Ryder's Salvation_Gay Motorcycle Club Romance_Dragon Fury MC

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Ryder's Salvation_Gay Motorcycle Club Romance_Dragon Fury MC Page 14

by M. T. Ossler

  You would think after all the times we’ve fucked I could take him without any prep. Not the case, he’s still as tight as the first night I fucked him, and feels just as good every time, if not better.

  I stretch out his hole, forcing three fingers in before I give up. I release my mouth from him, push him back flat on my desk, and line my cock up with his hole. Slowly, I thrust into him and watch every inch of my cock disappear inside his welcoming body. Once my balls hit his ass, I look up at him.

  “Fuck, Jess, I’ve missed you, sweets. Make love to me,” he says, wanting it slow. I gather his wrist in one hand, placing them over his head. I come down on him and claim his lips.

  Setting a steady pace with my cock and my tongue, not too slow and not too fast, enough to have us both withering with need. I move my hips to the right, and he screams, letting me know I found his sweet spot. I know my guy’s body and how to get him just right.

  I drag my wet kisses down his neck, nibbling and sucking hard till I reach the sensitive part under his ear. I moan, and he thrust his hips towards me. I trail down and take his nipple into my mouth, doin’ the same to his sensitive buds. I move back and forth, showing both his buds some lovin’ as I take his cock in my hand, stroking him to the same rhythm as I plunge into him. I bite down hard on his nipple, setting him off. He cums in my hand and on his stomach. His asshole pulses around my straining cock, forcing me to follow him. I piston one last time and cum with a roar.

  I fall on top of him, releasing his wrist and his cock from my strong grip. Our erratic breathing fills the room over the soft music playing.

  Once our hearts and breathing calm, I lift off him and sit in my chair. I grab his hand, lift him off the desk, spin him to the side and place him on my lap.

  The bag of takeout is on the floor next to me. I set it on the desk, and he grabs the food out of the bag. Before we eat, he gives me one last long, lingering kiss. Our night has just begun.

  We spend hours eating, talking, and fucking in the privacy of my office until the mornin’ sun breaks through the sky.

  The next few weeks are busy and chaotic. We have to get the Clubhouse and apartments ready for our Clubs annual 4th of July party.

  We still haven’t heard a word from Alejandro, and that makes me weary. Gator and Ace had Iron Dog sent him a video of the torture on his second in command, Santiago. Ace stuffed his dick down his own throat along with tearing him apart. The package contained the video, and his head with his dick still stuffed in his mouth.

  All we’ve known from before is that he took my Ces off his list and added all the girls including Sam.

  Now, that Ces is a patched member of the Dragons he’s off limits. Not that it really matters, he already declared war on our Club.

  It’s just still unnerving to think he may still come for Jules and the girls. Gator is beside himself that Sam is on that list. He’s tried to keep her out of club business all these years, especially after everything she’s been through with our Club.

  Long story short, Gator and Sam dated in high school. He got her pregnant, stepped up, but she lost the baby. No one knows till this day if a rival Club got to her or what really happened. She was in a coma for months, when she woke up, she didn’t want to see Gator again. He went off the rails, and Cobra sent him to the military. When Gator came back to take over the Club, they literally bumped into each other. Their love connection couldn’t be fought, she gave in to her desires and here we are. They have been seeing each other ever since. He still hasn’t claimed her because she hates the Club in a way. She blames the Club for losing their baby and taking her chance of ever having one away.

  Beast and Ace have been on high alert with their girls and Cindy. Blaze has been staying close to Brook too, not letting her out of his sight. Beast still has Knuckles keeping an eye on Gigi even though school is out. None of the girls are allowed off the Compound for anything unnecessary; only for doctors’ appointments.

  Gator even went as far as to place two prospects on Sam when she’s at the hospital. He’s been working on trying to get her to quit. Maybe soon, he hates when she’s far from him and he can be persuasive.

  Hopefully, we can get this all resolved by the 4th party, but my gut tells me it’s about to get a lot worse.


