on the Border collie “eye,” [>]–[>]
Border Collies in America, [>], [>]–[>]
on Border collies’ reasoning ability, [>]–[>]
popularizing Border collies in the United States, [>]
training of Nickey, [>]
on trusting Border collies’ instincts, [>]
See also Arizona Sheepdog (movie); Nick/Nickey (Border collie); Old Tweed (Border collie); Rock (Border collie)
American Kennel Club (AKC), obedience exercises, [>]
American Psychological Association. See APA (American Psychological Association)
anecdotal evidence, scientific skepticisms about, [>]
Animal Cognition (journal), [>]–[>]
animal learning experiments
and animals’ ability to draw inferences, [>], [>]
and field experience, anecdotal evidence, [>]
procedures, [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]
and search for general principles of learning, [>]–[>]
using Blue and Timber, [>]
using Yasha and Grindle, [>]–[>], [>], [>], [>], [>]
See also Clever Hans effect; operant learning/conditioning; testing; Blue; Grindle; Timber; Yasha
Annie (Mutt), [>]–[>]
antecedents, behaviors and consequences (ABCs), [>], [>]
APA (American Psychological Association) conference, Washington, D.C., [>]–[>]
aptitudes, aligning ambitions with, [>]
Arizona Sheepdog (movie), [>]–[>], [>]
attention-seeking behaviors, [>]
Ayers, Mike, [>]
ball, as common noun, teaching Chaser to recognize, [>]–[>], [>]. See also common nouns
Barcelona Zoo, Snowflake at, [>]–[>]
“bark” command, [>]
beach ball, Chaser’s game with, [>]
behavioral change, and non-reinforcement, [>]–[>]
inhibiting, approach to, [>]–[>]
instinctual, components, [>]
learning, starting at the end, [>]
See also instincts, instinctual behaviors; training
Behavioural Processes (journal), Pilley-Reid paper in, [>], [>], [>]–[>]
Ben (Border collie), [>]
Beowulf, [>]
Bianchi, Aidan, [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>], [>], [>]–[>], [>]–[>], [>], [>], [>]–[>]
Bianchi, Jay, [>], [>], [>]–[>], [>]–[>], [>]–[>], [>]
Big Corky, Green River, South Carolina, [>]–[>]
Billy (cat), [>]
Bimbo (German shepherd mix), [>]–[>], [>], [>]
bin, dropping toys into, [>]–[>], [>], [>]–[>], [>]
Bloom, Paul
on ability of dogs to learn categories, [>]
on children’s learning vs. dogs,’ [>]
on the Clever Hans effect, [>]
criticisms of the Rico study, [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>]–[>]
Blue (Siberian husky), [>]–[>], [>]–[>]
“Blue,” teaching Chaser to identify, [>]
body language
Chaser’s, [>], [>], [>]
dogs’ ability to read, [>], [>], [>]
as trigger for animal response, [>]
See also Clever Hans effect
bonobos, [>], [>]
“Border Collie Comprehends Object Names as Verbal Referents” (Pilley and Reid), publication and response, [>]–[>]
Border collies, [>]–[>], [>]–[>]
athleticism, [>]
bonding with people, [>], [>], [>]–[>], [>]–[>]
capacity for creative learning, [>], [>], [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>]
coat color, [>]
common commands used with, [>]
dedication to herding work, [>]–[>], [>]–[>], [>]–[>]
devotion shown by, [>]
the “eye,” [>], [>]–[>]
focus on last word spoken, [>]
herding instinct, [>], [>], [>], [>]–[>]
life span, [>]
listening ability, [>]
need to work, [>], [>]
physical appearance, [>]
problem-solving skills, [>], [>]–[>], [>]–[>]
sensitivity to speech and tone of voice, [>], [>], [>]
skill at working with humans, [>], [>]
from West’s Flint Hill Farm, [>]
Border Collies in America (Allen), [>], [>]–[>]
“Border Collie Takes Record for Biggest Vocabulary” (Griggs), [>], [>]–[>]
Bott, Chris, [>]
brain injury and language acquisition, [>]
Brand, Russell, [>]
Brooklyn, New York, [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]–[>], [>]–[>], [>]–[>], [>], [>], [>]
Call, Josep, [>]
Campion, Eileen, [>]–[>]
“Can a Dog Learn Nouns, Verbs, Adverbs, and Prepositions?” (Pilley), [>]–[>], [>]. See also “Border Collie Comprehends Object Names as Verbal Referents”; “Collie Demonstrates Referential Understanding”
instinctive understanding, [>]–[>]
toddlers’ understanding of word categories, [>], [>], [>], [>]
See also common nouns
Chaser (Border collie)
appearance, [>]–[>]
eagerness for interaction/friendship with people, [>]–[>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]
