Rogue Instinct

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Rogue Instinct Page 16

by Elin Wyn

  It was so much more than base desire, but knowing that it was so visceral and physical turned me on like crazy. Knowing that my presence alone did such incredible things to him made me feel oddly powerful but, more importantly, it made me feel all the more connected to him. It was like we were meant for each other on every level there was, each facet a puzzle piece cut exclusively for the other.

  He slid his hand down my side and over my tummy, lingering on my mons with faint, feather-light strokes of those dexterous fingers of his. I couldn’t help it—I was desperate to find out just how skilled those hands were.

  The moment my thighs parted, he slid one hand down and began slowly stroking at my soaked slit, still barely in contact. I let my eyes drift closed, settling in at the crook of his shoulder, giving myself over to him completely.

  Bit by bit, his touch became firmer and less exploratory. When I let my eyes flutter open a moment to take in the sight of him, I saw how intently he was watching my responses, gaze darting over me from top to bottom.

  He slid a finger into me slowly, his growl rumbling much more clearly from where I’d laid my head. A second soon joined it, and he set to pumping in long, sliding strokes. The fingers curled then, and the sudden moan that passed my lips set him on course. The strokes became more insistent, fingertips pressed up and back hard.

  As I rocked my hips against his attention, I felt the sudden stimulation of his thumb settling in at my clit. He rubbed in firm circles, once around every time those fingers plunged deep into me. I opened my eyes to look up at him once more and found his gaze on me. It was just as loving as it was lewd, equal parts excited and enamored.

  I brought a hand up and pulled him down into a kiss. The stimulation picked up as my tongue met his, my body going suddenly still in yielding. I wanted exactly what he wanted to give me, what I’d be at least partly giving myself by the motion of my hips.

  I could feel myself approaching the edge of orgasm quickly—way too quickly. I pulled back from the kiss and gave a little shake of my head. “Not… not yet.”

  Orrin nodded and slid his hand back and away, bringing his fingers up to his lips to be licked and sucked clean, a low moan of pleasure joining the rumble that accompanied every breath out.

  He turned onto his back and lifted his hips to slide out of his pants, baring that gorgeous skin of his just as quickly as I had. For the first time, I could see the effect I really had on him.

  His cock was almost shockingly thick near the base and ridged along its length, but more surprising than that was the secondary appendage positioned just above it. It glistened just slightly in the low light, slick and smooth by comparison.

  It was a little thinner and shorter than the main length, but so beautiful. I trailed my fingers along it from base to tip and was surprised when it seemed to flex up to meet the stimulation. Orrin's groan fell somewhere between pure bliss and some kind of relief, no doubt from waiting so long to feel this.

  I wrapped my thumb and forefinger around it, gripping just slightly near the base before sliding up to the tip in one long, slow stroke. He shuddered hard, his hips jerking back suddenly near the end, apparently overwhelmed. I could feel the wicked grin pulling at my lips, and I repeated the motion just to watch the expression it drew from him.

  He rocked his hips up against my grip, and I could feel the throbbing hardness of the primary length running along the tops of my fingers.

  I released it just long enough to wrap all but my thumb and forefinger around the main length—or at least as much of it as I could—before returning them to the slender appendage, pumping them together. I focused more on slight pressure and stimulating the underside of the larger one, and he seemed to love it.

  It was almost strange, seeing him devolve into the same sort of panting, writhing mess he’d made of me. My heart swelled at seeing him enjoy himself so much, especially because he always seemed to be carrying such a heavy weight in duty and determination. Seeing him lose himself was wonderful and drove me on.

  Sitting up, I brought my other hand down to grasp his thick cock, the other focused on stimulating that slick appendage. After only a few pumps, I found I couldn’t help myself, and leaned down to take the latter between my lips, sucking lightly at the tip as I stroked him.

  Orrin gave a near-roar of a moan, his hips jerking up hard against the sudden stimulation, pumping through my grip almost madly. The length between my lips pulsed and writhed ever-so-slightly, the lower one throbbing hard in my hand.

  He reached down and grasped my wrist, slowing it to a stop. "I don't think I can take much more, and I... I have to be inside you."

  I pulled my head and hand both back, grinning up at him, only responding with a nod. He moved to lay me down on my back, but I placed a hand at his shoulder to nudge him back into place. "Mm-mm. You just lie... right there."

  His brow shot up in surprise, but he gave a slight nod of assent.

  I brought one leg over him and settled just below the two lengths, my clit pressed tight to the underside of his cock. I began slowly rocking my hips, sliding up and down the gorgeous length, one hand coming down to grasp it along the top to press it more firmly against me. I couldn't help teasing just a little more.

  Orrin brought his hands down to my hips, bodily lifting me up from where I'd settled, positioning me at the head of his thick, burning hot cock. My knees on the bed kept me barely high enough to keep only the tip pressed against my opening, but I quickly began working my way down.

  The feeling was completely overwhelming, sending a hard pulse of ecstasy through me every time one of the ridges of his cock slid inside. Each one seemed to stretch me more than the last, and soon I could hardly ease myself down anymore.

