Immortal Becoming

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Immortal Becoming Page 13

by Wendy S. Hales

  “Don’t know my own strength.” She giggled. Shane set her down on the bed, blanket and all, leaning her against headboard. She quickly scooted farther to the middle to give him room to join her.

  He smiled, with a haunted, longing look at the space she had just vacated for him next to her. Why? Sighing, he pulled a chair closer to the bed and sat down, leaning forward with his elbows resting on his knees and his fingers linked together. It was a pose she was becoming familiar with. It preceded every difficult conversation they’d had thus far.

  She scooted herself back to the edge near him. “Is this going to be a bad conversation?” Jess’s mind raced through worst-case scenarios. The ones that scared her involved not being with Shane. What if he just didn’t really want to deal with her or all the stuff she would have to learn? Enlil had mentioned Becoming. She didn’t know what that meant exactly. What if it kept her and Shane from being together?

  With her imagination running amok with worse-case scenarios befitting his expression, it was everything she could do to keep her tears at bay.

  “What is the last thing you remember before you woke up?” Shane asked, watching her intently.

  “I ate chicken, which I shouldn’t have done. I must have already had high iron before I ate. I haven’t had that bad of an iron reaction since I was a kid. Before Moira started giving me that drink.” She thought a moment before continuing. “I guess the last thing I remember was you mentally telling me my iron was rising. That was when I realized what was happening.” She cocked her head. “How did you know before I did?”

  “The richness of human and iron-rich Hulven blood calls to the iron deficiencies in Elven. It has the same effect on the few anemic Hulven, too. Chemically that is how I knew your iron levels were climbing. I could smell it.” His eyes were willing her to understand what he was saying. “It’s even more than that with you and I,” he added softly, looking down at his hands. Was that shame she saw on his expression?

  “So I smelled different?” She was trying to understand not just what he was saying, but why he was reacting this way.

  He nodded. “Yeah, it’s instinct, similar to the way a camel will find water in a desert.” He sat silently, staring at his linked fingers and refusing to meet her gaze while the last bit sunk in. Some sort of internal struggle was being waged in him; that was obvious.

  “How is it more than that with you and I?” He finally raised his eyes to meet hers. His gaze was full of tortured, sorrowful apology. She was filled with dread and reached down to grasp his linked hands in hers. “Did I do something wrong while I was out of it? What happened? Whatever it is, tell me.” His obvious torment was breaking her heart.

  His voice was low and even huskier then usual, almost a whisper. “I drank from you.” Reaching up, he cradled her face between his hands. His tone pleaded for her to understand. “Your iron levels were becoming toxic to you so fast. You started bleeding from your nose, your mouth.” She nodded. She’d had these symptoms before. She had seized from psychic overload, never high iron. She was pretty sure she wouldn’t have hurt him convulsing.

  “You helped me, right? Drinking from me lowered my iron, correct? So what you did, it was a good thing, wasn’t it? Why are you so … remorseful?” Jumping from the chair, pulling his hands from hers, he began to pace, rubbing his hands over his face and head.

  “Just tell me, Shane,” she pleaded.

  Shane snapped, “Bloodmates are rare.” He’d stopped pacing and was now staring out the window with his back to her, his arms crossed. “They used to not be, long ago. In fact it was believed that everyone had a bloodmate and that they would find them in the right space and time. Now days, if there weren’t still those few truly bloodmated couples, like Ninlil and Sargon, I doubt anyone would believe in it anymore.”

  Taking a deep breath, he continued. “There are many kinds of bonds that can be made through blood. To give you an idea of how powerful they are, I was able to locate you at the Ryu this morning from that single drop shared in the kiss last night, though it wasn’t enough to make a permanent bond. Those require at least an ounce drawn from the vein. Once blood leaves the body, it loses the ability to connect the donor to the recipient. The bond is formed by the conductivity of the blood flowing through the two bodies at the same time.” He sighed, stonewalling for time. Okay. At least he was talking to her.

  “What are these bonds used for, besides finding someone?” Jess asked.

