The Billionaire's Heart: Always Mine (A Billionaire Love Story Book 1)

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The Billionaire's Heart: Always Mine (A Billionaire Love Story Book 1) Page 1

by J. S. Brent

  The Billionaire's Heart

  Book 1

  Always Mine

  (A Billionaire Love Story)


  J. S. Brent

  Copyright and Disclaimer

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2016 by J. S. Brent

  All Rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any forms or by any means, (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission.

  The following story contains mature themes, strong language, and sexual situations. It is intended for adult readers.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12


  Bonus Stories


  The golden beams of the early morning sun swept the forest in dazzling flickers that formed two erected shadows, which grabbed one another in a relentless grip. The skies emitted the radiance of snow and the little creeping monsters sought to have entertained the comfort deserving of nature.

  “We are worlds apart.” The sweet angelic tone echoed from her soft pink lips that carved her slightly bony cheeks, letting out the type of smile that will emerge from a fulfilled heart, irrespective of her teenage shyness.

  “It doesn’t matter Kate, all that matters is that I will never leave you.” He moaned in a soft base that pierced her heart, as her eyes grew watery, probably from the charm of his words, or from the sort of assurance he emitted and the level of aristocracy that a young man his age induced. Their silent but melodic words meddled with the sweet songs of the morning birds and the rushing waters that crept meters away, yawning in semicircular waves.

  “We are still very young Adam.” She protested slightly with an unconscious hand that caressed his blond cheek lying under a dazzling pair of blue eyes and white heavenly dents, placed in their rightful positions. She had left the ghettos at the age of five, when her father made the mighty decision to get a better job in the city. She will forever be grateful for her father’s decision. The friendship she shared with the rich kid was fast turning into a magic she will forever entertain.

  “C’mon Katty, he jested, I’m almost a man now and I know what I feel is real” He insisted in a stunned smile, perhaps to cast a magical spell on her which graciously was what she needed to keep her heart caged to his.

  “But you’re not yet a man.” She jested in a brilliant smile that pushed her feathery lashes in a wavelike manner. Her dark curly hair hung in a rough pony tail that leaked down her neck, while she momentarily picked and clipped it behind her ears as though she didn’t want to miss a single detail the enchantment they’d initiated.

  “My mom always says after college, I’ll be a man.” He added confidently, grabbing her in a playful manner with a sweet but repulsive smile regarding the sort of challenge she was putting up.

  “You said so yourself,” she added tucking his cheek. “After college Adam, that’s a longtime from now.” Her dark and once brilliant smile faded with the rushing wind that circled them in the huge forested area with different specimens that met the eyes expectations of the real definition of beauty.

  “Hey! He cried out from beneath his gut, concerned by her swing of mood. “We’ve talked about this Katty,” his eyes searched hers with reassurance, “you don’t have to worry, we are stronger than any distance alright? He continued, cradling both her hands into his, “We’ll be good.”

  Chapter 1

  Kate Winstone sunk into a huge buggy that imposed itself on one corner of the massive bed dressed in immaculate white sheets. Her thoughts arched as she panned the channels with no particular one to settle for. Tides had suddenly changed between Adam and herself. He was either late for their appointments or never present, because he was attending one conference on his father behalf or, out of town for business trips. Thin films of sweat narrowed her soft dark temple while she paced to the bathroom to keep her appearance in check.

  Her gaze pinned her stunning reflection from the beautiful Colombian mirror that hung neatly at the center of the elaborate bathroom. She flushed her hair thoroughly to emit the irresistible charms that will induce the sort of passion she so desired. She seized her cell phone from her bag that lay on the bed and with rushing fingers; she dialed the number on the screen.

  She vividly placed the phone to her ear and waited impatiently with an unconscious and relentless flapping of her dark forested lashes that carved her beauty more prominently. She emitted a disappointed sigh, followed by the phone that dropped on the bed. Her rushing steps marched towards the window with a calm and rather weird look. It had definitely been a recurrent tendency and she had probably seen it coming.

  Three long hours at the hotel and each minute that passed by, came with tormenting fears and a doubt, if the love they’d preached about, was worth the wait. The expansive glass window of the fancy room revealed a magnificent view of the city of Milan. The speedy cars and the tall gigantic buildings imposing themselves on the rushing people drove her mind to the days when she could barely spend time with her father, as he was always out, working.

  Life back then was simpler, she was a child and very innocent too. She now saw the world for what her father always concealed it to be. He always said she will understand when she grew older. Life is an intricate web, and she was beginning to see the world for its wickedness and cruelty. The way it has always been and probably will forever be and perhaps worse.

  “I’ve been here for ages Adam” Kate protested in a haughty tone, releasing her eyes vividly from the huge hands that masked them from behind. The door had screeched open and she’d been plunged into a river of thoughts, that she could barely hear the footsteps that crept in.