  He guided me down with a gentle pressure, taking a full half of the length before he urged me back up along it. I shuddered hard at the reversal, ridges quickly passing through me.

  When he lifted his hips and pushed me down again, I couldn't help the half-startled cry that passed my lips, shocked at the suddenness of so much more pressing into me.

  The next few moments passed in a whirlwind blur of intensity, and when my body finally came to rest, I was situated at the thick base of his cock. The sensation of being so utterly full was wonderful and altogether alien. I'd have never thought I could take something so massive, but my body seemed to accept him in, a perfect glove fit for him, even around the flared base.

  I rocked my hips a bit, gasping and moaning at the wild feeling, bringing my hands down to his chest to steady myself. I tried to form words, but even the thoughts behind them were fleeting and fragmentary. Instead, I decided to let go of all of it and just experience him. Experience us.

  I straightened back up and guided his hands to my hips once more, giving a shaking nod of encouragement. The moment I did, he gripped them tightly and began sliding me up and down along the huge length. My hands uselessly grasped at nothing beside me to try to steady myself, even though he had me firmly in his overwhelmingly strong grasp. Instead, almost unconsciously, I brought them up to my breasts and began to pinch and pull at my nipples, stopping only to squeeze hard at the sensitive flesh around them.

  Orrin's eyes darted between my chest and the sight of us joining, his length so deep inside me. He brought one hand up to my lower back and urged me to lean forward. At the sudden lightning-strike of stimulation, I understood why. The secondary appendage writhed against my clit, its slickness sliding over me every time I bounced atop him, stimulating us both.

  I could hardly keep myself from the growing storm inside, feeling the formation of a massive wave beneath me as I drew closer and closer to orgasm.

  Releasing my breasts, I leaned down to place a hand at either side of Orrin's head, kissing him deeply as I slammed my hips up and down of my own accord.

  The climax was sudden and simultaneous. I shot up the whole of the wave only a moment before being sent down the other side, my mind blanking for a long moment before the shattering rush of pleasure o
vercame me. My body went limp, useless in its locked-up, trembling state, my whole form collapsed atop Orrin's chest.

  My release only spurred him on. He wrapped his arms around me, wildly pounding into my core, the movements of the secondary appendage growing even wilder. Just as the faintest beam of sense began to penetrate the fog of orgasm, he roared, and I was driven over once more by the feeling of his massive cock pulsing inside me, filling me, claiming me.

  Wave after wave shot deep into me, and I clamped down hard around him, milking him for everything he had to give. I couldn't have possibly needed anything more than that feeling, the oneness of our bodies and beings in that moment.

  “What if I have another nightmare?” I whispered when I could finally speak.

  “Then I’ll be here to pull you out of it,” he assured me. “Close your eyes. I’ll stay awake until you fall asleep.”

  “You don’t have to do that,” I mumbled but sleep had already started to drag me down. My eyes flew open every few minutes when images of glowing eyes and toxic clouds filled my brain. But every time I did, Orrin was right there, watching over me.

  When I finally did fall back asleep, I felt safe.


  Things were better.

  Some things.

  Over the last two days, Kovor and Qal had gone to speak with station authorities to see if they would be allowed to look at surveillance footage.

  They had told the story of what had happened to us, well, a version of it. Sort of. They said that he told them he was looking to rob us, and we were interested in seeing if anyone else was involved in his group.

  They had been denied, officially, but unofficially, a small data core was delivered to the ship. They didn’t find anything that could tell us more.

  The woman and her children had returned to Qasar, lost in the crowd almost immediately. I didn’t know for certain, but I suspected Kovor had given her enough credits for a safer transit, somewhere she could start a new life.

  During those two days, Maris and I had spent more time together. She had even moved into my room. She said it was because of the nightmares she had, but I think it was because she wanted to be around my massively muscular arms more.

  To be honest, I was happy that she had moved in with me. My own dreams had been filled with visions of blood, the crew dead or dying, and my innards spewed all over the cargo bay floor as Maris sobbed over my body.

  With her in the same bed as me, I could hold her when she had trouble sleeping and that made me feel better.

  Qal took to teasing me about it whenever he saw me, but I didn’t care. I think he just teased me because he was a bit jealous.

  When I wasn’t with Maris, I was working on what Dejar asked us to work on. Maris had taken on the project of redoing our engine signature, again. She had done such a good job on it before that I let her run point on it this time. Meanwhile, I made some changes to our internal sensors.

  I added heat vision, what the women called infrared. If anyone like Tiatra came aboard, we would be able to track them even if we couldn’t see them.

  It involved a lot of work because I wasn’t just changing things up at the bay doors, I was adding the cameras and heat sensors everywhere in the ship. I had the ship’s AI help me find blind spots within the ship. I didn’t want there to be any place that an intruder could hide without us seeing them.

  Of course, some of the argument against that was that if we ever needed to hide, we wouldn’t be able to, but most of the crew agreed that if we were ever in a situation where we needed to hide on our own ship, things had already gotten to a really bad place anyway.

  There were still the expected areas of privacy, obviously, but every public area was monitored.

