Quick Fix: Book 1 (Suddenly Satisfied)

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Quick Fix: Book 1 (Suddenly Satisfied) Page 6

by Ashley Suzanne

  “Professor Hathaway,” I greet him coolly. “Angie,” I seethe, unable to control my anger any longer. Wonder if she knew he had a wife before she hopped into bed with a married man? Also gotta wonder if that’s why her name’s always at the top of the class roster, classified by GPA, right alongside mine? At least I didn’t have to fuck my way to the top.

  These fucking assholes, I swear. Someone needs to put their fist through Ben’s mouth and a muzzle over Angie’s. If I had bail money, I’d consider taking on the task—it’s a rough job, but someone’s gotta do it, right?

  As all the pieces start to click into place, it finally dawns on me why Miranda looked familiar when I saw her at the club. When I first approached her, I thought she was someone I went to school with, but I dismissed it when I saw her up close. Now, though, I know why … she’d brought Professor Hathaway a coffee one morning on her way to work and was telling us about her love of literature, books that weren’t up to par with her husband’s ideal of good writing. Ben proceeded to mock her in front of the entire class because she read things like Fifty Shades of Grey, saying she preferred pop culture to the classics. I mean, Fifty kept me interested while Jane Eyre makes me want to give up completely. I remember her laughing it off, but she was visibly uncomfortable. Honestly, I didn’t think much of it … just a husband ribbing his wife, but looking back now, that was what their marriage added up to—an asshole taking every opportunity to subtly attack his wife. Can’t believe I admired him, especially after that shit show.

  “Did you need something, Tanner? Class doesn’t start for a bit,” Ben asks, breaking my train of thought.

  “Nope. Emailed my essay last night. You get it?”

  “Yes, it’s really good, Tanner. Another A in the books for you,” he answers, voice full of pride, as if he’s had anything to do with my success. I was smart when I got here, I’ll be smart when I leave, no thanks to you and your wandering dick.

  “That’s good to hear, thanks. You hear that, Angie? I got another A.” Yeah, I’m playing with her now and making sure I have a witness if he tries to tank my grade.

  “Congrats!” she squeals, and it takes everything in me to remember she’s a woman and I can’t go around hitting women for grating my last nerve.

  “I was thinking, Ang … there’s a party coming up. Wanna be my date?” I don’t look at her when I ask, instead, giving Ben a sidelong glance to gauge his reaction.

  “That’d be so much fun. We can grab dinner, too,” she responds, and I vow to not pull my hair out. In what universe would I go from being in bed with Miranda to having any kind of attraction to a vapid slut who has sucked more dicks than I can count on my fingers and toes?

  Turning away from Ben, I wink at Angie, “I could eat,” I say seductively, licking my lips. Oh, it feels wrong … so wrong.

  “I’m in,” she hums.

  That’s right, Ben. You can’t keep up with a guy like me. Unlike yourself, I like to make women come. Call me an overachiever … but leaving them disappointed and unsatisfied just doesn’t work for me. Plus, you end up getting more pussy that way—when they brag to their girlfriends about how tight their toes curled—word of mouth is everything.

  Glancing back at him, he’s radiating with anger. It’s funny, hilarious even, because there’s nothing he can do about it. While it’s not illegal to have sex with a student, it’s highly unethical and Ben could lose his tenure. What a pity that would be …

  “Angie, babe, can you give me and Professor Hathaway a minute or two alone? Wanna chat with him about something private real fast.”

  “Sure,” she responds, not hiding how interested she is in me and running her tiny fingers across my bicep on her way out the door, not giving Ben a second glance.

  When the door closes behind her, Ben addresses me. “What can I help you with, Tanner?” His tone’s much cooler than before and he’s not meeting my eyes.

  “Was wondering … do you think you could give me Miranda’s cell number?” I waste no time beating around the bush. We’re gonna have this out right here and now.

  “Pardon me? Miranda? As in my wife, Miranda?” Shock plagues his face and something else … jealousy?

