Run (Books Of Stone Book 2)

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Run (Books Of Stone Book 2) Page 6

by B. L. Brunnemer

  “Yeah, we’ve never stopped funding any of the churches.” Charles made a point to keep his voice down. “Each gets almost three million a year. They’re well-funded.”

  “Then why am I at a church that has an incomplete, ten-year-old lab?” I muttered.

  The silence was thick.

  “All I can tell you is the problem isn’t on this end.” His voice lowered. “Look, Cyrus is claiming that you guys have gone against orders. What the hell is going on?”

  “His orders were illegal.” I explained about Evelyn and how she was Atticus’s mate. That Cyrus wanted to separate them.

  Charles cursed long and hard. “Are they mated?”

  I looked across the ward to Atticus, who was bathing her forehead with a wet cloth. “Yes.”

  “Son of a bitch,” he muttered. “Look, you guys are going to have to come back at some point and set the record straight. He’s already building a squad to send after your group.”

  I cursed. “Do you know who?”

  “No, but Wallace is the lead.”

  I grinned. “Good. Tell Wallace what’s going on. He’ll be able to explain the situation to the others once they leave town.”

  “And Wallace will keep them out long enough to give you guys enough time to run,” he surmised. “I got you.”

  “We can’t run,” I stated. “There’s an angel and high demon running around Chicago at the moment.”

  “What?” he asked, stunned. “Tell me this is one of your dry jokes.”

  “I wish I could.”

  “Do you need backup?” he asked, lowering his voice further. “I can pull some strings and get a team out to you.”

  “No, not yet.” I looked around at the dark ward. “But if I need to, you’ll be my first call.”

  Charles sighed. “Good. Don’t take that thing on alone. I’ll spread the word to Wallace, and after he’s gone, to the rest of town. Stay safe.” Charles hung up.

  I forced myself not to slam the receiver as I hung up and glared at the useless lab. I couldn’t get a culture done. Unless… I checked my watch. That orderly, Brian. Maybe he could get me in at his hospital.

  I crossed the ward and opened the lab door. The Templar jerked as I tore the magazine out of his hands. “You have a patient in bed three, gargoyle; monitor her vitals over the next three hours and check the drainage of her side wound. Do nothing else without contacting me.” I threw the journal into the trash and left the lab and then the wing, only to remember that Atticus wasn’t being watched. I cursed, went to the empty church office, and dialed Ranulf. All I got was a call can’t be completed recording. I slammed the receiver down, cracking the phone casing. I was going to have to chance leaving Atticus. There was no other choice.


  The wind danced through the trees, bringing with it the smell of the sea. Smiling, I walked through the bright-green, knee-high grass. Birds chirped and waves crashed. It was stunning.

  Movement caught my eye. Sitting near the edge of the cliff, looking out at the ocean, was a man with brown hair and wide shoulders watching the waves. Falk. My heart stuttered in my chest; I froze. I was in his head. In the dream of a man who had driven his hand through a vampire’s chest… My breathing grew shallow as I took a step back. Then another. My foot landed on a stick; the snap ricocheted through the woods.

  Falk turned. His dark eyes found me.

  I swallowed hard and stayed still.

  “Corrina?” His voice was deep, rich chocolate. It moved through my mind like honey as he frowned. “What are you doing here?

  I licked my lips, my pulse pounding in my throat. “I…uh….” Nothing could seem to come out…

  His eyes grew softer, his jaw clenched. “You’re scared of me.”

  I nodded as I took another step back. “I did just watch you throw someone off a train.”

  His face grew shadowed as he watched me back away. “I’m a lot of things, Rina. Not all of them are good. But a male that hurts a female has never—and will never—be one of them.” His rough voice had a tired note in it. His face was weary as he turned back to the ocean.

  “What are you then?” It barely came out as a rasp.

  He shook his head. “Only God knows anymore…”

  I waited for him to elaborate, but he didn’t.

  “What do you mean?” I stepped a little closer.

  “I’m the boogeyman.” Weariness dripped from his voice.

  “What do you mean?” The boogeyman?

