The Abduction

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The Abduction Page 25

by Nichole Allen


  See the next bonus story at the next page!

  8 of 25 Bonus Stories

  Chasing their Biker

  Jake didn’t have a smooth death; it was as undignified as the time he’d peed his pants in front of the whole class when he was five years old. The difference being that he had reached the ripe old age of twenty-five, and the car had bounced him straight into his local Chinese restaurant. He’d still peed his pants but at least no one had laughed this time. There hadn’t been much of an audience; the restaurant had closed for the evening and the driver of the car hadn’t even slowed to check whether he was still alive.

  Luckily for him, someone had seen him fly through the window and while he was sprawled out across the dining table, Louisa had stepped in, looked at his broken body, and fixed him the only way she knew how. She had given him her blood and taken him to her home to recover.

  His maker was beautiful, in a pale, cold sort of way but for some reason he couldn’t get her to see him like the man he was, a man who was crazy about her. It might have had something to do with his death, but when he’d tried to tell her she just stroked his hair and fed him some more of the bagged blood. He was starting to wonder if she should have purchased herself a poodle because that was how he was starting to feel, like a pet.

  She looked like she was in her early thirties; she wore clothing that fit with the times but she was older than she looked. He had asked her on more than one occasion when she was born but she always replied with something like ‘none of your business’.

  It had only been six weeks since the accident but living in a basement with no windows to the outside world and not being allowed to leave was making him crazy. Louisa had told him he wasn’t ready to face the world but there was only so much television he could watch and she seemed contented just to be quiet and still. Jake didn’t do still and he had no idea how anyone could be so quiet.

  He had tried to copy her inner calm but every time he looked at her to see how she did it he wanted to jump on her. It wasn’t just the frustration of being enclosed within four walls, it was Louisa; she made his mouth water.

  “When do I get to drink from the vein?” he asked, once more.

  The bagged blood had been just what he needed for the first few weeks but now he was starting to tire of it. Sometimes he could detect traces of the donor’s last meal and it was like eating a curry that had been diluted to the point where you could just about taste the spices but couldn’t identify them. She had told him that drinking from the vein was like eating the donor’s last meal. He was dying for a cheeseburger, literally dying; his heart beat about six times a minute and if he didn’t drink blood it would slow until it eventually stopped.

  “Stop complaining, you’re boring me Jake,” Louisa moaned. “If I take you before you’re ready you know what will happen.”

  “I’ll drink the human dry,” he sighed wondering if that really was such a bad thing.

  There were just two desires in his life; the first was blood and his current bag was not doing much for him. His second desire was draped over the leather arm chair reading a glossy mag. She had thrown it at him three times already and it was starting to look dog-eared.

  “Fine, but I have other needs,” he said.

  He continued to stare at her until she threw the magazine at his face. Thanks to his superior speed and plenty of practice he caught i, but instead of placing it on the coffee table where she could reach it, he sat on it.

  “You’re such a child,” she hissed and rose from the chair. “Fine, get dressed.”


  “We’re going hunting but if you give me any reason to regret this, I will silver your backside,” she smiled sweetly but he shivered knowing full well what silver would do to his delicate behind.

  She held his arm as they walked along the darkened streets; to anyone else they would look like a couple strolling home after a night out. He knew the reason her arm gripped his was just to remind him not to sprint after any tasty-looking humans. He felt like a puppy on a leash but at the same time, he enjoyed having her sweet, little form pressed against him.

  “What about her?”

  “Too much jewelry; you don’t want to choke. Don’t be too eager, my love,” she winked and tapped him on the nose.

  He couldn’t help but scowl at her. It must be a maker and child dynamic because she constantly petted him. She had even tried to bathe him during the first weeks but he had soon put a stop to that. He was a good-looking man, now that his injuries had fully healed. His body was toned without any need to break a sweat; he was pretty sure that breaking a sweat was impossible for a vampire but it hadn’t stopped him trying.

  “You know I hate it when you do that,” he said.

  “Oh yes,” she smiled.

  “You have no intention of stopping,” he sighed.

  “None at all,” she replied.

  He wasn’t starving but the scent of warm bodies in the night air was making him twitchy and butterflies danced in his stomach with the anticipation. There were women with too much perfume grouped outside a club and Louisa had tightened her grip and led him across the road. She needn’t have bothered because the smell of their various perfumes had made him feel queasy.

  “This way,” she said. “Maybe we should seek out a male. You have a sensitive nose. Do you smell anything yummy?”

  “I think I do,” he said, taking the lead.

  They turned the corner, and the smell hit him like a wave of pheromones. He breathed in deeply before checking with his maker. Her eyebrows were raised and he could only shrug his shoulders. The smell that was making his fangs descend to a length that shocked him was coming from a biker club.

  “You never can tell what your tastes are going to be,” she mused.

  “I want one of them,” he said and was dismayed to find that his words lisped from beneath the fangs.

  “Follow me, darling,” she said.

  They waited in the dark space behind the building and it didn’t take long for the back door to open. A man with platinum blonde spiky hair, piercings, tattoos, and leather trousers stumbled into the dark alleyway.