  “Yeah. Miranda. Miranda Hathaway. Your recent ex-wife. Her phone number. Can I have it?”

  “Why would you possibly need Miranda’s number? How do you even know her?” He laughs as if I’m joking, trying to play off his not-carefully-hidden emotions.

  “Well, see, I spent the weekend with her and I seem to have left behind my favorite boxers. She looked so good in them, I couldn’t ask her to take them off, but they’re my lucky pair. With finals coming up, I’m gonna need all the luck I can get.”

  “You think you’re cute, Mr. Reynolds? Miranda’s a lovely woman, but she’s far away from the kind of girl you fuck, isn’t she? How much could you have really enjoyed your time with her to spend all weekend? Pity, was it? She tell you how much she missed me? How much she loved me? Why am I even entertaining this blatant lie? Miranda barely gave it up when we were married, so she’s not going to suddenly flip a switch and go fucking her way across my campus.” He’s trying to control his rage with sarcasm and deflection, but I see straight through it. I don’t interrupt him, just smile while he continues his rant and takes a seat at the desk.

  “And for you to so brazenly come here and throw that in my face, even if it were true? What a shame, Mr. Reynolds, I thought you had some intellect—integrity—going on in there,” he laughs, knocking on his own skull. “If you did fuck my wife, did you like the fact you were in my house, in my bed and on my sheets? I own that shit, young man.” He sits back, obviously pleased with himself.

  Unlucky for him, I’ve been waiting for the perfect way to slaughter any ego he thinks he has left.

  “You might own that shit, but I own Miranda’s snug-as-fuck, strangle-my-dick, pretty little cunt. I own every orgasm I pulled from her tight-ass body. I own every moan as she gripped your sheets while my dick was buried deep inside her. I can still feel her cum on my cock. I own every cry of pleasure while I had her hands tied behind her back while she rested against your bed. And I sure as fuck own her begging for more as I had my face in her pussy.”

  He’s silent for a moment. “Have you lost your fucking mind?!” he yells, pushing away from the desk and pulling some bravado like he’s going to step to me. “Kiss that GPA goodbye. You’re as good as flunked in this course.”

  “Funny thing, Professor Hathaway, Angie loved hearing all about my essay grade.” I cross my arms over my chest and wait. He looks like he’s going to say something, so I interject one more comment, “I’ve already fucked her, too, Ben. She’d love nothing more than to have my dick one more time. I may as well own that shit, too. Better think long and hard how you want to play this before you open your damn mouth, because I’m liable to knock every tooth out of it and Angie would agree with me, in front of the Dean, that you attacked me. Wanna play? You can ask Miranda how much fun my games are.” Ready to engage, I crack my knuckles. Ben, obviously startled, takes a step backward. If he’s a smart man, like I thought he was, he doesn’t want to take me on.

  “What the fuck do you want from me, Tanner? I have nothing to give you. Miranda got the house, the money, the car, everything. She got everything. You’ll get your A … what else?” He runs a hand through his hair, his voice dejected and terrified. I had no fucking clue Miranda made out so well. That never came up, but I’m pleased she handled her business and took him for everything he was worth—at least his material worth—because nothing else I see about him seems to add up to value. I can’t stop the insane smile spreading across my face.

  “I don’t want shit, you fucking asshole, other than for you to know Miranda not only has all your quantifiable possessions, since you apparently don’t own shit, but she’s also getting some the best orgasms of her fucking life. And from what I hear—and the neighbors, too—you couldn’t even begin to get on my level. So, while you’re out there fuckin
g loose college slut cunt, I’m fucking the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen. She’s crying my name while rolling around in everything you thought was important instead of realizing you had something so Goddamn perfect.”

  He’s speechless and as much as I still want to break his face, I hold my composure. I’m winning, there’s no need to rub it in any further.

  Or is there?

