Resist: A Vampire Blood Courtesans Romance

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Resist: A Vampire Blood Courtesans Romance Page 8

by Tami Lund

  We rushed through women’s clothing, stopping at a kiosk in the lingerie section so Cam could search for a phone. While he was bent over, peering under the counter, I kept an eye out for the enemy and let out a small eep when a short, stocky guy popped his head around a display of neon-colored sports bras.

  Cam waited until the very last second and then straightened, stabbing the guy in the heart with a pair of scissors. Quick as a flash, Cam jerked the metal instrument out of the guy’s chest and replaced it with a pencil.

  A pencil?

  But then the guy shuddered for several seconds before collapsing, his blank eyes staring at the ceiling, and I got it. The pencil never would have penetrated his clothing and skin, even with Cam’s super vampire strength. So he’d used the scissors to blaze the path, so to speak.

  “Brilliant,” I said, my voice breathy.

  “You are the most bloodthirsty human I’ve ever come across.”

  “You don’t sound exactly put off by that.”

  “Not in the least. I’m giving serious consideration to dragging you over to that dressing room and demonstrating how much it actually turns me on.”

  “Tempting,” I admitted. “But there are still plenty of bad vampires searching for us.”


  “Later,” I promised. If we got out of this alive—or still standing, since vampires weren’t even alive in the first place—I wanted he and I to disappear someplace like my sister presumably had—and I wanted to do all those things my sister was apparently doing with the vampire she was currently contracted to.

  Cam found a phone on the shelf under the kiosk and managed to call Peadar without further incident.

  “The main entrance,” he said after replacing the receiver on the cradle. “Hollis will be less likely to make a scene, as there are probably throngs of humans still out there, wandering along the sidewalks.”

  I certainly hoped he was right. I’d never been so ready to get away from a situation as I was at that moment.

  We hurried through the displays of bras and panties and sheer nightgowns and avoided the shoe section because it was too open and we would be exposed. Darting across the aisle, we plunged ourselves into men’s active wear, steadily moving closer to the exit without simply rushing down the main aisle and announcing our plan to everyone in the store.

  We ended up back in the formalwear section and stumbled across a vampire and one of the store employees kneeling on the floor. Her skirt was bunched around her waist, and he sucked on her neck while his hips jack-rabbited against her backside. Neither noticed us, too caught up in their own pleasure.

  “If he were one of mine, I’d fucking demote him to cleaning toilets for a month. When I assign my people to a job, they damn well better finish it before indulging themselves. No doubt he glamoured her, too. That woman will be disgusted with herself when it wears off.” Cam abruptly turned and herded me to the other side of the tuxedo jackets display.

  “Yes, well, you won’t have to worry about how you’d run things for much longer.” Hollis’s voice hit me like a sledgehammer to the back of the head. We’d walked into a trap.

  A wall of vampires faced us, and when I whipped around, intending to run the other way, another wall stepped up and blocked our exit. There was nowhere to go.

  “Son of a bitch,” Cam muttered. He reached out, no doubt intending to grab me and pull me into his side, but some other guy caught hold of me first and jerked me away.

  “Hey!” I struggled to get out of his grip, but, damn, vampires were seriously super strong. He shoved me toward Hollis, who stood slightly in front of his row of vampire thugs, wearing nothing but a pair of gray slacks.

  Cupping my chin, he dragged me closer and forced me to look at his face. Before I could squeeze my eyes shut, he captured my gaze, and I could feel the press of his mind pushing into my own. Crap, he was trying to glamour me.

  He pressed against my mind, trying to invade my thoughts. It was uncomfortable, like someone trying to squeeze into a jacket I was already wearing. It was mine, damn it, and no one else had any business trying to share—or control the fit, the feel, the direction of my thoughts.

  As self-righteous as that thought was, the pressure was too much to resist. Fog poured into my mind, jumbling it, confusing me. I knew what I wanted, yet I didn’t.

  “Uh-uh,” Hollis said and swiftly turned me around so my back was to his front, and then the sharp blade of a knife pressed to my throat, freezing Cam in his attempt to charge at us. “You know damn well I have no qualms with disposing them.”

