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Boss Me Dirty (Billionaire Boss Romance Book 2)

Page 32

by R. R. Banks

  "Please. I've been here for less than 24 hours. I'm sure that the university shuttle is still here. I would like to be on it when they leave to return to Earth."

  Theia looked at her husband again and then back to me.

  "Like you said, Dear, you have only been on Uoria for less than a day. How could you possibly know already that you want to go home? I know that our planet is different from yours, but if you give yourself time to get accustomed to it, I'm sure that you could learn to love it as much as the other human women who have come here."

  I shook my head adamantly.

  "I'm sorry. I know that I made a commitment to be a part of the exchange program between the university and the Denynso, but I've realized in my time here that I'm not cut out for this type of environment. I'm sure that the university can find another professor who will be willing to take my place."

  Creia rubbed his face with his hand, looking distressed. I knew that the program meant a lot to the king and queen, but they seemed far more upset about me wanting to leave than I thought they would be. After all, I had just gotten there the day before and I hadn't even figure out who I was teaching yet, much less actually started teaching, so I didn't understand why they seemed to have so much emotionally invested in my staying on as the foreign exchange professor to teach the Denynso about Earth customs and traditions.

  "You did make a commitment to us in regards to the exchange program, but I feel that there may be more that should be keeping you here."

  "What do you mean?" I asked, even though I felt sure that I already knew exactly what he was talking about and didn't want to think about it anymore.

  "I thought that you may have felt more of a connection with…" he hesitated and Theia looked at him with a meaningful glance that said be quiet before you make this situation worse, "the people of Uoria than you expected to and would want to spend more time getting acclimated to the new weather and culture."

  The words came out flatly and it was obvious that that wasn’t what he had originally intended to say.

  "Is this about the Klimnu attack last night?" Theia asked.

  My body shuddered as I thought about the horrible experience that I had had the night before. I had only been on the planet for a few hours when I heard Ero, my escort from the ship, making fun of me to the other warriors. His comments about my size had been cruel even though he said them like they were a joke, and they brought up memories that I would rather have left behind me. When I left the banquet hall it was so dark that I managed to get myself lost and ended up in the thick forest that surrounds the Denynso compound, putting me right in the grip of slimy, disgusting, skeletal creatures that tried to capture me.

  "Yes," I replied.

  Even though the experience with the Klimnu in the forest had been terrifying, I knew that that was not actually the reason that I wanted to leave. Those creatures were awful, but the truth was I could have handled the situation and gotten over it. That is, if Ero hadn't found me hiding in the forest. I had been feeling an intense and confusing attraction to him since I met him, which is part of why the comments he had made were so painful, and when he found me sitting up against the tree, it was like we couldn't keep our hands off of each other. We didn't even talk. We were just suddenly ripping each other's clothes off and fucking with such intensity I could still feel him inside me as I stood there in front of the royal company pleading my case.

  "I hope you know that that is not a common experience and that our warriors are the best in the galaxy. You are safe here. I'm sure that Ero will protect you. We have already assigned him as your personal guard and he will make sure that you are well taken care of while you are with us."

  I shook my head again, closing my eyes against the tears that were building up in them. I didn't want Ero taking care of me. He had already broken me. It had been so long since any man had touched me, and after Ero did I felt disgusted by myself. I had allowed this man, this close-minded, arrogant man who thought I was less than the other women on the planet because I was tall and curvy, overtake me because I was feeling a moment of terror and weakness. I hated that he had been able to do that to me, and even more that I couldn't stop thinking about him even after he escorted me to the quarters chosen for me for my time staying on the planet during the program and left.

  "I just don't think that I have it in me to do this. Please, allow me to take the shuttle back to the university. I will personally help find a replacement for my position."

  Creia and Theia looked at me sadly, but nodded. I knew that part of the agreement for the exchange program was that they were not allowed to keep me on their planet against my will. Technically I didn't even have to ask them to let me leave. I did out of respect for them and desire to maintain the communications and cooperation that were gradually building between the Denynso and the humans. I didn't want my own personal issues to get in the way of the relationship the species had been working so hard to develop.

  "Shall we call Ero to escort you back to the ship?"

  "No," I answered quickly. The last thing I wanted was to see him again. I wanted to be off the planet as soon as possible and get the thoughts of him behind me, "I can make it back myself."

  "We can't let you do that. We will send Pyra with you." Theia stood from her throne and stepped down to me, reaching out to take my hand in hers like she did when we first met, "I have to say that I am very sad to see you go so soon. I was hoping that you would find the same type of comfort and happiness here that your fellow human women have."

  "Thank you. I'm sad, as well. I'm sorry that this didn't work out the way that we hoped, but I’m sure that the next professor that comes here will be an amazing part of your program."

  Theia grasped my hand more tightly for a second and I saw a look of true sadness in her eyes. I wondered how much she knew about my time with Ero. Creia came up and patted me comfortingly on the back.

  "You are always welcome to return if you change your mind. We will make sure that the university knows that any time you want to come back, you have a place here."