as family member, [>]–[>], [>], [>]–[>], [>]
online news about, viral spread, [>]
“Chaser and Her Toys: What a Dog Teaches Us About Cognition” (Pilley), [>]
of cars, training Chaser to stop, [>]–[>], [>], [>]–[>]
as dangerous behavior, [>]
as instinctive behavior, [>], [>]
children. See toddlers, young children
chimpanzees, [>]
circus dogs, training methods, [>]–[>]
classical conditioning, [>]–[>]
“clean up” command, [>]–[>], [>]
Clever Hans effect
addressing in study design, [>], [>], [>]–[>]
avoidance of, by Rico researchers, [>]
as involuntary cuing, [>]
and the original Clever Hans, [>]
closed-ended learning/teaching approaches, [>]
Coffey, Eddie, [>]
cognitive potential. See learning potential, Chaser’s
“Collie Demonstrates Referential Understanding” (Pilley and Reid), [>]–[>]. See also “Border Collie Comprehends Object Names as Verbal Referents”
combinatorial understanding, [>]–[>]
“come by” command, [>], [>]
“come” command, [>], [>]–[>]
“to” command, meaning of to Chaser, [>]–[>]
basic, teaching early, [>]–[>]
dogs’ ignoring of, [>]–[>]
See also language learning; training
common nouns
Chaser’s understanding of, [>], [>], [>]–[>]
learning process, [>], [>]–[>], [>]–[>]
testing understanding of, [>]–[>]
Comparative Cognition Society, [>]
compassion. See empathy
complex behaviors, teaching, [>]
compliment-giving experiment, [>]
conditioning, classical, [>]–[>]. See also operant learning/conditioning
and dogs’ behaviors, [>], [>]
understanding of words in, [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]
Coon cat, incident involving, [>]–[>], [>]–[>], [>]–[>]
Corbin, Laura, [>]
corrections, and tone of voice, [>], [>]
Cort, Julia, [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>]–[>]
Craig (Border collie), [>]–[>]
crate training, [>]
“crawl” command, [>]
creative learning
effectiveness as training approach, [>]–[>], [>]–[>], [>]–[>], [>]–[>]
and the importance of play, [>], [>], [>]–[>], [>]–[>], [>]–[>]
bsp; invented games, [>]–[>]
learning about learning from Chaser, [>]–[>]
ongoing role in Chaser’s training, [>]
and operant responses, [>], [>]
and play as a reward, [>]
rote learning vs., [>], [>]
See also play sessions during training
Daily Mail, Witheridge article about Chaser in, [>]
Darwin, Charles
on dogs’ capacity for empathy, [>]
on instinct, [>]
on social intelligence of dogs, [>], [>]
demonstrations, videotaped, at Wofford, [>]–[>]
Deputy Dawg, [>]–[>]
Descartes, René, views about animals, [>], [>], [>]
Dess, Nancy, [>]
“Did Skinner Miss the Point About Teaching?” (Staddon), [>]–[>]
Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood, The, [>]
dogs, Chaser’s disinterest in, [>]–[>], [>], [>]
dogs, domestic
behavior of, as context-sensitive, [>], [>]
critical period for social development, [>]
eagerness for interaction/friendship with people (see also Chaser), [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>], [>], [>]
innate intelligence and learning potential, [>], [>]
juvenile persona, [>]–[>]
mapping abilities, [>]
perceptual and cognitive abilities, [>]–[>]
respecting individuality of, [>]
sensitivity to human gaze, [>]
social intelligence, [>], [>], [>]–[>], [>]
socializing to other dogs, [>]–[>]
See also herding instinct
Don Juan (cat), [>]–[>]
Dorey, Nicole, [>]–[>]
double-blind experiments, [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]–[>]
“do what I do” cues, [>]
“drink” command, [>]–[>], [>]
“drop” command, [>]
ducks, herding of, [>]
Duke University, Reid’s studies at, [>]
Dunlap, Bernie, [>]–[>]
early training/socializing activities, [>], [>]–[>]
[>]-of-[>] test, [>]–[>]
Chaser’s, toward John Pilley, [>]
nonhuman animal capacity for, [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>]
end behaviors, training from, [>]
errorless learning, [>], [>]
errors, Type [>] vs. Type [>], [>]
ethology, [>]
evolution, theory of, [>]
“Evolution of Imitation, The” (Huber, Miklósi, et al.), [>]
exclusion, learning words by, [>], [>], [>]–[>], [>]
eye contact, building in puppies, [>]–[>]
“eye” in Border collies, [>]–[>]
Fafner (golden retriever), [>]
farmers. See sheep farmers, shepherds
“fast fan” game, [>]–[>]