  “Could be interesting; don’t choke on the piercings,” she hissed and then turned to the man. “Hey, sweetie.”


  When Louisa had first seen Jake, he had been about to cross the road and she had been stalking him from the shadows. He had smelled clean, fresh, and bursting with coffee. She loved coffee and although her body no longer accepted the drink, she could partake of it via a blood donor.

  She hadn’t killed anyone before and she didn’t really like death. She certainly wasn’t comfortable with it so when her potential meal had stepped out in front of the car, she wasn’t eager to see what state he was in. When she heard him crash through the restaurant window her heart had softened and she had gone in to check on him.

  She liked the man but now that she was his maker she needed to keep some distance between them. She knew he wanted her; she had admired the bulge in his trousers on many occasions but he could wait until his training was up.

  He had surprised her by leading her to the biker bar and the thought of him drinking from the tough biker who was peeing against the wall made her feel horny. She was almost as excited as Jake was.

  The biker had barely acknowledged her, intent on emptying his bladder, so she pulled Jake towards him. He looked up and frowned. Louisa held the man’s arms, allowing Jake to settle his fangs onto his neck.

  “That’s it, drink slowly,” she said.

  “What are you doing?”

  The man was slurring badly and if Louisa hadn’t been holding him up, he would have fallen to the ground like a bag of blood. The weird thing was that he wasn’t struggling and if the bulge in his tight leathers was what she thought it was, he was actually enjoying himself.

  “Stop now, Jake.”

  He stopped sucking but licked the wound until the blood had stopped flowing.
When he staggered slightly, she realized that the alcohol in the man’s blood had gone to his head. There was a good chance that she would be carrying his drunk ass home.

  “He was delicious,” Jake said wrapping his arms around her.

  “You enjoyed the beer,” she laughed.

  “And the smell of oil and leather on his skin,” he replied.

  She looked back down at the donor who was now sleeping like a baby on the dirty concrete. He was cute, with high cheekbones and long dark lashes. She had never tasted a biker and she couldn’t risk draining the man so she pulled Jake closer and kissed him.

  The biker’s blood was in his mouth and it was intoxicating, and not just because of the beer. There was something about his blood that made it sweet, almost like chocolate. She could feel Jake’s arousal through her thin dress and she had to use every ounce of strength to resist jumping him.

  Jake was in a state of bliss and didn’t speak to her during their walk home. She almost missed his incessant chatting, but not quite. The feed would keep him happy for a few days and there was plenty of bagged blood in the refrigerator. She kissed him but his only response was to snore.

  “Nice. You give the man some fresh blood and all he does is forget you exist,” she laughed.

  She sank onto her bed and for the first time since she was turned she felt lost in its spaciousness. Some small part of her wanted to fill the bed with someone. She’d prefer that person to have warm skin and a quick beating heart, but what human would want to sleep beside an undead woman who was three times his age?

  Louisa gave up on sleep and went into the living room. Jake was serene in his sleep and now that he wasn’t able to ask her stupid questions on a continuous loop his face was quite beautiful. Not ruggedly handsome in the way that the biker had been, but gentle and safe. When she’d kissed him she had felt something stirring but looking at his face while he slept, she only felt warmth.

  She used her vampire strength to hoist him off the chair and onto her bed. She had been alone for so long before Jake came along and when he needed so much care she’d gone into some kind of mother-like state. She supposed it was a part of being his sire. She had seen him naked on those first few nights when she had nursed him through the healing process and it hadn’t sparked any feelings of desire. She wondered if she would still feel the same; she hadn’t felt any real desire for anyone since her turning. It had taken her a long time to come to terms with what she was, which was why she had avoided other vampires.

  After living a sedate life alone for so many years, she had become restless and excitable. She blamed Jake, of course. He had been the catalyst. Her turning hadn’t been as sweet as his. She had nursed him through the change like a baby and he had grown strong. He had known he was safe with her. She curled up against him wishing that he had warm living blood flowing through his veins. His skin was still tanned, but it didn’t smell like sunshine anymore.

  She pulled his jeans off and he offered no resistance. She had purchased his clothes the same way she bought her own, through online catalogues. His shirt was stained with a few drops of biker blood but on the whole, he’d managed to get most of it in his mouth. She lifted the shirt from his body and tossed it across the room.

  It brought back a flood of strange sensations that she’d buried long ago. She was starting to want him and it scared her. She couldn’t easily break a one-hundred-year dry spell. Physically he was perfect; his scars and breaks had healed, leaving no trace of them other than what was in his memories. He was possibly her finest moment, her only triumph. She slipped an arm over him and fell straight to sleep.


  Jake woke with a dry mouth and a weight on his chest. When he opened his eyes he couldn’t understand what he was seeing until he rubbed his face. Louisa’s hair was spread across his face like a fan and her head was the heavy weight. He didn’t remember getting into bed with her; he didn’t even remember undressing. He hadn’t forgotten the live feed though; that was etched into his brain and wired straight to the fizzing butterflies in his stomach.

