Defiant Ecstasy

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Defiant Ecstasy Page 28

by Janelle Taylor

  Alisha asked, “You mean I am to go along with this joining?”

  Powchutu nodded yes and continued, “We can make no moves to flee before then. They would be on our trail in minutes and the trick would be out in the open for all to see. The time for escape is after the ceremony tonight. No one will be watching you so closely then. We’ll have the cover of night and the time we need until they discover we are gone in the morning. They will never overtake us then.”

  She said in confusion and alarm, “But I will be his wife after the joining! How could I possibly get away from him on our joining night? I will have to go to his mat and he sleeps as light as a feather. There’s no way I could leave him then.” Powchutu missed her full meaning, for she had also meant that once he touched her and began to make love to her, she would have thoughts of nothing else but him. She would never be able to leave him then, for she would not have the willpower to leave his arms on their wedding night, hate or no hate ...

  She asked questions to tear her thoughts from him and tonight. “How can we pull off this escape tonight without discovery? Where could we run that he would not follow us, find us, and kill us? There is no place far enough to run, and we could not flee fast enough to get beyond his fury and revenge when he discovers our plot. I cannot ask you to do this for me. It is much too dangerous and deadly. With a little help and planning from you, I could make it alone. If you tell me where I can locate some of my people and get a horse and supplies, this time I could make it. There is far more at stake now than before when I tried.”

  “No! I cannot let you go alone. It is too dangerous for you out there. There are wild animals and other Indian tribes, not to mention other white men who wouldn’t think twice about capturing you just as he did. I must go with you to protect you and help you. Remember ... we’re to be a family.”

  She smiled at his reminder of her words of another day and for his protective nature and loving feelings for her.

  “I have a plan that will work. Listen to me closely. Tonight after the ceremony, I will bring you and Wanmdi Hota a drink to toast your joining as is the wasichu custom after joinings. Be sure to take the one I hand to you and drink it willingly. I will put a sleeping potion in his. He will sleep all night, giving us the time and secrecy we need to get away. I will prepare the supplies today and hide them near the rocks by the falls. After you enter the teepee with him, I will get the horses and bring them to the falls and wait for you to come to me. Before the sun is high in the morning sky, we will be far away and out of his reach.”

  He continued on as she did not stop him for questions or comments. “He will not be able to track us for I shall cover our trail carefully. We will have to ride hard and fast at first to put many miles between us and this camp. We will ride day and night with little rest or sleep. I will see we carry much food and water to avoid stops for them. I have kodas in other villages to the east. When we reach their camp, we will stop and rest before going on to this place you have spoken of to me at the fort. By the time Wanmdi Hota awakens, it will be too late for him to catch us or find us. He will never hurt or use either of us again, Alisha. This I swear to you. When we reach safety, I will take care of you and let no harm come to you.”

  She paced around for a time, thinking on his plan and words. “I agree and understand all you say, my friend. If he knows anything, it would only make sense for him to wait until he could handle the problem alone and in secret. If he does not betray me at the joining, or if Matu doesn’t do it for him, then I will do as you say. From past experiences, I can only think and believe he will do the worst to me. I have no choice but to try to flee once more. But God help me if he catches me this time ...” She did not dare to tell Powchutu how hard it would be to leave him forever.

  “The only thing he could possibly do to me that he hasn’t done already is kill me. And if he chooses my death, then it will be over. Oh, Powchutu, if only I weren’t such a coward! Sometimes I fear his love more than his hate. Are you sure we could not wait until tomorrow and do this?” She wanted this one last night of love with him to remember for the rest of her life.

  Knowing the reason for her question, he coldly said, “No, Alisha. It must be tonight. You must be brave and strong. The toast will be the only way to slip him the potion. In the excitement of this night, he will not suspect or refuse it. Later ...” He shook his head.

