Boss Me Dirty (Billionaire Boss Romance Book 2)

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Boss Me Dirty (Billionaire Boss Romance Book 2) Page 28

by R. R. Banks

  "I don't believe you."

  "What do you mean?"

  "My brethren say that you must be a scientist. Uoria has only allowed a few humans to visit and they have all been researchers."

  "I'm not a researcher."

  "You must be," he said, taking a step back toward me, causing me to cower against the wall, "You know something about the Denynso that has brought you here to do more research. Tell me what it is."

  "I don't have anything to tell you," I said, my voice sounding slightly more pleading than I would have liked it to.

  "We will accomplish our goal, Leia, whether you cooperate with us or not. I do warn you, though, if you choose not to cooperate, I can promise you will not live to see the sun again much less do any studying."

  The Klimnu walked out of the cell and locked the door behind him, leaving me alone in the darkness. I curled my knees to my chest and sobbed into them. I had finally made it to Uoria and yet I was back in the torturous, brutal hands of captors who sought to control my every breath.

  Chapter 6

  "Seven days."

  They were the first words I had heard since my captor left me in the cell. I had been fed once and given only a bucket of water to drink. I barely had the strength to raise my head to look at the Klimnu who stood on the other side of the bars staring at me like an animal in one of the zoos back on Earth. His mouth curled up in a disgusting, skin-crawling smile and I could see that he was looking at me in much the same way as the one who had captured me and told me he wanted to keep me as a pet.

  That creature appeared behind the one at the door and pushed him aside, opening the door and stepping into my cell. He knelt down beside me and I felt him touch me. My body recoiled and his hand wrapped more tightly around me. He leaned forward and ran his tongue along my skin, causing bile to rise in my throat and my chest to constrict painfully.

  "Are you sure you don't have anything to tell us about the Denynso?" he asked, lifting his head away from my arm and bringing it to the other one so he could repeat the lick.

  "I told you that I don't know anything about them. I am just an art student. I'm not a scientist or a researcher or anything else. The whole reason I'm here is to learn about them."

  I sobbed as his teeth dug down into my skin, drawing fresh blood to join the dry streaks from other bites that covered my body. This had been the greatest torment; him coming into the cell with me to lick and touch me without speaking, then biting or clawing me when I had no information to give him.


  "Thirty days."

  My captor stepped into my cell and I raised my head to look at him. The weakness in my muscles made it almost impossible, but anger and bitterness were replacing my fear. They kept me so close to the edge of death, hovering just on this side of life, that I didn't feel that I had anything to fear any longer. It would take only a moment to finish me and then at least I would be free. I refused to cower from him any longer.

  The creature came into the cell and sat down beside me. This was strange. He had never sat with me before. After a month I had become accustomed to him coming into the cell and torturing me, prodding me for information, touching me in ways that made me feel sick. Sometimes he would feed me. More often, however, he didn't.

  He reached out and touched my leg and an idea suddenly occurred to me. Perhaps I could lure him into trusting me. If I could use what I learned from the time with the men, I might be able to lower his guards and find a way to free myself.

  I didn't withdraw from his touch like I usually did and he looked at me. His sickening hands tore my shirt away from me, but I continued to fight the revulsion. As if testing me, he leaned forward and bit into my breast savagely. I drew in a pained breath, but still didn't move away. The creature shredded my pants with his claws and suddenly I was in nothing but my bra and panties. I was thankful for the relative warmth of the room, but felt exposed and ashamed as he looked at me. I closed my eyes and brought myself to the distant plane of existence I had trained myself to escape to when I was under the hands of the men who felt they owned me.

  When his touch finally left my body, I quickly covered myself and curled against the wall.

  "You never told me why you wanted to come here," I said cautiously, trying to start a conversation with him that may both lull him into complacency and give me information I could use to help me if I ever managed to get out of the prison.

  The Klimnu hesitated for a moment, and then looked at me.

  "We want Criea."

  "Who is that?"

  "The king of the Denynso."

  "Why do you want him?"

  "The Klimnu feed off of the temper and aggression of the Denynso. The more we provoke them, the greater the benefit. Even more powerful than their temper, however, is their blood. Their blood gives us even greater strength. We are already the far more superior species in terms of intelligence and capability. Their blood gives us the intensity and power of their warriors to make us the ultimate race."

  His words were some of the most terrifying I had ever heard and I could sense his growing agitation, so I allowed the conversation to end. He left and a few minutes later another of the group brought me food.


  "Forty days."

  In the ten days since I had begun to give into the roving tongue and prodding fingers of my captor, I had learned more about the planet where I was now imprisoned and the powerful warriors who lived there. He stepped into the cell again and I immediately started talking.

  "You never explained to me why you want Criea," I said, hoping to dissuade him from touching me.

  "To get back at him," he said, reaching forward and running his fingers down my shoulder despite my hopes.


  "The Klimnu were once beautiful creatures," he said and I withheld an exclamation of surprise that this wretched creature could say that anything like him had ever been beautiful.

