Rogues Apocalypse (Book 2): Rogues Rising

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Rogues Apocalypse (Book 2): Rogues Rising Page 2

by Norman, Mack

  Amy’s head was turned away looking for other dangers, “Good boy Max. You got us a hostage to interrogate.”

  Amy returned to Max and the hostage, “Hey, dumbass wake up. We need to talk.”

  “Screw you bitch.”

  Amy’s foot connected with the man’s groin, and he drew up into the fetal position pleading for mercy. She rapped him on the head with the barrel of her bull barreled MKV and said, “Tell me what I want to know, or the next pain you feel will be a .22 going up your tiny dick.”

  “No, I’ll talk.”

  “Who are you and why are you attacking?”

  “I’m Joeseph Alles. We need food.”

  “How many of you are there?”

  “Twenty counting the ones in your community.”

  Amy cringed, “Who from your group is in our community?”

  “Wes Fedderman and a woman they call Bell. They told us about the food and that you wouldn’t share. Wes is a guard or something and told us where to find Tony the leader. We were to kill him and take over. Can I go now?”

  “Thanks and yes you can go,” replied Amy as Max gasped.

  The man got up and limped a few steps before Amy called out, “You forgot your gun.”

  The man turned, and Amy greeted him with two slugs in his head and killed him with no more thought than taking out the trash.

  “Come on Max, you’ve seen people killed before. Let’s go save Tony.”

  Max saw a shadow on Amy’s right and pushed her down as he drew his 9mm and shot at the two men charging up from behind her. He shot both of the men in the chest but the other man and Max shot at each other at the same time, and both were hit. Max shot again and hit the man in the middle of the chest as he hit the ground.

  Amy shot both men in the head and came back to check on Max who had saved her life, “Max let me look at you. Where are you shot?”

  She had stooped down over Max and was feeling for blood when she heard, “Lower,”

  She ran her hand lower along his stomach until she felt his belt, yanked her hand back, and said, “That was mean. I thought you were wounded.”

  “I am. The bullet hit me on the inside of my left leg,” Max replied.

  “Oh, I thought you were trying to get a free feel. Sorry, let me look at your leg,” Amy said as she pulled out a small flashlight and examined his wound.

  She poked around for a minute and then stuffed a wad of cloth from her shirt against his wound and tied her handkerchief around his leg to help stop the bleeding and said, “The bullet only grazed your leg, and you will be okay. The wound is about five inches below… well, you know, and you will be fine. Thanks for saving my life. I owe you. Now get your candy ass up and let’s go help, Tony.”


  Tony and Oscar were on the other end of the warehouse when they heard Max shooting and ran to the sound of the shooting only to be shot at from their left flank. It was very dark in the building, and the men missed as Tony and Oscar jumped behind pallets of can goods. Oscar signaled for Tony to cover him so he could come back around behind the shooters.

  Tony shot in the direction of the original shots and kept the men pinned down as Oscar ran down the next aisle. Tony saw movement and fired toward the shooters and heard, “I’m hit. Help me.”

  Tony shot several more times and heard something fall to the concrete floor when suddenly he saw flashes and the clap of gunfire, then silence. Tony saw Oscar when he turned his flashlight on.

  “Tony come on back here we got them. They are all dead.”

  Tony was almost to Oscar when he heard, “Tony, is that you? This is Amy and Max.”

  “Come on over. The coast is clear.”

  Amy had her flashlight on and swept the area with the beam of light to make sure the place was, in fact, clear of the enemy. Oscar’s large flashlight lit up the area, and Max saw a glint of light flash to Tony’s left and reacted. He drew his gun, pointed, and shot three times. Two men fell from the rack just above Tony, and one knocked Tony down as he fell. Amy ran to help Tony as Oscar and Max watched for other intruders.

  “Max, I thought you were only a writer. You were blinding fast and looked like a gunfighter as you drew and shot those men,” Tony looked at Max in amazement.

