Revolution: Book Three of the Secret World Chronicle

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Revolution: Book Three of the Secret World Chronicle Page 1

by Mercedes Lackey

  Table of Contents




  CHAPTER ONE: Killing Time

  by Dennis Lee

  CHAPTER TWO: Stone Cold

  by Mercedes Lackey and Cody Martin

  CHAPTER THREE: Hole Hearted

  by Mercedes Lackey and Dennis Lee

  CHAPTER FOUR: Dare to Be Stupid

  by Mercedes Lackey and Cody Martin

  CHAPTER FIVE: Firefight

  by Mercedes Lackey and Cody Martin

  CHAPTER SIX: Nox Aurumque (Night and Gold)

  by Mercedes Lackey

  CHAPTER SEVEN: Chasing Shadows

  by Mercedes Lackey and Cody Martin

  CHAPTER EIGHT: Run Through the Jungle

  by Mercedes Lackey and Cody Martin

  CHAPTER NINE: Obsessions

  by Mercedes Lackey and Cody Martin

  CHAPTER TEN: Leap of Faith

  by Mercedes Lackey and Cody Martin

  CHAPTER ELEVEN: The Seven Deadly Virtues

  by Mercedes Lackey and Cody Martin


  by Mercedes Lackey

  CHAPTER THIRTEEN: Smoke and Mirrors

  by Dennis Lee and Mercedes Lackey


  by Dennis Lee and Mercedes Lackey

  CHAPTER FIFTEEN: Bedlam Ballroom

  by Mercedes Lackey and Cody Martin

  CHAPTER SIXTEEN: Brothers in Blood

  by Dennis Lee and Mercedes Lackey


  by Mercedes Lackey and Cody Martin


  by Mercedes Lackey

  CHAPTER NINETEEN: Mother Knows Best

  by Veronica Giguere

  CHAPTER TWENTY: Leap into the Wind

  by Mercedes Lackey and Dennis Lee

  CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE: You Have to Believe We Are Magic

  by Mercedes Lackey and Veronica Giguere


  by Mercedes Lackey and Cody Martin


  by Cody Martin and Mercedes Lackey

  CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR: "Heart Like a Wheel"

  by Cody Martin and Mercedes Lackey


  by Mercedes Lackey and Cody Martin

  CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX: You're Only Human

  by Veronica Giguere and Mercedes Lackey


  by Mercedes Lackey and Cody Martin


  by Mercedes Lackey, Dennis Lee, and Cody Martin


  by Mercedes Lackey

  CHAPTER THIRTY: Here with Me

  by Mercedes Lackey and Cody Martin

  CHAPTER THIRTY-ONE: Running up that Hill

  by Mercedes Lackey and Cody Martin

  CHAPTER THIRTY-TWO: Fire on the Mountain

  by Mercedes Lackey, Dennis Lee, and Cody Martin

  CHAPTER THIRTY-THREE: Where There is Light

  by Mercedes Lackey and Cody Martin


  Book Three of the


  Created by Mercedes Lackey & Steve Libbey

  Written by


  with Cody Martin, Dennis Lee & Veronica Giguere

  Edited by Larry Dixon


  Book Three of the Secret World Chronicle

  by Mercedes Lackey

  It’s go time once again for the meta-heroes including fire-bender John Murdock, hacker-witch Vikki Nagy, healer Belladona Blue, super-quick Mercurye–and most of all for their ghostly ally, Seraphym, the spirit of the world Verdegris knows he must trap and destroy her if he is to take down the metas.

  From New York Times best-seller and science fiction and fantasy mistress of adventure Mercedes Lackey together with a team of topnotch collaborators, the third entry in the blockbuster saga of superpowers–and the very human men and women who must learn to wield them.



  The Lark and the Wren

  The Robin and the Kestrel

  The Eagle and the Nightingales

  The Free Bards

  Four & Twenty Blackbirds

  Bardic Choices: A Cast of Corbies (with Josepha Sherman)

  The Fire Rose

  The Wizard of Karres (with Eric Flint & Dave Freer)


  Fiddler Fair

  Brain Ships (with Anne McCaffrey & Margaret Ball)

  The Sword of Knowledge (with C.J. Cherryh, Leslie Fish & Nancy Asire)

  Bedlam’s Bard (with Ellen Guon)

  Beyond World’s End (with Rosemary Edghill)

  Spirits White as Lightning (with Rosemary Edghill)

  Mad Maudlin (with Rosemary Edghill)

  Music to My Sorrow (with Rosemary Edghill)

  Bedlam’s Edge (ed. with Rosemary Edghill)


  Chrome Circle (with Larry Dixon)

  The Chrome Borne (with Larry Dixon)

  The Otherworld (with Larry Dixon & Mark Shepherd)


  This Scepter’d Isle

  Ill Met by Moonlight

  By Slanderous Tongues

  And Less Than Kind


  by Mercedes Lackey, Eric Flint & Dave Freer

  The Shadow of the Lion

  This Rough Magic

  Much Fall of Blood


  Invasion (with Steve Libbey, Cody Martin & Dennis Lee)

  World Divided (with Cody Martin, Dennis Lee & Veronica Giguere)

  Revolution (with Cody Martin, Dennis Lee & Veronica Giguere)

  Revolution: Book Three of the Secret World Chronicle

  This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional, and any resemblance to real people or incidents is purely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2014 by Mercedes Lackey, Cody Martin, Dennis Lee, & Veronica Giguere

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form.