  He continued to talk and I learned that there was a time when the Klimnu were strong, beautiful, and powerful. Knowing their own planet was on a rapid path toward destruction, the Klimnu decided to take over the lush, healthy, and clean planet of Uoria for themselves. The Denynso, however, had been there since the beginning of their kind and were not willing to let the Klimnu take over. As they tried to take over, the Klimnu came into contact with plants that contained toxins so potent and virulent they immediately began to transform the once lovely creatures into the contorted, disgusting versions.

  I listened to my captor talk, horrified yet fascinated at what he was telling me. He told me how they approached the incredible healers of the Denynsos and asked that they heal them. These healers agreed to provide the antidote to the toxins if the Klimnu agreed to leave the planet and stop their efforts to take over. They refused and only increased their violent attacks. The more violent they became, the worse their condition became. Finally they appealed to Criea to command his healers to remove the toxins and return them to their health and strength.

  "The king refused," my captor said, his voice seething with anger, "He said we deserved what we got because of our selfishness and cruelty."

  "If you wanted so much to be healed, why couldn't you just promise peace and find another planet?"

  As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I knew I had gone too far. His eyes flashed with fury and before I even saw his hand moving I felt the vicious tips of his claws slash across my back, opening the still-healing wounds form the hooks that had held me in the ship.

  "You are not the only human we have attacked," he told me through gritted teeth, "The other survived because he was mated to the most powerful warrior of the Denynso race. You will not be so lucky."

  He fell into a frenzy, biting me all along my body and slashing at me with his claws. When he finally had his fill and left, I lay on the floor quaking with pain, feeling the life draining from my body. I closed my eyes, welcoming death.


  "Fifty-five days."

  Death had not come as I had prayed. My captor had toyed with me, leaving me just at the edge of life so that he could return as my body healed and torture me more. I couldn't remember the last time I had eaten when another of the creatures stepped up to my cell and slid a plate of food toward me. It took all of my strength to eat what had been given to me and the creature seemed to take pleasure in watching my struggle. Suddenly I heard a scream reverberating off of the walls on the corridor in front of my cell. It was muffled as if it was coming from a different area of the building, but it was undeniably a woman screaming for her life.

  My eyes darted around me and the Klimnu laughed.

  "You hear our new guest," he said and my ears pricked up, "She is different than you. She is special."

  "What do you mean?" I struggled to ask.

  "The Denynso will come for her. She belongs to one of them and he will ensure they find her, which means he will bring the warriors right to us."

  As soon as he said that, I knew this was my only opportunity. I was already so tiny and on top of that became grotesquely thin. The next day I pushed myself through the bars of my cell as soon as my captor left and made my way through the halls. I moved as fast and I could and went until I couldn't go any further. When I fell, I was sure that was it. I knew the Klimnu would realize I was gone and come to find me. But then I saw a woman coming down the hall toward me and I used the very last of my strength to ask for help.

  Chapter 7

  "The next thing I remember is hearing voices around me but not being able to respond to them or wake up. I thought I was dead, but then I felt Gyyx near me and I knew I was alive and going to be safe."

  When I was finally finished sharing my memories with Criea, I felt drained but relieved. I sat back and reached out to grab Gyyx's hand. I needed to feel him close to me.

  "Burning the prison didn't stop them," my mate said, growling deep in his throat as he processed what he had just heard about my experience with the Klimnu, "They will be back, especially if they can replenish from Ynn."

  I watched as the control in the room around me disintegrated. The warriors jumped to their feet and the room filled with the sound of shouts. I squeezed Gyyx's hand, telling him with the pressure that I needed to get out of the room. Criea stood and pounded his hand on the table in front of him, demanding attention and quieting the room around him.

  "The Klimnu will return. They are after me and they will not rest until they achieve their goal."

  "Unless we wipe them out of existence," Pyra said and I saw Eden reach up to stroke his arm calmingly.

  "There is nothing we can do tonight," Criea said, "Gyyx, bring your mate home. Let her rest. She has been through even more than I could have imagined. Take care of her and we will move forward tomorrow."

  Without replying, Gyyx stood and scooped me into his arms. Usually I didn't want him to carry me, but at that moment I needed the feeling of his heart against me and the sound of his breath surrounding me. I felt tiny cradled in his arms and the strength of his body made me feel safe. As he carried me home I felt my body aching for him, needing his touch to soothe and comfort me. It was his touch that brought me out of the deep, consuming sleep that I had not been able to free myself from, and his love that was helping me overcome the darkness of the days behind me. I needed that touch now.

  When we got back home Gyyx carried me directly to the bedroom and laid me down on the bed. Before I could pull him down with me, however, he straightened and began to pace around the room, stalking like a caged animal.

  "What's wrong?" I asked.

  He shot a withering glare at me and I felt my breath catch in my throat.

  "Are you kidding me?" he asked, nearly shouting, "After what I just found out about what those disgusting creatures did to you, you can seriously ask me what's wrong?"

  "I'm alright now," I told him, reaching out for him.

  He came to the side of the bed and let me run my hand down his chest. I could feel his heart pounding beneath my fingers and the orange of his eyes flashed with anger despite the desire lingering there.