  “I’m not a gunfighter and am a chicken. I also happen to have a hobby that I’m finding useful. I tinker around with Cowboy action firearms and practice shooting six guns and lever action rifles,” Max answered.

  “You mean like old Colt.45s”

  “Yes, I have a pair of custom made replica Colt .45s, and an antique Winchester Model 94 chambered in 44 40. I am getting pretty good and have ordered a set of all three chambered in .38 Special to practice with so I can get ready for competition,” Max said.

  “Well your quick shooting saved me from that ambush,” Tony said as he shook Max’s hand.

  Amy walked up to Max, planted a kiss on him, and spoke, “Max also saved my life tonight. He killed two men who got the drop on me. He got shot in the leg for his trouble and was nearly neutered, which would be a tragic waste.”

  It was too dark for the others to see Max blush or Amy give him a pat on the butt as they checked the rest of the warehouse out to be assured all of the attackers were dead. They finished the sweep of the building as others came storming in to render assistance.

  An hour later, they sat outside the makeshift kitchen drinking strong coffee and munching on toast with butter and jelly while waiting on grilled steaks. They had to eat the meat before it spoiled and was no good to anyone.

  “How many times will we have to fight and kill people to keep our place safe,” Max looked around the table at Tony, Amy, Oscar, Greg, and Maggie who was tending to Max’s leg.

  “As many as it takes and then one more if needed,” Tony said in a firm voice.

  Max thought back to one of his novels and something else he had seen on his favorite TV show and added, “We won’t bury the people who attack us. We will hang their bodies from trees and utility poles until the birds and rats have picked them clean. The message will get out that fuck with Tony Mongolusio, and you will hang from a tree.

  A hush and silence went around the table until Tony spoke up, “Max, you are supposed to be the calm level headed person to help keep the rest of us in check. Wouldn’t that send a bad message about us and who would then think we are a friendly group.”

  “Sir may I speak,” asked a scared Maggie.

  “Of course, Maggie, speak up,” urged Tony.

  “Well, I agree with Max on wanting to instill fear in our enemies, but that would make people piss their pants instead of joining us. Instead, we should try and convict the four people who killed five and wounded ten of our people. Then have a public hanging. The message would be that we are fair and don’t fuck with the community. Tony needs to be seen as our savior, father figure, and all around nice guy,” Maggie responded and then stood there waiting for a response.

  “Bravo Maggie bravo. Perfect solution. We had discussed public executions for criminals in our ranks, but hanging those who attack us instead of killing all of them in the fight will do the trick. All in favor of Maggie joining our advisory group, please raise your hand,” said an excited Tony.

  Amy saw Oscar checking Maggie out and urged her to sit down between her and Oscar. Amy was going to be a matchmaker and fix Tony’s best man up with a woman to plant the seed in Tony’s mind. She looked around the table and decided she needed more women for Max, Greg, and Rob. She only had to keep women away from Tony until he finally came to his senses and wanted her.

  Amy poked Max and watched as Oscar followed Maggie out of the room, “Max those two will be an item by next week. I’ve never seen Oscar be so smitten by a woman before. Oh, he’s had his share of women and sampled plenty of the ladies at our cathouses, but I have never seen him serious about any lady.”

  “What about you? I see how you look at Tony with longing in your eyes. A poor schmuck like me doesn’t stand a chance with you whil
e you pine for him,” Max bit his lip and couldn’t believe his mouth had spoken those words.

  Her voice squeaked a bit as she replied, “I don’t owe you an explanation but I have loved Tony since we were kids and he only sees me as a friend and loyal soldier. It hurts, but I decided to move on when he pawned me off on you. That was the final straw.”

  Max gazed at the beautiful but dangerous lass, “So you will be looking for a man and dropping me like a hot rock.”

  “I’ll be looking for a man but judging from the other night, I won’t be in a big hurry,” she ran her hand along Max’s thigh sending a shiver through him and thoughts that couldn’t be acted on at the minute.

