Cave of Terror

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Cave of Terror Page 17

by Amber Dawn Bell

  "It's not just any lodestone, but from a source found only in Romania, our homeland. It offers protection by absorbing evil and attracting power. The clear quartz crystal surrounding the lodestone helps to balance chaotic emotions.” She laced her fingers together in front of her. “The two stones work together in harmony, acting as a talisman to its owner. The stone chooses its owner."

  "But how does it do that?” I don't know why it surprised me, considering everything else I'd been forced to accept.

  "It recognizes the genetic make-up of the rightful owner. Until it does, the pendant remains dormant. No one else would be able to take advantage of the power it holds. It knew you and accepted you. That's the vibration you felt.” She reached out and cradled the pendant. “I've worn it for many years and it never came to life for me. You put it on and it instantly reacted."

  I lifted my shoulders. “I still don't get how it can help me."

  "Well, if you will give me a minute, I'll get to it.” She paused, waiting for me to respond.


  "If you find yourself in trouble, concentrate on the pendant and center your energy into the stone. It will amplify your efforts, increase your power. Or if you can't control the shifting, allow the stone to balance you. It will take practice and trust to realize its true value. You must learn to work with it. Do you understand?"

  "I think so."

  She bit her lower lip. “There's one other thing I think I need to tell you."

  Oh, this didn't sound promising.

  "When the owner dies, part of his or her spirit is passed to the pendant."

  I transformed my face into a ‘yuck’ expression. “You're saying I'm wearing dead people around my neck? That's nasty."

  "I wouldn't exactly put it that way. It's more like their energy stays behind."

  "Oh wait, you mean my great-great-grandmother's energy is with me right now?” I clasped the tear-shaped object in my hand. The pendant vibrated and instantly heated, answering my question. My body jerked in response, and I dropped it back against my shirt, barely concealing the squeak that had hitched in my throat.

  "I see you received your answer.” She laughed, then covered her mouth, trying to hide her amusement. “Through each owner, the power becomes stronger and stronger. And only you will have control of it. No one else will have the key to unleashing its power."

  It baffled me how I could still be amazed with each revelation of my new existence, considering everything that had happened so far. Nothing should surprise me anymore, but it did. Boy, did it ever.

  Nicoleta stood. “Well, I believe we've talked enough for tonight. I think it goes without saying for you to be extra diligent and remain on guard at all times. Constantine will stop at nothing to get what he wants. He will use any method he deems necessary. And no waiting to tell me important information. And Cheyenne, at this point, everything is considered important. You must think like a Vanator, not a silly teenage girl."

  I wanted to be a silly teenage girl. But, I didn't have the choice because I had been thrust into a world not of my choosing. A huge responsibility had been assigned to me, without my consent. While other teens dreamed about what they might become, my destiny had already been written in stone. A surge of anger heated in my veins at the unfairness of it all.

  "Well, if you don't have any questions, I'll be on my way. I still have a few things to take care of before I can call it a day.” She walked to the door and opened it, then turned to see if I had anything to add.

  I just stared, not bothering to answer one way or the other. I figured she could get the hint.

  She left the door open, and I followed the click of her heels until they faded.

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  A Chick Flick and a Popcorn Kiss

  Aaaag! Algebra sucked! I couldn't get the last stupid problem of my homework worked out. I knew the answer, but the getting there eluded me. And of course, all steps had to be shown. I released a frustrated breath and let my head plop on my book.

  The doorbell rang. I jerked my head back up. Who could that be? Wasn't Mandy. I had just talked to her on IM.

  "Cheyenne!” Mom called.

  I glanced at the clock—5:55. Omigod! I had completely forgotten about Ryan. And I really didn't feel like dealing with him. He made my insides twist inside out, and I just didn't need that right now. Besides, he topped my shit list at the moment—him and Val.

  "Cheyenne! You have a guest,” Mom yelled again.

  "Okay, I'll be down in a minute,” I hollered back.

  I glanced in the mirror. Could I look any worse? I'd have to fake a headache or something. No way could I fix this mess. I pulled the scrunchie from my hair and ran the brush through it really quick, then pulled it back into a ponytail. It would have to do. I swirled some powdered mineral foundation on my face. Good enough.