  “Have a good day, Ben. I’ll catch ya around. Looking forward to my perfect score on my final. I’ll be sleeping in that day.” I start to walk out and toss a, “Don’t be stupid,” over my shoulder.

  When I open the door, Miranda’s standing there with a shit-eating grin spread across her face. I rescind my earlier statement … this is the most beautiful I’ve ever seen her, and I hope to God she heard every word I said to Ben. She deserves to know there are people in this world who will value and protect her at all costs.

  “So you can do other awesome things with your mouth, huh?” she teases.

  “Hey, baby.” I don’t hesitate to pull Miranda into my arms and kiss her with every ounce of anger I kept from releasing on her ex-husband. To my surprise, she doesn’t hold back. Always giving as good as she gets. He’s such a stupid fuck, but lucky for me, she finally got fed up with him and I at least got a quick taste—even if only for a few nights—and I’ll never be upset about that.

  Ben’s cough behind us has Miranda pulling away, but instead of running to him, she looks him square in the eyes and rolls hers.

  “Oh, shut the fuck up, Benjamin. I was just coming to get Tanner. Go back to fucking your whores. But while I have you here, I should let you know the wire transfer was a little short. I’ll let it slide this time, since I’m so thoroughly fucked, but you might wanna fix that before I come down from my high.”

  “Sorry, Miranda. I’ll take care of it this afternoon,” he apologizes, and she has to stifle a snicker.

  “Good,” she responds firmly, then softens her features and voice when she addresses me. “You ready to go, handsome?”

  “Whenever you are,” I answer, draping my arm around her shoulders, pulling her into my side.

  Together, we leave Ben’s lecture hall and once we reach the parking lot, she starts giggling like a maniac.

  “What’s up with you? Don’t tell me you came all the way down here to bitch about a wire transfer. Could have texted or emailed that. Don’t try to fall back in his trap, Miranda. You’re better than that … than him.” I want to shake her. My entire mission this past weekend was to convince Miranda of her value, and her showing up to see Ben proves I failed.

  “You’re awfully dense, aren’t you?” she asks on a laugh.


  “You left your wallet on the nightstand. I went through it, sorry about that, but I noticed your student ID. Having a little pull here, I called and got your schedule and found out you were in Ben’s class. Wanted to give you something.”

  “And what’s that?” I prod.

  She hands me a piece of paper. Unfolding it, I look down and see in perfect, feminine handwriting, her name and phone number.

  “Didn’t want you walking around not being able to reach me. And after listening to you give Ben an earful, I’d be pretty stupid to let a stud like you get away.”

  “So you do like me,” I tease.

  “I suppose I do. No labels or anything, though, okay? I’m not ready … yet.”

  “Baby, all I wanna do is spend time and fuck the hell outta ya. Is that gonna be okay with you?”

  “More than okay, as long as you promise to make me come.”

  “Wouldn’t have it any other way. Now, come on. I’ve seen your place, you can see mine.”


  To my husband and children … the greatest people I’ve ever known! You three make life worth living, and I never want to go a single day not knowing what it’s like to have you here to hold me when I stumble. You’re the greatest gifts I could have ever received, and I’m blessed to call you mine. Forever and a day.

  To my best friend, Stephanie … a year is too long. We picked up right where we left off and I’d have it no other way. This one’s for you, babe. You pushed me to get back on the horse and not let the world drag me down and keep me from using my voice. For that, I’ll always be grateful. Never stop being my Nikki. I need people like you in my life … can you point me in the direction of the Stephanie factory? Is it where they make Angellllllls?

  My editor and Valentine, Tiffany … I love you, Foxy. For everything … including … cross-country movie dates, telephone conversations that last until the wee hours of the morning, Arabic food diner trouble causing, Fifty Shading it all over town, our children getting along, our jokes never getting old and for you finally joining me and Stephanie in Canasta. And thank you so very much for taking my words and spit-shining them so they will not be judged too harshly. You’re my knight in shining red hair.

