Hidden Talent: StarLords, Book 1

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Hidden Talent: StarLords, Book 1 Page 20

by Bianca D'Arc

  “This feels so good.” Her words were slurred with pleasure as Darak’s hands worked higher, parting her ass cheeks and delving within.

  “It gets even better.” Darak’s chuckle reached her from where he was seated between her legs. “You’re so beautiful, Jeri.”

  “Getting your energy back, love?” Micah whispered in her ear, taking a moment to kiss her face all over.


  He chuckled as he moved back, signaling to the other men his wishes. He moved behind her as Darak lifted her into his arms, facing him. Just that quickly, she found herself settled over Darak’s middle, straddling his chest while he played with her clit. Her gaze sought Micah questioningly.

  “Feeling up to a nice long ride, my love?” His sexy smile twisted her insides as she nodded back at him. “Good. Let’s show Darak what a good horsewoman can do with a stud.”

  She laughed as Darak’s hands clenched around her waist. She steadied herself and took control, positioning herself over him, moving slowly and surely, making him sweat. Her skin was slick with the massage oil and three pairs of hands moved sensuously over her, heightening her pleasure.

  With a gasp of delight, she pushed downward, taking Darak’s long cock into her body. He clutched her hips with his hands, helping at first, but she moved his hands gently to her breasts, licking her lips as she promised him the ride of his life.

  Behind her, she could feel Micah preparing her rear entrance. It wasn’t something they did all the time, but she’d come to love the way he took her ass. As he slid home, he signaled Agnor to take his place at her side, his huge erection jutting out, once again fully engorged.

  With gentle hands he guided her head slightly to the side until they were in perfect alignment. She needed no further prompting. She opened wide and took him deep in her mouth, sucking and slurping in a way that made his fists clench in her hair. All the while, she used her powerful thigh muscles to move up and down on Darak’s hard body, much the way she rode her horses.

  It was an intricate dance, made even more so by the addition of Micah’s long fingers in her rear, preparing her to take him. When she was ready, he stilled her movements and took a position on the bed, between Darak’s wide spread thighs. He was behind her, spreading her ass cheeks and pushing home as she cried out in rapture. Then the dance resumed as she moved up and down on all three cocks. They warmed her, pulsing within her and making her feel so full of life and love, she would never forget the experience.

  Micah and Darak came nearly simultaneously. She came hard and fast when she felt the spurts of warmth within her, her entire being filled with the essence of the men who possessed her so fully.

  Agnor wasn’t far behind as she gave him one last mighty suck, in the throes of her own completion, that made him shout as he came. She lapped at his long dick, swallowing all he offered and licking him until he was clean once more.

  Three sets of masculine hands lifted her off Darak and laid her down on the bed, touching her gently as they worshiped her body. They barely took a breather to clean up a bit and regroup before they began kissing her skin—whatever part of her body they could reach. Micah’s lips tickled her tummy as he lapped at her navel. Agnor sucked on her toes, and Darak placed the gentlest of kisses on her eyelids, moving down the planes and angles of her face until he reached her lips.

  He tangled his tongue with hers, and incredibly, she felt her desire rise once more.

  Before long, Micah directed her to settle over him this time while Agnor peppered her ass with spanking blows, heightening both their pleasure.

  “I love the way you clench around me when he swats your ass. I’ve been wanting to try this for a long time.” Micah held her close to him as Agnor continued to administer the spanking they both craved with skill and finesse. Jeri marveled at the quiet Specitar’s skill. There were hidden facets to Agnor that she was only just coming to appreciate.

  Darak knelt at their side. “I’d be happy to help you out in the future when you want to experiment.” His devilish wink and piratical grin had her chuckling before the next blow landed, making her yelp and clench once more as Micah groaned in appreciation.