  "I hate to think about them touching you," he said softly, "The thought of one of them licking you…" he trailed off and I could see his body shudder.

  "Fix it," I whispered, "Replace those memories."

  I eased closer to him on the bed and turned his face toward mine so I could rest my lips against his. He kissed me back gently at first, then with greater intensity until I could feel my need reflected in him. I climbed onto my knees and swung one leg over his hips so that I straddled his lap facing him. Not taking my eyes away from his, I pulled my dress off over my head and dropped it to the floor behind me. His only reaction was a soft moan, so I went a step further, releasing the clasp on the back of my bra and peeling it away so that I exposed my bare breasts to him. That was enough to trigger him into action.

  Gyyx flattened his hands on my back, the size of them nearly covering the entire expanse, and applied pressure until I arched back, thrusting my breasts up toward him. He dipped his head and ran his tongue around one of my nipples, causing it to harden and the ache between my thighs to increase. Moving with incredible patience, he switched to the other nipple and repeated the motion, nurturing that one to a taut peak as well. His tongue roved across my breasts and then up to my neck before he brought a kiss back to my lips and stood, cradling me against him so that he could turn me and lay me back down on the bed.

  I complied with him as I always did, letting him conform my movements to his wishes as he pulled my panties from my hips and dropped them to the floor. He didn’t remove any of his clothing and the juxtaposition between him being fully clothed and me being completely naked sent a shiver through my body and directly into my core. Gyyx returned his mouth to my skin, tracing the curves and planes of my body with his tongue as if trying to cover every inch that the Klimnu may have touched or licked. I could feel the disgust of the creature's touch disappearing as my mate nurtured me.

  Suddenly the torturously slow, tender movements of Gyyx's mouth stopped and he pushed my legs apart, scooping his hands beneath me to hold my pelvis up. His mouth opened and engulfed my core, sucking lightly as his tongue explored the intricacies of my folds and dipped within me. I cried out loudly, burying my fingers into his long white hair. He moved his mouth up, concentrating his attention so that just the tip of his tongue swirled around the tender, hypersensitive pearl of flesh at my peak and for a moment I thought I was going to dissolve under the intense, glorious sensations he was creating within me.

  In the next moment his finger slid into my body and everything crashed around me. My body clenched around his hand, squeezing it tightly as I screamed his name and dug my nails deeply into his back.

  "I love you," I gasped as I collapsed back down onto the bed.

  His face lifted and he looked down at me with wide, vibrantly orange eyes.

  "What?" he asked.

  It was the first time I had said it and perhaps I had not chosen the most opportune moment, but it had spilled out of me with the same purely natural energy of the blistering orgasm he had just given me and there was no reason to pretend it hadn't.

  "I love you," I repeated, holding his face between my hands.

  "You're not just saying that because I made you come so hard I think the warriors probably heard you?"

  "You've done that before," I pointed out to him.

  Gyyx rose up over me and lowered down so that his body engulfed mine and captured my mouth in a deep, seeking kiss.

  "I love you," he whispered when our kiss broke.

  Gyyx spent the rest of the night kissing every inch of me, soothing the scars on my back and making up for every moment of pain and abuse I had ever endured. The next morning I was thoroughly fulfilled and more at peace than I had ever been in my life. I told him I was going to visit Eliana and Eden and left him lying in bed, drained and with a satiated smile on his lips.

  I had only gone a few yards from the house when I he
ard a voice near me.

  "You are mine," it hissed.

  I looked around, frightened by the sound, but didn't see anyone.

  "You are mine," the voice repeated and I recognized it as the slimy sound of the Klimnu that had captured me.

  I spun around, trying to see him, but around me the land was quiet and empty.

  "I own you. You belong to me," the Klimnu said and I suddenly felt his presence behind me.

  I remembered what Gyyx had told me about the Klimnu being able to use illusion to manipulate people, so when I turned and saw Ero close behind me, I didn't hesitate. The anger that had built up inside me for two months in that prison boiled over, fueled by my love and loyalty for Gyyx. Being mated to my powerful Denynso warrior had me feeling stronger both mentally and physically than I had ever felt before. My hand lashed out before the disguised Klimnu had the chance to react. It hit him so hard he stumbled back and I swept my leg forward, taking his out from under him so that he hit the ground. Not giving him the opportunity to recover, I jumped and landed with my elbow in the middle of his throat. There was a satisfying crack and the creature gurgled beneath me, the attack causing his illusion to fade so that I looked at his disgusting face again.

  "You do not own me," I told him, enunciating each word carefully to ensure he heard them, "I belong to my mate, and my mate only. You will never touch me again."

  I shoved the heel of my hand into his face, crushing his nose. Before I could hit him again, I felt hands pulling me back and spun around to see the real Ero tugging me away from the bleeding and struggling Klimnu.

  "Leia!" he shouted, trying to get my attention, shocked he said, "Calm the hell down. Are you okay? We’ll take it from here."

  "He used an illusion to look like you. He said that I belonged to him. He was trying to take me back."

  "Don't worry," he said as two more warriors ran up to us, "He won't be bothering you anymore."


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