  Keeping his back to her, he continued. “Different things. Jerika and I have a mentoring bond; so do Gilgamesh and I. It enables me to speak to Gil telepathically, privately, in confidence. I can send him memories or let him see through my eyes, letting him help me should I have need. It all depends on how far I lower my shields to him once contact is made between the two of us. Jerika can do the same with me. Mentoring is a life-long commitment because of the blood-bond, though protégés move on and rarely use the bond once they have reached a certain point. Before this I had actually never had cause to use my bond to Gilgamesh.

  “Others come at birth, like the one you felt with your mother. It was that bond she used to port you to Moira that first time. Siblings born of the same mother usually have a direct bond at birth. Voluntary blood bonds are by mutual agreement.” Everything he was telling her was good information, but it wasn’t answering her immediate question.

  Glancing over his shoulder at her, he added, “The bonding of bloodmates is sacred. It is the most powerful bond in the universe. Unbreakable. Once created, it is nearly impossible to shield even the most private things from one another.” Dropping his arms to hook his thumbs in his pockets, he turned to face her, leaning against the frame of the window. “You are my bloodmate, Beauty. I knew it, even though I was trying to deny it to myself because you are Hulven. Inside I knew. Yet I drank from you without your consent. In our world, taking that bond from you the way I did is abhorrent.” Walking over and kneeling in front of her, he dropped his head in shame. “I am so sorry.”

  Jess looked down at the top of Shane’s bowed head. “You did it to save me. You didn’t have a choice. Isn’t that what you said?”

  Keeping his head bowed, he shook it slightly. “I could have blood-let you using a donation bag, which is the proper way. Hell, in an emergency I could have just opened your vein with a pocketknife and let it run down a drain, instead of biting. Truth is I violated you. There is no justification for that.”

  “I still don’t understand what a bloodmate is. Is it like a soul-mate? How do you know I’m yours?”

  Shane’s sigh was long and relieved. “Your mind works in an amazing way, you know that?” He had still not raised his bowed head, but she could hear a little bit of a smile in his voice.

  “Bloodmates’ body chemistries call to one another in a unique way. Once found, they mate for life. Usually when one dies, the other does as well, though Enlil has lived without Etana for centuries. He keeps himself in a dormant state most of the time to keep from feeling the pain of her loss. In my lifetime there hasn’t been a single bloodmating. No one has ever heard of a bloodmating between Hulven and Elven, until us. I know you are mine because I drank from you. I am bonded to you, forever. Whether or not you choose to return the bond doesn’t change the fact that I am bonded to you.” What little relief she’d seen in his face moments ago was once again buried behind remorse and shame.

  Her breath lodged in her throat. Was he telling her he married her without her consent? Was that why he was so freaked out? Maybe he didn’t want to be bonded to her?

  “Are you sorry you bonded yourself to me? Do you regret it?” Her eyes were filled with tears when he snapped his head up and met her gaze.

  “I’ll never regret it.” He threw his arms around her waist and laid his head in her lap. “I am sorry that I took that bond without your knowledge and consent. You should have been able to offer that freely, the same way you did your virginity. My taking it the way I did was not much different than what that bastard tr
ied to do to you as a kid. You are a gift from the Fates, Beauty, and one that my actions show I am unworthy of. I do regret the way I obtained it. I regret my selfishness. The bond I feel to you is the most amazing thing. I felt you draw that energy earlier. I feel your strength, your purity, your spirit, your love of life, and your yearning for family.” She put her hands into his hair, loving the feel of its silkiness, loving the vibration of his voice against her thigh, loving the scent of him enveloping her. Loving him. She wasn’t sure how it could have happened so fast. Maybe this feeling was what he’d felt too. Maybe this was how he’d known she was the one. Either way, she loved him.

  They sat there in silence, Shane on his knees before her, his head in her lap so close to the core of her. The only thing separating his lips from her folds was the boy-shorts she still wore. She couldn’t concentrate on the implications of what he had just told her when his warm breath was blowing across her leg, seeping into her, heating her blood.


