
Home > Paranormal > Dreamwalker > Page 10
Dreamwalker Page 10

by Heltsley, Andrea

  Caught slightly off guard by her candidness, I offered pleasant introductions and shifted my gaze to Boones. I had to look at him in a whole new light now.

  His gift was empathy. I never would have guessed in a million years. I just assumed he was the dark brooding type, more like a vampire. A stab of jealousy came to the forefront of my mind and I wondered if he could sense it.

  Then, it was Madison who spoke up again. “I see you have learned of Boone’s powers. It’s a little weird to be around him at first, but eventually you just get used to it.”

  This earned me a stern look from Autumn because she knew she didn’t tell me. All I could do to diffuse the situation was to give Autumn the not now look.

  I turned to Madison curiously. “Yeah, how did you know, are you a mind reader or something?”

  She gave a little laugh before answering, “Or something that can mind read…”

  Her answer sent a chill up my spine and I knew I had to seize the feeling to pull off the lie I was about to tell.

  I turned to Boone before adding a stricken tone to my voice. “I just had an awful dream. I dreamt I was surrounded by monsters. Everywhere I turned I saw monsters.”

  This earned an amused snort from Madison. Autumn, who was taking a sip of soda, let out a spray of the brown syrupy liquid in surprise. Boone just looked into my eyes more intently.

  I quickly hurried on. “I don’t think I could have escaped if it weren’t for the wakeup call I received from Autumn. Boone, do you think it is a sign?” I asked, putting on a show for the others.

  It was Boone’s turn to answer and I was not sure how he would respond so I stood there on edge, waiting for his response. Instead, he pulled me in for a hug and I was once again engrossed in all things Boone. It was like a switch he turned on and off. His lips brushed my ear and all he said was, “don’t be afraid. You can trust me.”

  At the mention of trust, I eased up and genuinely look relieved. This made Autumn let up on the scrutiny as well and she got me a bottle of water from the fridge. I twisted the cap off and tasted the cool liquid in relief. I may have used it as an excuse to get in here, but I was genuinely thirsty.

  Boone turned away from me and addressed Autumn and Madison. “I think it is about time to relieve Clark from guard duty. Do you mind if I take Noel, and try to explain some of this? I am sure the brisk fall air would do her some good right now.”

  I just nodded in agreement, afraid to spoil his plans. Autumn looked hesitant but nodded in approval. Madison furrowed her brow as if trying to figure it out but then she finally nodded as well. Boone wasted no time gathering some gear and heading into the front for our shoes and coats.

  Just as we got our shoes on, Autumn appeared to have changed her mind. “Umm, if you don’t mind, I would like to tag along. Madison is ok here with the guys.”

  Boone tried to dissuade her, but it was clear she was coming regardless. I tried to look as if I didn’t care either way as I finished sliding on my crusty flats and the soft wrap around my shoulders. In a reassuring move, I felt my bra discretely for the coin. I sighed in relief at its presence, even if it earned me a sideways look from Boone.

  Once we stepped out onto the porch, I was momentarily jolted as the cool air entered my bloodstream. I was awake now with a new alertness that was not there just moments before.

  Autumn linked arms with me and not long afterwards, Boone did the same on the other side. I felt like I was being fought for in some kind of silent tug of war, a possession to be won.

  When we did reach Clark, I was surprised at what happened next. Autumn unlinked her arm from mine and hit him with a strong left hook. He looked startled momentarily then fell down with a thud.

  I gasped in shock and my hands flew to my mouth. I was about to turn and run when they both re-linked their arms with mine and continued forward as if nothing happened.

  Chapter 10: Appearances

  “What just happened?” I asked for clarification.

  “We are escaping,” Autumn said with a sarcastic smile.

  It was Boone’s turn to chime in then, “she was insistent on inviting herself. I was just trying to get us the hell out of there.”

  It was now I got real serious. “Autumn, maybe you should stay. I don’t know what we are walking into, but I shouldn’t be dragging you into it.”

  She just replied casually, “Nonsense. I am going and that is that. I have looked over you for twelve years, I am not about to stop now. Once we get out of here safely, you will tell us why. I trust you and I told you that you can trust me. I meant it.”

  I just shrugged and let them lead me through the woods at a swift heart pounding pace. Limbs and branches, just free of leaves whipped past as we jetted through them. The only sound to be heard was the crunch of dried leaves under our feet and the crackle of an occasional branch in our path.

  By the time we were close to reaching the road, I was chilled to the bone and my breath was pooling in a steamy cloud in front of me. Autumn stopped us and pulled out something from her bag. Boone just shook his head amused.

  “What? Do you think I wouldn’t come prepared? I am not an amateur. I have been doing this a long time. Noel is still my priority, regardless of the rules.”

  Boone nodded in understanding. “I guess I better smoke a cigarette while I have a chance.” Boone pulled a cigarette and a lighter from the pocket of his leather jacket. He lit the end and inhaled as if he was calm for the first time today.

