DARK FALL (A Back Down Devil MC Romance Novel)

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DARK FALL (A Back Down Devil MC Romance Novel) Page 8

by London Casey

  “Just go away,” Kaity said.

  There was no way she could hear this right now. A guy like Blaine was dangerous. Crazy. Wild. Like Erik, but… more.

  “I’m not going away,” Blaine said. “Erik had his fun out there. He’ll crash there, too. I’m here for you, sweetheart. You open the door for me and I’ll take you places you never knew existed.”

  “I… I’m not…”

  “Is that what you want tonight?” Blaine asked. “To be in there alone… thinking about that woman guzzling on Erik…”

  “Fuck you,” Kaity whispered. “Fuck. Just stop.”

  “Come on, open up.”

  “I don’t want to.”

  “There is no wants… just needs.”

  Kaity closed her eyes and she saw the woman again. On her knees. Head bobbing up and down. The look on Erik’s face. Cocky. Sexy. Enjoying the pleasure. Maybe enjoying it more because Kaity was watching.

  With her eyes still shut, Kaity turned the knob and opened the door.

  Blaine stood with his thumbs hooked in his jeans again. He had a little smile on his face.

  “He wants me to fuck you,” Blaine said. “He wants me to do to you what he didn’t do… maybe what he couldn’t do.”

  Kaity put her arms to her sides. She just stood there.

  Blaine stepped forward. Kaity didn’t step back. When his body touched hers, she felt nothing. His smell overwhelmed her. He stunk like dirty man and smoke.

  “It’s okay, sweetheart,” Blaine said. “I’ll fuck you nice and slow first… then it’ll get wild.”

  Blaine put his cheek to Kaity’s. He let out a breath and sighed. His hands touched Kaity’s waist. Before Kaity knew what she was doing, she jumped and wrapped her legs around Blaine.

  “Fuck yeah,” Blaine whispered.

  He rushed to the bed, his hands down around Kaity’s ass. Kaity felt that Blaine was hard. He tossed her to the bed and then hovered over her. Kaity gripped the sheets like she had done earlier with Erik. Blaine was right there. His body touching hers. His face inches away. The room was hot and stuffy; the night (or morning) was a complete fucking mess.

  Blaine moved down and Kaity turned her head. Blaine’s nose squished against her cheek and he pulled away.

  “No, no,” Blaine said. “Fucking no.”

  “Blaine,” Kaity said. “Blaine…”

  “Keep saying my name, sweetheart.”

  Blaine’s hand touched her stomach. He inched up until his fingers started to move over her breast.

  That’s when Kaity closed her eyes tight and let out a whimper. She didn’t want to cry. She didn’t mean to cry. But this wasn’t supposed to be happening. Kaity should have been in the backseat of her car like she had planned. She was supposed to be able to keep moving so she could escape the memories of Brad.

  “Erik wants this,” Blaine said.

  Kaity opened her glossy eyes. “I don’t. Get the fuck off me.”

  Blaine moved his hand from Kaity’s breast to her hair. He ran his hand through her hair and smiled.

  “I’ll be easy,” Blaine said. “You don't have to do anything.”

  Kaity moved her right leg and thrust up with her knee. She connected with Blaine’s hard dick and he jumped back.

  “What the fu…”

  Kaity swung her foot again, connecting harder. Blaine screamed and grabbed himself. He fell back until he hit a wall. Then he laughed. The crazy son of a bitch laughed.

  “Okay,” he said. “I get it, sweetheart.”

  Kaity forced herself to sit up. She felt disgusting. She felt like Blaine’s smell would be tattooed on her body forever. She wanted to burn the clothes she wore.

  When Blaine started to walk toward her again, Kaity lifted her foot. Blaine grabbed her foot and smiled.

  “Calm down,” he said. “I do crazy shit, sweetheart, but only to those who are willing.”

  Kaity lowered her foot. Blaine slowly sat next to her on the bed.

  “I’m sorry,” Kaity whispered.

