Hidden Talent: StarLords, Book 1

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Hidden Talent: StarLords, Book 1 Page 13

by Bianca D'Arc

  Warm lips nuzzled her neck, the rasp of male skin making her shiver as strong teeth bit down gently. She was on fire. The heat was all around, behind her and…in front of her?

  Jeri’s eyes shot open and met the questioning gaze of her lover. Micah was less than a foot away from her, on his side, watching her carefully, banked heat in his eyes.

  But then, whose strong fingers even now massaged her naked breasts, pulling at her nipples? And when had she lost her clothing?

  It could only be one man. Darak.

  And Micah didn’t look mad. He looked cautious and…excited?

  “You are so beautiful, Jeri.” The lips at her neck spoke softly against her skin and she shivered, holding Micah’s gaze as Darak continued, “Will you share yourself with us? Will you let me in?”

  Jeri sought some direction from Micah. She didn’t know what to do. But her body cried out for more of Darak’s skilled touches as he continued to excite her senses. She knew Micah well enough by now to know that he was enjoying this, but he wouldn’t push her to do anything she didn’t want to do.

  “Micah?” Her voice was a whimper as Darak shifted one big hand to trail down her stomach and play with the curls above her pussy. He lifted her top leg up and back, over his own, curling one knee between her legs and spreading her wide as he moved his hand to toy with her clit. His hands were so hot. They made her squirm as her pussy spasmed and she creamed for him.

  “She’s wet, Micah. She likes me.” Darak’s chuckle sounded against the soft skin where her shoulder met her neck as he nuzzled, licked and bit softly, heightening her confused passions.

  “Only if you want it, Jeri. You don’t have to do this. Only if you’re ready.” Micah raised one long-fingered hand to gently touch her cheek. “I didn’t plan this when I dumped us in here last night, but we’ve expended too much energy. This will renew us. But only if you want it. Such a thing cannot be forced.” He traced her lips with one fingertip, making her shiver. “Do you want this? Do you want to share yourself with us both?”

  Her mind was a flurry of confusion. She loved the sensations Darak was creating in her body with his knowing hands, his fingers blunter and thicker than Micah’s. She had only ever known Micah and though the idea of having two men at once was a titillating fantasy, it was quite a different thing when faced with it in reality. She didn’t know what to do. Her body craved the pleasure these two men could give her, but her heart and soul belonged to Micah alone.

  Still, she’d come to respect and even like Darak. She’d learned by watching him with the others that he wasn’t the total bad boy he liked to portray. He had a good heart and he truly cared for others before himself. She also knew she’d hurt him by her fear of him, though he would never admit it, and perhaps she could prove to him in this way, without saying the words, that she really did care for him, and wasn’t afraid anymore. He was a good man, but he wasn’t easy speaking of emotions or the things he’d done to safeguard his people and his small family aboard the Circe.

  “Don’t be afraid,” Darak whispered softly in her ear. “I would never hurt you, dama, only worship you as you deserve.” His soft breath made hers catch. His use of the formal title and his tone made her think he really did care for her and didn’t want her to be afraid of him. That, more than anything, decided her. She didn’t want him to think that she still feared him. She could tell how much that hurt him, and she never wanted to hurt such a valiant and brave warrior, a protector of the weak and a man every bit as deserving of respect as her lover, Micah.

  “Do you want this, truly?” she asked Micah, who watched carefully. She noted the flare of heat in his eyes as she smiled, placing one of her hands over Darak’s where it played with her nipple and holding one out to her lover.

  Micah took her hand and brought it to his lips, kissing her palm as he held her gaze. “I want you to know the pleasures we can bring you. I only want your happiness, Jeri. And I want to share in your pleasures. Always.”

  Darak’s head came up from her shoulder and she could tell he was watching his cousin intently, but Micah only had eyes for her as he turned her hand and sucked her fingers deep into his mouth, laving them with his tongue. After thoroughly sucking them, he moved her hand down his chest, trailing the residual wetness, until he wrapped them around his aroused cock. She took over from there, squeezing the way he’d shown her and smiling into his gaze, which had never left hers.

