The Problem With Jordan

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The Problem With Jordan Page 11

by Joannie Kay

  “Of course not! I would never—”

  “My wife would never, either, Vickie,” Cray said firmly, hoping that Ferd got through to her.

  “Go and get my razor strop, wife. Nothing is going to protect you from the whipping you’ve earned. I intend to make sure you have a reason to keep your mouth in check.”

  “You mean to whip me in front of him?” she demanded, her voice more of a screech than normal.

  “It is what you deserve. You dragged Jordy’s reputation through the mud on the steps of the church. If I did what you really deserve, I would take you to the church and strap you right there on the steps so that anyone walking by could see how I feel about your gossiping all the time.”

  Hatred twisted her features as she gave her husband a heated look. “I want you to leave this house and never come back!”

  “This house is mine, and I am not the one who is leaving. You may leave whenever you wish, but first, you are going to fetch the strop and bend over for a tanning the likes of which you haven’t had in years.”

  Cray felt sorry for Ferd, and he hoped that his Jordan never looked at him with hatred in her lovely eyes.

  “If I need to go for the strop, I will, and I will give you thirty extra for my trouble. You may not have any skin left on your ass by then, but it will be your own fault. This punishment is going to happen, Vickie. If I were you, I would make it easy on yourself.” Ferd showed no sign of giving in, and the woman burst into tears as she ran from the room. “Hurry back,” he warned her. “I am not in the mood to be patient.”

  To his surprise, Vickie returned within a reasonable amount of time, carrying the pliable strap in her hands. She handed it to Ferd and said, “Please, Ferdy, make Cray leave. I couldn’t bear to be humiliated in front of him!”

  “You humiliated me in front of him, saying horrible things about sweet Jordy that are not true. I’m just relieved the man came to me, asking me man-to-man to handle you myself, instead of coming here and taking his fists to you, or shooting you, or something that will happen eventually if I don’t take you in hand. Bend over the table, wife, and pull up your skirts.”

  Vickie gave him a horrified look and refused to budge. He took her by the arm and led her to the table and bent her over so that her backside was facing Cray. Cray nodded at Ferd and silently made his way out of the house. He wasn’t leaving to show Vickie respect she didn’t deserve; he was leaving to give Ferd respect. It was obvious that he was more than capable of dealing with his gossipy wife, and Cray would give him the courtesy of leaving him to it.

  Ferd pushed the layers of fabric out of his way and the strap landed on a backside that hadn’t been spanked in many years. Vickie cried out in anguish, and Ferd realized that it wouldn’t take much of a strapping to get through to his wife. He gave her another and then another over her wide buttocks, and then he reached underneath and untied the string holding up her drawers. Then he jerked them down to her knees and spanked her in earnest, making sure the strap landed all over her bared cheeks. He then aimed at her thighs, and when he was certain she couldn’t sit on them without considerable pain, he aimed for the area in between, and the strap soon turned her a deep dark red. Vickie was begging for mercy long before he stopped the spanking, and when he did stop, he pulled her up and marched her straight to a corner of the kitchen.

  “You stand right here and think about why you are in so much pain right now. Then we are going to talk, Vickie, and I hope to God you have had a change of attitude by then or we may just repeat this strapping.” Her answer was to sob. After a while, she tried to reach back and rub her flaming bottom, but Ferd saw her and asked if she wanted him to get a wooden spoon and touch up her backside. She quickly shook her head no, and kept her hands away from her bottom.

  Ferd gave himself time to cool down, and then he turned her around. “What do you have to stay for yourself, Vickie?”


  “Nothing?” he asked, stunned.


  “I see. No remorse? No apology? Nothing?” Ferd couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He knew that Vickie could be headstrong and stubborn, but this was ridiculous. He took her back to the table and dished out round two on her already sore backside.


  Jim was waiting by the sheriff’s office. “Sorry it took so long, Jim,” Cray said as he reached him.

  “No problem, Cray. Was Ferd reasonable?” he asked.

  “Very, when I left, ole Vickie was bent over the kitchen table for a good tanning. He also intended to speak to Max Oldham about Susan. Apparently, the sisters say she is starting to behave like their mama, and they don’t like it.”