  Cam straightened, staring at Hollis. I couldn’t even glance up to see what Hollis was doing because I was pretty sure if I moved, that knife would dig into my skin, and I didn’t particularly want to die. Not tonight. Certainly not before I got to spend at least one night banging Cam’s brains out.

  A girl had to have goals in life.

  “Now, where were we?” Hollis twisted me around again and grasped my chin. He must have posed some sort of threat, because Cam still wasn’t moving. Looking into my eyes, Hollis said, “Since Cam has such an issue with blow jobs, why don’t you show him how to do it, hmm?”

  Did he want me to give Cam a blow job? Here? While he watched? But then he pushed on my shoulder, and I finally got the gist. He wanted the blow job.

  Lowering myself to my knees, I stared at his crotch. He wore a pair of slacks, not jeans but the kind of pants that hung loosely yet outlined everything. Especially the bulge growing behind his zipper. It was pretty sizable, but then again, I already knew that.

  Would it be so bad? I mean, he was an attractive guy. And he had a nice package. Marni had seemed awfully damned excited to see him this evening. No way that had been her first visit. Maybe there was a reason he’d managed to steal every woman Cam had ever cared for.


  I glanced over my shoulder. He stood a few feet away, surrounded by Hollis’s men, staring at us. It was hard to decipher the look on his face. Was he happy I was contemplating giving Hollis a blow job? That seemed weird, actually. After everything he’d told me, I would expect him to be ... what, exactly? We’d known each other for all of a day. Sure, he saved me and then I saved him, and I’d experienced two outrageous orgasms while he sipped at my blood. And yes, we were bonded. What did that mean, anyway, other than I’d be able to find him in an endless maze of corridors?

  Would I be able to sense him while I sucked on Hollis’ dick? Was the bond the reason I had such ooey-gooey feelings for him? Was it all fake or, at the very least, forced? Like this whole kneeling before Hollis gig. I didn’t really want to do this—did I? What was the purpose? What would I gain?

  Cam would probably never speak to me again, blood bond or no. And there was a reasonable chance he’d be devastated. I don’t know how I knew that, but I did. Maybe it was the bond.

  I didn’t really want to cause a rift between Cam and me. I liked Cam. A lot. I wanted to get to know him better, spend some time with him, maybe give him a blow job or two.

  But not Hollis. That wouldn’t do anyone any good, except maybe him, assuming my skills were up to par. What did I care about him anyway? I didn’t even like the guy, and I sure as hell didn’t like the fact he’d tried to glamour me into blowing him.

  That son of a bitch. My mind cleared like sun burning away the fog, and I realized what was going on. Blinking rapidly, I saw how damn close I was to Hollis’s bulging crotch. That bastard. I never would have been able to forgive myself if I’d done this at all, let alone with Cam watching.

  Hollis needed to pay for even thinking he could glamour me.

  “What are you waiting for, sweetness? Show Daddy what you’ve got.”

  “Oh yeah,” I said, and then I reared back and slammed my head into his groin.

  He screamed like a banshee, grabbed his junk, and dropped to his knees. “You bitch,” he rasped, rolling around like a pig in mud. I stood up and kicked him for good measure. I lifted my leg to do it again, but
someone grabbed me from behind. Flinging myself around, I was caught in Cam’s grasp, which wasn’t exactly sturdy, since he was having a hard time doing anything but laugh so hard there were tears in his eyes.

  “What’s so funny?” I asked.

  “Are you kidding?” he replied, and then he cupped the back of my head and pulled me to him until our lips smashed together. I spared about half a second to cringe over my lack of clean teeth, but the thought dissipated like the wind when Cam stroked his tongue into my mouth and nipped at my bottom lip. Grasping his hair, I held on for dear life and gave serious consideration to climbing his body.

  “Why the hell did you do that to the boss?” somebody said while Cam and I were forcibly jerked apart. I whimpered. I wanted more of his kisses. Much, much more.

  “He’s rolling around on the floor, crying,” the same guy said, shaking me for emphasis and causing my teeth to clatter.