  Confessing to Jess was the most difficult thing Shane had ever done. She might not understand how dishonorable his actions had been, but he knew full well. Her assumption that he was remorseful because he didn’t want her sent him into a tailspin. How could she misinterpret his shame for regret? In the end she seemed to accept what he’d told her with compassion. She really was the greatest gift the Fates had ever given.

  Her emotions took another shift, and the bond gave him an insight into her blooming desire. “Shane, what am I feeling now?” she purred.

  Further amazed by her, he lifted his head and caught her loving, passionate gaze. As her oleander scent enveloped him, he emitting a soft growl and capturing her lips. His body lit on fire for his warm, giving Jess. Mine. Bloodedmate, the feral side of him shouted. Lifting his shirt, he broke the kiss long enough for her to pull it over his head.

  “How about now, Shane? What am I feeling now?” she teased. Groaning, he returned to her kiss.

  “Gil.” Shane used his mentor bond for the second time.

  “Aw, man, ya shouldn’t be yappin’ at me when yer like this. Damn, I need a cold shower already,” Gil teased. “What could ya possibly want? I canna help ya with what yer doin.’ I think she’s my cousin.”

  Reluctantly breaking his kiss from Jess, he took a step back to catch his breath. Her cheeks were flushed, lips swollen from his kisses. She stood from the edge of the bed and pulled her tank over her head, her generous breasts with peaked nipples beckoning him.

  “What is the ceremony for a bloodmating … quick,” Shane demanded

  Laughing, Gil replied, “How the fuck should I know, man? Happily single, I am. An’ lookin’ to stay thata way.”

  “Would you ask Ninlil … or even Sargon?” He could feel her passion compounding his own. He could die this moment a happy man. Jess tucked her fingers beneath the waistband of her boy shorts, slowly slid them down her legs, and stepped out of them.

  Silence was followed by, “Ya want me to ask MY MOM how to perform a bloodmate ceremony? Ya gotta be yankin’ my dick.”

  “Please, I’m begging you.”

  “Ya see. This … this is why I hope I never find my bloodmate. Ya have any idea how much ya gonna owe me fer this, my friend? Damn.” Gil’s amusement was gone. Shane knew he was asking a lot.

  “Fine,” Gil snarled, going silent for a moment. Moments later, he spoke again. “Figures. She would be able ta link ta ya through me—powerful thing, my mother. ’Course, after the drain from our lil Jess, Uncle En and Dad are having ta give her a boost. Not ta mention she is suckin’ down an entire pint of blood.” Gil sounded amused. “Needless ta say, my man, ya got all of us tuned in ta your hormonal ass right now. Hope the answer’s worth yer humiliation.”

  “Shanley.” He could hear Ninlil clearly, though she sounded very far away.

  “Yes, ma’am.” Shane unnecessarily stood at attention. Just because she couldn’t see him didn’t mean he didn’t need to show her respect.

  “There is no perfect way to bond a bloodmate. It can be a private, intimate ceremony, or a celebration, like a human wedding. I do, however, think that your … earlier eagerness should warrant a proper ‘get down on one knee’ proposal. That is the form she would recognize, don’t you think? Be cautious with her. She is Hulven, and iron rich. Also, she has not Become yet, and those are unknown factors that might affect the bonding or might not. As fantastic as blood sharing during intercourse is, it may not be the best idea until you know and can be assured she will be okay having your blood’s iron added to hers. You should ask her, though. At least she will know you want her forevermore. I’m so happy for you both.” Nin added, “Good luck.”

  “Blood sharin’ during intercourse. Not a visual I want of my parents. Later,” Gil grumbled.

  Jess had turned and was crawling up onto the mattress, her golden eyes calling to him over her shoulder. The view of her from behind, her round ass high, her breasts swaying gently beneath her, would be socked away in his memory for all time. Hating himself, he closed his eyes to the sight of her to give himself the strength he needed.

  “Jess.” Lisping, his voice deep and husky with passion, Shane opened his eyes to her confused look. “You. Are. Breathtaking.” Her answering smile made the statement all the more true. He held his hand out to her, all the while wanting to sink into the haven she was presenting with every fiber of his being, but instead he helped her off the bed. Uninhibited, lushly beautiful, and confused, she stood before him. Holding her hand, he began to drop to one knee but was impeded by his erection against his jeans. He quickly removed his boots, socks, and jeans.