  “I want you. Both. I want to know what it’s like.”

  Darak lowered his head, growling against her skin as he sucked the sensitive flesh of her neck. His hand delved deep into her pussy, setting up a rhythm that had her squirming.

  “Be at ease, sweet Jeri, and have no fear. Micah will oversee the joining of our energies and he and I both will direct your pleasures. Just relax and let us do the work.” He rolled her onto her back so that he could meet her gaze. “I have wanted to kiss you for so long.” He placed an almost chaste kiss on her lips, making her want more while he toyed with the ends of the chain she wore around her neck, his eyes darkening with desire. “I want to see this beautiful adornment upon your nipples, even though it’s not my mark. I’ve wanted to show you how much I appreciate the light and laughter you’ve brought to Micah. He is part of my family, and I love him as my own brother. You’ve been good for him, Jeri. It makes my heart happy.”

  She saw the truth of his words as this normally reticent man spoke of his feelings for her and for his cousin. She knew Micah heard every word and she could feel his surprise and deep love for his cousin through their shared link. This would be a joining of hearts as well as bodies, she realized. It wasn’t the tawdry display she’d been taught to expect by the more restrictive morals of her homeworld. Among psi Talented people, this act of pleasure could join hearts and souls.

  “I’m sorry I was afraid of you at first, Darak.” She reached upward to cup his cheek in her hand, pleased when he moved into her caress. “And I’m sorry if you think I’m still afraid of you. I’m not. I’ve come to see how much Micah relies on you. How much he loves you. And I’ve admired the way you care for him and for the crew, even though you try so hard to hide it.”

  Darak gave his cousin a rueful smile. “The wench sees too much, Micah. Does she lay bare your soul as well with so few words?”

  Micah leaned on his elbow, just as Darak was doing, on her other side. He smiled slowly, moving one hand up to cup her breast and excite her nipple.

  “She sees straight to the heart, Dar. Straight and true.”

  “A rare Talent, indeed. I’ve never joined with a woman with as much power as you, Jeri. I felt the flavor of your Talent when you were helping me heal and it was heady. As is the scent of your skin.” He bent his head to bury his nose between her breasts, inhaling deeply while she giggled. Meeting Micah’s gaze, a serious light entered his eyes. “I will be careful. But you’ll be guiding us, right? I don’t want to hurt her.”

  Micah actually laughed at his cousin’s worried look. “Don’t worry too much about her, my friend. It’s more likely she’ll singe your senses than the other way around.”

  “Really?” Darak looked from Micah to the woman between them with wonder.

  “Truly.” The look on Micah’s face was one of pride. “The energy we fed you in the healing was only a small fraction of the brightness of her flame. It’s a beautiful thing to behold, Dar. Almost as beautiful as she is.” Micah placed a kiss on her lips, gentle and reverent, and she was nearly overwhelmed. “I will watch over you, Jeri, always. Don’t worry.” His words were whispered against her lips as he met her gaze with pride, reverence and something more that she couldn’t quite identify, but it warmed a place in her heart she thought long dead.

  Micah moved back then, making himself comfortable at her side, propping his head on one hand as he watched them. He occasionally reached out to fondle her as Darak went to work arousing her senses.

  “First a kiss, sweet Jeri. I’ve wanted to taste your lips for a very long ti
me.” Darak’s dark eyes were serious as he watched her reactions. He gave her plenty of time to object, but in the end, she moved her head up fractionally to meet his lips. They were warm, firm and demanding, and his taste was like fire and strong Edian wine. It was a pleasant sensation and she fell headfirst into his expert kiss, following gladly where he led.

  His hands roamed her body and he unfastened the chain from around her neck expertly. Darak took one nipple while Micah assisted with the other, tugging until they were hard, then laving them with their mouths until her nipples were long and pointed. The two men tightened the loops over her nipples working in tandem while she gasped at the twin sensations.