  My cover designer, Laura … HOLY MOLY … did we just rock this cover? Did you pick the exact cover I wanted before I knew I wanted it? Pretty sure that happened. I’m a firm believer people come into your lives at the exact moment you need them most, and I needed you. I was worried, scared and frightened my career would never be the same. Not only did you breathe life back into my book jackets, you breathed life back into me, inspiring me to write a story good enough to match the cover you designed. You’re an artist, my dear. An artist.

  My beta readers: Tabby, Ashley, Nicole and Amber … thank you for your honest feedback and loving Tanner as much as I do. He wouldn’t be the same without your eyeballs on him. Thank you for giving him a shot and never being yes ladies. The book world thanks you.

  My reader room … my Aces … you chicks are some of my favorite in the entire world. Our conversations are amazing, our games are hilarious and the general vibe when I spend time with you makes me not scared to rejoin this world of literature. I certainly got blessed with a great group of girls who not only love me but love to read and share that with me. We’re kindred spirits, friends, and I’m blessed to have you.

  To my depression … HOW YOU LIKE ME NOW?!?! I kicked your ass … HARD! You thought you could keep me down with your constant thoughts of insecurity and self-doubt. You. Were. Wrong. While this book isn’t my life (the whole teacher husband cheating on me with his students), I kinda like to think that you, Depression, were my Ben … and this book is my Tanner. I fucked you outta my system. Here’s to many more books without you in the way, you pesky dick!


  Ashley Suzanne has been writing as long as she can remember. As a youngster, she was always creating stories and talking to her imaginary friends. Thankfully, her parents also carried this love of fiction, and helped her grow into the writer she is today.

  Ashley is a bestselling author and spends equal amounts of time writing and reading. Being the true book whore she is, Ashley would rather dive into a good book before going out of her house. Giving up her career in Real Estate, Ashley has officially moved to hermit status.

  When Ashley isn't coming up with her next story, you'll most likely find her on the couch with a kindle in her hand (probably watching some crappy reality show while, annoying her husband by telling him all about her new book boyfriend or spending quality time with her two gremlins ... Sorry, I mean adorable children.



  Mirage (book 1)

  Inception (book 1.5)

  Awakening (book 2)

  Façade (book 3)

  Epiphany (book 4)

  Destined Series Box Set (All 5 Books in One)

  FIGHT OR FLIGHT SERIES – All books can be read independently (Random House—Loveswept)

  Raven (book 1)

  Cutter (book 2)

  CLAIM SERIALS (Also available in Korean Translation)

  Claim: Volume 1

  Claim: Volume 2

  Claim: Volume 3

  Claim: The Complete Collection (b
ox set)


  Rekindle (book 1)


  Calling Card (Also available in Portuguese Translation)

  Breaking Noah (Random House—Loveswept) (Co-Authored with Missy Johnson)

  Ashley’s Facebook

  Ashley’s Website

  Sign up for Ashley’s Mailing List

  Ashley Suzanne is represented by Marisa Corvisiero with Corvisiero Literary Agency.

  Coming Soon Novels (Current Works in Progress)

  Quick Play (Spring 2017)

  Inescapable – A Destined Series Spin Off (Summer 2017)

  Uncharted (Winter 2017)

  And now a little sneak peek at the newest novel by S.E. Hall … Embody

  This book can be read as a stand-alone and is an Evolve Series spin off!!!

  If you loved Evolve, or are new to S.E. Hall, Embody will give you all the good feels!!!

  To purchase the full novel, click here!!!

  Embody by S.E. Hall © 2017, S.E Hall

  Chapter One


  “Tell me you feel it starting to sprinkle,” I groan in foolish hope.

  “No,” Brynn laughs. “Did you, um…”

  “Piss on my foot? Yep, pretty sure I did. With the added bonus of backsplash as it hits the ground. Let’s not forget that party favor.”

  “Spread your feet farther apart, and quit making me laugh,” she snorts, wobbling in her compromised position. “I’m no expert at this either and you're gonna make me pee on myself too.”


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