  It’s finally time for our annual 4th of July party. Gator enforced more security for today cause everything is still in the fuckin’ air. Our out of town brothers brought a couple of prospects from each Club with them. It gives us about twenty-five men to patrol the grounds. Maddox and Gator are staying on top of this shit. The girls mean a lot to both of them, and they won’t let anything happened to them.

  In the last month and a half, so much shit has gone on. The Clubhouse and apartments were finished the middle of June. The girls now have a brand-new state of the art restaurant style kitchen for them to cook for the Club on Thursday nights. Which works out nice, when we have a full Church with all the members once a month.

  They added a library for Rosie to homeschool their kids. She’s also been helping Brook get the rest of her credits to finish high school.

  The guys all requested a larger media room for our growing family. It’s huge giving us all enough room to be in there with the kids.

  Still no word from Alejandro, himself. An inside source informed he’s gone into hiding. That bastard is up to something, I can feel it. Time will tell.

  Meanwhile, we’ve been trying to stay as normal as possible for the women and children. Celebrating birthdays and anniversaries of sorts. And patch parties. Any chance those girls get to bake a cake and celebrate, they take it.

  We patched in Colt, Gears, Tiny, and Whiskey – Bo – after we got the Clubhouse back in order. We also voted in five new prospects, Alex, Noah, Liam, Mark, and Taylor. We also took in two club girls Nicole and Marcy, to replace Chrissy. That’s been fun, I’ll tell you. Rolling my eyes. The first week they were here, Ces and I went to the bar for a drink after Church, before dinner. It was a Thursday night, Nicole got in Ces’ face, and he almost tore her throat out with his bare hands.

  We were sitting at the bar having a beer with Shadow, Throttle, Hawk, and Snake. Marcy started comin’ on to Hawk and he pushed her away. Our girls know to leave us men alone when we’re talking. If the men want ya, they’ll call ya. She didn’t get the hint. Nicole came over to me, shoving her breast into my face and placed her hand on my chest. Not wanting to be touched by her, I pushed her hand off my body. She didn’t get the hint and kept touching and coming on to me. Ces got pissed the fuck off at her.

  “Girlie, he’s a married man and doesn’t want your pussy,” he stares at her and throws her hand off my chest, for the millionth time now. She still didn’t get a fuckin’ clue. Dumb blond.

  “Everyone likes my tight pussy, married or not. I know how to keep my mouth shut and his cock happy,” Nicole says sassily. She runs her hand down my chest, closer to my cock. This time I remove her hand, forcefully, throwing it to the side.

  Ces roars out like a lion and yells in her face, “I’m gonna say this one last time, so your dumbass gets a fucking clue! He’s not into pussy, and he’s my fuckin’ husband! Take your fucking dumb ass somewhere else!” She stares at him, shocked. My dick is hardening by the second seeing him like this, so possessive.

  I notice the girls, watching from the kitchen now. The guys have emerged from the media room with the kids in their arms. They want to see what all the yelling and commotion is about.

  I’m about to say somethin’, but Ces gives me a look to let him handle it. So, I sit back with the guys and observe him in action as my cock becomes painfully hard for him. He’s my guy, and if he feels he needs to do this, who am I to begrudge him for it? If the roles were reversed, I’d be doin’ the same damn thing. Claiming him as mine to the newcomers, and I will be doin’ that as soon as he says his peace.

  “Pathetic,” she says sounding disgusted. “only women need cock. My pussy is primed for the taken’. It’s
fuckin’ magical, baby.” The guys and I burst out laughing at her words. Obviously, they don’t agree with her on that statement.

  “Hah, you don’t have a magical pussy, bitch. I only know four women in this Clubhouse that do and you ain’t one of em’. But he does have a magical cock, and it’s all mine,” he yells snidely, pointing at me, and I wink at him. The guys can’t hold in their laughter as it bursts out of them. “And his magical cock doesn’t want your pussy or anyone’s. His cock wants my ass and only my fuckin’ ass, bitch!” Ces screams in her face. I think I may have a heart attack on the spot from his words. My guy does not talk like this in front of the guys, but I can see how furious he is. When he’s like this, he has no filter. And I have no self-control over my body’s reaction to him. Fuck, I need to fuck him right now, hard and fuckin’ fast.

