Immortal Becoming

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Immortal Becoming Page 21

by Wendy S. Hales

  She swallowed hard, showing him a rare vulnerability. “Just stay close to me, K? I can do this if you’re with me.”

  She was amazing. It was his turn to swallow hard, swimming in the green of her shell-shocked eyes. “You couldn’t get rid of me if you tried.” A grateful, loving smile touched her lips.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Jess stopped just inside the room. The rabbit hole got deeper and deeper at every turn. Her abrupt foot-plant forced Gil and Napoleon to step around her and Shane to enter fully. She was overwhelmed. The room was full of people intent on conversation in small groups. What was she doing here? This was a room of purpose. Napoleon had said they needed her and Shane to proceed, but these people seemed to have things well in hand.

  Thank God for Shane. He’d effortlessly pulled her out of her insecurities, reassuring her in the most basic way. She loved him more every minute she spent with him. She was his mate; he belonged to her. There was nothing she couldn’t face. Putting on her game-day face, she opened up to the experience of being there.

  Shane, Gil, and Napoleon removed their shirts, and dentes appeared in each male’s mouth, though not fully extended like she saw when she and Shane were intimate. Just a hint of the dentes would show if they spoke or smiled. Then the three of them released their wings. She noticed all the Elven, male and female alike, were in similar states. The females’ breasts were covered by halters like the one Nin had on earlier. Jess remembered Shane calling this ‘true form’ when he had revealed himself to her the first night. Looking around, she realized she was seeing all of the species in true form. She wondered what they all looked like incognito. All three of these species had mastered the art of blending long ago, she was sure. It was hard to imagine them walking down a New York street full of people after seeing them the way they truly were.

  It was obvious which were Aquaties and which were Tellus. The Aquaties were extremely tall, and their skin looked like it had been sprinkled with diamond dust, rippling with the colors of their surroundings. Long, muscular legs attached to shorter torsos, chiseled with perfection. They had fins along their forearms, though they were tucked in. She couldn’t tell how far they would extend out. The males wore speedo-style shorts, leaving little to the imagination. The females were adorned in small triangles attached to strings concealing their nipples and sex. Jess understood. Hell, if her skin were that beautiful, she would go naked too.

  The Tellus were dark-skinned, ranging from deep tan to midnight black, with multiple hair colors of brown, auburn, and ebony. Their eyes were dark as night and sparkled with intelligence. None were over six foot. The way they moved was fluid, displaying a natural grace. The standard dress among them reminded Jess of something an archeologist would wear at a dig.

  Shane had to nudge Jess forward to follow Napoleon and Gil. She followed blindly, still unable to look away from the sight of the Aquaties and the Tellus. Shane had told her of the other two species, but this was the first time she’d actually encountered them. That she knew of. She was probably being rude staring open-mouthed, but she couldn’t help it. Thankfully no one seemed to notice her unabashed, awed curiosity, and she was awarded an understanding smile or wave rather than impatience or annoyance. “This is all to get Moira back?” Jess whispered.

  With worry and pride Napoleon responded, “This is to make what she has worked for a reality, not just to bring back Moira. We are uniting to aid all of Fualth’s victims. Moira has been fighting the rogue organization that took your mother for years. We have wanted to raid these nests many times, but much to Moira’s frustration, the Oracles have repeatedly blocked the requests, saying the time wasn’t right. Now they are behind this operation.”

  Jess found herself looking at a giant world map that covered one full side of the tent wall. All of the continents were shown, but instead of being seven, the way she had learned in school, the continents had one of four colors. Greenland, North and South America, and Hawaii were shown under the color Green, denoted as “The Americas.” All of Europe and Asia were Red, denoted as “Eurasia.” Africa alone was Brown and simply “Africa.” Australia and Antarctica were blue and denoted as “Austraartica.”

  Sitting at a table was a male and female Aquatie. The female was sitting, while the male was standing beside her, bent over a smaller map with his hands planted on the table. He was staring at Jess appreciatively. His marine-colored eyes dropped down to her body and then rose slowly to meet her gaze. The intensity she saw left her feeling exposed.