  “I’ve been here for the past ten minutes,” he argued with a charming smile that brushed his sweaty forehead.“What’s on your mind honey?” He continued trying to evade the question, with hands that reach out for her chin.

  “Adam! She brooded. “What the hell do you take me for; do you know how many times I tried calling you today?” She asked gruffly taking his luring hands off her body. Her sparkling brown iris turned pale while she fought the film of tears that formed in her eyes.

  “Baby I can explain.” Adam cut in apologetically reaching for her hands, while she stopped him by a gesture of her hand in a raging gaze that kept him mute for some seconds.

  “Explain what?” The floor beneath her stamping feet arched. “Explain that you cancel our appointments at your discretion?” She blocked his gaze. His eyes scanned her lustrous boobs that stood steadily underneath the fancy red flair robe that crept towards her knees. He loved her in red and the sight of her irresistible butts flapping at the impulse of her movements, caused a vibration in his pants which he couldn’t suppress for long.

  He w
as guilty but he will let her say her mind, she was sensitive to his coldness over the last month and he felt horrible for making her feel neglected, if only she knew how much he hurt each time she cried, then she could understand the enormity of what they had to face in future. “I know exactly how you feel right now and…” Adam insisted in a softened gaze that blocked hers, he always knew how to calm her down, but it felt like the distance had transformed her and he could no longer reach her soul in the usual telepathy they always induced.

  “You have no idea how I feel.” She cut in with a spiteful look to emit the sort of disdain he’d always initiated when he was too proud to admit a mistake. His countenance turned confused while he brushed his hands over his bunchy beards, to mask the bewilderment in his guts. He’d always trampled on the woman by some psychological means, he was fast losing his grip on her and he feared he’d lost the sweet tender and shy woman whose world revolved around him.

  Tears streamed down her bony cheeks as she sat on the bed, her slender black thighs hinged forward, as she struggled to fit neatly at the edge of the huge Victorian bed, probably far enough from him, to prevent any further attempts to lure the conversation into sex, as it was his perfect means to divert a subject matter on ground. She’d always resisted his haughty tendency with the hope of his redemption someday. He’d added meaning to her life though she knew a future with him could be a storm.

  She’d put on with the cheap talks at the factory, about her ambition to get to the top by sleeping with him .She valued what they shared, but it was now crystal clear to her, that the man was taking her for granted and she had to put a stop to it.

  “Honey,” Adam cut in. “you have every right to be mad at me,” he softened, to her amazement and thoughts whispered from within her guts, “I’m I dreaming?” She inquired from within. The look in her eyes gave her away, while Adam crept over the bed, trespassing into her defenseless sphere. “I know I have disappointed and hurt you in ways beyond apology.” He casted a magical spell with an enchanting smile that pricked her heart and for a moment, she threw all else she had to say to the wind, she wouldn’t ruin this moment he’d inspired to induce.

  She hadn’t seen him in a month and he looked more handsome than ever, her gaze dropped to permit her steal a glance, to ascertain his ever so enchanting presence from the corridors within the leaking strands of her hair, which buried her lust. He’d worn a grey tuxedo suite, over a black pair of fitting shirt that carved his torso elaborately. She gasped at how dashing he looked and then pretended she didn’t care about how apologetic he’d seem, though deep down, it was the least she expected. He was the desire of every woman in the district, stemming from his fans and she could only be thankful that he’d choose her, although she didn’t quite understand if it was a blessing or a curse.

  She enjoyed the attention and the gifts he showered her, but their relationship had never been in the limelight. Thoughts of the past flushed into her mind but she vividly waved it aside with every a flip of her eyelids, that all will be well. As an employee in the Kingsley cooperation, she’d been an underdog to him and she’d heard talks about how the boss’ son was betrothed and that he will never settle for anything beneath his status.

  She’d always maintained her composure, as such was the habit of employees, to gossip about their employers and she’d consoled herself at the very least because his supposed betrothed was out in the states. Adam himself had assured her that it was a ridiculous arrangement between their families .He’d called it old fashioned and felt awkward by the thought of him settling for a woman other than her, worse still a woman chosen by his parents.

  His hands crept, slowly until their warmth reached the surface of her pants; she allowed the feeling to overwhelm her while he caressed her dark thighs and crossed over her, with preying eyes that blocked hers. “Let me make it up to you baby.” He pressed his soft lips upon her red tainted but tempting lips that moaned loud demands to be kissed, as they trembled with every finger that stroke her moist pussy.

  “I love you,” his eyes shot fiery arrows that melted her soul and she couldn’t wished for nothing more, than to spend an eternity with the man that accelerated her heart beat. “Oh! He jumped from her as though she’d done something wrong.

  “What’s the matter?” She demanded, surprised at the impulse, she was lost and all she wanted was to devour him without waste.

