Cave of Terror

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Cave of Terror Page 19

by Amber Dawn Bell

  A rustle sounded on the other side of the door. It opened, the light instantly blinding me. I scurried into a corner, curling into a ball, trying to hide as much of my body as possible. Whoever opened the door had been treated to my half-shifted form. The door creaked shut, temporarily sending the tiny room back into darkness.

  Then, the light flicked on.

  I stayed huddled in the corner, my body shaking as it slowly returned to normal. I heard the steady breathing of the unidentified person in the room with me, and I waited for him or her to speak. Say anything for that matter. Too scared to see who had witnessed the horrific transformation, I kept my head buried into my knees.

  "Cheyenne, why couldn't you tell me?” Mandy asked.

  I jerked my head up and met her questioning gaze, but couldn't find the words to answer.

  "Don't you know by now you can tell me anything?” She knelt next to me and said in a low voice, “I saw you shift in the cave."

  My jaw dropped open. She saw? Omigod! And she hadn't said anything? Hadn't run screaming in the other direction?

  "That's right. I saw it, but I decided to wait until you were ready to tell me."

  She didn't appear to be freaked-out about the incident, so I relaxed. “Why are you so calm about everything? Did you really see what just happened? Or do you need your eyes checked? My God, Mandy, I had freakin’ fur covering my body. What's wrong with you? Don't you find that just a little strange?” Why did I feel the need to convince her of the abnormality of the situation?

  "No, not really.” She sat on her butt and crossed her legs.

  "Why the heck not?” The fact she hadn't flipped out over the transformation really disturbed me.

  She smiled. “Because my dad and brother are both shifters. Duh!"

  My eyes widened. “Shifters? What do you mean?"

  "They shift like you, except into wolves.” She shrugged as if it didn't matter.

  I leaned closer like I had a secret to tell. “You mean like werewolves?"

  Nicoleta had mentioned other races, but I hadn't really given it too much thought. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought my best friend would be a part of a non-human race like me. Could there be more like me living right next door? Or going to the same school?

  She rolled her eyes. “That is so politically incorrect. Luptã is the preferred term. They shift into wolves, just like you shift into a black cat."

  My turn to roll my eyes. “It's called a panther. Hello."

  We both cracked up, the tension of the situation fading.

  "Are you okay now?"

  "Yeah. By the way, how did you know where to find me?"

  Mandy clenched her hands into fists on her lap. “You don't even want to know."

  "Just tell me.” It's not like it could get any worse.

  "The witch bragged about it with her little cronies. They acted like it was the funniest thing ever. And I don't care what you say this time. She will pay for this. Her actions could've had serious consequences for you. She knew you were claustrophobic and deliberately planned just the right revenge. She's a hateful person.” Mandy crossed her arms across her chest and scowled.

  "What do you mean revenge?"

  "Oh please! When you and Ryan came into history together, she turned completely green with envy. She didn't even try to hide it. It was quite obvious y'all were ‘together.’ And then after class, I saw Ryan talking to her. They seemed a bit too cozy. It pissed me off, so I kind of ... eavesdropped. But, get this—he told her he wanted to just be friends with her because he really liked you. And that y'all were going out."

  "Omigod! Are you serious? He actually told her that?” My heart did a flip, and the butterflies in my stomach fluttered to life. He said we were going out. He must really like me to stand up to Val when his father expected him to be extra nice to her. That had to have been hard.

  "Yep. She was livid. Her face turned all red, then she stormed off. I'm sure that's when she decided to get back at you."

  "Well, I guess I can't blame her,” I mumbled under my breath.

  Mandy wrinkled her nose. “What? Are you nuts?"

  "I have Ryan. She doesn't. I was mighty ticked when I thought the tables were turned."

  She shook her head and sighed. “I think the shifting has done something to your head."

  We left the closet and walked toward the student center where most of the juniors and seniors hung out. Right as we rounded the corner, we ran into Ryan.

  Before I could utter a word, he pulled me into his strong arms, the scent of cinnamon and musk encapsulating me. We fit together so perfectly like we were made for each other. I snuggled closer into his embrace, absorbing the comfort and security he so freely offered.