  “I know,” Blaine said. “You’ll never know what it’s like. But that’s your loss, not mine.” Blaine looked at Kaity. “I can’t tell you a thing about Erik. Not my place. But damn, if this is something you want, sweetheart, you better have a big heart and a big fight in you. He’s in a dark place right now. Stuck between living and dying. And he has every right to be.”

  “Maybe I’m the same way,” Kaity said.

  Blaine reached and ran his thumb down Kaity’s cheek. “Nah. You’re too beautiful. Don’t forget what I said though. He’s not coming back tonight. If you sleep, you’re alone. I’m going to take off, sweetheart. Need to find someone to help with my own situation.”


  Kaity leaned in and kissed Blaine’s cheek.

  “Watch yourself,” he warned. “My cock is throbbing.”

  “Just go,” Kaity said.

  Blaine stood and left the bedroom, closing the door behind him. Kaity sat there alone for a few minutes, not sure again whether to cry or scream. She looked to her right and saw the pillows. It had been a while since she was able to sleep in a bed. It could do some good. Tomorrow she would get her car and be done with all this.

  Kaity turned off the light and got into the bed. The darkness blanketed her. The bed smelled of sex and Erik. She gripped the sheets tight and wished Erik would come into the room… and come into her.

  Before Kaity fell asleep, a thought came to her.

  What am I doing here?


  The next morning Kaity was awake early. She was still tired but couldn’t sleep. Nothing felt right. The other side of the bed was empty. When she looked at the door she couldn’t help but wonder what Erik was doing. Where he was. If that woman was still with him. Or if they did more last night.

  It made Kaity angry. She refused to believe she was jealous.

  Jealous of what?

  It wasn’t like she and Erik were… whatever.

  Kaity opened the door and walked the same path as the night before. Last time she thought she would find Erik with the rest of the bikers. She thought she would do something seductive and flirty - bite her lip, touch herself gently, anything to get Erik’s attention - and then they would have spent the night in his bed.

  This morning was much different.

  Kaity counted six men asleep at tables. Some were face down in their own arms. Other had their arms dangling and their cheeks pressed against the table.

  And then there was Erik.

  Sitting in the same spot as the night before, Erik had his head back as he slept. One hand gripping the arm of the couch, the other on the couch. Kaity crept forward and let out a small whimper when she saw that Erik’s pants were still unzipped. For a split second she thought about reaching in them. She wanted to show Erik what he had missed out on last night. It made no sense to her why he decided to have some random woman pleasure him instead of her. Unless Erik was with someone and never said anything.

  The thoughts felt like a weight on Kaity’s chest. She turned and moved away from Erik.

  “Hey, do you want some coffee?”

  Kaity froze and spotted a guy behind the bar. He was wide eyed, smiling; definitely not a real biker kind of guy.


  The guy poured a cup of coffee and put the sugar and creamer on the bar.

  “Are you with Erik?” he asked.

  “Yeah,” Kaity said. “I guess.”

  “You his old lady?”


  The guy nodded. “Maybe soon. Have a good morning and let me know if you’re hungry.”

  Kaity took the coffee black and walked to the clubhouse door. She walked outside and the already warm morning sun spread across her face. She could smell the ocean breeze. Seagulls cawed as they flew above, awake and making plans for their busy day of gathering scraps.

  Kaity walked to the line of motorcycles and stood there. She sipped the coffee and wrinkled her nose. It tasted like sh
it, but it was coffee. She needed the caffeine. The line of motorcycles was really cool and intimidating. She reached out and touched the front wheels on a few of them. How many of these rides had seen blood? Bullets? Had been part of someone dying?

  The thought gave her goosebumps.

  The parking lot was quiet. The gate at the end of the compound was shut. Next to the clubhouse were a few small buildings, a couple big ones, and then what looked like an underground garage area.

  Kaity walked to the gates and stood there. She wasn't sure which side had more freedom. Out there, she could go anywhere she wanted. In here, she was trapped, but she was under the protection of the MC. Strong men willing to help for a price. Kaity had once dealt with a much smaller motorcycle club when she worked undercover for Brad, but they were nothing like Back Down Devil. The other club was only six guys dealing drugs and getting too high for their own good. Back Down Devil was much more organized, much stronger, a force of their own.

