Decatur the Vampire

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Decatur the Vampire Page 9

by Amarinda Jones

  Decatur smiled as the luscious flesh bounced from his reach. The lady was all hips and breasts and ass. And I love every inch of her. Love was an odd sensation for Decatur. Vampires rarely fell in love and when they did they generally made a mess of it. He knew what the problem was. They were too passionate and controlling when they wanted something. That was their nature. Decatur had no intention of destroying what he had found with Marduk. If he believed in miracles, he would have called finding Marduk one. “What’s wrong with sex?” He rolled over and watched as she reached for her robe. At any time Decatur could have pulled Marduk back into bed with a wave of his hand. But I want her always to come freely to me. It was then that he knew. My love for Marduk is my weakness. He always knew his weakness was to love hard and forever but he never imagined he would find his true love.

  “Nothing.” Marduk tightened the belt on her robe. “But we have to work out how to save you from whatever it is this Archimedes prick wants from you.”

  “Do you care, darling?” That she did meant everything to Decatur.

  “Yeah, because it could save my own ass.”

  Beautiful and practical. I like that a lot. He watched as Marduk headed toward the bedroom door. “Where are you going?”

  “To my computer. The internet has everything and anything on it.”

  Decatur found her words amusing. “I’m a vampire I have been alive for over three hundred and fifty years. I think I know more stuff that what a computer can spit out.” He got up from the bed and followed her, his eyes on the satin-covered ass wobbling gently as she walked. His cock tensed up in anticipation of falling into her arms and being welcomed once more between Marduk’s thighs. Home.

  “Three hundred and fifty years?” Marduk stopped and turned to look at him, her eyes dropping to his jumping cock.

  “Yes.” Decatur knew the lady had a mutual interest in his friend. The thought of her lips and tongue once more on the stiff flesh made him want to pick Marduk up in his arms and take them anywhere in the world that was away from the chaos they found themselves in. Decatur wanted only to concentrate on her.

  “You look pretty good for three hundred odd, Dec.”

  “Come back to bed.” He held his hand out to her. Marduk took it.

  As much as Marduk wanted to do just that, she couldn’t. She needed to know what was going on and how she could help the man she loved. Marduk lifted his hand and kissed the solid male knuckles. “I want to help you in everything, not just in taming that bad boy there.” She could still taste the musky scent of his skin on her lips.

  Marduk pulled on his hand and made Decatur follow her into the next room. She sat down at her computer and switched it on. “We need to find out what is going on.” Marduk waited while the computer booted up. She concentrated on the screen to stop the mad urge she had to take Decatur’s cock in her hands and massage the sturdy, length of it. Of course if I do that I’ll then want a taste…

  The screen flared into life as a familiar search engine came on. Marduk tapped her fingers over the keys. First she typed in “ankh”. It was as she expected—Egyptian mythology. Next she tried “blue ankh”. There were similar results. Marduk typed in a combination of words—blue ankh-vampire-demon-warlock-angel. There was nothing more than what they had previously seen. “Bummer.”

  Decatur’s hands descended on her shoulders. “It’s not going to be as simple as that, darling.”

  The sudden “ping” of an email arriving sounded. She knew it was probably a friend or maybe even someone who wanted her to increase the size of her penis. Marduk looked to the size at the cock that was available to her. Nope, no need of help there. She flicked over to her email. It was from someone called Hellspawn. “Hmmm, not sure I know any Hellspawn…” The message made her jerk back in surprise.

  Who are you, mortal?

  Marduk quickly replied. Well, since it’s my email, you tell me who you are. She turned her head to Decatur. “Give me attitude? I think not.”

  “He’d be a troll.”

  “A troll? As in nasty-assed, warty-nosed thing with bad breath?”

  Decatur smiled. “Met a lot of trolls?” He came around to share half the seat with her. “I have heard of Hellspawn. He’s not someone you play with.”

  Marduk hooked a leg over Decatur’s to stop from falling off the chair. “I have a fat ass.” While sharing was sweet it wasn’t always practical.

