Mister Nanny

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Mister Nanny Page 1

by Bekkah Graham

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  Copyright © 2017 Bekkah Graham

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing.This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, any place, events or occurrences, is purely coincidental.

  This book is intended for mature audiences only.

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  Chapter 1

  I PICK UP THE phone and press play, listening to the voicemail for the third time. “Ms. Ford, this is Charlotte Lee calling from Alameda Elementary, and I’m afraid I need you to come and pick up Allie. One of the students came in with lice, and we’re not sure how many others may have it. Please call me back when you can.”

  Great. Of all the days for this to happen, why did it have to happen today? I look at the clock hanging on my wall and groan. I don’t have enough time to try to find a sitter, especially not at ten o’clock on a Monday morning, and Joel, Allie’s dad, won’t be back in town until Thursday.

  Pressing the intercom, I buzz for my assistant. “Kelsey, can you come in here for a minute?”

  Within seconds, Kelsey appears in my doorway. She’s has been with me since the day I started Peacock Cosmetics six years ago. Back then, I was twenty-six, three months pregnant, and still happily married to a man I thought loved me. My mom had just passed away, which meant I suddenly found myself with the exorbitant amount of money she had from her five divorces, and rather than squander it on the latest line of Monolos, I decided to invest in myself by starting my own cosmetics company. I worked my ass off getting my company off the ground, and today is the day I’ve been dreaming of for the past four years. Today is the day I am meeting with the executives from Macy’s to discuss putting my brand in stores nationwide. This is a huge opportunity. A huge opportunity that is about to be foiled by an infestation of head lice, unless I come up with a quick solution.

  “Sam, everything okay?” Kelsey steps into my office and hands me a bottle of water. “If you’re nervous about today’s meeting, don’t be. I told you, you’re going to be great.”

  “No, it’s not the meeting. Allie’s school called and they want me to pick her up early. Apparently, there’s lice and they’re sending the kids home.”

  “Oh no, that’s awful. I remember having lice when I was a kid, and God, that shampoo you have to use is the worst.”

  “Tell me about it. This is the third time this year it’s happened, but I just don’t have time today to deal with this.”

  Kelsey pulls out her phone and begins tapping out a text. “Let me see who’s available to babysit.”

  “Don’t bother. It’s finals week, which means none of my sitters will be available.” I close my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose. “Shit, I’m going to have to cancel that meeting if I don’t think of something.”

  “Why don’t I go pick her up and bring her back to the office? I can keep an eye on her until you get back.”

  I bite down on my lip and worry it between my teeth. “No, I thought of that, but I need you at that meeting with me. The presentation won’t run as smoothly without you there.”

  “Right.” We’re both silent for a minute until she claps her hands together. “I think I may have a solution. Do you remember my brother Ryan?”

  Of course I remember.

  Ryan is Kelsey’s twenty-four-year-old brother whom I met a couple times before when he was visiting San Francisco while on military leave. The man is built like a Harley: strong, sturdy, and made for riding. Heat creeps up my neck and tinges my cheeks with the mere thought of him, remembering just how many inappropriate thoughts stole into my mind even after he was gone. I quickly reach over and turn on my small desk fan in an attempt to cool my overheating hormones, embarrassed at how easily just picturing his face turns me on.

  “He arrived back in town last night for leave,” Kelsey continues, paying no attention to my obvious state of distress. “Why don’t I call him and see if he can pick Allie up and watch her for a couple of hours?”

  “Do you think he’d be okay watching her?”

  “Please, that man hasn’t met a girl yet that hasn’t fallen for him. Doesn’t matter if she’s six or seventy-six. Allie will be in good hands. I practically raised him, you know.”

  “I didn’t know that. You never mentioned it.”

  She shrugs and smiles at me. “Our dad was an Army General, and our mom left right after I was born. Even though he’s younger than me, Ryan was basically my best friend. He helped me learn how to ride a bike, went dress shopping with me for prom, and helped me fill out my college applications. Even after he enlisted in the Army, he always made sure to check up on me. You won’t find anyone better to look after Allie.”

  I smile back at her, feeling my heart swell with the new knowledge about Ryan. “Well, let’s hope he’s available, because he’s the only chance I have at making this meeting.”


  I can’t stop staring. The meeting went fantastic, and I should know soon whether they’re going to offer me a contract, but at this moment, that’s the furthest thing from my mind. Kelsey and I arrived back at the office, and now I’m standing in front of our conference room watching her brother Ryan sit next to my daughter, coloring on pieces of scrap paper. I’m certain the sight has caused my ovaries to explode.

  Kelsey raps on the window before heading back to her desk. Allie’s face lights up in a smile as she leaps up and runs to open the door, throwing her arms around my legs. “Mommy!” She has shampoo in her hair and a shower cap on her head.

  “Hi, sweetheart,” I coo as I kneel down and pull her in for a hug. “Are you having fun?”

