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Dreamwalker Page 2

by Heltsley, Andrea

  “Seriously Nells, if you are going to mope, at least use a better media for your focus. No romance movies! I mean it, let’s try this one,” Autumn said as she filters through the channels and set it on the television series.

  The star of the show was a woman and she was ruthlessly kicking ass and taking names on television. Suddenly, feeling comforted and exhausted, I closed my eyes and drifted into sleep. That was when the dreams started, the ones with him.

  A man I didn’t know approached me. I was stunned at the recognition my entire being felt at the sight of this stranger. It was if I had always known him, yet I had never seen him in my entire life.

  His ash blond hair was short and messy. He flashed me a crooked smile as he approached me. His straight white teeth seemed to glow like tiny luminescent bulbs. I was sure a twinge of something like surprise or recognition flashes across his face, as he too recognized me somehow.

  He was mere inches from my face, yet I was calm. Anticipation crept up my entire body as I stared into his muted gray eyes, feeling his breath on my lips. We stood that way for several seconds, just feeling the heat from each other’s proximity like tiny fires kindling from within. Then he made his move, without a single word.

  He slowly wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to his well-defined figure. He leaned me into a kiss that melted me to the core. He tasted of a sweet tang and smelled like the forest. I slid my arms around his neck to pull him closer with a need I hadn’t ever known.

  There was a tingling in my head and my stomach was fluttering wildly. His kisses were perfection and his skin was like fire against mine. His hands singed my skin as he ran them across my bare flesh. Then I began to notice my lack of clothing and vulnerability took over. My knees began to wobble and suddenly I opened my eyes.

  There were molten red candles and the smell of rosemary engulfed me, overwhelming my senses. He sat me down gently in what appeared to be a ritual circle of some sort. Confusion set in as I looked around hastily at what seems to be a hotel room. I was about to question him when I noticed a symbol was outlined over the door just ahead of me. I got an eerie feeling and I quickly saw him leave the room before everything disappeared.

  I awoke with a start, an aching in my chest, for him. Damp with sweat and slightly disoriented, I slid out from Autumn’s sleeping form and headed into the bathroom. The porcelain tile was cool on my bare feet and I suppressed a shiver. Mind over matter, I told myself as I tried to ignore the temperature of the chilly morning.

  I stripped and stepped into the piping hot shower to try and erase the memory of my mystery man. Instead, I just craved the taste of him on my lips, the sweet tang left to linger. It felt so real, so vivid. My skin goose pimpled at the mere thought of his hands on my skin. His eyes so cold and icy, penetrating mine, were intense and made me weak in the knees.

  I was so drawn to the mere idea of him that I couldn’t seem to process the rest of the dream. I should be worried about the ritualistic look of the dream. The candles, the smell of rosemary, the strange symbols should be bearing down on me with a disconcerting force. But I couldn’t focus on this. All I could think about was the way my being recognized his. It was as if I was a puzzle and he was the missing piece to putting all the pieces together.

  Struggling to keep focus, I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a fluffy cream towel around my curvy silhouette. I was all nerves as I quietly headed into my bedroom and slipped on some clothes. Once I was dressed and warm, I went to the kitchen. After pouring myself a glass of juice and savoring it sweet tangy taste, I went back to the couch to wake Autumn.

  Chapter 2: Technicolor dreams

  “That is totally wicked, Nells!” Autumn exclaimed after hearing about my dream in excruciatingly colorful detail.

  “I wasn’t even there and I can feel goose bumps on my own skin. I haven’t had a dream that hot since I saw Angel appear on Buffy,” she continued gushing.

  “It was totally bizarre. I was wallowing in my own self-pity for days, and then suddenly all I can think about is him. I wish I knew who he was because I haven’t even seen him before. Now I can’t get him out of my head,” I explained as a shiver slid up my spine.

  “Maybe he isn’t real. It could be your mind telling you to move on. With that, I agree.”

  “I don’t know, it felt so real and the dream is haunting me.”

  “Let’s go for a run. It’s early and I don’t have to work for a few hours yet. Maybe we can head down Jefferson Street and hit Picasso’s for breakfast. I could sure use a latte. I am wrecked and I didn’t even drink last night,” Autumn suggested, looking at me with her wide blue eyes.

  “Sounds great, I have to do something to dull the senses and get back to reality. Then I have to go talk to Pete. He is going to be pissed. I haven’t been to work in days and I will probably be fired for sure,” I commented.

  “Yeah, but I think the concert tickets go on sale tomorrow and you so owe me Nells,” Autumn suggested convincingly.

  “I know, and I promise!” I answered.

  “Are you sure? What if Pete fires you?” she asked.

  “I planned on buying us tickets anyway. It should be a wicked hot concert,” I said with a twinkle in my eye and a smile on my face.

  “Ok, I am so excited!” she gushed.

  “So yeah, really could use that cup of coffee now,” I said changing the subject.

  “Let me change, I will be down in five,” Autumn said as she turned to leave.