  “I hope Ferd gets through to her.”

  “Me too.” They saw Otis running toward them.

  “I’s sorry to keep y’all waitin’,” he said politely.

  “I just got here myself,” Cray answered. “How is Miss Sophie doin’?”

  “She’s got lady friends there to comfort her now. I done promised to check on her boy and make sure he got took to the undertaker.”

  “I saw to it myself, and Mr. Harris is going to do his part for free since Miss Sophie don’t have much in the way of income.”

  “That tall-tale ain’t goin’ to work,” Otis said solemnly. “I’d like to pitch in.”

  “So would I, Jim. The boy should have a decent funeral.”

  Jim looked at them, and then shrugged, “I guess that was a fool idea. I just wanted to spare the poor woman.”

  “You’s a good man, Mister Jim.”

  “I feel so damn bad for her, Otis. I have three sons, and I would just die if someone did that to one of them. It would kill Ally. I want to help, and this is the only thing I can do.” Jim had tears in his eyes, and Otis nodded in understanding.

  “I lost my boy and his mama, and it hurts real bad,” he whispered. “I hope the sheriff gets them that done it, for Miss Sophie’s sake.”

  Cray reached out and laid a hand on each man’s shoulder. He knew there was nothing he could say in the moment to help either man. He’d suffered loss, too. “We should go now and let Ally and Jordan know what happened.” His words seemed to give the other men the impetus to move, and they were soon underway. On the way home they spotted the sheriff. He was bringing in the two Curtis brothers, who didn’t seem to have a care in the world. When Otis started to rise in the wagon, Cray reached out and put his hand on his shoulder and pushed him down. “Let the courts handle it, my friend. They will hang.”

  “I ain’t a violent man, Mister Cray, but I intend to go to that hangin’,” Otis whispered.


  “I cannot understand you, Vickie. How is it that you feel no remorse at all for calling little Jordy names? How would you feel if another woman stood on the steps of our church and announced that our Susan was a whore because she anticipated her wedding vows and had to get married because she was with child?”

  “That isn’t true!” Vickie gasped, looking at Ferd in horror.

  “No, of course it isn’t true. Neither is what you are saying about Jordy and Otis Brown. They are good people, Vickie, and they do not deserve to have you telling all manner of lies about them. Do you think it was easy for Cray McCormick to come to me and tell me what you are doing? Now that I’ve heard this I am able to understand why people shun us in this town. We are never invited to have supper at other people’s homes, and no one ever seems to accept our invitations. People do not like gossips, Vickie. They avoid them. Our own daughters don’t want to be around you because you gossip so much. You are pushing them away with your lies, Vickie. Why do you do this? Why?”

  “Why? Because I have nothing else to do, Ferd,” she shocked him by stating. “You avoid me, and I can only make so many quilts. I feel so alone, and I must do something to get attention. You don’t ever talk to me; if you aren’t at work, you have your nose in a book. You have a job; I only have cooking and cleaning. No grandchildren to play with and spoil. I’m bored, Fer

  “And you make up lies to relieve boredom?” he asked incredulously. “Vickie, I am going to relieve you of your boredom. You will have no reason to make up your lies just to hurt people!”

  “Jordy McCormick is sleeping with that Otis person. She is just like her mother! And you can stop defending her! I know who her father is, dear husband, and I will never forgive you for cheating on me with her!”


  The odors inside the kitchen made Cray’s stomach growl with hunger. He walked over to hug Jordan and kiss her on the cheek. “How long before we can eat, honey?”

  “Wash up, and while you are doing that, we’ll dish up. Ally and I fed the boys already and put them down for a nap. Otis, I set a plate for you, too.”

  “Missy, I ain’t up to eatin’ right now. My stomach ain’t happy.”

  “Would you like for me to send something home with you for later?” she offered.

  He shook his head no. “It’d go to waste, Missy. I ain’t feelin’ right.” He bade everyone goodbye, mounted his horse, and left, anxious to be alone.

  “Otis isn’t upset with me over what that awful woman said, is he?” Jordan asked with a hurt expression in her green eyes.

