Run (Books Of Stone Book 2)

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Run (Books Of Stone Book 2) Page 19

by B. L. Brunnemer

  “Put her on the floor,” Zahur ordered.

  I looked up at him and growled. He’d have to kill me first. Zahur’s eyes filled with surprise, then curiosity as he knelt in front of me. He examined her again, working around the fact she was in my arms.

  He sat back on his heels. “She’s doing better. How long was she out?”

  I shot him a look. Really? How did he expect me to answer? I pointed at the ground.

  “Just when you got here?”

  Close enough. I nodded, frustrated that I couldn’t fill him in.

  “Why the hell haven’t we heard from you two?” Ranulf demanded as he strode in. I only took my arm off Rina to pull my phone out of my pocket and threw it at him.

  He caught it. “I know cell phones are useless because of the storm.”

  I nodded as I slowly started rocking Rina.

  “Rina’s too, I imagine,” Zahur supplied.

  Everyone’s, you ass. But I couldn’t say it. Frustration boiled in my chest as I was forced to just nod.

  Zahur pulled out his phone and handed it to me. I refused to set Rina down, so it took a while to type out what happened.

  Zahur took it back and read it out loud. “Evie contacted Rina, gave her a list of what would save her. We got the ingredients while a hellhound tried to take Rina. Her barriers have been coming down since New York. Cell phones everywhere have been down for days. Now, get a fucking bed in this room and enough supplies to clean her up.”

  Zahur’s gaze jumped to mine. I met it so he knew I wasn’t dicking around. Zahur’s gaze moved to Rina, understanding filling his face. He got to his feet, went to the door, and called for Templars.

  Zahur gave orders to the Templars outside while I checked to see if her nose had stopped bleeding yet. I ignored everyone as I grabbed my shirt out of my belt loop and used it to clean her face as much as I could.

  “She’s yours,” Ranulf breathed.

  Looking up, I found him just inside the door. I gave him a deadly glare, warning him to back off the subject. He grinned a weird smile. I went back to taking care of my mate.


  Head reeling, I backed up from Falk and Rina. Holy shit. It wasn’t just us… Zahur came back inside, his sharp gaze watching the pair.

  I had to tell Astrid. She’d been gone for hours now; what the hell was taking so long? I left the room and pulled out my phone. The cell phones were out, but still… Something was wrong. I headed back to the room. Zahur came out of the door just as the Templars began to carry a bed frame down the hall, muttering under their breath as they went.

  “Astrid’s been gone for hours,” I told him.

  Zahur frowned. “That’s not unusual.”

  My gut knotted. “She went to tell her alphas that she was leaving the pack.”

  Zahur’s eyebrows shot up. “Really?”

  I nodded.

  His eyes narrowed on me. “Why would she do that?”

  “She’s my mate.” Damn that felt good to say.

  The world was silent as I waited for Zahur to absorb that bit of information. Then he smiled. “About time you said something.”

  My jaw dropped. “You knew?”

  Zahur chuckled. “Of course; I’ve been mated. I know the signs. Besides, neither one of you are as sneaky as you think.”

  I eyed him. “Did you know we could match with a different species?”

  He smirked. “No, that was a surprise. But considering the role our species plays, it shouldn’t be too shocking that when our population runs extremely low, the magic would shift around to adjust.”

  I gaped at him. He was fucking serious… “Well, shit.”

  His face grew serious again. “So, Astrid is missing?”

  I nodded.

  “Let’s go ask the alpha where she is.” Zahur started back down the hall.

  “He’s not going to tell us without some motivation,” I pointed out.

  Zahur grinned a dark grin. “Trust me.”

  What the fuck was Zahur thinking? Atticus still looked like shit. His face was covered in scruff, his suit wrinkled. Hell, even his hair was everywhere. But what sent an icy chill down my spine was the fury in his eyes. After several phone calls using the landline, Zahur found where the wolves were. Apparently, they were gathering in a building not far from Lemora’s vampire nest. The morons were planning to attack this morning.