  “Pussy is so much better for a cock to fuck than an ass, fuckface loser,” she yells and with that, Ces hops off the bar stool and towers over her. Looking down at the bitch and we all just sit back quietly, waiting to see what happens next. I’m still in a bit of shock, honestly, and I can’t move.

  This is the man that comes out in a fight. Tough and has no mercy. Ruthless and murderous. The fuckin’ Tasmanian Devil, I’ll tell you. God, I love this man with my whole heart .

  “Take a survey, girlie. Gay or straight, every man in this Clubhouse that doesn’t own a magical pussy would choose ass any day of the week!” The guys all agree and root for my guy to continue to put her in her place.

  Fuck, I need to fuck him. My dick is gonna have a zipper mark embedded in him for hours if I don’t get in his ass soon.

  “Why pussy may be good for some men, it’s not for us. So, keep your skanky paws away from my man. Or I will teach you a goddamn lesson like I did the last bitch that pissed me the fuck off!” He spits the words in her face as the rage comes off him in volumes. I regain my composure, get up, and go to my guy. It’s time to end this shit. Taking his vibrating hand in mine, her eyes gravitate to our hands.

  “That goes for me too, if you touch my husband you’ll have to answer to me,” I say calmly. “A little word of advice cause your new here. If you want to stay here longer than a week. Let the men come to you. When they want your magical pussy that is,” I emphasize those last words for her benefit. After I say my peace, I turn back to Ces and kiss him, long, hard, and deep in the middle of the bar. I hear her whiney female gasp behind me.

  God, I’m so fuckin’ turned on from his display of ownership on me. I need to get him alone before dinner. He moans in my mouth, and it’s about to be my undoing. Then, I hear Cindy yell, and my dick starts to soften, a little. Fuck, it’s like my mom just came into my room and caught us in the middle of fuckin’.

  She yells at Nicole, and Gator calls us over to the other side of the room.

  After the fucking debacle, we didn’t see her for the rest of the night.

  After dinner, I took my guy home for the night. I made love to him as a reward for taking control of the situation and staking his claim on me in front of the Club.

  She’s been good since that night and left us alone, but I can see the mischief in her eyes. She likes to cause trouble, which means she ain’t gonna last long around here.

  Ces and I are bullshitting with Gator, King, and Colt when we see Beast dragging Knuckles by the collar of his kutte towards Ace’s back door. We all follow them over to find out what fuckin’ happened now. Chains and Gears see them and come rushing over.

  No one says a word as we all huddle in the kitchen. Ace, Jules, Blaze, Gigi, and Brook are in there already, and Gigi is hiding in Blaze’s arms. What the fuck did Knuckles do to her?

  Ace growls at Knuckles and Beast for answers. When he doesn’t respond, Beast growls at him to reply to Ace’s question.

  It seems that Nicole kissed him, and Gigi caught them. She ran to Blaze not wanting to confront them. He swears to Beast he would never do anything to hurt his girl. I know how much he loves her and would never intentionally hurt her. He may not be able to officially claim her with the Club or date her just yet, but the kid is all hers. She loves him too, that’s why she’s so upset by this.

  Nicole, on the other hand, could give two fucks who she hurts. I think she gets off on hurting others and trying to cause problems with couples.

  Gigi removes herself from Blaze and stares at Knuckles. If the hate and malice in her eyes could kill, they would kill him. We all stand back and let the kids argue and get it out. We’re here if we need to intervene, but they really need to handle their shit on their own. If they are ever gonna be in a real relationship together, we can’t always bail them out.

  She claims she’s not his. Then she accuses him of fuckin’ Nicole. When she says Nicole saw her comin’ to find him, I knew instantly, she planned to cause a fight between the kids.

  He begs and pleads with her to forgive him, not having any shame that all us men are in here with them, and hearing every word he has to say. He swears he hasn’t had sex with anyone for over a year, since the day he laid eyes on her. I feel for him, I don’t know if I could wait that long. He still has two years to go before they can sleep together, and I hope he can wait. I know if I had to with Ces, there wouldn’t be a choice. It’d be damn near impossible, though. My dick only wanted him from the first day I met him. I couldn’t get hard for another ass. But I’m older and controlled, Knuckles is young and not so control.