  A Baen Books Original

  Baen Publishing Enterprises

  P.O. Box 1403

  Riverdale, NY 10471

  ISBN: 978-1-4516-3932-2

  Cover art by Larry Dixon

  First Baen printing, January 2014

  Distributed by Simon & Schuster

  1230 Avenue of the Americas

  New York, NY 10020

  10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

  Pages by Joy Freeman (

  Printed in the United States of America

  Electronic Version by Baen Books

  eISBN: 978-1-62579-219-8


  Ascendant (“with an ‘a’”) of Virtue server, City of Heroes


  Donald “Tre” Chipman

  We miss you dreadfully


  “Hole Hearted” Extreme

  “Dare to be Stupid” Weird Al Yankovic

  “Firefight” Blackguard

  “Nox Aurumque (Night and Gold)” lyrics: Charles Anthony Silvestri; music: Eric Whitacre

  “Chasing Shadows” Deep Purple

  “Run Through the Jungle” Creedance Clearwater Revival

s” The Subways

  “Leap of Faith” Bruce Springsteen

  “The Seven Deadly Virtues” Lerner and Loewe

  “In One Ear” Iron Chic

  “Smoke and Mirrors” Gotye

  “Bedlam Ballroom” Squirrel Nut Zipp9rs

  “Terminal” Static-X

  “Resolution” VnV Nation

  “Mother Knows Best” Beccy Cole

  “You Have To Believe We Are Magic” Olivia Newton-John

  “Enemy Mine” Beloved Enemy

  “Heaven Beside You” Alice In Chains

  “Heart Like A Wheel” Human League

  “You’re Only Human” Billy Joel

  “Save Me” Remy Zero

  “Descent” Fear Factory

  “Testament” VnV Nation

  “Here With Me” Dido

  “Running Up That Hill” Kate Bush

  “Fire On The Mountain” Grateful Dead

  “Where There Is Light” VnV Nation

  We would also like to thank Eben Waters and Gigi Troemel who made the winning bids in two charity auctions to have their characters Paperback Rider and Frankentrain respectively meet a horrible, but heroic death in this volume. Their characters were so engaging and so different, instead of a mere page or two, they integrated seamlessly into the chapter “Descent.” Thank you both! You rock!


  Vickie took a deep breath and another look at the clock. Speed-reading through this compilation wasn’t taking as long as she’d feared. Looked like she was going to get it done before Zero Hour. She went back to adding notes.

  So, whoever you are that’s reading this . . . there we were. In shambles. Alex Tesla dead, Bulwark in a coma, and the vilest man on earth in charge of Echo. Thulians still free to do their pop-up attacks, the US Government making noises about taking Echo over, or at least the parts on American soil. Most people would just have lain right down there and given up.

  But maybe we were too stupid. Or too stubborn. Or both.

  And the stubbornest, maybe the stupidest, and maybe the most desperate, were Acrobat and Scope.


  Killing Time


  There were many things they could train into you. They could drill you, make you practice until your body screamed in protest, and when all else failed, they could beat it into you. Pain was a great motivator, after all. But what they couldn’t change, at the very heart of it, was who you were.

  Bruno had been put through the steps from the moment he had joined Echo. Everything had to happen on a schedule, something he had not been prepared for. He had come to them as a simple kid with a meta talent for balance and coordination, but with nothing approaching the discipline needed to become a fighter. For him to achieve the proper maturity to be a valued member of Echo required time and patience, something his trainers had little of. It wasn’t until reassignment, until Bulwark, who had picked him up, dusted him off, and with a brutal level of emotional detachment, had hurled him through the steps of his own personal boot camp, that Bruno had begun to show signs of improvement.

  You went through the steps, and you did them again and again and again until you got them right. And you kept doing them, until the muscle memory stuck, and before you knew it, you were dashing across uneven terrain riddled with gunfire, you were anticipating your opponents’ strikes and formulating blocks and counters, you were learning how to disarm bombs and provide basic CPR in the eventuality of your medic falling in the field. You learned all these things that could even become second nature to you, but they could never train you for everything. Even if they could, there were areas they wouldn’t touch, they couldn’t, not without stepping over certain lines. As much as Echo needed fighters, needed well-honed warriors in the field, they had always drawn the line at making cold-blooded soldiers of their metas. There was something in the initial charter that stressed the strength of individualism in the meta-powered backbone of Echo’s security forces. They would show you how to hold a gun, how to clean and fire one, but they weren’t about drilling you on how to feel about it. It was something they left to individual morals and experience.