  Not wasting any time, we dropped into the alley between buildings. I pulled in my wings, grabbed the side door and ripped it off its hinges. We strode into a stunned group of werewolves. David was standing in the middle of them.

  “Where is she?” I growled.

  David’s eyes narrowed on me. “It’s none of your concern.”

  I stormed toward the smug little prick, my temper riding me hard. Wolves tried to block me but they were simply thrown out of the way by Atticus.

  I grabbed David by the throat as the others fanned out behind me. “Where. Is. She?” My voice dropped an octave and rumbled in my chest.

  He said nothing.

  “Wait!” A lithe blonde stepped out of the crowd. “What do you mean where’s Astrid? I thought she was with you.”

  My fingers tightened around David’s throat. He smirked. “She came to tell you that she was leaving the pack.”

  Gasps moved around the room.

  “Where is she?” I repeated for the last time.

  “If he did anything with her”—she looked at David—“she’d be in the manor, in the basement.”

  I dropped the weasel. He gasped and rubbed his throat. “Keep them here while I go get her.”

  “You got it.” Atticus moved in front of David. I hurried outside and took off.

  Astrid… Goddess. Please be okay… Terror clawed at me. It was a long flight to the mansion. Once I hit the driveway, I shattered the front door.

  “Astrid!” I bellowed; it bounced off the walls. I searched the rooms calling for her until I found the basement door. I ripped the damn thing off its hinges and leaped down the stairs. I turned and saw red. She was sitting in a large, silver dog cage. Tears running down her face as she hugged herself to keep from touching the bars. Surrounded by instruments of torture for werewolves that would have hurt her much less than that blasted cage… Heart clenching, I broke the locks. She desperately scrambled out of the cage and into my arms. Sobs shook her body so hard that I worried she’d break something. Her nails dug into my chest, drawing blood as she clung to me.

  “I’m here.” I held her tighter as relief washed over me. I had Astrid in my arms. Everything would be okay. Once I killed that little fuck. “I’m here, goddess. You’re safe.”

  “He-he-he put me in the c-c-cage,” she managed between sobs.

  I closed my eyes as her memories poured over me. “I’m sorry I didn’t get here sooner. I’m sorry,” I repeated over and over as I rocked her gently. How long had she been in there?

  “He knew,” she whimpered.

  I grew still. “What?”

  “He knew about the cage,” she cried against my throat. Everything inside me boiled. He was a dead wolf. And it was going to take time for him to die. A long, long time.

  I held her close and rocked her. I didn’t care how long it took, we weren’t moving until she was ready. The sun could explode, the world could fall into chaos for all I cared. But I wasn’t moving until my mate was ready to move.

  It took time, kisses, and whispered promises that burned into my skin before she could get control again. When she let go of me, she sat back on her heels and wiped her face. “I want him to suffer.”

  God, I loved this wolf. “He will.”

  She shook her head. “My way.”

  I wanted to argue, but she was the one he’d tortured. “Anything, goddess.”


  By the time Ranulf touched down outside the building, I had finally stopped shaking. My stomach was still queasy, but I had emptied it hours ago. Voices started whispering but I didn’t care. Ranulf kissed my f
orehead, strength and calm moved through me. Do this now, fall apart later. I pulled away and moved through the door.

  My former pack was spread out through the room. In the center was David and Alia. Along with Atticus, who looked like shit. And three dead wolves on the ground.

  “What happened?” Ranulf demanded as he moved beside me.

  “They tried to take control of the situation,” Atticus said, his voice cold. “They learned they couldn’t.”

  My eyes met David’s. “How?” My voice shook as I raised it so it could be heard by everyone. “How could you do that to me?”

  “You were punished for insubordination,” David countered.

  “I left the pack!” I shouted. Gasps washed through the crowd. “You had no right to stick me in a silver dog cage!”