  “No, honey. I suspect he’s grieving. He didn’t say how or when, but he admitted he’d lost his wife and son. I imagine it is on his mind after today.”

  “What did happen in town?” Alice wanted to know.

  “Can we wash up and eat first?” Jim asked politely.

  The women busied themselves putting the meal on the table, and it didn’t take long for the men to eat their fill. They were very hungry; it was nearly suppertime and they hadn’t had their dinner yet!

  “This food is delicious, Jordy.”

  “I’m still not used to being able to go to the cellar, or to the chicken coop, or the smokehouse to get food to cook. It seems like such a wonderful dream that I’m afraid I’ll wake up from it and be really poor and stealing what I can to eat. I’m so ashamed of that,” she admitted.

  “I’m ashamed we didn’t offer you more help,” Alice admitted, and Jim reached for her hand.

  “I’m ashamed of that, too, Jordy. We didn’t have much, but surely we could have figured out something to help more than we did.”

  “Maybe I needed the lesson. Jim? You and Ally helped me more than most folks did, but I was proud and I wouldn’t have allowed you to do more for me. God let it happen, and I am thankful for my life now. I have a wonderful husband who does love me and I love him, too. I am happy.”

  “Thank you, sweetheart.” Cray gave her a big smile. “You make me a happy man, too. I didn’t realize how lonely I was until I met you. I don’t know how those crazy folks in town decided we needed to be together, but I thank God for them daily. They certainly had the right of it. I cherish you with all my heart.”

  “That is the sweetest thing you’ve ever said to me, Cray!” Jordan suddenly started crying and got up to round the table and hug him.

  Cray slid his chair back, pulled her onto his lap and just held her. “Sweetheart, I didn’t mean to make you cry!”

  “They are happy tears. I’m emotional right now. Oh, I wanted to wait until we were alone, but now is the perfect time. We’re going to have a baby, Cray! A real, live, beautiful baby! I was sure I was dying, but it’s our baby making me have morning sickness. I didn’t even suspect I could be pregnant! Ally knew right away.”

  “A baby! Oh my God! A baby,” he whispered in awe. “Are you sure?”

  “As sure as I can be until I go see Doc. Will you come with me?” she asked timidly.

  “Just try to keep me away!” he said firmly. Then he looked at Jim, “Is this what you thought, my friend?”

  “Yes, but I didn’t want to spoil it for Jordy,” Jim said with a big grin. “We are going to be Aunt and Uncle now!” Jim added for Ally’s benefit.

  “I know; I’m so excited. I get to enjoy helping Jordy.”

  “Alice is going to tell me what to do and how to prepare for the baby, Cray. I haven’t the first clue what to make, what we need, or how to deal with an infant.”

  “I’m glad we have you and Jim, Ally,” Cray stated with heartfelt gratitude. “I’m as much in the dark as my wife. We expect you to speak up and help us not to do something wrong.”

  “As long as you love the baby, that is most important,” Jim insisted. “Believe me, a baby won’t remember a nappy that wasn’t pinned right, but that sense of being loved stays with them.”

  Cray looked at his wife and said, “We can certainly do that, right, Jordan?”

  “We can.” She nodded in agreement. “I should get off your lap and start the dishes, but first, you and Jim need to tell us what happened today. Alice and I are strong women and we will handle whatever it is that had you both so upset.”

  Cray explained as gently as possible, but wasn’t surprised when both Jordy and Alice started crying at the mention of Sophie. And that is when he spoke of Otis’ reaction. Jim looked at Alice and told her that he asked Mr. Harris to tell Sophie he was doing the funeral for free because he knew she didn’t have much income, but in reality, he offered to pay the bill. “I know we don’t have a lot to spare, but it was all I could think of to help that poor woman.”

  “Otis and I are going to chip in, too,” Cray reminded the other man.

  “You don’t have to.”

  “No, I don’t, but I want to, my friend.”

  “I’m glad the men who did this are in jail now. And their poor sister! I can only imagine how much she is hurting right now.” Jordan jumped to her feet and said, “I need to busy myself.” She started clearing the table and Alice joined her. It was the way of women in times of crisis. They got busy with life, and with what needed done. “I will make some food for Sophie and take it to her tomorrow,” she said decisively.