  As he kicked in the door to the safe house and raced in, pistol first, Bruno wished that perhaps he had spent at least a little time auditing a firearms training course with a more emotional slant. “You and Your Inner Gun 101” might have done wonders for him. The solid chunk of metal and reinforced polymers had never felt right in his hands. He had never actually had cause to shoot anyone, even in combat, preferring to stay with his strengths of evasion and basic hand-to-hand training. He had spent enough time on a firing range, and he was reasonably confident of his aim, though you’d never know it from the way his hands trembled around the grip. He had all the training in the world, but he wondered if anything would ever make squeezing the trigger on another life a part of him.

  It was Scope who had insisted on it. “We’re going to be barging in, and we have to move fast, Bruno! Use the surprise, get her on the immediate defensive. What would you feel more threatened by? The barrel of a magnum pointed at your head, or those little chew-toys you call your fists?”

  She had a point. If only his hands would stop shaking.

  “Clear!” Scope’s voice, heavy with disgust, rang out from the next room. Bruno lowered his weapon in relief. No, he didn’t think he would ever get used to a gun. What part of himself would he lose if he ever fired a slug into another person? He hoped he would never know.

  The safe house was, as is typical, in the middle of nowhere. They had come here chasing yet another lead on Harmony, but from the dismay in Scope’s voice it was clear that, once again, they were too late. With each lead, they found themselves just steps behind her, but the trail was always cold when they arrived. Except for the bodies. Each time, there was always a corpse left in her wake.

  This time wasn’t an exception. Bruno joined Scope in a small makeshift office at the back of the cabin, and found Harmony’s mark sitting in his chair and slumped over his desk. Scope had fingers pressed to his neck. Bruno gave her a questioning look, and she simply nodded. This one was an inventor, an applied physicist, and like the others they had found him cold and lifeless, without a single mark on him, left as a rotting husk which would surely yield little more than probable signs of a stroke or heart attack.

  He’d hoped with each new body they found, it would be easier. Like the thought of firing a bullet into a human being, each time hit him just as hard. So much for ease through experience. It was times like these that Bruno wondered if he was really cut out for this.

  “This is getting stupid,” Scope muttered and collapsed on a nearby couch. “We’re never going to catch up to her at this rate.”

  “She’s too fast,” Bruno agreed. “Anytime we get wind of one of her jobs, she’s already done it and gone. Same MO too. She leaves them without anything traceable, just drains them.”

  “Yeah,” Scope said, covering her face with tired hands. “What the hell, do the sweep anyway. Maybe she left something behind this time.”

  Bruno shrugged and began searching through the cabin for something, anything, that might give them a clue to what and where Harmony was planning next. He didn’t expect to find anything, they never did, and they would have to start at square one again, waiting to hear from questionable contacts about the latest assassination attempts with rumored links to Blacksnake.

  As he searched, he found his thoughts sifting through old memories, back to a time when he had first met Scope and Harmony. As new recruits, they were a bit of a mess. Harmony had barely spoken, and when she did she quickly became agitated to a frenzied pitch of anxiety. She had shuffled about, her head down, her face hidden behind her long, golden hair. If you so much as touched her lightly on the shoulder, she would scream and run about while wringing her hands, like an unleashed banshee. Bruno remembered the first time Harm had lost it, how Scope had rolled her eyes, muttering that she was in hell. In those days, Scope walked aroun
d with a strut. Her attitude was simple: everything was under control, and everything was beneath her. She found fault in everything they did, and made a point to let them know the correct methods to fastening their gear, to assembling their firearms, even how to tie up their laces. At the time, she wasn’t what one would call a team player. Her disdain for their basic training regime, their limited field tasks, and her teammates, ensured they all kept a safe distance from her. Bruno was the opposite. All he wanted was to fit in, to be part of a team. His eagerness to be useful might have been commendable, if he didn’t fail at almost everything he did. He did everything wrong, and from a deep desire to make the grade, he was constantly second-guessing himself. It led to bad decisions, to fumbles and trips and falls over routine maneuvers he had done hundreds of times before. What he lacked was what Scope seemed to have in abundance—self-confidence. It took months to realize that Scope’s facade of inhuman superiority was simply overcompensation. Scope demanded a lot of herself, and others. She wanted to be the perfect soldier, the quintessential Echo warrior, but at heart she wasn’t so different from him. They both lacked any real sense of self-worth.


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