  “I’ll remember that, Dar.” Micah pushed her upwards by the shoulders so that she sat astride his hips, much as she’d done with Darak, but this time her ass cheeks were tinged pink from the spanking Agnor had administered at Micah’s direction. She was feeling decidedly warmer in other places too. She didn’t think anything could top that last encounter, but she soon realized that was just a warm-up.

  Micah called all the shots. At his prompting, she took Darak in her mouth as Agnor took her ass, continuing to swat her from time to time, but with less force. It didn’t take much, her skin was so sensitized, and she came over and over again while the three men shafted in and out of her in every possible way.

  By the time they had each come again, she was a quivering mass of jelly. She’d lost track of the number of orgasms she’d had and she could barely move under her own steam. The men had to lift her and clean her, caring for her in a way that made her feel cherished and loved. She was barely conscious when Agnor and Darak finally left, many hours since this little interlude had first begun, but she felt Micah settle next to her, cradling her in his strong arms as she slipped into the deepest sleep she had ever known.

  Just a few days later, they arrived at one of the elaborate space stations orbiting Geneth Mar. Seta and Trini had helped her find suitable clothing and some serious girl time had been spent cutting and styling her long hair to a more polished look. The other women assured her that the Council would welcome her no matter what, but Jeri felt better with the outer improvements in her look.

  She knew she was still a country bumpkin underneath, and she feared saying or doing the wrong thing with a level of nervousness that threatened to make her break out in hives. Micah soothed her, but she was not only going to have to pass muster with the Mage Council, but his family as well. She knew his uncle would be there to meet them and Micah had told her his mother and father were sure to be close behind since the news of his betrothal had undoubtedly reached them by now.

  Agnor had been quietly retesting the rest of the crew, though he didn’t ask either Micah or Jeri to submit to testing. In fact, Agnor had been incredibly respectful of her in a way she wouldn’t have expected since that amazing foursome. She’d been nervous about facing him after that incredible night, but rather than the familiar affection with which Darak treated her now, Agnor was instead somehow more formal and even a little awestruck.

  Micah made some oblique explanation about her increase in Talent making Agnor more reticent when she asked him about it, but she didn’t really understand what he meant. The Talent rankings were still new to her, and she didn’t quite understand why a powerful Specitar would have such an odd reaction to her.

  Agnor wasn’t rude. Quite the contrary. He bowed his head a lot when she was near and was doubly as polite as he’d always been—and that was really saying something. Agnor was a polite soul by nature, more concerned with others’ comfort than his own, but he took it to new heights and it was perplexing to say the least.

  She didn’t have too long to dwell on the puzzle because before she knew it, they’d arrived at Geneth Mar. She held hands with Trini and Seta, who’d come to her for moral support while Micah and the other men dealt with the formalities of docking and communicating their arrival. Normally both Trini and Seta would be working alongside the men, but Micah had sent them to her, knowing how nervous she was.

  Before long, the Circe was fully hooked up to the station, cycling air and offloading waste materials as they did every time they docked. They were also put in queue for automated supply deliveries. Fuel, food and assorted other items that were on the preference lists Trini had prepared were automatically downloaded to the station computer and resupply scheduled. They could be sure of the best in the way of provisions since this was their home port and the captain was an important man.

  One of the few StarLords, Micah was well known throughout the Council worlds for his outward deeds and among certain select groups for his less publicized work. Newsbot cameras were already transmitting the arrival of the Circe planetside and commentators were speculating on the action the little ship had seen in the recent attacks on Liata. They’d had to engage the energy shields in order to keep the newsbots from coming too close to inspect the damage on the Circe’s hull. Though they hadn’t faced much direct fire, some of their maneuvers and encounters with debris in orbit had left their mark on the otherwise gleaming surface of the top-of-the-line ship.

  All that would be fixed, now they were in port. While the crew faced testing and debriefing, the Circe would get her own sort of once-over. Repair crews were already standing by to swarm over the ship as soon as the occupants left.