  Jess giggled at him. “Did you get high-centered?”

  He grinned at her, finally fully undressed. This time he took both of her hands in his and went to one knee. Jess instantly sobered, finally realizing what he was about to do.

  “Jess Reed, you are my bloodmate. Will you share the bond with me? Will you marry me, be my mate and my wife?” He held his breath for her answer. It wasn’t the most romantic proposal, he was sure, but he was grateful he could speak at all.

  Her eyes filled with hope and yearning, she knelt down with him, taking his face in her hands. “Shane,” she began. Then the green of her eyes swallowed up the gold and she looked away, distracted. “Did you hear that?”

  Shane pushed into the new one-sided bond he had with Jess. The first impression he received was of Jess’s newly acknowledged love for him. His chest constricted with elation. Then he heard, “Jess … help us,” in the voice of a young girl.

  “I hear her, Beauty.” Reaching up, he took her hands from his face and held them both in front of him.

  “Who are you? How are you calling me?” Jess sent in reply to the girl. “Who is she, Shane?”

  Shane shook his head, brows furrowed. “I’m not sure.” He could feel Jess’s tension level rising through her blood in his veins. Whoever was talking to her must be doing so through a blood bond. Jess put her hand to his chest, using the feel of his heartbeat as a center, to get her bearings.

  “I’m not sure. I’ve never heard her before. She’s scared. I can feel her fear.” Her eyes sought answers from Shane that he didn’t have. “How can I help her? What do I do?”

  “We’ll help her somehow,” Shane assured her.

  “I’m Jorie. Mom’s in trouble. Please come. Please.” The voice drifted off into crying.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Jorie ported out of Moira’s arms, leaving her feeling empty. Locking the steel door of her office, she checked to make sure her computer system was self-deleting everything. The door wouldn’t stop them; it might slow them down. They would be disinclined to port into a room they had never seen before, forcing them to manually break through the lock. That would give her computer the time it needed to destroy itself and all the data.

  Hearing noise from downstairs, she prayed Jorie was safe. She mentally calculated the bloodstock she had accumulated for Jorie’s personal consumption. She was confident Jorie
wouldn’t need fresh blood for at least three weeks. Moira injected a substance that theoretically should make her blood toxic to Elven while keeping her iron under control at the same time. Then she sat back at her desk, taking the few minutes she had left to replay in forward motion the final moments she’d seen on Jess’s camera.

  Sure enough, a beautiful Elven male came running out, carrying a limp Jess in his arms. Blood was pouring from her nose and mouth. The male stopped just outside the door, looking right then left, and then he lifted Jess’s upper body, making her head fall into his shoulder, exposing her neck. She saw the flash of dentes and paused the video to study his expression. The male looked scared. Fates, he looked like he was desperate to save Jess. Could the male actually care for Jess? She played the video forward again. His head dropped into the curve of Jess’s neck, then both of them were gone. She stopped the video and deleted it. She’d be damned if they found evidence of her niece.

  BANG. BANG. BANG. The door flew open as her computer screens started rolling “communication error” top to bottom. The data would be unrecoverable; Napoleon had the only backup. She smiled, knowing the same error would be showing at every point of her network. The warning would be heeded all over the globe. Only Sara’s and Napoleon’s would be giving additional information. They would hate what was about to happen, though they would respect her wishes.

  “This is how you knock?” Rising, she put her hands on her hips as she watched the two males, one Elven and one Hulven, walk in and check the room over.

  “Excuse me, does the term ‘impolite’ mean anything to you? You broke my door.” They never acknowledged her, just completed their search of the room, then took up posts on either side of the door. Two more males were outside in the same position, while another stood at the top of the stairs.

  The female from the screen headed toward her. Sofia was Hulven. Walking into the room, she turned to the Hulven male inside the door. “Did she pull a weapon?” He shook his head. “We need to check her anyway.” He nodded.


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