  Max thought, damn she’s good. I almost believed that bull about her moving on and forgetting Tony. She’s going to use me to make Tony jealous. I’d better get his blessing to see her.

  “Hey, Tony got a second?”

  “Yes, Max what’s up?”

  “You said you wanted Amy to find another man and you thought she would be good for me,” Max watched Tony’s face.

  “Yes, oh, I’ll bet you two have slept together. Great. That will help her move on,” Tony said with a smile.

  “Tony, please don’t say that unless you are certain. We uh … uh slept together last night,” said a scared Max.

  “I know. Oscar had a man tailing you lovebirds to make sure no one killed your ass. Nothing goes on that I don’t know about.”

  “I guess you know that she figured out your plan and is trying to make you jealous,” Max replied as he watched Tony respond.

  “I knew she would but what she doesn’t get is that she is like my sister. The one time we fooled around was creepy because it was like kissing my sister. We didn’t screw or anything. I want you two to be happy and be together just as I would want my actual sister to be happy. If she is only using you, well, at least you are getting laid. You have my blessing,” Tony replied as he patted Max on the back.

  “Okay, I feel better and would never do anything behind your back.”

  “Now a word of warning, that girl Liz will be sharing my bed starting tonight so watch for Amy to possibly be cranky.”

  “Oh! Shit.”


  Max called Oscar, Amy, and Greg together to discuss the small rebellion, “Team, we just had an uprising and loss of life. I think Tony wants us to handle this sort of stuff before it causes him grief. I have an idea and want your thoughts on how to stop this crap before it starts.

  I’ll go first. What if we cultivate some people loyal to Tony and place them in each warehouse or group to spy for us?”

  Oscar had a grumpy look on his face and appeared angry, “I have spies in five of the warehouses and have recruited for the others. Why are you sticking your nose into my business?”

  “Whoa, Oscar, I’m just trying to help. I should have known that you would be on top of the situation; however, please don’t take offense but we need every one of us to work together and bring up ideas to make us safe,” insisted Max.

  “We don’t need our security plans to be leaked out to every Tom, Dick, and Harry,” said Oscar.

  “That’s why I didn’t invite the others. Not because I don’t trust them but because they didn’t need to know and Maggie is so new that trusting her would be a gamble.”

  Amy had been silent so far but spoke up, “Oscar, I trust Max and Greg, and he is right about needing input from as many people as we can trust on an issue. Max is the head of our police force, and we either trust him, or he shouldn’t be in that job.”

  “I’m okay if we keep the top secret stuff down to this circle and Tony. Hey, why isn’t he here?”

  Max looked around the room, “First, he’s with that hot chick that worked in the kitchen until today. Tony gave her a raise so she won’t be working there anymore.”

  Amy punched Max in the side for the crude joke, and then Max added, “Tony will be too busy to handle every small detail as will all of us if we can’t develop people we can trust and delegate some of the workloads. We’ll give him the short version of the meeting but not flood him with detail.”

  “Max you are a good egg,” said Oscar.

  Later in Max’s room as Amy slipped out of her clothes and into a long sleeping shirt, “Babe, you handled yourself very well with Oscar. In the future, don’t surprise him. He could get testy. Been there done that early in my career.

  Later Max didn’t care why Amy was with him and didn’t care that she was sleeping with him just to make Tony jealous. He just didn’t want her to stop.


  Tony and Liz had an intimate dinner that evening and then retired for the night. Tony woke up later that night with Liz in his arms and was intrigued by the highly intelligent young lady who had been a lawyer when the lights went out. They got along very well, and he liked her company. She was a keeper.

  Tony woke up again about 4:00 am with Liz’s head on his arm and another body against his back. He didn’t have to look and instantly knew it was the little girl again. He didn’t know her name, but apparently, she felt safe with him. He liked that and wondered what Liz would think when she found another girl in bed with them. He carefully got out of bed, made the trip to the bathroom and back, and squeezed back under the covers.