  Micah commed Jeri in their cabin, signaling it was time to disembark. They’d talked about how this would go, since there would undoubtedly be news crews waiting to capture the moment of their arrival. With a look of dread for her friends, Jeri went to meet Micah at the hatch. Trini and Seta patted her on the back and wished her well, but she had eyes only for her lover as Micah took her into his arms for a quick hug.

  “Are you ready?”

  She snuggled into him for a moment, then leaned back. “Ready as I’ll ever be.”

  “I’ll be with you every step of the way, my love. I know this is new to you, but we’re in this together.”

  She reached up on her tiptoes and kissed him once. “You are the best thing that ever happened to me, Micah.”

  He couldn’t help but kiss her deeply, the fire in his eyes promising more at the earliest opportunity. His woman was in for a long night of loving as soon as they could get away, but first they had to run the gauntlet. There were reports that needed to be made and family that had to be told of their plans.

  “All right, you two, we’ve kept them waiting long enough.” Darak’s amused chuckle belied his harsh tone.

  They sprang apart and Jeri stuck her tongue out childishly at Darak as he grinned and popped the hatch. Before she knew it, she was facing the group of people waiting in the small reception area set up inside the station for the Circe.

  “Uncle Brandon, it’s good to see you.” Micah bowed his head in respect as he walked out of the ship and grasped hands with the man, a slightly older version of himself. The family resemblance was strong.

  “Glad to see you, too, boy. I hear you have quite a tale to tell.” Brandon nodded to Agnor, who bowed his head in return. “I’m happy to see you safe home once again. And especially to see you’ve found your heart’s desire among the stars.” The old man’s eyes twinkled at her. “You must be Jeri.”

  She smiled at him and blushed. It was hard not to respond to the man’s direct approach and genuine warmth. She found herself liking the Vizier immediately and her stress level went down just the tiniest of notches.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Grand Vizier.”

  “Call me Uncle Brandon, please, my dear. After all, if our friend Agnor is right, you probably outrank me.”

  Shock made her gasp. She looked from Micah to Agnor and back but the other men only smiled. So this is why Agnor had been acting so funny, she realized. But they couldn’t possibly be right. The rank of Vizier was more than high enough to impress anybody. There was just no way.

  Then she thought about what she’d done to the enemy ships and she realized that from the crew’s reactions, that hadn’t been anything they’d ever seen before. She knew her power had grown incredibly since meeting Micah, and even more since the psi wave had hit them, but she’d never expected…

  “I see my nephew has been keeping you in the dark. Well, we shall see if our friend Agnor’s suspicions are correct soon enough.” The Vizier stepped away to speak a few words with each member of the crew, and though the aides with him went to each of them in turn, no one approached her or Micah. She didn’t know what that might mean, but it made her nervous.

  In short order, the crew had been dispersed with most of Brandon’s helpers and he was back with Micah and Jeri. The old man smiled at them, putting Jeri more at ease, but his next words stilled her once more.

  “Sha Ellenor wants to meet with you both.”

  “Right now?” Micah seemed surprised.

  Brandon chuckled as he led the way out of the small reception area. “One does not keep a Sha waiting.”

  They had the run of the station it seemed as Jeri walked quickly to keep up with the two long-striding men. She was entranced by the shops they passed, her eyes following the bright vid displays of women’s fashions and accessories in one of the larger stores. She knew Micah and his uncle were talking quietly as they walked, but she let the conversation flow around her. This was her first time on a space station, and this one seemed luxurious to her.

  They arrived at a shuttle and she found herself strapped into the seat next to Micah, his uncle across the small aisle and the rest of his people taking seats around. It was a private shuttle, small but fast, and she reached for Micah’s hand as the thing shot out of the space station and dived for the blue-green planet below.