  Louisa was wearing a pair of silk pajama shorts and camisole and he suddenly realized that he could feel every inch of her cool flesh underneath that silk. He had spent the last few weeks in near-constant arousal because of her pretty, little form but he hadn’t been this close to it before. He slid his hands down to see if he had his boxer shorts on and found them intact. It was probably innocent, but he wished he could remember.

  “I don’t know how I got here,” he said.

  “I put you there,” she said and sat up.

  “Why?” he asked but wished he hadn’t because he wasn’t sure he wanted the answer.

  “I don’t know,” she replied. “Tell me about your feed last night, what did it feel like?”

  “It was amazing, he tasted like beer and steak but there was the smell on his skin. I miss it already,” he sighed.

  “I don’t get so excited,” she frowned. “I get the food; I prefer the taste of coffee drinkers myself, but you were excited by his smell. I want to taste him.”

  “Can we go again tonight?”

  “Yes, but if he’s there we can only take a little,” she said. “I don’t want to kill him.”

  “Can we go now?”

  “No, it’s too early,” she laughed.

  The blonde biker hadn’t been at the bar that night and feeding from the other leather-clad men hadn’t given him the same reaction. He had enjoyed their beer-flavored blood and Louisa had also acquired a liking for the sensual smell of leather but it wasn’t enough.

  There were other tasty humans but none of them gave Jake the same feeling and the longer he waited the more he was desperate to find the blonde biker. After three weeks, Louisa didn’t think they would see him again but Jake wouldn’t give up.

  “We can’t keep turning up at the bar,” she said.

  “He will come,” Jake replied, nervously scanning the crowd like an addict looking for his dealer.

  “He might not; he might have been passing through,” she said leaning against the wall. “Wait, he’s there!”

  Jake followed her gaze and they both stared into the crowd as the blonde made his way through to the bar. He took his drink and moved closer to them and then turned to watch the band.

  The music wasn’t to his taste and it grated on him like tin foil against fillings. He had considered taking out the lead singer just to do some justice to everyone’s ears but the humans seemed to like it and some were even dancing to it.

  “He’s quite handsome,” Louisa said.

  “Whatever, if you like that sort of thing,” Jake said but he knew he was lusting over the man for a different reason.

  “Let’s do this early, but don’t take too much because I want to try him,” she said.

  They made their way through the closely packed herd of humans with their warm bodies and sweat-sheened skin. Louisa had told him never to play with his food but they had started something and he couldn’t quite forget it.

  “Hi, want to step outside with me for a minute?” Louisa said to the blonde, while aiming her cleavage towards his face.

  “Sure,” he replied staring freely at her barely-contained breasts.

  Jake followed them out, but the blonde was too entranced to notice. He wondered if the biker was used to getting offers from women, and when they stepped out into the cool alleyway he advanced on her with such casual confidence that Jake felt a pang of jealousy. He obviously did get a lot of attention and was well-equipped to deal with it.

  The biker bent over her, pinning her to the wall. Some human women might have found his predatory stance a little scary but not her. She met his kiss with her own and when they came up for air Louisa had a surprised look on her face.

  “Like it?” he stuck his tongue out and showed her the stud that pierced his tongue.

  “Oh, yes,” Louisa replied.

  The blonde gasped as Jake sank his teeth into his tattooed neck but he kept his eyes on L
ouisa. As Jake drank he could feel the intensity of their kisses. He could also feel every hard edge of muscle that ripped the biker’s body and it left him tingling all over.

  Jake could taste the beer in the man’s blood. He could smell the leather and oil on his skin but there was something else that was making him horny and he couldn’t help but slide his hands beneath the blonde’s shirt. His stomach was warm and he could feel a small line of hair leading down into his jeans.

  Jake stopped himself, pulling away. He had overstepped his feed and was just plain feeling the man up. Louisa hadn’t mentioned the attraction and she hadn’t told him he would be rocking a hard on that threatened to burst free of his designer jeans.

  He stepped back to breathe for a moment. He felt like his boundaries had just blurred, not to mention the little rush from the beer blood. He wanted to kiss him; Jake wanted to kiss the man and that made him more than a little uncomfortable.


  Ben couldn’t explain his reluctance to go back to the club because he’d often woken up on the street with no memory of how he got there. Such was life when you lived it to the full but something felt different that time and he couldn’t put it into words. He had to go because one of his best clients was playing that night; the guy had put his name on the bottom of his fliers and his tattoo business was booming, as a result.

  He hadn’t even managed to finish his first beer when the sexy chick with the smooth, pale skin had propositioned him. He looked at her creamy skin that was crying out to be inked and his mouth watered. All thoughts of the band flew right out of his head and his cock twitched from beneath his leathers.

  “Sure,” he replied and followed her bewitching little behind out to the back alley.

  He wanted her, but she wasn’t his usual type. Women with tattoos and piercings sought him out; biker chicks and wannabe biker chicks were his type. This woman was classy and kind of prim. She walked with a cat-like sway that made him want to pounce. He didn’t know why she chose him but he was so up for that.


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