  When I reached the bottom of the stairs, no one remained at the door. Laughter sounded from the living room. Oh crap! My mom and dad had Ryan captive. No telling what embarrassing things they'd said to him. I rushed into the room, half out of breath, only to have the other half knocked from me.

  Ryan looked drop dead hot. His black silk-like shirt tucked into his snug jeans, revealing a nicely sculpted butt that had mostly been hidden by t-shirts up to this point. As Mandy would say, BAM! Tonight he had apparently dressed up. To impress me? Or had he kept on his church clothes? It was Sunday after all. No, this had nothing to do with church and everything to do with me.

  Roxie lay by Dad's feet, making slight whiney noises. At least she wasn't barking at Ryan, although she seemed distressed by his mere presence. So strange. Come to think of it, I was distressed, too, but for difference reasons.

  Ryan turned to face me once he realized I had entered the room. A small gasp slipped past my lips, and I swallowed down the ‘omigod’ statement that seriously wanted to escape my mouth. He had the first several buttons of his shirt undone, which allowed a peek at the hard ridge of his pecs. If all the saliva hadn't evaporated from my mouth, I'd be drooling like a Saint Bernard. And to make matters worse, he gave me that crooked sensual smile that did funny things to my stomach. He was far too perfect for me. He needed someone to be Barbie to his Ken. And that wasn't me.

  Dad cleared his throat, snapping my attention to the couch where my parents sat. My dad's expression held a hint of amusement, causing my face to flame. I'm sure I looked like a love struck idiot. Something my parents had never witnessed from me, nor would they ever again. Talk about embarrassing. Just kill me now. I'd never hear the end of it.

  "So where are you kids going?” Dad asked.

  I glanced back at Ryan. I couldn't answer because I didn't have a freakin’ clue, not to mention the fact that I couldn't trust myself to speak yet.

  "I thought I'd take her to a movie. There's this new romantic comedy playing at the Pflugerville Theater that's had some really great reviews,” Ryan answered.

  Romantic comedy? Seriously? No guy I knew would be caught dead at a chick-flick movie. Or bother to even glance at a review, much less give it any serious thought. Most would find the most violent movie possible and call it good, not even thinking to ask what the girl wanted to see. Ryan definitely belonged in a category all to himself.

  Since he had dressed up, I couldn't go out looking like warmed-over-crap. And I couldn't say no now. Not like I wanted to say no. As soon as I caught a look at him, my anger toward him had vanished. He didn't exactly fight fair. I glanced at my parents and narrowed my eyes in thought. If I went up and changed now, Ryan would be left with them—a horrifying thought. What to do? A war raged in my head. Should I change or should I just deal?

  Maybe my parents would behave and not give him the third degree. Yeah, and Val would crawl back in her hole and leave Ryan alone—both mere fantasies.

  "Are you ready to go?” Ryan asked. “The movie starts in twenty minutes."

  Well crap, I guess the decision was made for me. “Sure. I just ne
ed to run up and get my purse.” I glanced at Mom and Dad and gave them a look, begging them to behave.

  Dad winked. Not a good sign.

  I rushed up the stairs and took a quick moment to glance in the mirror. Eeek! Okay, one minute wouldn't hurt. I dropped my purse on my vanity stool and jerked my shirt over my head. After rummaging around my closet, I decided on a pink undershirt with lace trim on the bottom and a white Holister shirt to go over it. I changed, then quickly redid my hair. And I seriously needed some eyeshadow, and some blush, and a little bit of eyeliner. Dang! When I finished the rush makeover, I checked out my appearance one last time. Okay, not bad. I grabbed my purse, then ran back downstairs.

  "Okay, I'm ready,” I said, my voice raspy from rushing.

  Ryan chuckled.

  "What?” I glanced down to make sure I didn't have a boob hanging out or something.

  "Your dad just bet me that you'd change clothes while you were upstairs.” Ryan flashed his dazzling smile. “Looks like he wins."

  I speared Dad with a stare, then rolled my eyes. “Bye.” Parents could be so freaking embarrassing. Next thing you know, they'll have naked baby pictures out to show Ryan. Or worse, videos of me doing gymnastics at age three.