  Turning away from Boone, I looked at Autumn. It was my turn to question the item that appeared to be the same bowl I remember from the store. “What is that for?” I wasn’t sure I could handle another scene like the last one I saw in the bowl.

  “We need a quick spell to change our appearance so we can hitchhike out of here. Stay still, we will change you first,” she said.

  She poured some bottled water into a bowl and added some oils and dried leaves to the mix. Then she pulled out a yellow candle and lit it.

  “Here, hold this,” she asked me, handing over the yellow candle.

  Once the candle was in my hand, she used the flame to light a stick of incense and handed it to me as well. Then she used a pestle to mix up the ingredients for several minutes. Once completed, she pulled out a piece of soft pink silk and dabbed the mix on all my sensor spots.

  I felt a little shock coursing through my veins and hoped that Autumn’s ritual had worked. We were on the run from just about everyone now and I would prefer to have another disguise. A week ago, I would not have believed any of this was possible, now I thought anything could be possible.

  “Ok, now hand them to Boone, it is his turn.” He dropped his jacket on the ground before focusing on us. Not sure what just happened, I handed over the candle and burning incense to Boone. He stomped on the butt of his cigarette and I stood patiently.

  Autumn added a few things to the mix and continued the proceedings’ with a separate strip of almond colored silk. When she finished, I let out a strangled gasp at the difference I saw.

  Boone had dull blond strands and moody blue eyes. He looked around sixteen or so and he was wearing a high school wrestling tee and loose jeans. Somehow, he managed to maintain that magnetic attraction.

  I looked down to see my own transformation. I was in tight tattered jeans, a pink tee and grey hoodie. My nails were painted the color of cotton candy and my shoes were now pink chucks with black shoe strings.

  My hair was blond and wispy so I quickly tucked it behind my ears. I was about to comment when I looked up and see Autumn’s transformation. I stopped dead in my tracks and my jaw dropped.

  She looked like a gothic ballerina. Black taffeta on top of black fishnet stockings and black military boots was completely unexpected. Her top was a hot pink plunging V-neck tee and a black silk vest.

  Her hair was now black with a streak of pink in it, cut in a Betty Page bob. She quickly dumped the mixture and blew out the candle.

  After returning the items to her duf
fle, she smirked and grabbed my hand. “Let’s go hitch a ride Annie and Greg, you love birds. This gothic princess wants out of here.”

  Boone swooped down to grab his leather jacket before addressing her. Boone and I just exchanged shrugs and followed Autumn out to the road, thumbs in the air. After a few cars, an old ford mustang stopped and pulled over to the curb. The window rolled down and it was a young guy in his teens. Bingo.

  We let Autumn do the talking and Boone casually grasped my hand as she explained we were her friend Annie and her boyfriend Greg. I couldn’t help but feel the sizzle of energy between us at close range.

  The guy in the mustang was definitely into her as she told him her name was Roxy and we needed a ride, ours ditched us. He seemed to be buying it hook, line and sinker.

  Soon his passenger door opened and we were climbing in the back. I felt Boone’s arms guide me in before snuggling close to me. Boone was definitely playing the boyfriend part up and the trouble was; I didn’t seem to mind.

  “Roxy” climbed in the front and shut the door behind her. She made annoying flirty eyes at the guy and he put the car in drive. The car throttled forward and we sailed through town.

  Roxy was chattering on and on like an annoying high school girl and the guy seemed to be eating it up. She had managed to convince him to take us back to his house for a while. Eventually we passed back by the convent and its beautiful architecture. I was able to appreciate its beauty once again while being held close to Boone.

  Then we were making a turn next to the railroad tracks and the massive Catholic Church. I said nothing as we sat trying to look like a couple in love while Autumn worked her charm. Boone must have sensed the focus shifting to us and he whispered a sorry in my ear before pressing his lips on mine.

  It was gentle at first, then more fervently as I returned the kiss. He tasted of coffee and nicotine and it was oddly attractive. Boone gently pushed his tongue further to explore my mouth in more detail. I let out a small sound of desire. His hands slid up to my hair and I was entranced by his kisses.

  I didn’t even notice when we stopped and the car shut off. Autumn let out an “Ah hmm…” before I realized it. The spell was broken and we abruptly broke apart, exiting the tiny hatchback.

  Still unsure of the plan that was unfolding, I followed, stepping in sync behind Boone. My hand was still entwined in his and I was feeling a new more intense crackle of electricity that wasn’t there before.

  I prayed it was just me feeling it, but a reassuring squeeze from Boone told me otherwise. I looked up for just a moment and my childish eyes gazed up into his youthful ones. I knew the connection we now shared was undeniable.

  We came to a stop at the door of a dingy fifties style house and the guy unlocked it. He said hi to the older couple watching television and told them we would be downstairs. They just nodded in agreement and we followed him down the tiny staircase to a teenage bedroom.