  She nods and smiles wider. “Mr. Cock said if I was good and let him put special shampoo in my hair, he’d take me out for ice cream later.”

  My eyes widen at her slip-up. I look over at Ryan, who laughs and shakes his head. “Allie, it’s Mr. Cox, but I told you, you can call me Ryan.”

  “Oh. Right.” She giggles and goes back to her seat to resume her coloring.

  Standing, I run my hands over the hem of my skirt, smoothing out the wrinkles before I hold my hand out to Ryan. “Mr. Cox, I really appreciate—”

  “Ryan, please.”

  “Ryan, I really appreciate you picking Allie up from school. Normally my ex and I have our schedules worked out so one of us is always available, but he’s out of town this week.”

  My gaze meets his, and my stomach plummets at the sexy smirk he’s giving me. My mouth suddenly feels like I’ve swallowed a jar of cotton balls. I
t should be illegal to look so good. His chestnut-brown hair is cropped short, but that only makes the hazel color of his eyes pop more. He has a slight dusting of facial hair along his jawline, and I briefly imagine what it would feel like if his face were between my thighs. Instinctively, I squeeze my legs together and force the errant thought from my mind.

  “It was no problem, really. After spending months in the sandbox, it’s nice being around the innocence of kids. In fact, if you need someone to watch her the rest of the week, I’d be happy to volunteer my services.” He smiles again, and a flush creeps up my neck.

  “Are you sure? I’m sure there are other things you’d rather be doing on your vacation. Surely you had plans to go out drinking with friends or hanging out with a girlfriend?”

  The words slip out before I can stop them. Girlfriend? It’s none of my business whether he’s dating someone. I shouldn’t care. I don’t care. And yet…for some reason the idea of him sliding between the sheets with another woman has my stomach twisting into knots. Jesus, Samantha, get a fucking grip.

  This is what I get for going a year without sex. Since Joel and I divorced, I’ve been on a couple of dates, but usually as soon as they know I have a daughter and that I’m the CEO of my own company, they suddenly find an excuse not to call. I’m not looking for a husband. I’m looking for sex. I’m looking to be fucked properly by something other than my fingers and vibrator, but between work and my daughter, there isn’t much time for anything else, and so I rely on myself to get me off.

  “I really don’t mind.” Ryan’s voice pulls me out of my thoughts. “I’m staying at the Super 8 Motel for the week, so aside from watching crappy TV and getting a few books read, I have no plans.” He takes a step toward me until his lips are right next to my ear and lowers his voice. “And no, I don’t have a girlfriend to hang out with.”

  His breath tickles my skin and sends a thrill down my spine. I look up at him from beneath my lashes. Even though I’m wearing stilettos he towers over me. He has to be at least six foot three, and even though his uniform covers his body completely, I can practically see the muscles bulging through. Not to mention the other something that’s bulging, making it incredibly difficult to think straight. I take a step back, putting some space between us before I do something completely reckless, like ask Kelsey to take Allie into my office so that I can fuck her brother here on the conference table.

  I clear my throat and glance at Allie, who is completely distracted by her crayons. “I can pay you. To watch her, I mean. How does fifteen an hour sound?”

  “That’s not necessary. The Army pays for pretty much all my expenses, so honestly, I have more money than I know what to do with right now.”

  “Oh. Of course.” I hesitate and run my tongue over my bottom lip. “It’s just…I wouldn’t feel right asking you to watch Allie without paying you something.”

  “Samantha, I really don’t mind.”

  I try to ignore the way my body temperature rises when my name rolls off his tongue. Samantha. It sounds so sensual coming from his lips. A crazy idea pops into my head, and before I can think about it or convince myself otherwise, the words are tumbling out of my mouth.

  “Well, if you won’t take my money, what if I offer you a room in my house for the week?”

  “Are you sure you want to do that?”

  “Absolutely. I have two spare bedrooms. It’d be nice to have someone in them, and I hate the idea of you spending your nights alone in a motel.”

  The corners of his lips quirk into a grin. “As long as you let me help out with the cooking and cleaning while I stay.”

  “A man who offers to cook and clean? How could I argue with that? I can always use the help.”

  A cocky smile appears on his face as he leans in toward me until our mouths are just inches apart. He smells amazing, like aftershave and mint. His lips part, and his hand moves to my hip. “I think I’m going to like our arrangement. This may be the best vacation yet. See you at home, Samantha.”

  He walks out of the room, and I blow out a long exhale. What the hell did I just get myself into?

  Chapter 2

  RYAN WILL BE here any minute and the house looks like ground zero. I laugh looking around at the broken crayons, pieces of scratch paper and half-naked Barbie’s that are strewn all over the place. Empty Chinese takeout containers, wine glasses, and Allie’s plastic Disney Princess cups are clustered on the kitchen counter, and mismatched shoes are everywhere. There’s no way I’ll be able to make this place even look semi-decent before he arrives, but that doesn’t stop me from shoving everything into cabinets and drawers, hoping to at least hide some of the craziness that comes with being a busy single mom.