“fast mapping.” See learning by exclusion
“fetch” command, [>], [>]–[>]
“find” command, [>]
Fischer, Julia, [>]
fixed action patterns, in instinct, [>]
Flint Hill Farm, Spartanburg, [>], [>]. See also West, Wayne
“Flipflopper” (Frisbee toy), [>]–[>]
Fluffy (rescue collie), [>]
Frisbee, as a common noun, [>]
Frisbee play, [>]–[>]
“to Frisbee take ball” command, [>]
Gail (Border collie), [>]–[>], [>]–[>]
game-playing, creativity
finding games, [>]
as form of sociability, [>], [>]
herding games, [>]
invented games, [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>]–[>]
keep-away game, [>]–[>], [>], [>], [>]
during Tang Soo Do (tae kwon do) exercises, [>]
in varied animal species, [>]–[>]
when playing with children, [>]–[>]
See also creative learning; play sessions during training
Genius of Dogs, The (Hare and Woods), [>]–[>]
Gibson, Allyson, [>]–[>], [>]–[>], [>]–[>]
Google, references to Chaser on, [>]
“go out” command, [>], [>]
dolphin understanding of, [>], [>]
and inference, [>]
three element sentences, [>], [>], [>]–[>], [>]
two-element sentences, [>]–[>], [>]
See also language learning; semantics; syntax
Grendel, in Beowulf, [>]
Griggs, Jessica, [>]–[>]
Grindle (German shepherd), [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>], [>], [>]
Hare, Brian, [>]–[>], [>], [>]
Harris, Chris, [>]
Heifetz, Jascha, [>]
Chaser’s love for, [>], [>]–[>], [>]–[>], [>]
and Chaser’s relationship to toys, [>], [>]
herding commands, [>]
Johnson’s herding lessons, [>]–[>]
herding instinct
in Border collies, [>], [>], [>]–[>]
and Border collies’ ability to identify sheep by name, [>]
and chasing behaviors, [>]
herding lessons, [>]–[>]
“here” command, [>]
Herman, Louis, [>]–[>]
Hodges, Frank, [>]–[>]
Hogg, James, [>]–[>], [>]–[>]
Hollowell, Gervais, [>]
Holly (miniature schnauzer), [>]
“honest” vs. “dishonest” dogs, [>]
“hoop” command, [>]
Horowitz, Alexandra, [>], [>]
and early accidents, [>]
mother dogs’ natural methods for, [>]
reinforcing, [>], [>]
“How Smart Are Animals” feature (Nova scienceNow), [>], [>], [>]–[>]
Huber, Ludwig, [>]
human-dog relationship. See dogs, domestic
human subjects
applying classical and operant conditioning to, [>]
imagination, and learning, [>], [>]. See also play sessions during training
imitation, learning by
animal capacity for, debates about, [>]
developing Chaser’s capacity for, [>], [>], [>]–[>], [>]–[>]
growing recognition/study of, [>]–[>]
mental inference and, [>]
dogs’ capacity for, [>]–[>]
grammar, [>]
and learning by imitation, [>]
and match-to-sample activities, [>]
role in animal learning, [>], [>]
Inside of a Dog (Horowitz), [>]
instinctive drift, [>]–[>]
instincts, instinctual behaviors
fixed action patterns and releasing stimuli, [>]
power of, [>]–[>]
reflex vs., [>]
utilizing when training, [>], [>]–[>]
See also herding instinct
intensive training, role in Chaser’s success, [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>], [>]
International Journal of Psychology, Staddon article on rote and creative learning, [>]
interspecies social relationship between dogs and people, [>], [>], [>]. See also dogs, domestic, eagerness for interaction/friendship with people
intuitive learning, [>]
involuntary cuing, [>]. See also Clever Hans effect
Jayson, Sharon, [>]–[>], [>], [>]–[>]
Jeb (Miss Lillian’s dog), [>]
Johnson, David, [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>]
approach to raising dogs, [>]–[>]
on the Border collie “eye,” [>]
on Border collies’ dedication to work and devotion to shepherd, [>]–[>], [>]–[>]
on Border collies’ problem-solving skills, [>]–[>]
on empathy and compassion in dogs, [>]–[>]
on “honest” vs. “dishonest” dogs, [>]
on importance of praise when training, [>]–[>]
on reasoning ability of dogs, [>]–[>]
Kaminski, Juliane, [>], [>]
research into dogs’ and other animals’ perceptual and cognitive abilities, [>], [>]
response to Bloom’s critique of Rico study, [>]
“Word Learning in a Domestic Dog” article, [>]
work with match-to-sample, [>]
See also Rico (Border collie)
Kanzi (bonobo), [>]
Kate (Border collie), [>]–[>]
kayaking trips, [>], [>]
keep-away game, [>]–[>]
Keller, Helen, [>], [>]
Kimmel, Jimmy, [>]–[>]
Chaser Page 29