A Bad Boy Billionaire: Forbidden Alpha Male Romance

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A Bad Boy Billionaire: Forbidden Alpha Male Romance Page 4

by Heidi Hunter

  she puts her hands on my cheeks

  and pulls me in for a kiss and

  her taste is in her mouth and

  this excites her even more.

  She's a slut not a whore.

  And she's gone to wait

  for the next time I

  ring her up for

  some other

  type of


  I run


  away and

  stay in Italy

  for two months

  to sample a few.

  Monique close

  to Monica in

  name but the

  way they're

  different is

  evident in

  the bedroom

  as Monique

  isn't paid

  to tell the

  truth and

  yet she

  gives it

  to me as

  she gives

  me head on

  the edge of the

  bed my hands in

  her dark and curly

  hair not pressing or

  guiding, but riding so

  as to feel even more the

  sensation of total release

  of control.

  Her mouth is

  in control of my body and

  her hands twist my nipples

  quick and hard then she

  rubs them all the while

  I am in her mouth and

  aware i'm in there and

  she looks up at me

  suddenly and stares

  into my eyes and I

  know she's in control.

  Her hands on my thighs

  as we break eye contact

  and she goes back to

  concentrating on my

  cock as if it was the

  only source of

  sustenance in

  world so cold

  and cruel and

  the way her



  with the

  tip while

  it was in

  there was

  enough to

  send me

  over the


  and I

  shot a

  load and

  then another

  one came and

  three and four

  were less, but

  I felt each and

  everyone as my

  body rocked and

  shook and then

  she looked up

  and smiled

  with these

  eyes – her

  eyes open

  so wide

  she was

  in her

  30s and

  know how

  to make a man

  happy in more ways

  than one and she climbed

  into bed with me and we

  stared at the ceiling and

  I asked about her life

  when she wasn't

  with me – her

  real life as

  it was


  between us

  and Monique

  told me stories

  of love and life

  that made me

  laugh & cry

  and love her

  even more and

  then a knock on

  the door and it's

  her female friend

  who wants to play

  and I say I don't

  know, not today

  and send them

  both away so

  I can write a



  to you, the world,

  the 99 percent

  buying my


  for pennies

  a word in order

  to somehow know

  or understand me who

  is a collage of literary

  styles and sexual



  After pussy and poetry the come down. The other cum that's not as much fun. I need to run away from society and head to the chain of islands I own. I climb the trees and feed the plants and smoke the weed and sit on the beach. Poetry is my perversion. None of the current line-up of women seem to understand the need to release with words just as often. Maybe this is a problem. I can't fathom another reason as I sit for one then two seasons on the beach near the equator and my only fear is pirates, but money can buy a private army. Just ask John McAfee. No, he's not me. I'm not him.

  After the beach for so long I move on. I check the stats. The money grows despite myself. I hired good people to manage and people to manage the managers and so on. The machine grew daily. In the meantime, I needed pussy to replenish the poetry. Or maybe it was the other way around. Most of the women didn't know I was a poet. Most did know I was rich. But not how much. Never that. A little misdirection and diamond earrings go a long way.

  After finding Holly, I took her to the island to

  bask in the sun and have some fun and I loved

  to watch her run and giggle and she was 42 but

  she had the ass of a 27 year old and the mind of

  a 92 year old. She got me. She knew that I wrote

  poetry, but not what kind, or that she was the muse

  with whom I wanted to hitch my ship and drop my

  anchor into her depths. Moby Dick again. As the sun

  goes down and lowers beneath the water on the horizon

  I go down on her on a blanket on top of the sand and her

  hands reach down and grab my hair and guide me here or

  there until I find the rhythm of her waves and after she's

  over the edge the first time, I crawl up and slowly enter

  her like a pirate entering a trapped treasure cave with

  so much booty a rapscallion could retire with the

  wealth. While she knew I wrote poetry I told

  her I didn't own the island but was island

  sitting for my rich friend I was just the

  poet and as I was inside her I wanted

  to look into her eyes so missionary

  it was in the beginning and her

  eyes stared into mine and

  in between moments

  now etched into

  memory I was

  starting to

  get tired

  so she


  and was on

  top of me as

  I was inside of

  her and she began

  to skillfully ride my

  cock as if a master

  of the ring and

  she even began

  to sing a song

  made up mainly

  of moans and

  groans and a

  few “Oh yes,

  like that. Fill

  me up.” And

  I suppose the

  sand cushioned

  our landing as I

  shot into her just

  as she tightened up

  in midst of an orgasm

  and the white capped

  waves crashed up

  against both of us.