  He shook his head. “You’ll find out soon enough.”

  I wrung my fingers. My head told me to run, but my instincts told me to stay. His shoulders were slumped, his body still.

  I should run. It was the smart thing to do. But something kept my feet rooted to the spot. That voice, those eyes…they showed something else entirely. The need to change them, make them lighter, came out of nowhere. “So, you’re not mad?”

  He turned his head and looked at me over his shoulder. “Why would I be angry?”

  I shrugged. “Because this is your head, your dream. I really didn’t mean to jump in, it just happens when I’m asleep.”

  The corner of his lips twitched. “You’re so worried about my privacy when I’m just grateful I can speak to you.”

  Oh… His eyes lightened a little as my pulse slowed. He went back to watching the water.

  Something inside me told me I was safe, some instinct I didn’t know I had. I slowly walked closer. The ocean waves crashed on the chalk cliffs a hundred feet below. Oh no no no. I took a couple steps back from the edge before sitting down. The wind ran over me and through the trees of the lush woods that reached the very edge of the cliffs.

  I watched the light-blue water that was almost clear enough to see through over ten feet down. “Where are we, anyway?”

  “An island off the north of Germany.” He pushed his hair back out of his face. “Now, it’s called Rugen Island. I lived here before it even had a name.”

  “Wow.” I couldn’t believe I was looking at the Baltic Sea. “It’s beautiful.”

  He was quiet as he looked out at the ocean. He shrugged. “I guess you would see it that way.”

  “You don’t?” My eyebrows rose to my hairline.

  “There are at least a few thousand places just like this in the world.” His eyes grew darker.

  “So what? It’s still beautiful.”

  His eyes unfocused. “I don’t see it.”

  Something in his voice ate at my heart. “Maybe you aren’t looking right.”

  He turned to look down at me. “How else is there to look?”

  I smiled a warm smile, then pointed at the trees dancing in the wind along the cliff line. “What do you see there?”

  Clearly just trying to humor me, he turned and watched the trees move. I watched as his eyes unfocused.

  “Trees. Wood. Heat source. One can drop in a storm, or several could be hit by lightning.” His voice was almost robotic. Huh.

  “Okay.” I pointed over the edge of the cliff at the small beach the waves were washing over. “And down there?”

  He looked down. “Dangerous. High tide comes in fast, without much warning.”

  My heart sank. “You see the danger there could be, not what it is now. Why is that?”

  “That’s been my life for centuries.” His gaze darted to my ears before looking out at the ocean again. “What’s your life been like?”

  It was such an odd question that it took me a minute to answer. “Good. I have a big family. Both of my parents are still healthy. My four older brothers are all happy and healthy.”

  “You didn’t mention yourself.” He picked up a pebble between his fingers. “Are you healthy and happy?”

  My throat grew tight. “As much as I can be.”

  “Why did you hide that you wear hearing aids?” He tossed the pebble over the cliff.

  I absently ran my fingers over the back of my ear. “Because now I won’t be able to.”

  He grew
still. “You’re losing your hearing?”

  “Yeah.” I looked out at the ocean.


  I turned and met his eyes. They were amber again, warm and curious. “Genetics. My family didn’t even know my dad carried the gene.” I swallowed hard. “I’ve been lucky so far. I didn’t start having trouble until I was fifteen.” I shrugged as if it was no big deal. Though the pain never quite went away.

  “It can still be difficult.” His voice softened as he turned towards me.

  I wiped my face while ignoring the pain at the center of my chest. “It is. I never say it, but it is.”

  He hesitated before he reached over the space between us and took my hand carefully in his. Instead of pulling away, I slipped my fingers through his. My fingers tingled from his touch as his big hand enveloped mine.

  “I keep listening to music every chance I get. But…” Tears rolled down my face, my heart raw.

  “But it’ll never be enough.”

  I nodded as I wiped my face. “I’ll never hear any child I might have say ‘Mom.’ I’ll never hear them cry. Sing…” I shrugged. “It’s just a fact in my life. And I’m trying to deal with it the best that I can. Enjoy everything now so I can remember it when the world is silent.”