  Brandon’s attention was snagged by the man sitting next to him so Micah turned to Jeri, sitting so pale and scared at his side. She was holding up well under the circumstances. She’d been a farm girl on Mithrak and had never been to a city, much less a luxury space station. Pantur was a rough place and she’d lived out on the plains with the Hill Tribes in a crude tent. The cities below were like nothing she’d ever seen and he couldn’t wait to share his world with her.

  “You’re going to love Geneth Mar, Jeri. There’s so much I want to show you.” He took her hand in his.

  “I feel a little out of my element, Micah.”

  He bent to kiss her gently. “I know, love. But you have nothing to worry about. My parents will love you because I love you. And our people will love you because of your kind heart. Many of the inhabitants of this world are Talented and anyone with even a hint of it can see your pure heart shining in your eyes.” He kissed her eyes with featherlight touches that warmed her from within.

  He kissed her deeply then, taking control of her mouth as he often took control of her body. His senses were inflamed just that easily and if it hadn’t been for the slight jarring as the shuttle landed, he would have taken her where she sat. As it was, he raised his head reluctantly, facing the teasing smiles of his uncle and his uncle’s aides with good humor while Jeri blushed to the roots of her pretty hair.

  Chapter Thirteen

  They’d landed on a private shuttle pad near the main Council headquarters. It was set apart in a remote part of the compound reserved for high-level visitors. A small, older woman was waiting for them as they disembarked, her smile wide and warm as she held out her arms in welcome.

  Brandon walked up to her and bowed low as she placed her palm over the crown of his head, as if in benediction. One by one the aides with him received the same greeting. But when it came to Jeri and Micah, the older woman paused. She walked up to them and faced them both squarely, looking them over for a long moment.

  “Micah, StarLord of Geneth Mar, I haven’t seen you since you were a little boy.”

  Micah began to bow, but she stayed him with a bony hand on his shoulder.

  “I am honored you remember me, Sha Ellenor.” He settled for a slight bow of his head in respect to the older woman.

  It was at that moment that Jeri realized this petite woman had to be the one and only Sha left to the Council, who she’d heard the other crew members speak of in reverent whispers. She was a being of immense power and the highest ranking of Talent known. Her bonded mate had also been a Sha, but he’d died several years before, tragically, and this small woman had retreated from society in her grief.

  She raised her bony hands to take Micah’s head between her palms. It seemed as if she were somehow reading him as she closed her eyes, and Jeri could feel the hum of power in the air

  “You’ve grown strong, young Micah. Your parents will be proud.” So saying, she released him with a smile and turned her attention to Jeri.

  The two women were about the same height, though the Sha was much older, shriveled just a bit with age beneath her flowing pink robes.

  “I understand you are from Mithrak, Jeri Olafsdottir.”

  Jeri gasped. She hadn’t heard her full name in more years than she could count. She never used it or even spoke it, lest the Wizards hear of her. But somehow this small woman knew, and Jeri read even deeper knowledge in her compassionate eyes.

  “You did well to evade the Wizards and even better to release your sister from their collective.” The old woman took her face in her hands as she’d done with Micah and concentrated for a moment. Jeri could feel the probe of her Talent, and she panicked. She put up the wall that had always protected her and moved back away from the woman, her eyes a bit wild.

  Micah reached out for her but the Sha stayed him with one raised hand.

  “It’s good that she does not trust so easily,” the old woman said softly. “It’s the one thing that has saved her all these years.”

  Micah moved to stand beside Jeri and took her into his arms, pulling her against his chest as if to protect her.

  “She meant no disrespect, Sha Ellenor, but it is her right to refuse the probe.”

  The Sha smiled benevolently. “You are correct, Lord Micah. No offense was taken. I’m glad to see you’ve found yourself a feisty mate. You were always a rogue, Micah. Perhaps this little spitfire will be able to keep you in line.”

  He chuckled. “Or perhaps we’ll just feed each other’s vices.”

  “Oh, you have few real vices, Micah. I know that for fact. But she seems your match in every way. Cherish each other while you can. Enjoy each moment and every breath you take together.”


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