  Kaity drank half the coffee and called it quits on the nasty, bitter taste.

  A green car came down the street and turned as though it was going to come into the parking lot. Instead, it turned so that its passenger mirror scraped against the gate. The window rolled down and the driver threw something out of the window. It hit the gate and fell to the ground.

  The car sped away.

  Kaity looked down and saw a little brown box. Bending her knees, Kaity stuck her hand through the gate and grabbed the box. She turned and started to walk back toward the clubhouse. Halfway there, Kaity realized what she had just done. Someone threw a package at the gate of the lot. It may have been a simple package, but it could have been a fucking bomb.

  Kaity rushed to a table. She threw her coffee down and then gently placed the little brown box down. For whatever reason, a sense of bravery overcame her. She grabbed a piece of tape and pulled it across the small package.

  Leaning down, Kaity put her ear to the box and listened for a ticking of some kind. She didn't hear anything. Kaity ducked down to shield herself as she slowly lifted the flaps open on the box. There was no explosion. Kaity reached up and hit the box, tipping it over. She waited again for an explosion, but there was none.

  Kaity slowly stood and looked down at the table.

  There definitely wasn't a bomb.

  But there was a finger.

  A human severed finger.

  It was slightly curled, pointing at Kaity.

  The coffee in her stomach churned and she bent over to throw up.

  Instead, she screamed.


  Erik opened his eyes and his neck hurt. He stared straight ahead and looked around the clubhouse. It took him a few seconds to fully wake up. The night slowly came back to him, along with a headache and the realization that his pants were still open.

  “Fuck,” he whispered.

  He zipped his pants and forced himself to stand. He stretched his neck and cracked his knuckles. The smell of coffee and grease caught his attention so Erik went to the bar. He put a fist down and someone was there to take his order.

  A mug of coffee was presented to him and he drank the whole thing in one big gulp. It burned, it was bitter, but it was necessary.

  “Bacon,” he said. “A lot of it.”

  “You got it,” the guy behind the bar said. He returned a minute later with a heaping plate of bacon. “That woman got her coffee and went outside a few minutes ago.”

  “What woman?”

  “The one you were with.”

  “Black hair?”

  “No. Lighter brown hair. Pretty face.”


  “You think my woman is pretty?” Erik asked.

  “Well, yes. If you don't mind me saying.”

  “Don’t say it again. Get out of my face.”

  The guy walked away. Erik peered to the front door. He curled his lip, wondering what the hell Kaity was doing outside. Maybe she was climbing over the gate and leaving.

  Good. Go. Bye.

  Erik then remembered everything he had said to Blaine the night before. Knowing Blaine, he would have definitely pursued it. There was nothing Blaine liked more than pussy. Especially pussy that came from the outside, like Kaity’s. And after what Kaity had seen, she might have just given herself up to Blaine out of desperation and annoyance.


  Erik looked at the wall of booze behind the bar and wondered if it was too early for a shot. Erik shoved two full pieces of bacon into his mouth and enjoyed their greasy taste. His right foot was on the floor, tempting him to go outside and check. To see if Kaity was still there.

  What if she was? What would happen then? Erik owed nobody an explanation. He never answered to anyone before and he wouldn't start now. Especially to a woman.

  After getting a second cup of coffee, Erik ate another piece of bacon. He lifted the coffee mug to his lips and heard a scream. It was a harrowing scream and Erik immediately knew it was Kaity’s voice.

  “What the hell,” Erik said.

  He dropped the coffee mug and it tipped over. He dove from the bar and ran to the door. After damn near tearing it off its hinges, he yelled, “GET HELP!” and charged outside. He looked around and saw Kaity on her hands and knees next to a table.

  “Kaity!” he bellowed as he ran to her.

  He dropped down and touched her back. She turned her head and looked at him. He moved her hair out of her face. Kaity swatted a hand at him.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “The fucking box,” Kaity said. “Get it the fuck away from me.”