  He didn’t have to finish, she knew his meaning. He needed to give her some courage and strength. “To fear torture and death is not being a coward, Alisha. He lied to me and tricked me into coming here to help him get at you. I wish I had not agreed. He led me to believe he did not hate you and would not harm you again. They were all lies! He waits like a vulture for its helpless prey to die. Your words at the fort were true. He hates you and will continue to make you suffer at his hands. I fear this time he demands your life and I cannot allow it. He hates all wasichus. He will know you are one. He will find some way to get rid of you for good and have this thing ended. His pride will demand it!”

  He thought malevolently, I will place such hate and fear in your heart and mind for him, my love, you won’t look back or change your mind. This is the chance I have dreamed of and waited for. In the end, Wanmdi Hota, it will be Powchutu who has your Cinstinna. It will be Powchutu who takes her from you. And if you try to come after her, I will kill you! If necessary, I will kill her before I let her return to your hate. Alisha and I will live together, or we will die together ...

  Alisha was speaking to him and he stopped his thoughts to listen. “Powchutu, we must make one change in the plan. I must leave here first and alone. When he sees you still here, he will think you know nothing of my escape and. you will be safe. You will prepare things for me as you said and leave them by the falls. Fix a map for me to follow, marking where to stop and wait for you. I will follow the river for a long way and hide my tracks. You can be sure he does not come in the right direction. You could make a phony trail to confuse him. When he has left to look for me in the wrong direction, then you can sneak off to join me at the appointed place.

  “No, better still, you remain here for a short time. I will locate some of my people and escape unnoticed with them. You will join me back East later. As white, I can best flee in the company of other whites and you can travel through Indian territory dressed as an Indian. I will not make the same mistakes with my people as I did before. Now that I know of their feelings about ex-captives, I will find some story to tell them about my family being killed and my being the lone survivor. Or, I can say we were taken prisoner, but I luckily escaped before I was ravished. That should satisfy their curiosity and hate. If all else fails, I could latch on to some available young fellow to help me ...” She laughed bitterly, thinking of Horace.

  Powchutu shook his head vigorously. “No! I cannot let you go alone.”

  Stubbornly and rebelliously she stated, “Yes! It must be this way. I will not risk the life of my only friend and family. I go alone or not at all!”

  Still, he argued, “We leave tonight and together! Families stick together and help each other! I have told you he cannot possibly catch us.”

  “He could! There could be an accident or one of the horses could go lame or die. We couldn’t get away riding double. I could not live with your death on my head if if came to that. Do not ask me to risk your life because of your love and concern for me. My life and freedom in exchange for yours is not a fair exchange. You can pass for Indian when necessary and white when necessary. I can only pass for white. My chance for escape lies in finding and joining one of their wagon trains. I will draw you a map where to find me back East. You speak our tongue and will have no trouble finding your way. It must be this way.”

  Alisha looked at him, full of determination and confidence at her decision. Powchutu fussed and argued, but she refused to budge or be swayed. She stood hard and fast and would not be persuaded to change her mind. Seeing he would have to pretend to agree, he said, “All right! We do it your way. I
f you follow the map carefully, it will lead you to a trail the white settlers use. Ride along the treeline at night until you spot some wagons, but stay well hidden in the daylight. I will follow after you in a few moons to be sure you made contact with some other whites. If you are still alone, then I will take you the rest of the way back East. If you are gone by then, I will travel a different path and meet you where you have said.”

  She threw her arms around his neck and said, “Agreed. I must get things prepared to leave and for the ceremony tonight. When I go to bathe, I will hide some clothes near the falls until tonight. You get the things and the horse I’ll need. When Wanmdi Hota falls asleep, I will come to the falls to meet you. This time you might have saved my life, my friend. Until later tonight ...” She smiled.

  She left to find Matu. Powchutu remained behind for a few moments doing some last minute planning of his own. He unconsciously muttered to himself, “I cannot let you go alone, my love. It will not be wise or safe. I will allow you to think you go alone, but I will be close behind. I will cover both our trails. This time, he will not ever find you or bring you back. I have sworn to love and protect you always. I will kill him if he follows us. Within two days, you will be out of his reach and life forever, and into mine ... He will take no more revenge out on your back. I hope this loss of you brings him much suffering and shame.”