  He scowled down at the water as I took a deep breath.

  I sniffed. “My brothers were lucky; none of them have any hearing problems. Just me.”

  “And telepathy.” His fingers squeezed mine.

  “That particular torture is my own special brand.” My eyes began to clear as my voice sharpened with an edge of bitterness. “No one in the family ever had any abilities, at least as far as my parents know. So, I’m a freak all around.”

  “I pull wings from my back and can fly.” He looked down at me, his face blank. “We’re different, and that’s not a bad thing.”

  I chuckled. “As a woman terrified of heights, I can’t imagine that.”

  “I had noticed that you didn’t like flying on the plane.” Something in his voice made me think that he was teasing me, though his voice didn’t change at all.

  How? How was I talking to him like this? “Why am I telling you all of this? I never even talk about it with Evie; not even with my mom.”

  Several emotions battled it out in his eyes before he answered. “Who else would understand?”

  The wind picked up again, throwing some of hair into my face. He reached down and gently tucked it behind my ear, his fingertips brushing my cheek. My body throbbed; my heart raced as my face warmed. As he pulled back, I touched the back of his hand with my fingertips. Those warm eyes met mine. A horn blared through the air.


  It was like an ice pick pierced my brain. I jerked awake and covered my ears. The fucking horn! I bent over as my head pounded so hard, I saw double. Cringing, I started rubbing my ears to get the ringing to stop.

  A soft hand went to the back of my shoulder. Some of the pain eased. “You okay?” Her voice was still full of sleep as I continued to rub my ears.

  When the ringing finally stopped, I sat up. Why did they have to blow a horn at all? She pulled her hand back as if she just realized she’d touched me.

  She shifted in her seat. It was some time before she broke the silence.

  “Do you think we’ll make it in time?” she asked, her voice quiet.

  I turned back to her. We have to. Atticus will slaughter half the city if Evelyn doesn’t wake up.

  She raised an eyebrow. “Half the city?”

  I nodded. And I could understand why he’d do it. Rina got under my skin. And that was just after a few hours of knowing her. What would a few days do?

  How much stronger would this bond grow if I stayed with her? A large part of me wanted to find out; the rest of me knew I’d only bring her pain. She’s a direct link to his heart. It doesn’t matter how closed off a gargoyle is. It doesn’t matter if you don’t want to be affected. Your mate is a direct link to your heart. They give you peace. Feel like home.

  She swallowed hard.

  This is the one person for you. No one else will make you feel this way again. But that doesn’t mean it will work out. There are matches out there that never become mates. They fight, they refuse to work on their issues. My eyes ran over her face. The sweet curve of her jaw, the line of her cheekbone. The flecks of green in her hazel eyes. Or they know they’ll only end up hurting each other. So, they go their separate ways. It’s for the best sometimes.

  Her eyes filled as she turned away. “That’s heartbreaking. To meet someone who is supposed to be yours, only for them to walk away…” She ran her eyes over my face.

  I had to tell her, even though nothing would come of it. She should know. Watching Atticus bumble his way with Evelyn had showed me that. I knew I’d have to, but now wasn’t the time or place. We were trying to save Evie’s life. And I didn’t want to hurt her for as long as possible. She looked out the window and watched the rain coming down in sheets.

  I tried not to notice the way the scent of lavender floated off of her. I was going to have to leave her at some point. It was for the best…



  After dropping off the samples to David to analyze, we headed over to my loft. I needed a shower and to pack a bag for the church. I was still trying to figure out how hunters could have found Ben when, as I crossed my apartment, my front door slammed shut, the echo sending hot chills down my spine. I turned to Ranulf. His eyes were boiling with heat. He was still furious. He stalked towards me; my heart started pounding in my chest and heat began pooling between my legs, my mind going blank. His hand grabbed my shirt and jerked me to him. His mouth crushed mine as he held me against him. The wolf inside me rolled over happily. I kissed him back hard, tasting him until I was lost.