  “I love your ass. I want your ass.” He wound an arm around her waist to hold her close.

  His cock was resting nicely, albeit impatiently against her thigh. “Questions first then ass later.”

  What do you want?

  “Oh right, the troll person.” Marduk tapped out some words. What do you know about the blue ankh? She looked at Decatur when he snorted with amusement. “Why beat around the bush?”

  “You are so mortal, darling.”

  “What of it?” If the vampire wanted her mortal butt he’d better explain himself.

  “You know nothing. Trolls hate to be questioned. They like to think themselves as masters of subtlety.”

  I do not answer questions.

  Decatur smiled. “Told you so.”

  Marduk’s attention went back to the keyboard. Hey, I never invited you to email me, sunshine.

  “I don’t believe trolls are generally called ‘sunshine’,” Decatur observed wryly.

  Why do you seek information on the children of the ankh?

  “Whoa.” Marduk’s eyes were on Decatur. “Did you know you were called that?”

  “No, but then I haven’t been a child for a while.”

  “And I suppose you forget a few things in three hundred years. I am having sex with a man over three hundred years old and it’s amazing. Marduk shook her head. Focus.

  Children of the ankh? she asked the troll.


  These supernatural beings with the tattoo are those children?

  No, it’s their children.

  Marduk would have fallen off the chair in shock if Decatur did not have such a firm grip on her. “You have kids? Do not tell me you’re married. I do not do married men.” While Marduk was no moral crusader, she was totally against the partner of another screwing around on their spouse. If that is married cock I will cry.


  Phew. “Ever tempted?”

  “Not until now with you.”

  Good to know. “So no kids?”

  “So no response to my thoughts on marriage?”

  I have many, many thoughts. “One dramatic revelation at a time please.” There was so much to take in that Marduk wasn’t sure what to focus on first. Talk to the troll.

  These immortal beings have kids?

  They will have children who will change the world.


  “Double whoa,” Decatur echoed her sentiments.

  In what way do these offspring change things?

  Have you heard of the great man theory, mortal?

  “Yeah, I studied it at university.” She could see Decatur looking at her words on screen with interest. “Yeah well, I had some vague idea I would do something with a degree other than frame it.”


  “Not really. I have no idea where I put the frame.” C’est la vie. “The great man theory is that every decade a person, not necessarily a man, is so famous and powerful that they change the world by their acts. Like Hitler, Churchill, Kennedy.” In your face, troll. I know stuff too.

  So—what? These kids will rise to be like them?

  No, they will make evil live again.


  And do I really want to know? If she did not have Decatur’s strength at her side she would have ended this conversation long ago.

  Archimedes wants evil men to live again.

  Decatur nodded his head in realization. “This is why he wants me.”

  “But why me? I’m not having kids for years if at all.”

  “Well, me neither.”

bsp; “I’m not making babies with you, Dec. I like you and all but you know…” This was a weird discussion to be having after barely three dates. If you could call them that.

  “Because I’m a vampire?” Both of them had forgotten the troll.

  If she was honest, Marduk had forgotten he was anyone else but Decatur. “No, because I’m not the maternal kind.”

  Decatur smiled. “So, the vampire thing doesn’t worry you but the baby thing does?”


  “We would have cute kids.”

  “No doubt—but let’s attempt to focus.”

  She turned back to the screen. Is there any way to stop Archimedes?


  Marduk sighed. “Bummer.”

  “Double bummer,” added Decatur. “But not unexpected.”

  Thank you. Marduk typed.

  You’re welcome.

  Decatur snorted in laughter. “You made a troll say ‘you’re welcome’. That’s unheard of.”

  Marduk unwound herself from Decatur’s body and stood up. “I just think it pays not to piss demonic types with spooky powers off.”

  “This is not your fight, darling.” He also stood.

  Hmm, naked, delicious man. “You want me to back off?”

  “Yes.” It was as simple as that for Decatur.