  "You kids have fun,” Mom hollered out after us.

  After we got in Ryan's Mustang, he turned. “By the way, you look hot."

  I swung my head around, my mouth dropping open like a fish gasping for air. Totally not expecting that comment, my face heated. Before I could recover and make a decent reply, he reached over and took my hand, zapping the remaining breath from my lungs.

  "I've been looking forward all day to seeing you,” he said, his voice deep and sensual.

  "You were at my house earlier, remember?"

  He rubbed his thumb across the top of my hand. “Okay, let me rephrase. I've been looking forward all day to being alone with you."

  I puffed out a breath and stared straight ahead. My heart beat so fast it tripped over itself trying to find a normal rhythm. My belly flipped over, sending the nervous flutters jumping. The way he said ‘alone’ made it feel so intimate, like a caress. Like the way he stroked his strong fingers across my hand.

  He turned my hand over on his lap, palm up, tracing circles on the sensitive area. Tingling sensations rushed through my body along with the usual electrical-like currents, causing a shiver to race up my spine.

  "Tickle?” The corners of his mouth raised in a smile.

  "Umm hmm."

  "While I have you captive, there's something I think we need to discuss."

  Awareness of my situation and his use of the word ‘captive’ snapped me back to reality. I pulled my hand out from under his. I had a feeling I wouldn't like what he had to say by the seriousness of his tone.

  "It's about Val,” he said, his face blank of emotion.

  Oh, God! Is he going to inform me that he plans to go out with both me and Val? Or that he likes her better? Or that it's all been one big joke at my expense? I chewed my bottom lip, waiting for the blow his words would surely land.

  "I have to be nice to her. You see, her dad is very influential. He's a banker and my dad relies on his support to get the huge loans he requires. He wanted me to go out with her, but I couldn't go there, especially after meeting you.” Warmth and sincerity reflected within the depths of his crystal blue eyes.

  "I see.” His eyes said he spoke the truth, but a little pebble of doubt settled in my gut.

  He reached out and cupped my chin in his hand, turning my face back toward his. “Do you? I get the feeling you don't believe me."

  "I don't know what to believe. It's just hard watching you let her hang all over you. It's like you enjoy it.” Oh, God! I can't believe I voiced my thoughts.

  He grinned, the humor reaching his eyes. “You're jealous!” He turned it into a tease, making the words into a sing-song kind of nonsense. “Sparkie is jealous. J-E-A-L-O-U-S. That spells jealous!"

  Unable to continue the pretended outrage due to his accusations, which were sadly true, I busted out laughing. “You're such a dork. I swear."

  "Yeah, yeah. I admit it, besides normal is highly—"

  "Overrated,” I finished for him.

  He squeezed his eyebrows together and pursed his lips. “How'd you know what I was going to say?"

  "It's one of me and Mandy's favorite phrases."

  When we arrived at the theater, Ryan ran around the car to open my door. So it wasn't just a first date kind of manner thing. We walked up to the ticket counter. Ryan pulled out his wallet to pay.

  I dug in my purse and grabbed some cash, then extended it toward him. “Here."

  "Nope. Your money is worthless. As long as you're with me, you'll pay for nothing.” He winked.

  "Oh.” I had a feeling he wouldn't let me pay, but I didn't want to assume he would.

  Ryan ushered me through the doors and to the concession stand.

  "What are you going to get?” He checked out the goodies in the glass case.

  "Twizzlers.” I twirled a lock of hair between my fingers.


  "And that's it."

  "Okay, but we'll also need a huge tub of popcorn and a large drink to share. I promise I don't have cooties. Haven't had a bad case of that in a long time.” He waggled his eyebrows.

  I laughed.

  By the time we got into the movie, most of the seats had been taken.

  "I see two seats at the very top. Do you mind?” Ryan asked.

  "Nope. I always sit at the top. You don't have to worry about little kids kicking your seat or popcorn getting thrown at your head."

  "You got a point there, Sparkie. The top it is."

  We settled in just as the previews began. Ryan lifted up the chair arm, leaving no barrier between us. I had forgotten that only the chairs in the back row had that option. As he closed the distance between us, I became quite aware of that very option.