  Gray Eagle stepped from behind the teepee with narrowed, cold eyes as he watched Powchutu walk away. For all his daring and courage, Powchutu would have trembled if he had seen the glint in those obsidian eyes.

  So, you will try to steal my Cinstinna from me.... There will be many surprises in store for both of you this night, my koda! This will be a night long remembered by both you and Alisha!

  He turned and walked away from Mahpiya Sapa’s teepee in search of White Arrow to make some plans of his own—very different from those just overheard ...

  Chapter Eight

  Alisha returned later to her teepee with the clothes Matu had taken and washed for her in a gesture of truce. She carefully tied them, a few personal items, and possessions up into a small tight bundle. As she was about to leave for the cave to start preparations for tonight and to hide this bundle for her escape, she heard a thunderous uproar and loud commotion coming from outside. The pawing and pounding of horses’ hooves; snorting and wheezing from exhausted animals; loud, vociferous yells; and shouts of surprise and excitement filled her ears. What in the world is going on? she wondered as she promptly ran over to the flap to curiously peer outside.

  She instantly recognized two of the braves as being from Wanmdi Hota’s camp, friends of his. But, there were four men dismounting the lathered, winded horses. From the looks of both men and beasts, they had travelled hard and fast to get here. The riders were speaking and laughing with a few Si-ha Sapa warriors who had walked over to join them. She watched as Wanmdi Hota seemed to come from nowhere and hastily strode forward to join the boisterous group. He had a wide grin on his face as he embraced them all in turn with a warm, friendly bear-hug. She noted he joked and quipped with an older man in particular. He turned to another man and seemed to be discussing something serious with him. He nodded several times in understanding or agreement.

  She studied him first. He was attired in a strange garb of deerskin clothes, animal hides, and feathers. On his head, he wore an elaborate headdress of a portion of a wapiti’s head, antlers still intact. He held a long, slender staff in his right hand with a shaker attached to the top end and feathers up and down the length of the shaft. His stoical face was painted in a strange pattern of red and white paints. He was most impressive and solemn. She surmised he was the Oglala Shaman or medicine chief.

  Her scrutiny shifted to the other man. It was this man who commanded the most attention and respect from the people surrounding him, including Wanmdi Hota. That noble, dignified bearing which suggested authority and pride emanated from him like an aura. She studied his features—the flashing, ebony eyes; the lean, muscular body still evident at his age; those bold, chiseled lines of his face; the thin, but shapely mouth; and his deep, rich voice. All these things told her he was someone very important and had been very handsome in his youthful days, for he still had a look that could stir the heart of an older woman.

  Gray Eagle had made his way to this man after speaking with the Shaman. They had embraced lovingly several times, slapping each other on the back affectionately. She observed the expressions which passed between them. They smiled, talked, laughed and joked easily with each other. His voice carried a loving, respectful tone as he spoke with the older man.

  Alisha wondered who he was. They evidently knew each other well and were very fond of the other one. She could clearly tell he was a chief from some tribe by his dress and carriage. Perhaps he had been invited as a guest for the joining ceremony tonight.

  Alisha noted the long, fringed, buckskin leggins; the high-topped moccasins; the elaborate, beautiful jewelry and breastplate; the highly-decorated, etched armbands; and the full, flowing, yellow-feathered, chief’s bonnet. Yellow! Of course ... his father!

  I should have immediately recognized the resemblance, she thought. I didn’t even think about his coming to our joining. At last I will meet the great Chief Suntakca Ki-in-yangki-yapi. Now, I shall see where Wanmdi Hota gets his hatred and other qualities from, or if they are his very own....