  "Thank you," I said, still startled by how deeply they seemed to be feeling my decision to leave.

  Theia gestured over my shoulder and the massive warrior called Pyra came to my side. He didn't look at me, but nodded at the king and queen and agreed to be my escort back to the ship. We walked back in silence, Pyra occasionally glancing my way. When we got to the ship, he turned to look at me.

  "Are you leaving because of Ero?"

  His question startled me and I stared at him.

  "What do you mean?"

  "Exactly what I asked."

  I stiffened at his attitude.

  "I'm leaving because of the Klimnu attack," I said, deciding I might as well keep up with the story I told the king and queen.

  He looked at me, scrutinizing my face, and then shook his head.

  "No, you aren't."

  I grabbed my bags and climbed up onto the ship platform without another word. I wasn't going to let some warrior I didn't even know try to judge me for my decisions. I wanted to go home and that is exactly what I was going to do.

  Chapter Two

  Ero was still smiling when we made his way back from his patrol. He had been thinking about Zuri since he woke up, still hard from the dreams he had had about her, and was excited to get showered and changed so that he could meet with Eden, Eliana, and Leia. Before he started his patrol that morning he had sent them messages asking that they meet with him in his house that afternoon so that they could help him with a very special project. They had no idea what he had in mind, but he knew that they would come. As the mates of his fellow warriors, they had loyalty to him and they want to make him happy. When they found out what he was thinking about, he knew they would be even happier.

  He had just stepped out of the shower and finished drying off when he heard the women knocking at his door.

  "Come on in. The door's unlocked!" he yelled out of his bathroom into the house.

/>   He heard the door open and the excited voices of the three women filled the house as they came in and settled in in the living room. Ero laughed as he heard Eden's distinct voice criticizing how stark his house looked. Everything he had heard about human women, as little as that was, was right. As soon as they mated and "settled down" they suddenly turned into creatures of nesting and decorating. They may have been just fine with a plain, basic home before, but as soon as there was a mate to take care of, the home had to be perfect and suddenly there was a need for things like curtains and extra pillows. Of course, things like that were not a priority on Uoria to say the least. In fact, Ero had never even seen a throw pillow and the only curtains that he had ever heard of were the thick, unadorned ones that covered the windows during the annual week of solid sunlight.

  Eden, however, was changing that. She had started taking old clothing and blankets and turning them into all kinds of decorative items that she put up around her mate Pyra's house. The other women had followed suit, learning to sew these items for their mates, another warrior and the healer of the tribe. Ero had heard both of them telling somewhat awe-filled and confused stories of waking up or coming home from their patrol to find new decorative items had just appeared in their homes. As much as they grumbled about it, Ero knew that they secretly liked it. It made them feel special to have their mates taking care of them, and, like any Denynso men, they were completely and fully dedicated to making their women happy.

  "Can you believe the condition of this couch?" Eden said in a tone that Ero knew she thought was subtle, but was actually loud enough for him to hear.

  She had gotten worse with her nesting in the last several weeks after finding out that she was pregnant with her and Pyra's first child. This pregnancy was extremely special. It was the first of the new generation, and because Eden had been changed from a human to a Denynso, no one was entirely positive whether it was going to be more like a Denynso pregnancy or a human pregnancy. Either way, she was filled with hormones and suddenly totally obsessed with making sure that everyone was living in a beautiful place. It was adorable in kind of a frightening way. Maybe one day Zuri would be like that.

  The thought startled Ero and he glanced up at himself in the mirror. There were streaks of orange across his eyes and as he thought more about her and the idea that one day she may carry his child, he watched the usual green of his eyes turn to bright, vibrant orange. He shook his head, forcing his mind to go to different thoughts. The last thing he needed was to walk out into the living room and have his eyes do all of his talking for him. He needed the opportunity to talk to the women about what was on his mind before they already knew just by looking at him.

  "I think that my couch is just fine," he said, walking out into the living room.

  Eden turned sharply to look at him and made a face like she couldn't believe he would even say that. There was no hint of apology in her expression, but he wasn't upset with her. He admired the fire in her and knew that she was the perfect match for the massive and intense Pyra.

  "Well, that makes it even more upsetting," she said.

  The women giggled and Ero smiled at them as he dropped down onto the large armchair across from the couch where all three of them sat. Eden was gently rubbing the small swell of her belly, Eliana was looking around in her sharp, scrutinizing way, and Leia was staring at him softly, still looking so small compared even to the others, neither of which were big. He winced as soon as that thought went through his mind. It was that kind of thinking that had gotten him into trouble with Zuri in the first place. He really needed to get himself to stop thinking that way. Especially since he had realized just how wrong that thinking was.

  It had definitely startled him when she first stepped out of the space ship and he saw that she was only a few inches shorter than him and was full, soft, and curvy, unlike the other three women that were all nearly two feet shorter than their mates and thin. The more he looked at her, though, the more he realized how cute she really was, and the sexiness of each of those inches. This was made especially obvious when each of those inches were wrapped around him and he had the chance to bury his face in her breasts, grab her lush hips, and satiate the aggressive hard-on he'd had since before she even arrived on the planet. Now all he wanted was to make it up to her for the cruel jokes he had made and show her just how much he cared about her.