  "There, now it's a little easier to share the popcorn,” he said.

  We had popcorn? Oh yeah. Energy flowed between us, sending my pulse soaring. Every nerve became increasingly sensitive. Ryan's cinnamon scent mixed with the buttery smell of popcorn drove my senses into overload.

  Just as the feature movie started, a popcorn projectile landed on my chest. Since I didn't have much boobage to hold it in place, it quickly fell to my lap. I glanced over at Ryan. He appeared to be concentrating on the movie. Another piece struck me. I checked around to see who else had popcorn. What the heck? Right as I looked back at Ryan, I noticed a small lift to the corner of his mouth like he was trying to hold back laughter. I pretended not to notice but lowered my view, so I could watch when he grabbed another handful of popcorn.

  Just as he chunked another one I turned my head, causing the popcorn to bounce off my nose. “Busted!"

  We both laughed. Several ‘shushes’ sounded around us.

  Ryan leaned over and whispered, “You really should learn to control yourself in public."

  I grabbed a whole handful of popcorn and threw it at him. “Hmmmf! How's that for control?"

  "Why, Sparkie, I think I like this feisty side of you."

  Feisty? I stiffened, remembering how Constantine had said those very same words. Could it be a coincidence? Ryan had never given off the same sinister vibes as Constantine. But, more and more similarities were coming to light. No, I was being ridiculous. Ryan didn't have an evil bone in his body. I'd be able to sense it, surely.

  I whipped my head around to glance at him just as he decided to do the same—our faces just an inch apart, our lips an inch apart. I drew in a quick breath. Before I had a chance to exhale, he pressed his lips to mine, sending unfamiliar sensations rippling through me. He opened his mouth a little and I followed, allowing the kiss to deepen. Tingles shot straight to my lower abdomen. He tasted like popcorn and Dr. Pepper—a salty and sweet combination that curled my toes. It wasn't as scary as I had imagined, yet so much more amazing than I had ever dreamed.

; He broke the kiss, then draped his arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer. I didn't resist. All my concerns about Ryan faded away as I snuggled closer into the crook of his arm.

  Half-way through the movie, I had to go to the bathroom. The Dr. Pepper had gone directly to my bladder.

  "I'll be right back.” I stood and worked my way to the aisle.

  I entered the bathroom, my footsteps echoing in the empty room. An uneasy feeling settled in my bones. I hated going during movies because the bathrooms tended to be vacant, which isn't a good thing when you watch too many horror shows. Even though no one else occupied the room, I still bent and glanced under the doors. When satisfied, I pushed one of the stall doors open and entered.

  Before I had a chance to sit and tend to business, the scent of almonds filtered through the room. I tensed.

  You've got to be kidding me.

  Not wanting to be caught with my pants down, literally, I hurried and pulled them back up, forgetting the urgent need to empty my bladder. That would have to wait.

  I unlocked the stall door and stuck my head out. Leaning against the wall next to the hand dryers stood Constantine—not that I was surprised.

  His gaze roamed my body, then settled on my face. “Enjoying the movie?"

  "As a matter of fact I am. Cut the small talk. What do you want this time?” I didn't sense he meant me harm, but he wanted something.

  "Like every time, I want you. Pretty simple.” He licked his lips. “I can show you a way of life so liberating and satisfying that you'll never look back on your old one."

  "Well, that would be a problem. I want the old one back. I'm not fond of the recent one I've been thrust into."

  A strange look flickered across his face. I should've kept my mouth shut. Nicoleta warned me to be careful. She said Constantine would stop at nothing to lure me to him of my own free will. Anything I say could be used toward that purpose. How stupid could I be?

  In a flash he disappeared. Warm breath poured across the back of my semi-bare neck. I jumped and turned my head left and right, my ponytail whipping across my face. How had he moved so fast? I didn't even have time to react. I whirled around to face a grinning embodiment of evil. He shimmered, then vanished once more. I turned round and round searching for him, expecting at any time for him to pop back in and startle me. The door busted open, and a hugely pregnant woman waddled in. I squealed, causing her to squeal in response.


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