  “Come by for me and we’ll pay a call together,” Alice said, and Jordan nodded in agreement.


  Vickie knew she’d been standing in the corner for nearly two hours because Ferdy insisted he was too angry to deal with her. He even spoke with their son-in-law, Max, in the front parlor. Following that she heard the unmistakable sound of Susan being soundly spanked! She tried to go to her aid, but Ferdy put her back in the same corner with orders not to move if she wanted to have skin left on her backside. Ferdy insisted that Susan needed a good smacking and said that he would have been disappointed in Max if he didn’t react precisely in the manner he was! Susan was sobbing before the spanking ended.

  Ferdy made sure to tell his youngest daughter how much he loved her and reminded her that it was wrong to behave the way she’d been behaving. Max promised he would keep a close eye on his little wife, and he made a point of thanking Ferd for permitting him to handle the situation.

  “You are Susie’s husband, Max, and I do respect you. My daughter will always be my little girl, and if you weren’t in the picture I would have done my duty, but you are in the picture, happily so, I might add. It was your right to deal with our girl. I think she chose well.” For Ferdy, it was a long speech, and it made Max swell with pride. He was also pleased when Susan kissed her father and told her how much she loved him, and she apologized for disappointing him. Ferdy forgave her immediately, and sent them on home and then he went to the kitchen once more to check on Vickie. “Are you ready to explain yourself to me?”

  “There is nothing to explain, Ferdy. You know you are that girl’s real father. Do not expect me to pretend I don’t know. I have never felt sorry for her, and yes, I know you slipped her money all the time. Money that should have gone to our daughters!”

  “I have told you several times now that I am not Jordy’s father. I felt sorry for the girl, and yes, I did ask if we could take her in when Hermione passed away, but you were so adamant against it that I dropped it to keep peace. Vickie, I have never slept with anyone but you. That is the simple truth.”

  “It’s a lie, Ferd! A big, fat lie! I have eyes. That
girl looks just like Amanda, but with the devil’s red hair!”

  “Jordy doesn’t look a thing like Mandy! Are you losing your mind?” Ferd’s first instinct was to try and convince his wife that she was imagining things. He’d been keeping his brother’s secret since before Jordy was born, and it had never once occurred to him that his own wife would see a family resemblance and make too much of it.

  “Then tell me why you haven’t shared my bed for the last fifteen years?” she demanded.

  “Because you kicked me out of our bed. You said it was too painful, so I started sleeping in the guest room.”

  “It was too painful because I was hurt and ashamed that you had a child outside our marriage!” she screamed at him.

  “Stop screaming or I will paddle you again, and if you could see your butt, you would quiet immediately. Victoria, you are the only woman I have ever touched in that manner. Jordy’s mother was never attracted to me. She had eyes for one man and that was it. Vickie, I would never cheat on you. The only reason I stopped making love to you was because you said it hurt too much, and I was sure I was causing you terrible pain. I had no idea until today that you thought I cheated on you.”

  “That girl looks like our daughter.”

  “She should,” he said, and then he looked away, defeated. He could no longer keep the secret that had tormented him for years. “Vickie, Jordy is my niece, not my daughter. My brother is the one who had an affair with Jordy’s mother and Jordy was the result of that. The man she thinks her father… he only married her mother to give the girl a last name. My brother paid him to claim Jordy as his own. Hermione knew the truth, but she loved Jordy and raised her. Amos never made it right, and he died with his lies on his conscience. Jordy is my niece. I’ve only ever loved you.”

  The look on Vickie’s face came close to breaking his heart. She was trying to put it all together in her mind, and she was suddenly crying.

  “I’m sorry, Ferdy. Oh, I am so sorry! I am sorry as can be! I’ve spent so much time trying to make you miserable and to punish you, and you did nothing wrong! I understand now. How can you ever forgive me?” she wanted to know, anguish in her eyes and in her voice. “I am so sorry!” After a couple more sobs she said, “This is why you and Amos couldn’t stand to be together in the same room. You wanted him to accept responsibility, but he was afraid of tarnishing his reputation. Your father would have taken a buggy whip to him!”


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