  “Super, I will get my shoes on and see you in a few,” I answered and headed back to my room.

  I brushed my wet hair out and pulled it into a ponytail. I took a few deep calming breaths before I drew myself together. Sliding my ID and debit card in my pocket, I grabbed my keys and locked the door. My timing was perfect and I ran into Autumn just outside my apartment.

  “Are you ready?” she asked.

  “Absolutely, I need to burn off this dream before it consumes me.”

  I followed Autumn out of the building and into the frosty morning air. Our pace was slow at first and then picked up speed about a block down.

  The run was surprisingly energizing. The thud of my heart was in sync with the crush of the pavement beneath my feet. Autumn seemed to sense my internal thoughts whirling at high gear. She slowed to a steady run behind me in a comfortable silence. It was blissful and I felt at peace, blocking all thoughts but the scenery around me.

  The rows of trees shimmered from the recent rainfall and I reveled in the vivid colors of fall. Pumpkins of all shapes and sizes adorned most of the porches as we passed. I loved this time of year, when summer ended and it was not quite time for the cold harsh Missouri winter.

  We didn’t slow down until we approached the uneven cobblestone of Main Street in front of the coffee shop. The coffee shop was bustling with business people and coffee enthusiasts. The smell of fresh brewed coffee lingered in the air, thick and sweet. Julia was working the register as we approached and I smiled at her.

  “Hey Julia, how’s it going today?” I asked while pulling my debit card from my jacket pocket.

  “Great. Only two hours left until my shift is over. Then I am headed to art class,” she said pointing to a stack of art supplies heaped in the corner.

  “Autumn and I really loved that last piece you did on perspectives. It was brilliant. You should display more of your work here. You would make a killing with your talent,” I said encouragingly.

  Julia blushed at the praise. “I put a few pieces up at The Green Vixen last week and Autumn already sold two of them. The money really helped pay for some of my art supplies. I am already at work on some new pieces.”

  Autumn piped up, effectively changing the subject back to our original mission.

  “Can we get our usual?” she asked, motioning for me to put my debit card away. She pulled out her own card and handed it to Julia.

  “Two tall nonfat caramel macchiatos with extra foam coming right up,” she replied with a s
mile before turning to fix our drinks.

  We thanked her and bid her farewell before taking our drinks in hand and exiting through the warm entryway into the frosty fall air. I let out a sigh of contentment as I sipped my drink and the smooth caramel notes lingered. Autumn made a similar gesture and we headed back at a moderately paced walk, coffee in hand.

  The small depression era houses lined the streets in maroons, greens and whites. Everything lining old town had character, unique in their own way. It was their idiosyncrasies that make them part of the eclectic city. We passed a few streets before reaching our destination. We climbed the stairs in silence and headed back to our respective apartments.

  Even after the walk home and some coffee, I couldn’t shake the dream. Just thinking about him sent a repeated shiver up my spine. He was so yummy and I couldn’t get the taste of his lips on mine out of my head. It was such a bizarre dream towards the end. The herbs and symbol above the door were just creepy.

  Even so, I couldn’t seem to push him out of my mind. I knew I should talk to Autumn about it, but I was not quite ready for one of her mystic lectures that I usually tuned out. I showered and dressed while the whole time I was fascinated by my dream.

  All I wanted to do was crawl under my covers and melt into another dream of him. Everything else was a blur as I made my way out of my apartment and back into town.

  I headed into the music shop, dreading the encounter. As I expected, Pete was there the second I opened the door to the music store and shut it behind me.

  His hair looked unkempt and his eyes were red rimmed. It was clear he had worked himself to near death in my absence. I wince when his fiery eyes met mine.

  “Great of you to grace me with your presence, princess, can I see you in the back?”

  Trying to ignore the staring eyes of the few customers perusing the music inside the store, I nodded solemnly. I followed Pete in silence, letting the office door slide closed behind me. Judging by his stormy expression, this was not going to go well.

  “Pete, I am so sorry. I should have called,” I started before he cut me off.

  “Save it. Three unexcused absences are grounds for immediate dismissal. I can’t accommodate every whim my employees feel they deserve. This is a business, Ms. Kennedy. Please leave your keys on the desk and I will escort you out,” he said without an ounce of hesitation.

  I reluctantly do as he asked and let him guide me out the store. All I got from him was a “Good Luck, Ms. Kennedy,” before he was shutting the door behind me. I was standing there, outside the store, wondering what to do now. I had enough saved for a few months but I definitely needed to find another job sooner rather than later.

  I took a deep breath and sighed. I guess I could head down to the Green Vixen and visit Autumn. Then again, I was not in the mood to go into detail about my disastrous encounter with Pete right now.

  That was when I saw him across the street. He was just standing there, his hands in his pockets while people passed by all around him. His steely grey eyes met mine and he displayed that crooked smile from my dream, his blond hair messy and disheveled.

  Stunned, I ran across the street without a single thought. Cars honked and seemed like distant noise outside of my train of focus. I had to meet him, this man that sent butterflies through me at every thought of him.