  "I heard what Val did. I'm so sorry. It's my fault.” He released his hold and held me in place in front of him while he checked me over. Apparently satisfied with his examination, he hugged me again.

  "How ... did you find out?” I asked, my voice muffled against his chest.

  "I heard Val talking about it. Or should I say bragging about it. I had no idea just how mean she could be. I'm so sorry."

  "Quit apologizing. I'm fine, really."

  Mandy put her hands on her hips. “Bullcrap! When I found her still locked in the room, she was in the middle of a panic attack. She could barely breathe."

  He released me again and stared into my eyes. “Is this true?"

  "Yeah, but I'm okay. Just leave it alone."

  Mandy huffed. “Are you kidding me? She accused you of having drugs, then locked you in a small room knowing you're claustrophobic.” She threw her hand in the air. “You might be able to let it go, but I'm sure not."

  "Mandy's right,” Ryan agreed. “She can't keep doing these things to you. What if she ends up really hurting you the next time?” Concern shimmered in his blue eyes.

  My heart contracted. If he didn't care, he sure put on a good show.

  "Hey!” Mandy greeted as she joined in the warm-up. “Ben about killed me today. He worked on my hip flexors. And boy am I gonna have a huge bruise where he pushed."

  "Hey,” I said, giving her the I-know-what-you-did look. I hoped it did hurt. Served her right.

  "Sorry, but Val had it coming."

  Funny how she knew from just a look exactly what irritated me. “I got called out of class again to visit Mr. Gonzales, so I could corroborate what you'd told him. You do realize Val will make my life an even bigger hell now thanks to you?” I pressed my lips together. Still ticked Mandy had actually gone to the principal's office, I planned to make her pay for a while.

  "Not if she wants to keep her head on her shoulders. I heard she may get suspended for a day or two,” she said with just a little too much excitement.

  Crap! What if she blames Ryan for having a part in the whole mess, then she tells her father? Ryan's dad might feel the backlash.

  "Ladies, cut the chat. This isn't gossip time,” Larry yelled across the gym.

  Considering the crappy day I had at school, gym seemed to be going quite well. I worked on my release move on bars and caught all but two. Beam rocked! I made all my flights. But when we rotated to vault, I had a strange feeling my luck would be changing. On edge, I kept glancing toward the viewing area expecting to see ... well, I wasn't exactly sure. A prickling sensation centered at the base of my neck.

  After a ton of run-throughs, we did some drills. I needed to work on getting the extra half-twist onto my handspring double full vault, so I could have a 10.0 start value. Starting out two-tenths more would really help. Sometimes winning came down to hundredths of a point.

  "Okay, ladies, let's vault,” Larry announced.

  I did two really good ones, almost making the extra half. So pumped, I forgot about the nagging uncomfortable feeling, until an overwhelming sense of foreboding broke my concentration during a vault, and I bounced sideways off the mat, falling head first into the bar pit.

  The way I landed wedged me into the foam blocks with my leg
s sticking straight up, kicking out frantically to dislodge myself. I heard muted laughter all around me. No doubt the whole optional team now circled the pit, watching my futile attempts to escape the sinister foam blocks. Strong hands circled my ankles and pulled me out. Okay, stupid didn't even begin to describe how I felt. Larry raised his glasses and wiped the tears from his eyes.

  "I'm glad I could serve as entertainment.” I huffed out a breath. I seemed to be playing that part well lately. Maybe I should become a comedian.

  "Oh, but, Cheyenne, if you could have seen...” Mandy busted out laughing with the rest of the team.

  "Everyone back to vault,” Larry managed to choke out.

  With only slight injury to my pride, I marched back to the vault runway. I stopped dead in my tracks and lifted my gaze to the viewing area.

  Constantine leaned against the railing, his stare zoomed into me. He dipped his head in my direction.

  He sure had some nerve coming into my gym, invading my sanctuary for the second time.

  Mandy caught up with me and nudged my shoulder. “Who is that? He's gorgeous."

  "Trust me, he's not. He's no one you need to meet,” I warned.

  "So, you do know him?"

  "No, not really. It's more about knowing what he is."