  Politics and kissing babes

  Max woke Amy up and said, “Good morning babe. We’re skipping the morning meeting and going out to press some flesh and kiss babies this morning. Grab some fried egg and sausage sandwiches so we can hit the road quickly. Tell Sam and the deputies to do the same.”

  Amy rolled over and said, “No quickie this morning?”

  “Sorry, but we need to roll out early to catch people before they head out to scavenge. I think there are still thousands still left around this area,” Max got his clothes on as he added in his mind, “Does she think Tony has a camera in this room and has to put on an act?”

  “I’m sorry Mr. Serious. I just thought some friends with benefits would go nicely this morning.

  Max laughed and replied, “Amy you do have a humor streak in you after all.”

  “That’s me all shit’s and giggles.”

  Max strapped his pistols on and retrieved his rifle so he could go tell Tony his plans for the day. Oscar was with Tony at the common dining room table, “Hey, Oscar, Hey, Tony, I’m taking my crew and going out into the town to gain some more loyal followers for our little community.”

  “Great but take three or four of Oscar’s men to guard you,” Tony mentioned.

  “Tony that’s a great idea for our safety, but Oscar could you ask them to stay out of sight. I want to introduce my deputies to the neighbors and make them feel comfortable around us.”

  Tony looked over at Oscar, and Oscar said, “Not a problem. Give my men a code word and signal to come running in case you are in danger.”

  Max wanted to head to the northern side of the community because these were more like country people vs. city people. From his research for his novels, he found these people to be more self reliant and able to survive the harsh reality of an apocalypse. He instructed Amy to drive toward the one that was the furthermost away and to the northeast. It was a community with only one entrance and a chain link fence around the entire subdivision of 150 plus homes.

  They were only a block away from the warehouse when they saw a man and a woman lying dead on the street with an older boy and two young children crying by their bodies.

  Max had Amy stop, and he went to the children and said, “I’m sorry for your loss, and we will bury your mom and dad, but we need to get you to safety.”

  The boy spoke up and said, “I’m now responsible for my sisters. Where will we be safe?”

  Max pointed to the warehouses and said, “One of my men will help you get inside our fence and take you to our kitchen to be fed. Then we’ll figure out where your room will be and what jobs you can do to help our community.”

so much, mister. Who are you?”

  “I’m Max, and I’m the new Sheriff, and I am responsible for making this area safe for everyone. Phil, walk them back to the building and get Liz to feed them. Tell her that I will handle them when I get back.”

  They drove on and saw wreckage from several aircraft and one gasoline tanker that had exploded after being hit by the engine from a jumbo jet. There were bodies and luggage spread out across an area 500 feet wide. Max made a mental note that this had to be cleared or the flies would spread disease.

  Amy stopped short of the entrance when they saw five men and women standing guard behind two cars that had been placed to block the entrance. Amy and Max slung their rifles, walked to the group with their hands out, and palms up in a gesture of nonaggression.

  “Halt! Leave now!”

  Max replied, “We need to talk with your leaders if you have them.’

  “We don’t want what you are selling,” came from the tallest man as he walked away from the warm fire.

  “So you don’t need fresh meat, food, and medical help. We have all of that and want to start trading with the locals in this area and also develop a mutual protection pact.”

  The five began a lively discussion among themselves, and a lady stepped away from the others and said, “Wait here, and we’ll bring Doc out to see you.”

  One of the men hopped on a bicycle and quickly rode out of sight and returned five minutes later with another guy on his own bike.

  The man was very tall and had a shotgun slung over his back, “What can I do for you, Lady and Gentlemen?”

  Max stepped forward, shook the man’s hand, and introduced himself and the others, then added, “I’m the Sheriff of a new community that we have formed about two miles below here. We have control of most of the warehouses that contain food and medical supplies. We are adding skilled people to our community every day and want to start making friends and allies in the area…”


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