History of Tom Jones, a Foundling

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History of Tom Jones, a Foundling Page 183

by Henry Fielding

  Chapter vii.

  In which Mr Western pays a visit to his sister, in company with MrBlifil.

  Mrs Western was reading a lecture on prudence, and matrimonialpolitics, to her niece, when her brother and Blifil broke in with lessceremony than the laws of visiting require. Sophia no sooner sawBlifil than she turned pale, and almost lost the use of all herfaculties; but her aunt, on the contrary, waxed red, and, having allher faculties at command, began to exert her tongue on the squire.

  "Brother," said she, "I am astonished at your behaviour; will younever learn any regard to decorum? Will you still look upon everyapartment as your own, or as belonging to one of your country tenants?Do you think yourself at liberty to invade the privacies of women ofcondition, without the least decency or notice?"----"Why, what a poxis the matter now?" quoth the squire; "one would think I had caughtyou at--"--"None of your brutality, sir, I beseech you," answeredshe.----"You have surprized my poor niece so, that she can hardly, Isee, support herself.----Go, my dear, retire, and endeavour to recruityour spirits; for I see you have occasion." At which words Sophia, whonever received a more welcome command, hastily withdrew.

  "To be sure, sister," cries the squire, "you are mad, when I havebrought Mr Blifil here to court her, to force her away."

  "Sure, brother," says she, "you are worse than mad, when you know inwhat situation affairs are, to----I am sure I ask Mr Blifil's pardon,but he knows very well to whom to impute so disagreeable a reception.For my own part, I am sure I shall always be very glad to see MrBlifil; but his own good sense would not have suffered him to proceedso abruptly, had you not compelled him to it."

  Blifil bowed and stammered, and looked like a fool; but Western,without giving him time to form a speech for the purpose, answered,"Well, well, I am to blame, if you will, I always am, certainly; butcome, let the girl be fetched back again, or let Mr Blifil go toher.----He's come up on purpose, and there is no time to be lost."

  "Brother," cries Mrs Western, "Mr Blifil, I am confident, understandshimself better than to think of seeing my niece any more this morning,after what hath happened. Women are of a nice contexture; and ourspirits, when disordered, are not to be recomposed in a moment. Hadyou suffered Mr Blifil to have sent his compliments to my niece, andto have desired the favour of waiting on her in the afternoon, Ishould possibly have prevailed on her to have seen him; but now Idespair of bringing about any such matter."

  "I am very sorry, madam," cried Blifil, "that Mr Western'sextraordinary kindness to me, which I can never enough acknowledge,should have occasioned--" "Indeed, sir," said she, interrupting him,"you need make no apologies, we all know my brother so well."

  "I don't care what anybody knows of me," answered the squire;----"butwhen must he come to see her? for, consider, I tell you, he is comeup on purpose, and so is Allworthy."--"Brother," said she, "whatevermessage Mr Blifil thinks proper to send to my niece shall bedelivered to her; and I suppose she will want no instructions to makea proper answer. I am convinced she will not refuse to see Mr Blifilat a proper time."--"The devil she won't!" answered thesquire.--"Odsbud!--Don't we know--I say nothing, but some volk arewiser than all the world.----If I might have had my will, she had notrun away before: and now I expect to hear every moment she is guoneagain. For as great a fool as some volk think me, I know very wellshe hates----" "No matter, brother," replied Mrs Western, "I will nothear my niece abused. It is a reflection on my family. She is anhonour to it; and she will be an honour to it, I promise you. I willpawn my whole reputation in the world on her conduct.----I shall beglad to see you, brother, in the afternoon; for I have somewhat ofimportance to mention to you.--At present, Mr Blifil, as well as you,must excuse me; for I am in haste to dress." "Well, but," said thesquire, "do appoint a time." "Indeed," said she, "I can appoint notime. I tell you I will see you in the afternoon."--"What the devilwould you have me do?" cries the squire, turning to Blifil; "I can nomore turn her, than a beagle can turn an old hare. Perhaps she willbe in a better humour in the afternoon."--"I am condemned, I see,sir, to misfortune," answered Blifil; "but I shall always own myobligations to you." He then took a ceremonious leave of Mrs Western,who was altogether as ceremonious on her part; and then theydeparted, the squire muttering to himself with an oath, that Blifilshould see his daughter in the afternoon.

  If Mr Western was little pleased with this interview, Blifil was less.As to the former, he imputed the whole behaviour of his sister to herhumour only, and to her dissatisfaction at the omission of ceremony inthe visit; but Blifil saw a little deeper into things. He suspectedsomewhat of more consequence, from two or three words which dropt fromthe lady; and, to say the truth, he suspected right, as will appearwhen I have unfolded the several matters which will be contained inthe following chapter.


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