  Her eyes grew wide. “Is he ... a ... vampire?"

  I grabbed her shoulders. “Sssh! Omigod! You can't be saying things like that out loud. What if someone heard?"

  She grimaced. “Sorry. But, he really is gorgeous. A lot like Ryan."

  I narrowed my eyes. Why would she compare Ryan to Constantine? “Well, let's just say Constantine's not so gorgeous on the inside. You don't want to mess with him. Stay as far away from him as possible.” I glanced back over at him. “Cover for me. I'll be right back."

  Knowing Constantine would follow, I headed straight back to the bathrooms. I slipped around the corner and stopped, standing against the wall.

  "Hello, Cheyenne.” He sniffed the air. “You're smelling rather yummy today."

  It's more than I could say about his scent. I now hated the smell of almonds. “What now, Constantine? Bored? Felt the need to harass me? What?” Irritation hung thick on my words.

  He covered his heart with both hands. “You wound me with your words."

  I widened my eyes and looked deep into Constantine's. Ryan had made the exact same gesture and said similar words at the Halloween party when he had teased me. How weird. “You can't keep showing up wherever you want."

  He braced his hands against the wall on either side of my head and leaned in close to my body, his lips a mere inch from mine. “Ah, but that's where you're wrong. I can do whatever I want.” He smiled. “Join with me, and you will also have that freedom."

  I pushed against his chest and ducked under his arm. “You mean like the freedom you have as you hide from my clice? And will hide from me?"

  His eyes turned an eerie golden yellow, signaling me I might have gone too far. I couldn't afford a scene in the gym. I'd never be able to explain the situation.

  "One way or another you will come to me. I prefer you willing, but I'll take you however I can get you. And that's a promise.” He licked his lips, then disappeared around the corner.

  I exhaled and leaned against the wall, trying to collect myself. Thank God no one had witnessed our little exchange. I went back into the gym and finished my last vault. We only had conditioning left now.

  Mandy plopped down next to me while we waited for everyone to get their water bottles.

  "Aaag! We have medicine ball for conditioning,” Mandy whined.

  I groaned at the thought. “My arms still hurt from bars and all the arm conditioning we did Friday."

  "Yeah, me, too."

  Me and Mandy partnered, tossing the ball back and forth. Tiny vibrations rippled across my skin and cinnamon scented the air. I immediately glanced toward the viewing area. Ryan now stood in the same place as Constantine had.

  A heavy object hit me square in the chest, knocking me onto my butt.

  Mandy's eyes were huge. “Why didn't you catch it? What were you doing? Are you okay?"

  Not sure what had hit me the hardest—the ball or Ryan's appearance—I just stared at Mandy. I glanced toward Ryan, his eyes also wide with shock.

  "I'm sorry,” he mouthed.

  Mandy followed my glance. “Dang girl, you've had two hunks visit you. Shazaam! You're on fire.” She pressed her finger to the top of her hip and made the sizzle sound as if she put out a burning match.

  After conditioning, we pulled the mats onto the floor, so we could stretch. I kept my back to Ryan while I sat in the splits, one leg elevated on the mat. I needed a little time to think and he distracted me to no end. Way too many coincidences kept happening for my comfort. I could believe Constantine would shadow Ryan, but Constantine always showed up first, leaving me to believe Ryan followed him instead. But that didn't make sense, so I switched back to the coincidence scenario. Aaag! I no longer knew what to think or believe.

  Mandy leaned over. “I take it Ryan's appearance surprised you since your attention was ... elsewhere?"

  "And your point would be?"

  "Nothing. I'm just saying."

  We finished stretching, so I gathered my things and walked out of the gym and into the lobby where Ryan waited, a big smile on his face.

  "Hey, Sparkie, how are you doing? I've been worried."

  I raised my eyebrows. “So you thought you'd check up on me?” I couldn't help but smile at the thought of him caring enough to come all the way to the gym just to check on me. Any negative thoughts I had went right out the window.

  He winked, reducing me to a puddle of mush—a condition I seemed to find myself in a lot lately. “Yep, sure did. And you look mighty fine to me.” He waggled his eyebrows as he teased me.