  His fingers moved to my hair and wrapped it in his fist, pulling me from him. I gasped as sparks shot down my spine. Loving his touch, I put my hands on his chest and shoved him back several feet. His eyes heated, that devilish smirk I was starting to love back on his face. He pulled his shirt off, then came towards me. I stepped back, my hands going to the hem of my own. I pulled it off and threw it to him. He caught it, then let it drop. He stepped towards me; I stepped back. My hands went to my jean buttons. Fire burned in his gaze as he strode towards me, grabbed me around the waist, lifted me and pinned me to the wall. The pictures dropped and broke, but I didn’t give a damn. His mouth took mine, demanding everything I had. Everything I was. I wrapped my legs around his hips, pressing my core against him. He pressed me into the wall, his hands moving up my body, his fingers pinching my nipples, building the fire higher.

  I whimpered in need as I shifted against him, his fingers gripping my breast harder. I cried out as lights danced behind my eyes. More. I needed more. I used my hips to shove him away from the wall. He stumbled back. I dropped my feet to the floor and pushed him toward the couch; he fell hard. Something cracked; the couch leaned to the left. Breathing heavy, I straddled him and moved my hips hard against him. His hands went to my waist, gripping tightly. He forced me up to my knees as his mouth took in my breast. I cried out, my fingers burying in his hair. My back arched, pushing more of me between his lips. His teeth bit down; pain and pleasure charged through me like lightning.

  Ranulf growled deep in his chest as he got to his feet, carrying me. My back touched the wood of the coffee table. His pulled back enough to grab the front of my jeans and rip them off. My shoes disappeared, along with what was left of my jeans. Ranulf moved over me. The coffee table creaked, then gave out, dropping us to the floor. His eyes on mine, he lifted my legs to his shoulders, his hot breath running over the inside of my calves as he undid his pants. He bent my legs back over me, my knees over his shoulders as he pinned me to the wood. I growled deep in my chest. His eyes met mine a heartbeat before he drove into me. I cried out as he filled me completely, hitting the end of me. Full. Fuck… so much…

  Needing to touch him, I reached up to him. He grabbe
d my wrists and pinned them above my head in one hand. I shivered as heat rolled through me; my body gripped his tighter. He moved his hips, pulling out almost completely, then slamming home with a powerful thrust. I whimpered, pain, pleasure, everything mixed as I took all of him. He pounded me into the coffee table as that wave rose inside me. I tried to move my hips to meet him but I had no room. All I could do was burn. Closer, closer…electricity ran over my skin; my body tightened around him.

  “Ran…” I whimpered. So close…just one more…I was teetering on the edge when Ranulf stopped moving. My eyes snapped open. “Don’t stop!”

  That smirk was back on his face as he stayed in place. My body cooled, stepping back from that edge.


  He drove into me again, knocking the breath from me. The way his hips moved, how his body rubbed against mine… “Oh shit! Yes!” Everything I was shook as that crest came closer. Then he stopped again. “Ran! What the fuck?” So close! I met his eyes. “Why are you stopping?”

  “Frustrating, isn’t it?” His deep, low voice rolled over me, making me clench around him. His lips moved to my ear. “When you trust someone to stay with you, only for them to run off.”

  Oh shit! He was getting even… He rolled his hips, giving me enough of him to stay near the edge but not send me over. I tried to shift against him but in the position I was in, he had all the control. Mouth dry, breathing heavy, I knew he was right. I shouldn’t have run off. “I’m sorry, Ran… Please…” His hips thrust harder against me. I cried out as he filled me completely again. He growled against my ear, his body stretching mine. The sting set in as he picked up that body-melting pace. One of his hands left my wrist and moved down my chest. His fingers teased around my clit, so close, but not close enough. My blood pounding. My body taut. Every nerve waiting. Yearning.

  I couldn’t think; I was on that edge again. One breath and I’d shatter. “Ran…”

  He drove into me and stroked my clit, shattering me into a million pieces. I cried out as waves of pleasure crashed over me, drowning everything else out but the feel of him inside me, his hand gripping my wrist, his cock filling me, his fingers stroking the flames higher and higher. He gave me everything I asked for, everything I needed, wanted. He growled, pulled out of me, and came. Hot cum landed between my breasts.


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