  “Get your hands off her,” Cam said, and he lunged for the guy. The three of us tumbled into a display of mannequins, and I managed to roll away while the two of them tussled.

  “Grab her,” another voice shouted. I think it was Hollis’s.

  “For the love of God,” I muttered before ducking out of the way when another vampire came rushing toward me. Unfortunately, I wasn’t nearly as swift or slick as him, and in no time flat, he had me in his clutches.

  “I am going to fucking kill you,” Hollis said. He’d made it to one knee and sat there, breathing through his nose, one hand pressed to the floor. I must have a hard head.

  Cam stepped in front of me. “You aren’t going to touch her.”

  “Yes, I am. And if I have to kill you to get to her, so be it. I am so fucking sick and tired of listening to everyone tell me what a goddamn great boss you are anyway. It’s past time you met the true death.” He laboriously climbed to his feet.

  Did this injury mean he and Cam were now on a level playing field? Or maybe the scales had tipped into Cam’s favor. I sure as hell hoped so.

  “If anyone’s meeting the true death tonight, it’s you, asshole. I’ve put up with your shit for way too long,” Cam said. “You are not about to take over my city.”

  “Try. Come on, try. I’m looking forward to teaching you a lesson. Again,” Hollis taunted.


  Hollis and Cam both froze, turned into statues. Literally, or so it seemed. The only thing that appeared to still function for either of them were their eyes, which were rolling every which way, undoubtedly trying to figure out how they’d both ended up in a state of stasis.

  I glanced over my shoulder and saw a tall, elegant woman wearing a black leather bodysuit, with red hair curling to her butt. She grinned triumphantly at the equally elegant man standing next to her in a tailored suit.

  “See? I told you it would work. And on both of them, no less. Oh-h-h, look at that dress.” On impossibly high stiletto heels, she tottered over to the mannequin wearing the blue sequined ball gown and fingered the material. “Would I look good in this, Luther?”

  Luther? Why did that name strike some sort of warning bell with me?

  “Of course it would, darling.”

  His voice didn’t sound familiar, yet I had this sensation in my belly, like I was supposed to bow or something.

  “However, why don’t we deal with our two offspring first and shop later?”

  The woman pouted. “Oh, fine.” She waved her hand and Cam and Hollis both were able to move again. Cam immediately dropped to one knee and bowed his head.

  “Maker,” he said, and I mentally smacked my head. Of course. Now I understood that sensation in my head. It must have something to do with our blood bond.

  “You could take a page out of his book, Hollis,” the woman said, glaring down her narrow nose at the other vampire.

  “I’ve never bowed to you in my life, except when I was going down on you,” Hollis retorted. Luther arched his brows at the woman, while she appeared faintly flustered. I had the impression if she could blush, she would.

  “Years ago,” she said without looking at Luther. “Well over a century.”

  “I’m not an idiot,” Luther said. “I know you haven’t been faithful. Why do you think we argue so often? Although in this particular case, I cannot help but remind you that you were the one who suggested I turn Cam rather than move Hollis into a position of power in Chicago all those years ago.”

  Hollis made a noise of protest and widened his eyes. “What? But you’re my maker.”

  “Exactly. And as such, I feel it is my duty to ensure you do not take on more than you can handle. And you would not have been able to handle Chicago,” the female vampire explained like an elementary school teacher speaking to one of her students.

  “I trained him,” Hollis protested, stabbing his finger in Cam’s direction.

  “To be a vampire. The leadership qualities were already there. That was why we selected him in the first place.”

  “I can’t believe my own maker double-crossed me.”

  “I wouldn’t say double-cross, exactly.”

  “Chicago wasn’t hers to give,” Luther pointed out. “It was mine. And perhaps, while we enjoyed a new vintage of red blend and a lovely young woman from the south of France—do you remember her, dear?”

  The woman smiled widely. “Do I.”

  Luther’s clothing was slightly less fitted than the woman’s, but even from a good ten feet away, I was able to watch the bulge in his trousers grow rather rapidly. I glanced away, to Cam, but he was watching the couple with rapt attention.