  To my dismay, once I made it across the street and through the mass of tourists, he was gone. Turning every direction frantically, I scanned the sidewalks. Nothing, it was as if he just disappeared.

  I was about to dismiss the entire thing as a figment of my imagination when I lowered my gaze and something caught my eye. Upon a closer look, I realized that it was a small tarnished silver coin. Before anyone else could spot it, I rushed forward and scooped up the small metal remnant.

  It was unlike any coin I had seen before. The front was embossed with an unfamiliar symbol and the back had three letters in cursive engraved into the surface reading JIT.

  I became more curious at the thought of the coin belonging to him. I could feel in my bones that it was his and the pull of energy from it was unsettling. I shoved it in my pocket and vowed to get Autumn’s opinion on it later.

  With a heavy heart, I headed home. Trying to pass the time, I curled up on the soft leather couch and enveloped myself in my warm soft red blanket. I couldn’t stop thinking about him and soon I was drifting into another blissful sleep. When I woke, I was disappointed to find that I had no dreams. I had nothing. Maybe I lost the dream and it was just a fluke.

  Even so, all I could think about was him and the strange coin found in his wake. I looked at the clock and was frustrated when I saw I still had an hour until Autumn got off work. I grabbed a murder mystery paperback off the bookshelf and settled into the couch once again.

  The book was a small distraction to pass the time, but I was still dying to ask Autumn about the coin. It was nearly nine-thirty when I heard a knock on my door. I jumped up and answered it in anticipation.

  “Noel, hey you, why are you at home? I went by the music store, but you had already closed up and it was dark,” she said.

  “Come on in. I am going to make some tea. I think a hot cup of chai is definitely calling to me. Work went crazy, Pete fired me and I feel all weird and lethargic,” I said.

  “Sorry to hear you couldn’t work things out with Pete. He always has been a real pain in the ass. You feel weird? Are you getting sick? Maybe I need to switch your chai tea with an immune herbal infused tea,” Autumn suggested.

  “No, I am sure I am just tired. A good night’s rest is all I need, provided I don’t dream about him again.”

  “Still thinking about that? He must be hot! I wish I had dreams like that. I always have the ones where I eat a hamburger and then an angry cow chases me through a field until I trip. Then I wake up. Good thing I don’t eat hamburgers,” Autumn gushed.

  “It is so bizarre. I swear I saw him earlier outside the store. I ran out the door but he was already gone. But I did find this strange coin on the ground right afterwards,” I said pulling the silver disc from my pocket and placing it in Autumns’ palm.

  As soon as her eyes settled on the coin, she stopped dead in her tracks and plopped down on the couch. Her blue eyes went wide and somber as they reached my green ones. I can tell this wasn’t necessarily a good sign. Autumn was rarely this dismal.

  “Noel, this is serious. Are you sure this came from him?”

  Suddenly alarmed by Autumn’s lack of humor, I responded. “It had to be. I saw him, but he was gone when I reached that spot. All I found was this and there wasn’t anyone else nearby.”

  “Let’s rationalize this. It could have just been on the street before he even walked by. You don’t really know that this came from him exactly. It could just be a coincidence.”

  I didn’t like her logic and was quick to protest. “Umm, no I don’t think so in the least. The fact that he is actually real is not a coincidence, so neither is this. Autumn, I know what I saw and it was him.”

  A few beats passed as Autumn appeared to be gathering her composure. She didn’t meet my eyes but instead observed the night outside my window, stars twinkling in the clear night.

  “This is a charm. It has a protection sigil on the front. The letters on the back must be his. This is serious stuff. The use of this kind of magic suggests that he is involved in something dangerous.”

  I was not sure how to respond to that. It was not at all what I was thinking. Then again, Autumn would know. Her obsession with all things mystical was extreme and a topic I usually avoided.

  Despite our friendship, that was the one subject we agreed to disagree about. She had her beliefs and I had mine. We kept those parts of our life separate from our friendship and things usually went on without a hitch.

  Knowing this was her expertise didn’t make the information any easier to swallow. I was not sure if I even believed her, but it didn’t make me want him any less. If anything, I was all the more curious to meet him.

  “So this is a protection charm? Does this mean it will keep me safe?”

  Autumn sighed, and then composed a response. “It was obviously crafted for him, but yes it would act as protection to anyone who bears it if they have a connection to him. At this point, it wouldn’t hurt for you to hold on to it.”

  “Oh that reminds me,” she continued, dismissing the subject and handing me back the coin.

  “Augustine Jordan is opening his bar tomorrow night. We promised him weeks ago that we would be there, and so we will. I will meet you at your place at eight. And don’t even think of bailing. He is great and I think he and I might hook up, I hope.”

  I raised an eyebrow and looked at Autumn. “It would be about time! You two have been dancing around each other for months. It’s tiring to watch, frankly. I guess that means you have sufficiently guilted me into it.”


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