  When they were secure, Darak leaned up and back, tugging the chain with expert pressure, making her moan at the sensation. He was gentle, but firm as he spread her legs wide.

  “Let me see your pussy, sweet Jeri. I’ve dreamed of this moment so many times.” Easing the pressure on her nipple chain, he moved down the bed, concentrating on the V between her legs, spread wide for him. “You’re beautiful,” he praised her, touching lightly, then with firmer strokes as he explored the folds and dips revealed to him. “And so wet for me. Do you like this?” He plunged two big fingers into her, gratified by the immediate increase in wetness and the easy glide of his fingers into her innermost core. “Answer me, wench. Do you like it?”

  “Yes.” Her answer was dragged from gasping lips as he set up a rhythm with his fingers that was different from Micah’s usual touches, and oh-so-exciting. She’d only ever been intimate with Micah and having a different man’s hands on her was new. Everything he did was titillating. And Micah watched with proud, approving eyes as she climbed higher and higher, occasionally reaching out a hand to stroke her soft skin as if he couldn’t quite help himself.

  At the same time, she felt her Talent rising, reaching out as it sometimes did with Micah. This time, it reached for Darak. She knew enough now to sense Darak’s own strong Talent reaching towards her. It was a warm, enveloping sort of feeling that made her feel cherished and respected in an odd way. She knew Micah was watching closely to make sure their Talents were compatible and that no clash of energies would be unleashed. He would call a halt at the first sign of incompatibility, but she felt the rightness of Darak’s energies meshing with hers and by Micah’s calm demeanor, she could tell there would be little problem unless perhaps one of them lost control. She hoped it wasn’t her. As the novice Talent here, she knew that of the three of them, she had the least amount of real control over her energies. If anybody got hurt here, it would most likely be her fault.

  She could barely focus on such things when Darak leaned down to stroke her clit with his long, wet tongue. He ate her like she was a tasty treat, smiling and humming against her clit in a way that made her reach a small climax, flooding his hand with more of her moisture as he continued to piston inside her with his fingers. He added a third finger, smiling when she began the rise to ecstasy once more.

  His touch was a little rougher than Micah’s, but it was exciting all the same. He moved to kneel between her legs, never removing his mouth from her clit as she felt herself approaching that peak once more, this time a little higher than the last. The wave broke, hard and fast as he kept her primed, ready and gushing.

  “Open your eyes, Jeri. I want you to know who possesses you.” The words were low and gruff and oddly stirring. Jeri looked up into the bottomless pools of Darak’s dark eyes and felt for the slightest moment that she could see the bright shining energy that was this special man’s soul. It was a beautiful sight.

  “Take me, Darak. Let me feel you inside me.”

  She felt the joining of their energies first, a stark meshing that was different from the seamless way she joined without thought with Micah. It was a little jarring, but it felt good when their Talents merged and fed off one another while Darak’s long, strong body began to possess her fully. He moved between her legs, making her feel pressure then an unfamiliar fullness. Micah was a big man, as was Darak, but Darak’s cock was a little longer than her lover’s. Longer and curved slightly, making her feel things in a whole new way as he brushed the sensitive nerves inside her sheath.

  Micah was an extraordinary lover and Darak seemed his match in almost every way. Both of these men were able to stir her senses to such heights, she didn’t ever want to come down.

  Darak began moving inside her, starting slowly, then picking up his pace as he felt her readiness. His gaze held hers with hidden messages of love, respect and honor that made her insides quake. His soul was completely open to her for the first time since they’d met. The wall he usually hid behind was well and truly down, she realized with some awe, and the soul behind it was every bit as sensitive, caring and loving as she’d imagined. She saw it all in his eyes, so dark and deep, though no longer as mysterious to her. He was a special man indeed. As special as Micah, in his way.

  “Darak,” she cried out at the small explosion in her core. His low chuckle only fired her senses further. He was keeping her on edge, letting her have multiple little explosions, but building up to a crescendo that might very likely kill her with pleasure.

  “All in good time, sweet Jeri. I want you to remember this.”

  “You’re killing me.”