  The female spoke to him, and when he didn’t respond she followed his line of sight. She glanced from Jess to Shane, her eyes narrowed. They were the same shade as the males. She was exquisite. Shane stiffened beside her.

  The female turned back to the male. He tipped his head to hear what the female said; never taking his eyes off Jess, and gave a single nod. The female rose, patted the male on the shoulder, and sashayed toward them. A mischievous grin lit her face, and her long hair shimmered in shades of blue. She was nearly as tall as Shane.

  “Well, if it isn’t Shane Einar, my favorite one-hit wonder,” her voice purred suggestively. “Thought you said you hated bureaucratic bullshit, or was that just pillow talk?” Her voice rich with nuance, flowed musically from her lips, the kind of voice you could listen to forever, even if the words she was saying made Jess want to kick her teeth in.

  “Greycia,” Shane acknowledged.

  Jess looked back toward the male. He hadn’t moved, still focusing on her. What was the deal with these two? They acted like swingers. Shane drew her against him, bringing her attention back to the conversation.

  “I’d like to introduce you to Jess, my mate.” He corrected, “My bloodmate … if she’ll have me.”

  Greycia looked between them. A smile spread across her face, and instantly her demeanor changed. “Really?” she asked Jess, and her expression became open and happy. Jess nodded, even more confused. “That is wonderful.” Jess could tell the female was truly excited for them. The switch from jilted lover to ecstatic supporter was bizarre.

  “We think so,” Jess mumbled, really not sure what to think. The male had stood and was walking over to join them, too. He was a giant, easily six-seven. He too had shimmering blue hair. He casually placed his arm over the female’s shoulders while he continued to stare at Jess. Jess shifted her gaze from Shane to Greycia to the male. Truth be known, she was freaked at the idea that she was eye level with the male’s barely contained package. He grinned down at her like he knew what she was thinking.

  “Please tell me I didn’t hear you correctly, Shane?” The male’s voice was a melody. Jess felt a shiver run through her, and goose bumps lifted on her arms.

  Shane clutched her tighter. “It is what it is. Jess, this is Greycia’s paired sibling, Greyton.”

  These two were brother and sister? Shut the front door. She should have figured that they did have striking similarities. “Are you twins?” Jess asked.

  Greyton laughed. “Damn, man. If you two didn’t represent the hope for your species, I’d be inclined to challenge you for her.” Challenge him? What was she some sort a booby prize? Greyton’s face lit with friendliness. The speed these two changed emotional gears was unsettling.

  Greycia answered Jess’s question. “We’re not twins. A true Aquatie mating is even more rare than Volaticus has become. We are inclined to multiple births. Though Greyton and I were born of the same mother at the same time, we have different fathers.”

  “Oh.” What? That didn’t make any sense at all. How could they have two different fathers and be born at the same time? She opened her mouth to inundate them with questions, then thought better of it and snapped it closed again. Now was not the time.

  Greycia giggled. “I like your mate, Shane.” She leaned down to Jess and whispered suggestively, “If you and Shane ever want to liven things up, give us a shout.” With that they walked back over to the table.

  Jess turned to Shane. “So. Greycia, huh?”

>   Shane looked at her blankly. “Once,” he answered, his expression unchanged. Did he think she was going to have a come-apart over this?

  “Yeah, I picked up on the one-hit-wonder comment,” Jess teased.

  Shane continued to stare at her. She schooled her features to match his, leaving him on the fence as to whether she was upset and going to lose it. “Is that all you have to say on the subject?” Shane finally asked.

  He obviously didn’t realize what living around Aymee and Eric had taught her. Sex meant nothing, unless it did. Sighing, she teased him further. “Can’t say I blame you. If I’d met Greyton before you, I doubt you would’ve had to deal with my pesky virginity.” Shane visibly relaxed.

  “Indeed?” A quirked grin touched his lips. “You think we need our sex life livened up, Beauty?” A sexy warning growl rumbled from his throat.

  She pretended to consider the question before letting him off the hook. “Naw. Just keep reminding yourself not to piss me off.” She’d just baited his possessive instincts. Shane was a perfect lover, but she still wanted him on his toes.