  Half a bottle of rum

  later we chased each

  other naked through

  the island first me

  her and then her

  me when she

  realized as

  my muse

  she was


  in her own

  way. And the

  waves came in

  and out with the

  tide as we came

  together on a path

  and didn't need a

  map to get to where

  we both needed to be.

  I was sad to leave the island,

  but the story couldn't last

  forever. The poem had
br />   to have an end and

  a plane flew in

  and took us

  to Miami

  and this


  I like

  when i'm

  there and we

  shared a few more

  days, but I had to write

  so I told her to go and maybe

  I would see her again someday.

  And the poems became a stage

  play and then a novel and nearly

  toward the end it became a poem

  again. Neatly fitting onto an elec-

  tronic reading device this missive

  typed on an electric monstrosity

  from years gone by and transcribed

  by modern monks I pay to copy my

  words and thoughts, my words are

  yours. Wisdom from the one percent

  drips down. Or maybe I'm just a clown.

  As I've said before, it's the 99-percenters

  who have the power to find true happiness.

  I can be comfortable but never truly happy.

  Or maybe I'm wrong. These Tropics of the

  Moon may trigger a few comments or sighs

  of admiration from afar. Your words turn me

  on at night when I need to sleep. I keep your

  words on my nightstand they say to me and

  they never see me weep. The rich should

  never weep as if emotions would hamper

  the ability to get so far and amass so much

  wealth. I don't talk about the way to the top

  because I'm looking for something besides

  the next step up. I went too many levels

  and now I need to settle for pussy or

  poetry but never the two combined.

  “Do you mind if I smoke?” she asked.

  “Tobacco or green?”

  “Both preferably.”

  “I don't mind...I'm sorry. I've forgotten your name.”

  “You don't know my real name.”

  “That's right. I don't. Not from lack of trying.”

  “Or crying.”

  “I've wept for you?”

  “In front of me in your sleep.”

  “Bad dream probably.”

  “May you have more wet dreams.”

  “I get too much action in waking hours.”

  “You do, do you?”

  “Wouldn't you?”

  “I guess I would. Doesn't it get old?”

  “Everything ages. Entropy is all around us.”

  “Wisdom from an old timer.”

  “I'm not that old.”

  “You're wise beyond your years.”

  “Thanks, dear. Can I put my penis in your mouth?”

  “Why yes, yes you can.”

  From there the descent and the ascent.

  The words and the looks and the gestures

  and facial expressions as the orgasm builds

  up and screams for release. I reach the

  moment of no return and remember

  suddenly the beach, the beaches.

  Plural. Rural women from

  Russia give good head.

  I saw that somewhere

  once. A train station

  maybe. Although I

  haven't taken the

  train in years.

  “What are you thinking about,” she asked.

  “Your pussy.”

  “You were not. I can tell.”

  “You can, can you?”

  “Sometimes but not always.”

  “I was thinking about sex and words, pussy and poetry.”

  “You should write a poem called pussy and poetry.”

  “I think I just did.”

  “Am I in it?”

  “If you want to be.”

  When she left I had to leave the room

  to write because I could smell her still

  and see her on the bed out of the corner

  of my eye and I couldn't get any work

  done or any words down at all. Then a

  call and she's suddenly present again,

  wanting a present perhaps, but I have

  only me to give her on this night as I

  stand and she wraps her legs around

  my waist and we waste many moons

  in the room as we try to learn enough

  about each other to know whether or

  not we'll be able to stand each other

  until the end of time. I no longer

  know if I can break the cycle I

  find myself in anymore. The

  door opens and closes again

  and again as an infinite loop.

  American Women

  For many, the first million dollars are the most dangerous in many different ways. And then the risks increase with each one hundred million you grow. I remember being new to the game. I remember the way her lips tasted after eating a light lunch in the park. The way her hair flowed down naturally yet

  somehow still part of a whole. Beams of light hitting her here and there and me too and the giant oak tree provided shade, but the sun manged to make it through.

  “My love is like solar neutrinos.”

  “But I'd never be able to feel you.”

  “You like feeling me, do you,” I teased.

  “I do.”

  “And it's not just the money?” So new, I still told everyone I met just in case. I'm not sure why now, but I was still adjusting.

  “Of course the money plays a small role, but no bigger than the size of your dick.”