  “Dec, I can’t. It’s not in my nature to back away.” Besides, Marduk had never had someone so important in her life to fight for. While it was true they had only just met, Marduk knew Decatur was the man, er, vampire—no, man—for her.

  “This is a dangerous world you are walking in.”

  Marduk lifted her hand in dismissal. “Oh please, I’m having sex with a vampire. I’m a thrill seeker.”

  Decatur pulled Marduk to rest against his body. “Do I thrill you?”

  “Only down to my toenails.” Her hands rested on his shoulders as her hips pushed in closer to his groin. “We should be concentrating on how to thwart the bad guy, you know.” I want cock.

  “You’re grinding your pussy against my friend with determination there.”

  “Okay, so I’m oversexed.” She reached down between them and undid the belt to her gown. “I’m sure that’s not ladylike.”

  Decatur pulled the robe from her shoulders. “Oh, you are most definitely a lady—beautiful, classy, and sexy.”

  Marduk jumped up into his arms, winding her legs around his waist. “What about Archimedes?”

  “He’s as ugly as sin,” Decatur murmured as his mouth teased hers with a soft kiss.

  “Really?” That seemed right to Marduk. Evil was repulsive.

  “Nah, actually he’s considered quite attractive.” Decatur moved them both until her back rested against a nearby wall. “That works in his favor as people don’t expect him to act as he does until it’s too late. Many innocent people have been used and abused due to him.”

  “I won’t be. I don’t fall for pretty faces.” She sighed as Decatur’s head dropped down to her breast and he tongued one pink nipple. “We need a condom.”

  Decatur smiled down at her. “Anything you want, darling.”


  “Then take me from behind.”

  “My pleasure.” Decatur dropped her gently down to her feet. “Turn around. Ass out and wait for me.”

  “You’re awfully bossy.” Even as she said the words, Marduk did as Decatur commanded. “Hurry up,” she called over her shoulders as the vampire disappeared and reappeared in a matter of seconds. “I’m loving this whole faster-than-the speed-of-light thing.” Marduk took the jar her held out to her. “Why my hand cream?”

  Decatur made short work of covering his already erect cock with a condom. He took the jar back. “Why do you think?” He stroked her back as he pushed her around to face the wall.

  “I’m already wet.”

  His hand slid down to between her legs. “Yes you are.” Decatur dropped down behind her and nudged Marduk’s legs apart.

  When his tongue slid into her vagina from behind, Marduk thought her knees would give out due to the sudden thrill of it. “Oh Dec…” His mouth withdrew from her vagina, licked up from her clit to her anus and then slid inside her wet core once more. “I am going to fall.”

  Decatur lifted his head for a moment. “If you do you’ll miss out on what I have planned for you.”

  Could anything be better than this? He tongued her with a ruthlessness that made her scratch at the walls to hang on and not slide to the floor in a quivering heap. “I want cock.”

  “In here?” Decatur pushed one finger into her creamy vagina and then pulled it out, running the slick wetness back to the tight, puckered hole of her ass. “Or here?”

  When his finger moved inside, Marduk jumped in surprise. “No one has ever—”

  “Then we will both enjoy this immensely.”

  His finger pushed and pulled in and out of the tight, muscled entrance. Marduk shoved her ass back against him. Decatur’s mouth fastened onto one of her butt cheeks and sucked hard. He had one hand around her upper thighs as he introduced another finger into her anus.

  This was not at all what Marduk expected. She had never been keen to try anal sex. It never seemed doable to her. But it does now. When a third finger joined the other two, she became frantic with need, all but pushing her ass into Decatur’s face.

  “Have patience, darling.”

  “To hell with patience. I want you inside me now.”

  “And if I want to play some more?”

  “I will cry, scream and stamp my feet.”

  Decatur laughed loudly. “That’s what I adore about you, Marduk. You say what you feel.” He rose to his feet and reached for the discarded jar of hand cream. “I hope this wasn’t expensive.”

  “Who cares?” Marduk didn’t at that moment. She knew what Decatur planned to do with it. She turned her head to watch him lather the length of his shaft with the cool, white lotion. “Pretty,” she murmured, her eyes on his cock.