  Curses filled the room. Everyone knew how I came to this pack. It wasn’t a secret.

  David’s face was hard as he gave no answer.

  “I handed in my medallion,” I bit out between clenched teeth. “I wasn’t yours to punish!”

  Alia, her face horrified, turned to David. “Tell me you didn’t.”

  He glanced at his mate, then returned his gaze to mine. “Not now, Alia.”

  “No!” She bared her sharp teeth. “Right now, this minute. Did you do this?”

  David turned to Alia, his face hard.

  “Look me in the eye and answer me,” she demanded. “Did you put Astrid, a woman whose history you know like the back of your hand, in a cage?”

  He straightened his shoulders. “Yes.”

  Her jaw dropped; her face grew pale as she stepped back from him. Tears filled her eyes as she shook her head. “No.” She took another step back. “You are not my mate.”

  The room dropped into complete silence; no one even dared to breathe.

  His face grew as pale as a corpse. “Alia…”

  She shook her head again, tears running down her face as she took another step back. “Any wolf that could that to a female he once loved…is no wolf at all.” She straightened her shoulders, moved her hand to her stomach and lifted her chin. For the first time since I met her, Alia looked like an alpha. “I refuse you, human.”

  Shocked gasps ran through the crowd. David’s jaw dropped.

  Holy shit…she just…she just refused their bond. It was the equivalent of divorce for mates. Once that link was severed things could be rebuilt, but it rarely happened. Alia turned to the crowd. “I’m not an alpha, and I never will be. I’m all right with that. So, I’m resigning from my role to whoever is fit to fill it.” Everyone gaped as she turned to me. “Take the justice you deserve.” She turned on her heel and left with dignity.

  Silence fell, stunned, shocked…there weren’t enough words to describe it. The entire pack structure was in tatters.

  David watched her go, his face…it was clear he never expected that from Alia. “I resign,” he muttered as he started after Alia.

  Neil moved into his path, forcing him to stop. “There’s a pack matter that still needs to be addressed.”

  Arthur moved out of the crowd. “Astrid turned in her medallion. You ordered us to carry out her punishment.”

  Neil took a step toward David, forcing the smaller man back. “It was an illegal order.”

  “One with one sentence.” Arthur moved closer to the center.

  “There will be no war,” Neil turned to the gargoyles, “but get out. This is a pack matter.”

  He was right. I didn’t belong here anymore. I turned and looked up at Ranulf. “Get me out of here.”



  I turned and paced across the room again, the stench of rotting meat following my every move. The werewolves didn’t attack. Why didn’t they attack? They were primed, ready for blood for their dead!

  The phone on the desk rang. I answered.

  “You failed.” The cultured voice on the other end of the line was like a whip.

  I fumed. “For now. Give me a few more hours and I’ll hand you this city.” That hellhound should be back with the telepath any damn minute. Then, I’d have exactly what I needed.

  “Your bounty hunter is dead,” announced.

  No… “What? How?”

  “Falk was with her every step of the way.” It paused. “They’re also at the church. So, Evelyn has likely been cured.”

  I bit out a curse.

  “You failed enormously. They’ll be coming for you soon.”

  I licked my rotting lips. “What are your orders?”

  “Take out as much of her support as you can before they send you back to Hell.”

  It made sense… “Our deal still stands?”

  “Of course.”

  I hung up the phone. I had work to do.


  “Chicago is the center of these storms and disturbances,” I announced. It should be simple to see, even simpler to just agree with me. “We need to find out why.”

  “You just sent a team and they’ve yet to report back in,” noted Elder Morris.

  “They’re deserters. Nothing more,” I countered.

  “Deserters? Atticus?” Morris asked, his eyebrow raised. “One of the most loyal team leaders we have. Deserted?”

  “What do you call it?” I snapped. This worm wasn’t good enough to shine my shoes let alone question me.