  She makes him work for it, but in the end, she forgives him. As fast as they makeup, she’s out the back door.

  We all race after her. Ace spots her first, and we make our way to her as she grabs Nicole’s hair in her little fist.

  It’s like fuckin’ high school since the girls have been here. It’s all good, though. The guys aren’t much better, and at least we get some entertainment along with the drama.

  She tears into Nicole like a woman possessed, shouting and draws a crowd over. She stakes her claim on Knuckles in front of our entire Club and the other chapters. It’s a verbal claim, not an official Club one, but it will do, since he’s not countering her claim.

  Gigi starts to beat the shit out of Nicole, messing her face up in the process until Cindy stops her.

  Cindy and Ace take over and warn Nicole one last time, and then she dashes.

  The rest of the party is drama free and fun. We drink, dance, swim in Beast’s pool, swim in the lake, and eat a shit ton of food and sweets.

  Ending the evening with a spectacular firework display by the lake put on by our new prospects.

  My brothers and I set out blankets to be comfortable. I hold Ces in my arms, and my brothers hold their women next to us, while we enjoy the show for the first time together.

  The first of many to come.

  Chapter 15


  Sitting here by the lake, watching the firework show in Jess’s loving embrace with our family beside us, I don’t want this day to end. I want to stay this way forever. This is the best place in the universe to be. Like this nothing else exists but Jess and I and our love.

  It’s so nice to be like this around all these men, accepted. They accept us for who we are and allow us to show affection just like everyone. Since joining the Club, life has been different in a new way. I have a larger family of men that care for me, for the real me. Having Jess by my side to share it with is the icing on the cake.

  All good things come to those who wait, right? It’s true, not every story starts out good, but in the end, love conquers all. That’s what I always believed in my heart, and here we are.

  When Jess met me I was broken and beaten down from months of torture. Jess’s arms, Jess’s love, helped build me back up, making me stronger than I ever was. The rage inside me was swallowing me up until I found an outlet for it. Beating and killing another person. Granted it’s not a healthy outlet, but it’s the life, and I have no problem with it. I may not have been born into the Family, but I was involved. I didn’t get sheltered like the girls or outsiders. I saw what
went on behind the scenes, and they even involved me in a few ‘talks’, so I’m no stranger to this life. The only difference is the suits versus jeans and leather. The suits are stuffy, and the jeans and leather are freeing.

  After the beautiful fireworks, we sit for a while just looking out at the lake and the night’s sky. The girls bring up wishing upon stars and the magic of it all. To still see the beauty in life after all the bad is inspiring. To know the good didn’t get tainted from the bad for any of us. Even for our youngest member, Brook.

  When I first met her a couple of months ago, her eyes were dull and clouded. Now, they sparkle and shine. She’s not as timid either, she’s vibrant and funny and wise beyond her years. It’s hard to remember sometimes I’m speaking to a teenager, she speaks like someone in their thirties. I guess a hard life will do that to you. She’s a survivor like everyone in our group and was healed by the love of her man Blaze and her brother Ace. I think it’s still weird she calls Ace, dad, but it seems to fit their relationship well. Just another thing to get used to.

  After hanging out for a while, the guys take their tired girls home for the night. Blaze and Brook are still with Ace and Jules for a few more months until their place is done. So, they all head out together and Jess and I stay and enjoy the peace alone for a little while longer. Then, it’s time for some naked fun. My stallion needs the ride of his life tonight to celebrate, and make some fireworks of our own in the privacy of our bedroom.

  A couple of days later, we get a call from Ace. Brook is in labor, and they’re all leaving for the hospital. We meet them there and wait with the rest of our brothers in the waiting room. Eighteen hours of labor that wore the poor thing out, their little girl finally arrived. She had the baby the day after they arrived there in the late afternoon. Natural birth with an epidural, Blaze’s request cause he couldn’t watch his girls screaming in pain.


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