  Heat infused my face at the comment, becoming more than just a little aware I stood in front of him in a form-fitting, skimpy leo. “Whatever!” I said, trying to cover-up my discomfort.

  "And I wanted to see if you would like to go somewhere and have a quick dinner. Maybe Panda Express?"

  My tummy rumbled at the mention of food. “I'd love to, but ... I have a lot of homework and Mom and Dad are expecting me home right after gym."

  I knew Nicoleta would be waiting for me and I had a few things I needed to inform her about that couldn't wait any longer. Not to mention the fact Mom and Dad really did expect me home right away. With all the craziness surrounding Constantine, they had tightened the reins, becoming more and more paranoid. Not that I could blame them.

  "That's okay. Late notice. Maybe another night."

  I did my best version of the puppy dog look. “Sorry."

  "No worries. I'll walk you out. Wouldn't want anything to happen to you."

  He had no idea how close to the truth he came. “Okay. Let me get dressed."

  I pulled on my pajama bottoms and slipped my hoodie over my head. After sliding on my flip-flops, I was good to go.

  Mandy looked over and grinned. “Have fun. See you tomorrow."

  Good thing I drove myself. I'd at least have a few minutes alone with Ryan. Oh no! What if he tried to kiss me and I started to shift? Or what if I turned into a panther right in front of his eyes? I clenched my teeth, frustrated I had to even worry about such crazy things as turning into a flippin’ four-legged animal from a kiss.

  As soon as we walked out the doors, Ryan took my hand. Sparks traveled up my arm and down my back, sending every nerve into a sensitized frenzy. What was it about this guy that could cause such reactions? I had to maintain control. I couldn't allow a shift to even begin. Not in front of Ryan, and definitely not in front of my gym.

  We reached my car and he twirled me to where my back rested against the driver's door. I held my breath, wondering what he had in mind.

  "Are you sure you're fine?” He drilled me with a stare.

  I exhaled. “Yes, I'm perfectly fine. Really."

  He ran his finger down the
side of my face, causing goose bumps to spread across my skin. His eyelids drooped slightly, lending him a sleepy look—a very sensual, sleepy look. “I'm glad. I wouldn't want anything bad to ever happen to you. You are very special ... to me,” he said in a rich velvet voice.

  "I better go.” If I stared into Ryan's eyes any longer, I wouldn't be in control of my reactions toward him.

  "Right.” He clasped my hands and brought them to his lips, pressing a kiss to each.

  Oh God! Even a simple and sweet gesture had a huge impact on my senses. He was far too dangerous for my own good. I'd never be able to hide all my secrets from him. And I seriously doubted he'd be real hip on finding out I'm not exactly human.

  He tugged me away from the car and pulled me against his hard chest, wrapping his arms around my waist. I inhaled his cinnamon scent, wondering if this would be what heaven felt like. He bent and kissed the top of my head, then released me. An immediate loss settled along my soul, the warmth leaving my body—leaving me empty inside and out. If I could crawl back into his comforting embrace and stay there forever, I wouldn't hesitate for a minute. But, something greater than me or my desires pulled me away.

  "Drive safe,” he said, opening the door for me.

  I slid into my seat. “I will."

  "Good night, Sparkie. Don't forget to dream of me.” He winked, then shut the door before I had a chance to respond.

  I had a feeling I'd be dreaming of him tonight and every night.

  I pulled into the driveway only to find Nicoleta's car occupying my space ... again, so I reversed and parked along the curb. My stomach clenched, knowing I'd have to inform her that Mandy knew who I was ... what I was. No telling what kind of reaction I'd get. And I seriously dreaded telling her about almost shifting at school.

  "A little late aren't you?” Nicoleta asked as I entered Dad's office, glancing at her diamond encrusted watch.

  I plopped my stuff down next to the couch and sat. “Larry kept us a little longer."

  "So, tell me what's been going on. Judging by the look on your face, you have something to tell me. And I'm getting the feeling I won't like it."

  I glanced down at my lap. Can she read minds? Or am I that transparent? “Well, something happened at school today.” My gaze lifted back to her face.


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