  Shane barked out a laugh. “You know they can hear you, right?”

  Jess sobered instantly. “No way, they’re clear over there.” She looked over to where Greycia and Greyton were sitting at the table. The sexual intensity was back in Greyton’s eyes. Greycia gave her a finger wiggle wave in acknowledgment.

  “Oh God, please make the ground swallow me up,” Jess mumbled

  A passing Tellus female stopped in front of her. “You want it to?” she asked Jess. Trying to be helpful, the female started to raise her arms. Jess could only stare stupidly at the Tellus. The humor in Shane’s voice pissed her off as he answered the Tellus, “Sorry, no. She was using it as a figure of speech.” The Tellus walked away with a confused look on her face.

  Jess snapped at Shane, “I am in way over my head here.” He had sure turned the jest on her.

  Shane laughed hard again. “You are all the livening up I could ever want.” Jess slapped his chest. He could be such an ass sometimes, though it was kind of funny. She crossed her arms, refusing to give him the satisfaction of giggling with him.


  Gil’s soothing voice boomed, and the entire room descended into silence. “We have identified four target nest locations, two in Austraartica on the Australian inland continent: Mount Eccles in Victorria and Mount Gambier in South Australia, the third in Africa at Mount Kenya, and the final one in Eurasia, in China near Lake Jingbo.” He pointed to different circled points on a World Map. “In addition we’ve located the suspected leader, Fualth’s, private quarters in the US … Maine.” Gone was the devil-may-care, silly, sarcastic Gil, along with the funny accent. In his place stood Gilgamesh, the Commander of Warriors.

  Napoleon continued, “The locations are strategic. They all have natural barriers to energy infiltration. The nests are all built next to volcanic crater lakes that will hinder the abilities of both the Tellus and the Aquaties. Neither will be able to use their full range of sonar or ultrasonic waves for fear of causing a natural disaster.” Napoleon’s fingers were touching his chin. Although he didn’t tap tap tap, the pose was obviously shared by both father and daughter. He also held command of the room’s interest. “Fualth has taken these positions, located in regions dominated by the Aquaties and Tellus, knowing they would be handicapped by the geographic attributes of the area.” He took a moment for the Aquaties and the Tellus to react to the disrespectful affront Fualth had displayed putting these nests in their pockets. The grumbling only lasted a few minutes before Napoleon could continue. “The buildings housing our objectives are also lined with lead and platinum, handicapping Volaticus as well.”

  “If we could all take our seats,” a Tellus female said, speaking like a politician, “we can begin working out the logistics of making this operation a successful reality.” She headed toward the elevated seating placed behind the table-level seating. Climbing the few stairs, she sat in an orange chair located at the Africa continent placement on the table. It was clear this seating set-up was based on some form of hierarchy.

  A Tellus female with dark brown, nearly black skin, close in height to Jess, leaned toward Shane and Jess. “Are we supposed to be here?” she whispered in a voice that was deep, rich, and feminine. Sultry. Appreciating the simple beauty of the female, Jess shrugged.

  “I believe so, Mattie. I am just not sure where we are to go,” Shane answered for both of them.

  Sargon walked up to those remaining, including Jess, Shane, and the Tellus female. Too graceful for a man half his size, his deep, booming voice was commanding like Gil’s without the soothing effects. His smile softened the way he spoke. “Follow me.” He motioned to Jess, Shane, and the others.

  Jess felt an energy ripple and heard Shane say “Miguel” a moment before a male stood directly in front of them.

  “Brother.” The male resembled Shane, standing the same six foot three inches. He was smaller in build with the same dark brown hair and highlights, worn longer. Smiling, Miguel clamped onto Shane’s shoulder. Shane mirrored the embrace before pulling the male into a hug.

  “What are you doing here, Miguel?” Shane asked.

  Shane had told her he had a brother with a gift for premonition. Miguel was the one brother to deviate from being a warrior. He had studied psychic learning and advancement till one of the Oracles had offered to mentor him. Their circles rarely ran into each other, and Shane had missed his brother.