  “Wait up baby, give me a second”, he rushed towards the briefcase that lay on one corner of the central table in the room, he tapped a few buttons and the box spread open after a crack sound.

  “What’s that?” She rushed from the bed to meet him, with one hand hinging her dress underneath her armpit, revealing patches of her breast and the most parts of her chest. Her curiosity grew wild, as he removed a small red case and with a slight hesitation, retreated to her end and they met across the room. His eyes sparkled and the radiance of the sun above the city emanated the perfect honeymoon scenario.

  “Honey! He started, “I want you to keep this, use it as a symbol, to keep me close to your heart.” He said in an aristocratic but tender manner as he uncorked the case, she watched with watery eyes and to the least of her surprise, he pulled out a golden chain and clicked around her neck. She turned for him to place the chain, with bewildered eyes though masked in a disappointed but cautious smile.

  “A chain?” She muttered, before she could stop the words from coming out.

  “Honey, don’t you like it?” He asked stunned as though he was certain she will cherish it, as she did all his gifts.

  “No…yeah…I mean yes I love it.” She managed under a bleating voice, with a fake smile to mask her disconcertion. “It’s elegant…adorable…very lovely.” She added, to dismiss any further curiosity on his part, as to why she didn’t prefer a necklace amongst other gifts since she’d categorically told him how much she adored gold. She wasn’t expecting him to propose, neither was she expecting something that sounded more like a parting gift, but his reassuring smile dismissed every atom of doubt that lingered in her mind.

  “Keep this safe,” he warned in a gentle stroke of her messy hair,

  “Okay.” She gasped after a faint smile that aroused a sense of want in him.

  “I mean it, keep it safe.” He added with a tilting head and sweet lips rushing for hers with dying eyes.

  “Yes Mr., I’ll keep it safe”. She jested, stealing a brief kiss from his desperate lips. She blocked his gaze in a feeling of want. “I mean it.” They shared a simultaneous chuckle at the impulse of their licentiousness and with magical eyes that spoke out loudly; they seized each other in a mutual and passionate fight of sizzling kisses. Reaping each other of their clothes, she reached a firm hand to his balls while he let out a soft moaned.

  The temptation she’d induced triggered the testosterone that couldn’t wait to be released.

  “I miss you.” She struggled in elation, but there was no time to waist.

  “I missed you to”. He moaned under a stiff breath and a rushing hand that reaped off the obstacle and his cork impatiently tore the valleys of her pussy. He induced gentle jabs, while she let out moans she couldn’t believe. Her eyes sparkled as the ecstasy went on and on. He banged her from behind and maintained a steady grip on her the balls that crept from her chest.

  “Yeah baby!” She cried out as he maintained the pressure with slight moans that he let out. He spun her to face him and buried his head into her laps, to get a taste of her pussy juice, while she crisscrossed a stiff grip with both legs, over his soft and broad back, to engage the excitement and maintain the pace they’d established .They clung to each other in the unimaginable pleasure until they reached a sweet orgasm and they released each other with satisfying muffles running along their foreheads.

  “That was uhhh!” He groaned as he pulled his tainted dick and poured the juice on the floor.

  They cradled in one another’s arms with a sense of gratification, perhaps appreciative of the wonderful moment it was
, to express how much their union benefitted both of them.

  “I won’t stay away from you this long.” He said emitting a gentle smile as he rested a dying hand on her apple shaped boobs. She wriggled slightly, pinning her gaze on him and admiring him without his notice as he went on and on. “The past month has been a hell of commitments with our foreign investors, plus Paula is back.” He continued with his gaze pinned to the wall.

  “M.a.r.i.a?” She pulled slightly from his face, to avoid his gaze.

  “Yeah, she’s been around and dad and mom insist I must attend her party this weekend.” He continued in a lousy manner that was rather annoying .Kate coiled into a balloon and pretended to use the toilet at the mention of their supposed betrothal. Her mood had changed, but Adam was too insensitive and perhaps ignorant, to understand that a topic about Paula was definitely not one for discussion, after they’d had a swirling time together.

  “They are still talking about me and Paula, getting married.” He added. “Outrageous! Right?” He laughed, “Honey, what’s going on in there?” He demanded, heading for the bathroom probably to fetch her.

  “No. Splendid!” They met at the door, her face pale yellow and drenched in tears.

  “Honey, what’s the matter?” He asked, somewhat surprised of what had made her cry after a few minutes and then his senses returned and his face instantly turned gloom.

  “Now I understand perfectly” She cried out, reaching for her gown in one corner of the room. She slipped into it and brushed a hand over her watery eyes to dry up the leaking tears. “It had been Paula all this while” She gasped in a confused smile and searched for her bag and shoes in utter confusion. “I should have listened to my heart, how could I imagine that you’ll settle for factory worker like me?” She spoke in slight beats that tore his heart into shreds, as he stood speechless and helpless seeing she’d gone out of propulsion.


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