  “Cyrus, what exactly is going on?” Elder Kelder demanded. “You’ve sent a team to Chicago and now they aren’t reporting. Our alarm spells are going off like mad. What is happening?”

  “I’m not sure,” I lied. “But I assure you, I will take care of it personally.”

  Kelder eyed me. “You will bring them back alive, and in good health. Is that clear?”


  Zahur checked Astrid’s pulse while I paced behind the bed. My steps in rhythm with Evelyn’s heart monitor. Atticus was sitting on the edge of Evelyn’s bed, holding her hand again. Though now that she was off the ventilator, he seemed more himself and less psycho killer.

  “She’s your mate.” Atticus pulled my attention from her.

  I stopped where I was. “Yes.”


  I turned around, sure I hadn’t heard him correctly. “What?”

  Atticus met my gaze. “I said good.”

  I swallowed hard. “We’ll leave if we need to.”

  He shot me a look. “Why would you need to? We’re never going back home. So, why should we follow their rules?” He turned back to watch Evelyn sleep.

  I smirked. I liked this Atticus.

  “You’re perfectly healthy, Astrid,” Zahur announced as he stepped back from her.

  Astrid shot me a look. “Told ya so.”

  My heart warmed as I smiled. Damn that wolf was beautiful…

  “So, now that we have a chance to breathe.” Zahur sat beside Astrid on the bed. “What have you two learned from the murders? Any leads?”

  I stepped forward. “The vampire murder was ritualistic. He was strung up and bled to death for his blood. Which they took. No witnesses that we could find.”

  Zahur frowned. “Ritualistic? How?”

  I pulled my phone out. “There was a circle, surrounded by runes. Drawn in chalk, then blood.” I pulled up the photos and handed the phone to Zahur.

  He grew paler. “It was the same at the witch’s scene.”

  “Are you sure?” That couldn’t be… I turned to Astrid as Zahur handed her the phone.

  She grew paler. “It was the same for the wolves. Different runes, but…it was exactly the same.”

  “Let me see,” Atticus said. I took my phone from Astrid and handed it to him.

  His jaw clenched. “I know these.” He lifted his head and met Zahur’s gaze. “It’s a circle the Templars use to execute supernaturals.”

  Zahur got to his feet. “Are you positive?”

  Atticus nodded, the bags under his eyes more obvious now but at least his eyes were clear. “Yes, I remember it vividly. There’s different runes for each s
pecies, but the circle is always the same.”

  Zahur got to his feet and stormed out of the med ward.


  Furious, I strode down the hallway towards the First Templar’s office. I finally had enough. No medical equipment, not properly staffed… Now, there were murders in the city with Templar symbols! That’s enough!

  I crashed the door open, slamming it to the floor.

  The new First Templar got to his feet and came around his desk. “What the hell are—”

  My hand around his throat cut him off as I lifted him off his feet, then slammed him on his back onto the desk. My gums burned as both fangs slipped out. “Your men are out of control!”

  He gaped up at me. “I’ve had the job for ten minutes!”

  “Five murders across the city, and all of them have a Templar execution circle!” I bellowed. “What are you trying to do? Start a fucking war?”

  Hands on my shoulders tried to pull me back. I snapped my arm out, knocking them back. I got into the Templar’s face and loosened my grip. “Talk.”

  “Fine! The old First Templar allowed embezzling from the church,” the new First Templar rasped. “For the last decade or so.”

  Disgust filled me. “What else?”

  He hesitated until my talon tips bit into his skin. “We’ve also been charging for helping with possessions.”

  I had to fight not to sink my claws into his throat. “You pathetic excuse for humans.” Forcing myself to let go, I stepped back.

  He coughed and sat up slowly, trying to get his breath back. “We didn’t know your species was still alive!”

  “Where do you think the money was coming from?” I snarled. “Get out. You have five minutes to get every Templar involved out of this building. Anyone left will face a mind search and if they are guilty, they’ll die.”


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