  Both men laughed at her tone and she turned her eyes to Micah, noting how excited he was to witness his lover being taken by his best friend.

  “Don’t let her off easy, Dar. Make her scream for it.”

  Her growl made Darak laugh loud and long, stirring his dick inside her in a way that made her whimper. She was so close. She felt another minor explosion go off inside her, building toward who knew what as Darak sped up, his force increasing until he was pounding into her, hard and rougher than Micah had ever been. She loved every minute of it.

  Darak was in heaven. It was just that simple. This small Mithrakian woman was sweeter than the finest wine he’d ever tasted, more responsive than any woman he’d ever had and more exciting than anything he’d ever known. He’d felt attraction from the moment he’d seen her, and his heart had plummeted as he felt her fear of him. But nothing could prepare him for the deep, scary feelings she brought out of the deepest recesses of his soul.

  There was a reason he was the way he was, never staying with one woman for very long, playing the field and spreading his attentions around. He’d been hurt badly and he feared he would be hurt at the end of this affair, though he’d known going in that this small woman was his cousin’s mate in every way. Even if Micah and Jeri didn’t realize it yet, they were mated, well and truly. Neither would be complete without the other now and the entire crew of the Circe was beginning to realize it.

  Still, he couldn’t help his uncontrollable desire for the little spitfire his cousin had brought back from Pantur. She was delectable. She was intelligent and gentle, and hotter than hell. She was scorching him with her tight pussy and even hotter Talent, meshing with and firing his own. He didn’t know how Micah could stand it, but then, his dear cousin was much more Talented than he was, a Mage Master to his Dominar. Still, she was inflaming his senses in raw power and zesty pleasure the likes of which he had never known. He would be forever changed after this, he knew, but it would be worth every single moment.

  He let go, pounding into her, trusting in Micah to guard them both and alert him if he went too far. He trusted Micah as he trusted no man in the universe. He was his soul brother, in every way that mattered. And his woman was just as important. Darak would care for her and watch over them both for as long as he lived. They were his family, more so than any of his siblings. They were his chosen family, and he loved them deeply.

  He couldn’t help the truth he knew was shining in his eyes as he made love to Jeri, reveling in her sweetness and light. He knew he could trust her with his innermost soul as he was being trusted in turn by both Jeri and Micah.

  “I’m so close, Darak.” Jeri’s whispered words pushed him higher. His name repeated on a scream, and he
knew he was ready to let go.

  He grabbed the nipple chain and tugged, sending her over. “That’s it, sweet. Scream for me.”

  She did, and he came in a blinding rush that caused every muscle in his body to seize momentarily in the greatest pleasure he’d ever known. He felt her coming and coming against and around him, sobbing and crying out as she reached the highest pinnacle yet. He opened his eyes to enjoy the sight. She squirmed under him, draining his dick with her inner contractions, milking him of his seed and begging for more.

  He felt too the building of their psi energies and the strengthening they underwent as they both exploded. He’d never been so easily recharged by pleasure as with this small, Talented woman. His eyes swiveled to Micah, still at their sides, grinning broadly.

  “Is everything okay?” Darak couldn’t be totally sure this was normal. His senses were almost overwhelmed.

  Micah chuckled, stroking Jeri’s cheek with the back of a finger. “Singed you a bit, did she?” When Darak nodded mutely, Micah’s smile widened. “You’re both fine. Your energies mesh beautifully. There was never any danger in this joining. Rest easy.”

  Darak let the last of his worries leave him, collapsing down to his forearms, still held within the cradle of Jeri’s warm, soft body.

  “Thank you, my sweet.” He leaned in to kiss her softly on the mouth. “This was the most beautiful joining I have ever experienced.”

  Jeri seemed shy, incredibly, now that she was coming down from her peak. A gentle blush came to her cheeks, and she seemed to find it hard to meet his eyes. Darak pulsed into her, reminding her that they were still joined as close as man and woman could be and her blush increased, though her gaze shot to his. He grinned and winked as she laughed, finally a little back at ease with him.


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