  He just needed the human women to help him.

  "So, what do you girls think of Zuri?" he asked, trying to introduce the conversation as casually as possible.

  All six eyes snapped to him and there were a few seconds of tense silence.

  "Zuri?" Eden asked.

  "Zuri Hase?" Eliana followed.

  "As in Zuri, the foreign exchange professor?" Leia said.

  "Yes. To all of those."

  The three women exchanged glances and Ero watched as they seemed to communicate without speaking. Finally they all turned back to him.

  "We think she's wonderful," Eden said slowly, "What do you think of her?"

  Ero smiled and the women squealed and clapped in a way that made them all seem like little girls, but filled him with even more excitement. He almost caught himself clapping right along, but there was no way he was going to let that get back to their mates. He certainly didn't need the warriors having any more to make fun of him about. They already teased him relentlessly about being smaller and less muscular than them. There was no need to add girly celebrating to the mix.

  "Here's the thing," he said after letting them get out their excitement, "I didn't get our relationship started on the best note."

  "Yeah, we noticed," Leia said.

  "What the hell is wrong with you, by the way?" Eliana said.

  "Yeah, why would you ever say something like that about a woman? Especially a woman that you apparently care about?"

  "It's just that…" Ero started to try to defend himself, but the girls weren't going to give him any slack.

  "It's just that you are an insensitive jerk," Eliana said as if it was a fact that he just needed to accept so he could move on with his life.

  Ero sighed.

  "Probably. I don't know why I would say something like that. The point is, though, that I want to make it up to her. I want to plan something amazing for her to show her how much I care about her and I figured since she is human and you are human that maybe you would be able to help me out."

  The women looked at him for another uncomfortable second like they were evaluating his worthiness to receive their help, and then they broke into smiles.

  "We'd love to help," Leia said.

  Of the three, Leia knew Zuri the best. She had been a student at the university before coming to Uoria, and in fact, it was the same exchange program that brought Zuri to the planet that brought Leia. This gave the two women a special bond and Ero hoped he could use that to his advantage when coming up with ideas for the special date he wanted to have with Zuri.

  "Did you have anything in mind?" Eden asked.

  Ero shook his head. He had never dated anyone before. Dating wasn't the same type of practice on Uoria as it was on Earth, but even the Denynso customs weren't something that he had experience with with the women of the tribe, as few as there were. The desire to spend time with one specific woman just to be near and make her happy was something that was completely foreign to him and he didn't know where to start coming up with something that they could do together that she might enjoy.

  "Well, on Earth, a lot of people go out to eat on dates, but considering there are no restaurants on this planet and everyone eats together in the banquet hall basically every night, I guess that's not really an option," Eden said with a hint of disdain in her voice.

  She was still working on getting used to all of the differences between Earth and Uoria, and some of the strangest ones seemed to bother her immensely.

  "They could have a picnic, though," Eliana offered, "We could help you put together something and instead of coming to the banquet hall, y
ou could bring her out onto the cliffs and eat together, just the two of you."

  "That sounds nice," Ero said, "Is that it, though? I want to do something really spectacular for her, something that will really show her how much I care about her and how sorry I am for hurting her feelings."

  Suddenly Eden looked at him more closely. She took her hand away from her belly and leaned closer so that she could look him fully in the face.

  "Oh my god. You slept with her."

  "What?" Leia shrieked.

  Ero knew his eyes were bright orange now and there was nothing he could do about it. Just thinking about her filled him with such intense desire and need to be near her that he felt like he couldn't catch his breath. This must be the same feeling that Pyra had when he met Eden that reduced the usually fearsome warrior to an incoherent, broken shell because he thought she was dead, or made Ciyrs stronger and more powerful than he could ever have imagined when he met Eliana and she had to be rescued from the Klimnu, or gave Gyyx the power to bring Leia back from the brink of death after her own weeks in captivity. It was something that he had never experienced before, and he wanted more than anything to explore it further.

  "It just kind of happened," he admitted, "That's another reason I want to do this for her. I want her to know that it wasn't just something that I did because she was there and vulnerable. I really think that she's my mate."

  It was the first time that he had put that thought into words and it sent a little bit of a shiver through him. He couldn't wait to get this date planned, find her, and tell her everything he'd been thinking about, and just hoped that she felt the same way.

  Chapter Three

  I wanted to stay awake for the trip back from Uoria like I did when I first left Earth, but two days into the trip, I couldn't take the thoughts rolling through my mind anymore. Every time I stopped reading one of the books in my luggage or glanced out of the window at the stars beyond my pod chamber, all I could think about was Ero. I hated that I was still thinking about him and the feelings it brought up when I did. He was so beautiful and had made me feel things that I hadn't experienced in my entire life. I wanted to think that having sex with him in the forest had been just a one-time fluke, a momentary loss of clarity and judgment, but my heart felt like it was something so much more, which made the pain even worse.


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