  I was in the middle of installing a camera when Maris took me by surprise. I was standing on a small ladder, my arms up in the air as I was wiring up the camera, when I felt something tickle my abdomen. I jerked my arms down and looked at Maris, a smile spread on her face from ear to ear.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  “Nothing,” she smiled. Her hands were behind her, and her eyes twinkled in the light.

  “Like I believe that,” I said as I turned back to the camera. A few seconds later, and the camera was wired properly. “Want to help me line this up?” I asked.

  “What do you need me to do?”

  I pointed down to the tablet. “Just look in there and make sure the camera picks up the entire hallway,” I said.

  “Okay.” She picked up the tablet, then stifled a laugh.

  “What is it?”

  She turned the tablet around, so I could see, and the picture was of my posterior.

  “That’s a little immature, don’t you think?”

  She stuck her tongue out at me. “Not when it’s such a nice ass.” She checked the angle again. “Come on, let’s move that camera.”

  Once she said it was good, I finished mounting the camera to the ceiling and climbed down the ladder.

  “Hey, handsome,” she said as she danced on her tiptoes.

  “Hey, yourself, beautiful,” I answered. I leaned down and kissed her. I was never happier than when I kissed her, and she kissed me back.

  “Hungry?” she asked.

  “Starving, actually,” I admitted.

  “Good. I got a picnic set up for us back in our room. Let’s go eat,” she said as she grabbed my arm and tried to pull me.

  “Okay, okay,” I laughed. “Give me a minute to clean up my mess here. Don’t want anyone getting hurt.”

  She pushed her bottom lip out in mock disappointment, then smiled. She helped me clean up, and we went to enjoy our lunch together. She had, somehow, managed to scrounge up my favorite meal.

  “You like?” she asked as we came into the room.

  “Very much so. How did you…” I started.

  She shrugged as she answered me. “The cook. I asked him what you liked to eat, and he told me. He volunteered to get everything together for me and helped me make it.”

  She impressed me more and more, every day. Not only was she a mechanical genius, but she did magnificently amazing things to me physically.

  And now she had cooked my favorite meal.

  If I hadn’t already confessed my love for her, I would have done so right now.

  So, I did anyway. “I love you,” I said as I brought her in for a hug.

  “Love you, too,” she grunted. “Don’t squeeze me so hard.” I knew she was teasing, I had barely wrapped her in my arms, but I loosened my grip a bit anyway. She reached up, kissed me on the cheek, and told me to sit.

  We ate our lunch, talked about what she was doing with the engines and what ideas I had for improving our defenses.

  I wanted to make sure that we would be better capable of dealing with the dark ship if it ever found us again.

  Running a cargo business, on either side of the law, had its own risks. I’d never thought that random attacks by pirates were the preferred option, but now I planned to make sure we’d be prepared.

  And if we were going to be taking on this Dominion splinter cell, we would need some better defenses.

  “I was working on a much larger version of the energy shielding used in the reactor core when we initiate the fold,” I told her as we finished our lunch. “I’m just struggling with the calculations. I can’t seem to get it to work properly when I try to stretch it over the ship, at least according to my simulations.”

  “Want some help?”

  “If you think you’re up for it,” I answered.

  “Yeah. It’ll be fun working together. I hate working on the engines without you,” she said as she reached for my hands.

  We kissed again, a short kiss that ended much too soon, but felt like magic.

  “I know how you feel. I want to be working with you as well, but there are too many projects to finish. I’ve already added the infrared,” I stumbled a bit over the foreign word, but pushed through, “and I’m simply finishing up with the
cameras throughout the ship. I’ll be finished before dinner, then I’ll turn my attention to our defenses, inside and out.”


  I nodded. “I was thinking that we should have some automated systems inside, under control of the bridge and the AI. That way, if we’re ever infiltrated, the ship can help protect us.”

  “Don’t you think that’s going a little far?” she asked. There was a hint of worry in her voice.

  “I don’t know. Part of me hates everything we’re being forced to do, but I understand it,” I pulled her in close. “I’m also doing it to make sure you, and the others, are safe. You told me that you didn’t know what you would do if anything happened to me. I feel the same way. When I saw you at Tiatra’s feet, I struggled to keep my mind right. Then, when he hit you, I almost lost control. I don’t want you hurt.”

  “I don’t want you hurt, either,” she said. “Just, I’m not sure if we should have weapons falling from the ceiling and popping out of the walls. That would make me really uncomfortable. What if something went wrong?”

  I thought about it for a minute. She was right. If something went wrong with the computer, the weapons could be turned on us instead. “Very well,” I conceded. “I won’t put automated defenses inside. But,” I said as I pulled away from her to stretch my back, “I would like something inside the ship to help with defenses.”

  “Fair enough.” Our lunch was over, and we each headed back to work after cleaning up our dishes and depositing them in the kitchen. I finished up the cameras earlier than anticipated and went to work on the shielding calculations.

  Maris joined me later that evening. We took a break to eat dinner with our friends in the dining hall, then went back to work on the calculations.

  I don’t think I’ve ever smiled so much in my life. I was working on something I enjoyed with someone that made me happier than anything in the universe.


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