  It was clear “Roxy” planned on seducing the guy in this dark dingy basement. Boone excused us and we made some room on a wall across the basement. He was so close to me now. I was not sure how this glamour thing worked, but my hormones were raging. I could smell his rugged scent and it was irresistible.

  He paused and then looked at me. “What would you do if the situation were different?” he asked.

  “This isn’t the same,” I said.

  He didn’t seem to buy my rationalization and raised an eyebrow in curiosity. I was afraid if he pushed I would break into a million shards like broken glass. My resolve was wearing thin and I was already struggling to keep myself in check. He sensed my warring emotions and made his move.

  He kissed me and I molded against him, completely lost in him. Our tongues entwined in a perfect dance. My heart started beating rapidly and my breathing grew ragged. The kiss was raw desire.

  When he finally broke away from me, Autumn was standing behind us again looking annoyed. I had a chance to look embarrassed before she moved back from us.

  Confused I looked over and saw the guy asleep on the bed. Autumn waved her lipstick in the air, “sleeping potion lipstick. It comes in handy.”

  I was at full attention and a little at ease now that the guy was out of the picture. “What about his parents?”

  “This is a teenage dungeon. They are probably afraid to come down here. I think we have some time. We need to plan a way out of town. First I need to know what is going on. Come on Nells, spill.”

  All this escaping was daunting and I dropped down to sit Indian style on the cold concrete floor before answering. “I had another dream. I am only supposed to trust Boone. Someone is leaking Intel. Jared has been kidnapped and they are keeping a tight lock on him.”

  “Yeah, I kinda figured that out already. I just hadn’t realized he was the man from your dreams until you ran out of the store,” Autumn said before inserting a slow pause.

  “Still don’t know who though. Someone really doesn’t want you on our side. Last night at the shop, I scribed and saw Jared, just like you did. I didn’t mean for you to find out about me in quite that light. It isn’t very flattering.”

  This time Boone chimed up with genuine concern in his voice. “So we have a mole. I knew something was wrong when I didn’t hear from Jared. Then when Wren showed up I knew you were mixed up in something. Thanks for trusting me.”

  “Don’t thank me yet. I still don’t know who to trust. Not even my best friend is who she says she is. Hell, I am not who I thought I was. This is the type of stuff they make science fiction books out of,” I ranted.

  “Seriously, a witch, an empath and a clairvoyant is a lot to swallow. That is just what I know of so far. For all I know, there could be vampires and werewolves too, and heck, why not Djin and Gremlins for that matter.”

  All I was met with was noncommittal shrugs and a little foot shuffling. Neither would meet my eyes. This just caused me to panic.

  “O.M.G. seriously, I was just joking. That is so freaky! Please don’t let me get drained by a vampire or eaten by a gremlin. I am too young to die yet!”

  It was Autumn who spoke up, “Ha ha, I think as long as we are with you, you are safe. It is a whole other matter without us. Wrens’ organization wants you very badly. You don’t stand a chance without some training and evading.”

  I stopped her right there. “What is Wren’s organization and why is she such a bitch? I didn’t do anything to get on her radar. Why now?”

  Autumn nodded in understanding. “All of those are very valid questions. Their organization is called the PLI group. Persephone’s League of Immortals is the technical name. They are a group of slaves to those few immortals that serve the almighty mythical Persephone in exchange for eventual immortality.”

  She paused before continuing. “It sounds good, but it is like getting stuck in a spider’s web. Getting in is selective but making it alive at the end is even harder. Many die, are killed or commit suicide before they ever reach that point in the group. It is essentially an inescapable life of servitude for no guarantee.”

  I put my head in my hands and just shook it back and forth trying to digest the overwhelming mass of information Autumn was feeding me. I remembered the term from the vision of Boone and the girl named Sam. She gave another slow pregnant pause and then continued.

  “You are what we call a candidate. You had the potential to have powers they would likely want to collect. That is why when your parents died I watched over you. I kept them away and you safe. We exist to keep people like you safe from them. I know you think I betrayed you, but I am still your best friend,” she said taking my hands and looking straight into my eyes.

  Now, Boone picked up the thread. “You started having abilities because Jared was sent on a mission to wake your powers. We didn’t know that the same Autumn that went AWOL twelve years ago was protecting you.”

  He continued, “Only something went wrong along the way and Jared was taken before he could really explain what happened. I am still a little unclear
about that but anyway, I am sorry it had to happen like this, Noel.”

  Now tears were glimmering in my haunted green eyes. It was all too much. I didn’t want to take it anymore. I was about to say so when Boone wrapped his arms around me and gave me a consoling embrace. I once again felt that unexplainable current between us that was warm and comfortable as tears streamed down my flushed cheeks.

  Finally Autumn couldn’t wait any longer and she spoke up once again. “I hate to break up all the revelations, but the glamour’s won’t last more than another hour or so. We need a plan to get the hell out of here before it is too late.”

  I instantly snapped to attention now. “That doesn’t give us very long at all. Autumn, do you have anything else in your bag of tricks for an occasion such as this?”


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