  I wasn't sure if she was putting me down, trying to be clever, or both. I let it slide as I slid my hand across her chest and cupped a breast. I leaned forward and captured her nipple between my lips. We were on some stretch of land I owned with trees and a creek running through. I had my shirt off and shorts on. She reached down and into them, taking me into her hand.

  I sat up. “It's getting late.” I didn't want to start another round with her just yet. I still wasn't sure. Was she just stimulation or was there something deeper? We'd been spending a lot of time together, which worried me. I didn't like to give any single person too large of a block of my time anymore. It seemed to be working, at least for business but not so much with the women.

  “So? It's not the dick comment, is it? I was just kidding.”

  “I know. It's not that.”

  “Then what?”

  “I can't explain it.” I looked into her eyes for the answer and saw vapid emptiness.

  American women were so spoiled compared to the majority of the rest of the population of the planet, but beyond that it was the ignorance of the fact that most had that made them so intolerable. Of course, American men are no better, but there you go.

  I reached down and offered my hand. She accepted the help and stood up. Grabbing the blanket, we started walking toward the house, the mansion, the whatever you want to call it. I hadn't gotten too wild or extreme with real estate yet, but I bought land as if it was not being made anymore.

  “You sure you're not mad?” she asked again as we walked across the manicured lawn.

  “Not mad at you, dear,” I said, looking at her to try to assure her. I must not have done a very good job because I could see a sadness wash over her face. I wasn't well traveled in the world at that point, those early years, so I had no reference point against which to judge American women.

  “Am I going away soon?”

  I laughed. “What do you mean?”

  “I've heard about you, you know.”

  “Oh yeah?” I was intrigued. “What have you heard?”

  “Well, the obsession over the size of your penis for one.”

  “I have no such thing!” I tried to laugh, but it came out too forced.

  “Okay. We can not talk about it.”

  “Seriously, I don't care about the size of my penis anymore.”

  For American men, the size of the bank account, the size of the pile of gold,
the power was more important. Modern magicians could conjure up mixtures of elements in little pill shaped forms to make the snake rise. What mattered to many American men was the money. American women too, but there was still a divide in many ways. The gap was lessening with each passing year, but it was still present.

  We reached the back patio and entered the small kitchen. “Want something to drink?” I asked, heading to a cabinet of liquor.

  “I'd love one.”

  I mixed us both a rum and coke.

  “Only pussies and pirates drink rum,” she told me.

  “Oh? And which one am I?”

  “I'm not sure yet. We just met really.”

  “And there you have it.”

  “Have what?”

  “The answer to your question.”

  “Which question?” At twenty-one years old, her attention span was not expansive.

  “Are you going away soon.”

  “Are you asking me?”

  I sighed. “Nevermind. I'm a pirate. Definitely not a pussy. Pussies don't get power and wealth in this world. It's all messed up.”

  “And you think you have power and wealth?” She took a sip of the heavy on the rum drink.

  “I have a little and getting more all the time. The first million is the hardest.”

  “That's what they all say.” She reached under the table and grabbed me underneath the cotton shorts. I sat back and let her play as I took a drink and tried to not think about how the day had gone. I'd finally surpassed a million and was well on my way to my first hundred milestone, but I'd had to destroy a childhood friend in the process. Well, an acquaintance. Maybe he was never my friend. I kept telling myself that.

  I let out a moan as she unzipped me and my half-hard member popped out. Sitting at the kitchen table of a practically empty mansion getting a hand-job. Had I achieved the American dream? What did Darlene think I want? “What do you think I want?” I asked her suddenly.

  She looked up from my penis, seemingly mesmerized by it. “What?”

  “What do you think I want?”

  “To cum?”

  “Well, yeah, that, but beyond that. What do you think I want from life?”

  “A blowjob instead?”

  I sighed and nodded my head. She smiled as if she got the right answer and bent down and got to work. The job wasn't a pleasant one for her. I could tell by the lack luster performance she put in while going down on me. She made me cum. Afterward, I led her to the front door. She cried a little, but I told her I would call her sometime. American women are used to being lied to on a regular basis by everyone around them.

  I spent the rest of the night alone, smoking high-grade marijuana and writing on my laptop while sitting on the balcony of my first large home. I was almost to $100 million. I felt as if going from one to one hundred was as difficult as getting that first million. Already my sense of time and place were sent into hysterics due to the gravity produced by all the money I was accumulating. A poet who made money? Who would've thought. With the poetics of coding and making the machines do my will, I had come up.


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