  Sensing probing eyes on his back and a nearby presence, Running Wolf turned to her. Those familiar, ebony eyes bored into hers just as Wanmdi Hota’s had done many times when he was scrutinizing her. All she could do was return the bold stare, unable to lower the half-opened flap because of the power of their gaze. His deep, bass voice sounded like a thunder-clap as he called to her to come to him. Unable to resist his command, she quickly and obediently came forward to stand before him, eyes lowered and face roseate. She quivered beneath his steady, searching gaze, but stood proud and erect.

  “Shalee, wayaketo!” he ordered in a firm, but gentle, tone. She instantly looked up at him as he continued his study of her features with nerve-wracking intensity.

  He turned to his son and joked, “So, this is the winyan who has captured your heart and clipped the great eagle’s wings. She is indeed very beautiful. But, she is much more. This, I can see in her face and eyes.”

  Gray Eagle could not suppress a laugh and broad, pleased smile. His eyes glittered with love and respect for his father and his intuition. He glanced at Alisha to find her watching him closely and curiously. She had seen his warm expression and the intense emotions behind it.

  So, she realized, he is capable of deep love and emotion. He is not totally coldblooded and unfeeling. His cool, reserved mask slipped back into place. She watched it go almost as if it had never been there a moment before. Just as I thought, this love and warmth exists only for his father and no one else. Her eyes lost some of their sparkle. Still, she continued to stare at him as he talked with his father. His tone of voice and his expression enchanted her.

  Gray Eagle spoke with self-confidence and ease with Running Wolf. “She has been as elusive as an eagle, my father, but now she is mine. The matter has been settled between Mahpiya Sapa and me. We are to be joined this new moon. I have told Mahpiya Sapa we will give his son Mato Waditaka Chela’s hand to replace his loss of Shalee. This will twice join our tribes in friendship. I ask you, my father, to command this. There will be no peace for me and Shalee in our camp with Chela there.”

  Alisha perked up at the sound of her name so closely connected with Chela’s. He must have told him I was to join with Mato Waditaka until Wanmdi Hota came and prevented it. He must be telling him he will also marry Chela when we return to their camp. He already plans to replace me with her and we’re not even joined yet! Damn you, Wanmdi Hota! You’ll never make me one of your concubines! I’ll not remain here to be degraded like that! Neither man saw the look of heated rage and fierce determination which sparkled in those jade eyes for a brief moment before she struggled to conceal it.<
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  The chief smiled and replied, “It is good, my son. I would not want there to be enmity and war between the Oglalas and Si-ha Sapas. I am happy and relieved at this news. It seems I have arrived just in time.” He grinned and laughed openly and honestly. His charisma and warm magnetism reached out to Alisha and she found herself smiling at him even though she could not understand his words. His manner brought awe and respect to her eyes and face. She could easily understand why Wanmdi Hota loved and respected him so much. She sadly realized he would not be her father-in-law for very long and she would never have the chance to know him better.

  Running Wolf had been secretly observing Alisha as she in turn had been openly observing them. He was perplexed and slightly concerned by the emotions he read in her face. All is not well and happy in the eagle’s domain ...

  He noted to his son, “She is much afraid of you and does not completely trust you, my son. This, I can see in her eyes, among other disturbing things ... I would watch over this little bird carefully, my son, for she has flight on her mind. I also see much hurt and suffering in those eyes. It is not wise to let fear and mistrust fester and grow when there has been so much dishonor and suffering to cause them. You must deal with these feelings she carries in her heart against you, or they will lead to much trouble and sadness later. But I also see much love written there. This is good, for it will make it easier for the other feelings to vanish.” He laughed mockingly and added, “She will be far easier to tame than Chela!”

  Gray Eagle laughed and quickly added, “Perhaps it is you, O Great Chief, who frightens my little bird. We will speak of these things later when you have rested and are alone. I must tell you of many things which are in my heart and of all that has happened since I found and took her for my own. Then you will know and understand the reasons for her fears and doubts.”


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