  The doorbell rings, and Allie takes off running.

  “Allie, sweetie, don’t answer the—” My words are lost in my throat as Allie pulls open the door and I see Ryan leaning against the doorjamb.

  A sexy smirk appears on his face as his eyes rake over me, and I suddenly wish I had at least bothered to run a comb through my hair and reapply another swipe of deodorant.

  “Hi, Samantha.” His voice is raspy, and even though it hasn’t even been five seconds, I’m already imagining that same voice whispering in my ear as he fucks me up against this door. Almost immediately I feel myself get wet. “I see the party must have started without me.”

  “Sorry? Party?”

  He gestures to my face. “You have glitter all over your face. May I?”

  I nod, feeling heat steal over my cheeks. The corners of his lips tip into a grin as he reaches out and gently presses the tip of his index finger to my cheek. When he pulls back, I can see bright pink glitter dusting his skin.

  “Oh. I, uh, was trying to clean up Allie’s arts and crafts stuff and I accidentally spilled a jar of glitter. I didn’t realize I got any on me.” I fight the urge to run to my bathroom and scrub my face clean.

  He chuckles before adjusting the bag that’s hanging on his shoulder. “Well, if anyone makes wearing glitter look good, it’s you.”

  “Thanks.” I clear my throat, feeling the heat in my cheeks heighten. Stepping aside, I gesture for him to come in. Allie reaches for his hand, and the way he smiles down at her makes my heart skip a beat. “Sorry about the mess. I’m afraid I didn’t have time to fully clean up before you got here,” I say, as we wade through the living room and into the kitchen.

  “You have nothing to apologize for. You’re a single mother with a career, and I respect the hell out of that.”

  I nod appreciatively before showing him to his room. Joel and I bought this house after we got married. It’s a beautiful three-story Victorian in the Pacific Heights neighborhood, with hardwood floors, granite countertops, and a priceless view of the bay. It’s the one house Joel and I both fell in love with, and the place I thought we’d grow old together in. Until I visited him at his office downtown one day and caught him fucking his nineteen-year-old secretary. He’d been screwing around with her for a year, and apparently, they were in love. Fucking asshole. We fought for a year over the house through our attorneys, but in the end, I won. After all, it was only fair. The asshole got to keep my heart that whole time, the least he could do was give me the damn house.

  After Ryan puts his bag down, Allie insists he go with her to play tea time with her stuffed animals, so I ask if he wouldn’t mind staying with her so I can freshen up. I take my time showering so that I can shave all the parts of my body that haven’t been touched by a razor in more than a month. I tell myself that it’s totally innocent and that I’d do the same thing if my Aunt Claudette were coming to stay, rather than Ryan, because isn’t that the polite thing to do when you have houseguests? No one wants to wake up and see my stubbly legs while sitting at the breakfast bar eating cereal. It makes total sense to me, but the angel perched on my shoulder isn’t buying it. She reminds me that if it were Aunt Claudette staying in the guest bedroom, I’d be decked out in ratty sweatpants and my favorite sweatshirt that has a mus
tard stain on the front. I know it’s silly, since it’s not like anything is going to happen, but in the back of my mind all I can think is, what if? I spritz on a bit of my favorite perfume just in case.

  I throw on my favorite cashmere sweater and black leggings and make my way down the hall to Allie’s room, where Ryan is wearing one of my old derby hats while sitting on the floor surrounded by stuffed animals. I stand in the doorway, admiring their interaction, before stepping fully inside the room.

  “Knock knock.” They both turn and look up at me. “Ryan, do you like Italian food? I was thinking of picking up Giovanni’s for dinner. Their lasagna is the best in the city, and their cannolis are to die for.”

  “I love Italian, but you don’t have to go out to pick up dinner if you don’t want. I’m happy to cook something.”

  “Well, unless you can make something out of a jar of grape jelly and some animal crackers, I’m not sure you’ll have much luck cooking dinner in my kitchen.”

  He laughs and cocks an eyebrow. “Do you eat out every night of the week?”

  “Pretty much. I mean, I always try to make sure Allie has a balanced diet, but she usually likes cereal for breakfast, and her school provides lunch. Cooking’s never exactly been one of my strong suits. I’m pretty sure the last time I tried to cook, I almost burnt the house to the ground.”

  “Okay then, Giovanni’s it is. But only if you agree that you’ll let me cook the rest of the meals while I’m staying here.”


  “Is there anything I should stay away from? Any allergies or food aversions I should know about?”

  “No broccoli!” Allie yells as she scrunches up her nose.

  I smile and shake my head. “No, no allergies. Allie doesn’t really enjoy eating vegetables, but we have a rule that she only gets dessert if she finishes her veggies.”

  “Sounds fair enough,” Ryan agrees. “And what about you?”

  “I’m easy. I’ll eat anything and everything.”

  “Perfect. By the time you get home tomorrow, you’ll have a gourmet meal waiting for you at the dinner table.”


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