  “Are you hurt?” Erik asked.


  Erik stood and stared down at Kaity. She sat up on her knees and ran a hand through her hair. It was no surprise that his first thought was that she was at the perfect height to suck his dick.

  He moved away and looked at the table.

  “Oh fuck,” Erik said at the sight of the finger.

  It was a pinky finger.

  He shook his head, knowing it was another one of Jonesy’s fingers.

  “Kaity, come here right now,” Erik said.

  “I’m fine,” she said.

  Erik wasn’t going to take bullshit from a woman. He reached down and grabbed Kaity’s arm.

  “I gave you a fucking order,” he bellowed.

  Kaity thrashed, but Erik knew he was stronger. He grabbed her other arm and lifted Kaity to her feet. He planted her down and then spun her around. Now wasn’t the time for baby bullshit and jealousy.

  When Kaity spun, she swung a fist - not a hand, but a fist - and connected with Erik’s face. It made his head snap back and actually shocked him. He’d been bitch-slapped hundreds of times in his life, but never punched by a woman.

  “Holy fuck,” he said, rubbing his chin.

  Kaity winced and cradled her fist.

  “How did that feel?” he asked.

  “Good,” Kaity whispered.

  “What the hell are you doing out here? How did that get here?” Erik pointed to the finger.

  “Whose is that?”

  “I asked you a fucking question,” Erik said. “Do you not realize this is life or death here?”

  “Are you going to kill me? Why did you bring me here?”

  Erik shook his head. “Christ. Just answer the question.”

  “I walked to the gate and a car pulled up and threw the package out the window. Okay? I took it and then realized maybe it was a bomb or something.”

  “So you opened it?” Erik yelled.

  What the hell is wrong with this woman? Seriously…

  “I know what I’m doing,” Kaity said.

  She looked so shaken up.

  Erik moved slow and reached for Kaity’s wrists. He took them and pulled her up. She fell forward and crashed against his body. His arms were around her and he squeezed tight.

  “That was stupid to do,” Erik said.

  “Maybe. I don’t know. I woke up this morning, alone, and was going to
just leave. I’m in the way, obviously.”

  “Because of what you saw last night?”

  “It doesn’t matter.”

  “You’re right. It doesn’t.” Anger moved through Erik’s body. “Did Blaine… last night…”

  Kaity moved away from Erik. “Yeah. He came to the room. Said you sent him to take care of me.”

  Erik opened his mouth but before he could speak, the door opened and out came Miller, Gaige, Nate, and Blaine. They ran to the table and all froze in place. Each man offered their own fuck. Miller turned and punched a thin metal sign, knocking it off the wall to the ground.

  “This is out of hand,” Gaige said. “He’s going to kill Jonesy limb by limb.”

  “Fuck,” Miller growled again.

  “How did it get in here?” Blaine asked.

  “Kaity found it,” Erik said. “Thought it was a bomb so she took care of it.”

  “You know how to diffuse a bomb?” Nate asked looking right at Kaity.

  Erik stepped in front of Kaity. “What does it matter? What are we going to do about this?”

  “Give me a minute here,” Gaige said. “Christ.”

  “Take her the hell inside,” Miller ordered Erik.

  Erik grabbed Kaity by the arm and walked her back into the clubhouse. Kaity pulled and twisted, breaking free of Erik’s hold.

  “Hey!” he yelled.

  He reached again but Kaity was faster. She threw a barstool to the ground. Erik tripped into it, then stepped on it, breaking one of the wooden legs. Kaity came at him, swinging at his face again. This time, Erik moved to side and dodged the punch. He never had a woman try to attack him before.

  She was wild.

  Erik took his chance and grabbed Kaity by the waist. He lifted her into the air, sat her on the bar and forced himself between her legs. With one hand, he held her wrists behind her back. It made it so Kaity’s chest pressed against Erik’s chest. He tried not to think about it, but that was fucking impossible. Those ample, firm breasts pressing so hard…


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