  “At any rate,” Luther continued, “perhaps I asked Selina’s opinion on a few business matters. When she isn’t seducing men half her age, she’s actually a pretty savvy businesswoman.”

  “I wouldn’t be in the position I’m in if I weren’t,” Selina replied.

  “You are in your position because you use sex as a bargaining tool.”

  “Which makes me pretty damn savvy, wouldn’t you say?”

  Luther rolled his eyes.

  “I’m going to go out on a limb here and say you guys are here to deal with whatever’s happening between Hollis and Cam?” I finally spoke up, unable to restrain myself. I was tired and hungry, I needed a shower and a toothbrush, and frankly, I wanted to lock myself in a bedroom with Cam for the next forty-eight hours. Give or take. If they could end this animosity between Cam and Hollis, I wouldn’t mind them getting to it.

  Selina sighed and focused her attention on me. “Your courtesan is rather bold, Camden.”

  “She isn’t my courtesan.”

  “No? It certainly seems as if…”

  “He rarely partakes of the courtesan scene,” Luther said. “Which is odd to me. With courtesans, you know what you are getting. Seems a safer risk than simply plucking some human off the street.”

  “I prefer to keep my contact with humans to a meal and a physical release,” Cam said, and I winced. Did that include me? Was I really nothing more than a steak and a screw? Or I would be, when we were finally able to procure some time alone together. I rubbed at my chest, which suddenly felt hollow.

  “Then what’s with this one? What’s your name, dear?” Selina asked, looking at me.


  “What a lovely name. And a lovely woman. Or at least, there is certainly potential. A bath, a hair stylist, a mani-pedi, and definitely some better fitting clothing, and I bet she’d be utterly gorgeous. I’d certainly indulge.”

  I inched closer to Cam and kept my gaze away from any vampire faces. I’d never considered swinging that way, and I didn’t want to be glamoured into thinking it was a good idea now. I didn’t want to do anything with anyone unless it was Cam. Even knowing he saw me as nothing more than a fork and cork.

  “Anya, stop.”

  I glanced up at Cam, who gave me an impatient look in return.

  “What? You said you couldn’t read my mind.”

  “I can’t. But I can see your emotions playing out on your fac
e, and I can sense them through our bond.”

  “You’re bonded?” Selina interrupted our conversation.

  “Yes,” Cam said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and dragging me against his side. “And she is more than a brew and screw.”

  “Really?” I looked up at him, arching my eyebrows.

  “Again,” Hollis said, a sneer in his voice. “Again, he’s falling for a human. Every damn time. How can you possibly think this guy is fit to rule Chicago? Give it to me. I’ll whip these vamps into shape.”

  “There was nothing at all wrong in Chicago,” Luther said. “At least not until you began sending your minions on reconnaissance missions.”

  “I did no such thing.”

  “You aren’t supposed to lie to your maker,” Selina said.

  “He’s not my maker.”

  “I paid a visit to your warehouse,” Luther said to Cam. “Met the human your men have detained there. It seems there is a small army of humans who have been paid to wander about Chicago, stirring up trouble, deliberately making vampires look bad.”

  “Is he talking about the guy who attacked me?” I asked.

  Cam nodded. “Paid by whom?”

  All gazes swiveled toward Hollis, who lifted his hands and slowly backed up, shaking his head. “You can’t prove anything.”

  “This time, we can,” Luther said.

  “Unlike when he killed Cam’s courtesan,” I added.

  “I didn’t—”

  “Oh, shut up, Hollis,” Selina snapped, sounding like an exasperated mother. “You are such a baby. I never should have turned you. I realized your downfalls when you were human, but I was so caught up in your sexual prowess, I convinced myself you wouldn’t be so bad as a vampire.”

  “Wait a minute,” I said. “You slept with him when he was human?”

  Selina nodded. “He was a courtesan. Whenever Luther and I indulged, it was almost always together, and always women. But every now and then, I craved feeding from a human male.”

  “If ‘by every now and then,’ you mean every other day,” Hollis said, causing that embarrassed look to come over Selina’s face while she once again avoided Luther’s gaze. “And if by feeding, you mean fucking. You only drank from me a handful of times before you turned me.”


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