  Enlil stepped up to Jess’s side from somewhere, startling her. Chuckling, he placed an arm over her shoulders in paternal affection. “You know when Innanna shows up, your whole world is about to be turned upside down.” Whispering for only Jess to hear, Enlil indicated the most beautiful female Jess had ever seen. At four foot eight, she made Jess’s five foot two seem tall. She wore a white, shimmering halter and full-length skirt. Her violet eyes were too large for her angelic, porcelain face, and her platinum-blonde hair was pulled back into a single thick braid that reached to her knees. She looked about seventeen. She’d also been completely blocked from sight behind Shane’s brother.

  “She would have to get in line, the way this week’s going for me,” Jess whispered back. Enlil busted out in a full belly laugh.

  “That is a sound I love to hear. Share the joke so we can all laugh, Enlil.” Nin stepped to her brother’s side. “Innanna, what brings you?” Though calm, Nin seemed apprehensive.

  The tiny female glanced toward the table, and an unoccupied chair floated over to her. Fluttering her wings, she lifted and then stood on the seat of the chair. Jess now knew where the fairy myth came from. Even standing on the chair, she was barely taller than Jess.

  Smiling, the tiny woman sighed. “That’s better. Don’t worry, Ninlil, it is not my intent to recommend against the operation you are working toward.” She waved her hand in the general area of the table and all the faces staring back at her. “I’m here merely to help you obtain the greatest opportunity for success.” That had everyone sitting forward in their chairs.

  Nin left out a relieved breath. “Thank you, Innanna. We would be happy to use any help the Oracles could give us.” The silent suspense that had permeated the room the moment Miguel and Innanna had shown up changed from dread to anticipation.

  This tiny slip of a woman could have ended the rescue attempt with only a word, but she held out both of her hands, palms down, to Jess. “You are Jessica. Oh, forgive me. You prefer Jess now.” Smiling tentatively, Jess took the woman’s hands. Enlil yanked his arm from around her shoulder like it was on fire. “It is not time for your story yet, young man.” The firecracker glanced to Enlil then back at Jess. “Your arrival has been heralded, Jess. The bloodmating between you and Shanley is destined and the hope of our future.”

  Innanna released one of Jess’s hands and reached out for Shane’s. Shane took the offered hand, and Innanna’s eyes glazed. She smiled. “Yes. This is a strong bloodmating.” Shane took Jess’s free ha
nd in his, reassuring her.

  Suddenly everyone in the room vanished. Miguel, his hand on Shane’s shoulder, remained, along with Innanna, Shane, and Jess, still linked by their hands. The entire tent was vacated. The chairs were empty. Enlil and Ninlil had vanished.

  Jess looked around. “What just happened?”

  Shane looked from his brother to Innanna. “I think we just jumped ahead in time. I’d heard that Innanna had that ability. I had no idea that she could jump more than her own mass.” There was awe in Shane’s voice.

  “My own mass I can leap up to thirty minutes. The four of us, only five.” She shrugged. “We need some privacy. Open your minds to me that I may save us some time.”

  Shane dropped his shielding, opening himself to be fully vulnerable to the Oracle, and Jess followed his lead. A series of images along with an accompanying story behind each flooded their minds. Most showed females in small living spaces, similar to cages, the bars made of lead and platinum covered with sheets of aluminum. Small dents showed where they had been stuck over and over, probably from both violence and frustration. The images showed males entering these rooms, and the females showed horror and terror. The word “ovulation” entered her mind. Other times the males, two or three at a time, were practically attacked by the females. The word “estrus” entered her mind.

  The images blurred, then cleared again, this time showing the females pregnant, most stared blankly while others were crying, rocking, or performing some other repetitive action. Then the pictures changed, showing the females screaming and crying as their newborn infants were taken from them.

  The image changed to follow the children, ranging in age from eighteen months to three years, standing in straight military lines at attention. The children grew up in rapid time lapse.

  “We only have four minutes fifteen seconds left.” Innanna cut the images off. ”Jess, are you planning to accept Shanley’s blood?”

  Looking at Shane, tears in her eyes from the images she’d just seen, Jess nodded. “I love him,” she whispered, her blossom of loving emotions toward Shane taking the sting out of the horror she’d just witnessed.


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