed and slowly turned. He placed his hands on the edge of the desk and bent forward, pushing that sweet ass out. The pale skin just called Maddock's hand.

  He ran his fingers up Dex’s spine. A mark on the pale skin caught his attention. Maddock looked closer. A red dragon tattooed on Dex’s left shoulder blade.

  The clear lines of the ink tempted him and Maddock ran his tongue across the image.

  “What’s this about?” he asked tracing the outside
line with his finger. Dex shivered beneath the light caress. “Pack symbol?” It was on the top of their bar so it had to have some meaning.

  “Sort of. We all have them.”

  “But why a dragon?”

  “Welsh legend.” Dex cried out and pumped his ass back. “Do we have to talk about this now?” That sweet backside wiggled, every stroke massaging Maddock’s cock.

  He chuckled. “So eager to begin your punishment?” Maddock eased back. “Fine. We’ll talk later, when your ass is bright red from my hand.”

  Another shudder wracked Dex’s body and damn if Maddock didn’t think Dex could come just from a few more words.

  “W-why am I being punished?” Dex's voice quivered toward the end. Oh, the young wolf was turned on, but that didn't mean he wasn't just a little afraid.

  He wrapped his hand around Dex's cock, holding the hard shaft at the base.

  “For letting that big bad wolf fuck your pretty little ass.”

  Before the words were finished his slapped his open palm against Dex's ass.

  Dex cried out, but his dick twitched. Oh, yeah. Dex would enjoy this.


  Another smack. A low groan escaped his mate's chest.

  “But…it was before I knew you.”

  Maddock tapped Dex's ass three more times on each cheek, enjoying the way his lover's skin turned pink.

  “Didn't say it made sense, baby.” He ran his open palm down the curve of Dex's backside, feeling the heat. He matched the movement with a slow stroke up the full length of the shaft in his other hand. “You let him have this ass. This belongs to me.”

  Dex groaned and arched his back.

  “You like that, huh? Like me claiming this sweet ass as mine.”

  Tension raced through Dex's muscles and Maddock realized this was more than just fuck-talk. And if he was going to back off, he needed to do it now.

  But how could he? The wolf inside his head rose with a howl, demanding he claim his little mate—fuck him, mark him until everyone knew that Dex belonged to him. The urges had been hounding him for the past few weeks. At least now he understood the source.


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