  “I’m glad you approve.” Decatur pushed the cream away and came up close behind her.

  Marduk could feel the hard, slick cock pushing between her butt cheeks. She pushed back and gave him full access. At first, when the head of his cock prodded the small, tight ring of muscle, Marduk was doubtful so much hard flesh could fit into so little a hole.

  “Relax,” Decatur murmured against her ear. He edged farther inside.

  There was a burning feel of fullness as inch by inch Decatur patiently worked his cock inside her ass. When he was fully inside, he stopped. “Okay, darling?”

  “Uh-huh,” Marduk sighed, as she closed her eyes and took in the whole hot feeling of being completely filled. When she felt his fingers on her clit, she cried out softly. “Please move.” Decatur did. Slow, deep thrusts as his fingers played with her clit. This made Marduk pant and moan. She wanted him to go faster but stay slow. She wanted hard thrusts but then no movement at all. Everything was pretty amazing yet Marduk wanted whatever Decatur could give her. “Bite me.” That would make this perfect.

  Decatur’s mouth nuzzled her neck, kissing and licking. He did not bite her straight away, instead he teased her flesh as his fingers and cock made love to her body.

  “Please,” she moaned. I want it all. When his teeth sliced into her skin, Marduk whimpered with relief. She angled her neck to give him full access to her flesh. This was about possession and sustenance. Marduk wanted to take and give. Decatur’s fingers plunged into her wet core and moved in time with his cock’s thrust. The sucking and the fucking were almost too much for Marduk. She was so overwhelmed and ready to come that she clawed the wall to keep control. But it was useless. Marduk knew it always would be with Decatur. He had only to touch her and the need was so great that she would do anything to surrender to it.

  Decatur removed his mouth from her neck and his fingers from her clit. His hands went about her waist to support her as his thrusts became harder and designed to thrill and send them both onto release.

bsp; The orgasm, when it hit, started in her pelvis, shot up her back, into her brain and then surged down to her toes. It shook her body so much that she feared her legs would give out.

  They stood locked together for a long while after the last tremor subsided. It was where they wanted to be. Close, tight and together.

  Marduk blew a strand of hair from her face. “So, I’m thinking we take the fight to Archimedes.” Marduk felt almost invincible after sex with Decatur. She wanted him in her life no matter what and no madman was going to rule over her.

  “Ballsy move, darling.”

  “I’m a ballsy gal.” She wasn’t but Marduk liked that Decatur thought her so.

  “That’s what worries me.” He lifted her down so her feet touched the ground. “Archimedes uses people’s strength against them.”

  “I’ll be fine, Dec. I have you.” Marduk’s heart skipped a beat as the look of pride in Decatur’s eyes.

  “Yes, you do.” He raised her hand and kissed her palm. “I will look after you. I promise.”

  Chapter Seven

  “How lovely to meet you, Marduk.” Archimedes extended his hand to her.

  Marduk avoided it. Decatur was right. This being was amazingly attractive in a way reminiscent of a swaggering pirate looking for treasure. She looked into his glittering, hot eyes and warned herself what was at stake. Gawping at a sensual man was not going to help. Besides, he is just smoke and mirrors, woman. Focus. Mind you, that was hard to do when three unknown beings suddenly appeared without invitation in the room. They had to be the warlock, demon and angel.

  Archimedes dropped his hand as if her lack of contact was of no significance to him. He looked at the vampire. “Always a joy to see you, Decatur. What brings you both to my humble abode?”

  Marduk’s eyes swept the room once. It was hard not to be impressed at the grandeur of the room. There was no humility in it. Delicate, gold furniture evoking thoughts of Louis the Fourteenth came to mind. When Decatur had transported them to the old warehouse on the river, Marduk had thought two things. One, her head was spinning from the sudden hurtling through space and two, she found it hard to believe supernatural beings had chosen a rundown warehouse in Brisbane to hang out at.


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