Cocky Jerk

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Cocky Jerk Page 13

by Rose Harper

  He made his way toward me, his gaze taking me in. He stopped just in front of me, offering me the rose. It was the sweetest gesture and I felt my eyes tear up. A person clearing their throat drew my attention. Snapping out of my trance, I saw Henry and my mother examining the situation with watchful eyes. Backing away from Brad, I felt a blush stain my cheeks. I couldn’t let myself get caught up in him, especially not in front of our parents.

  As custom for the club would have it, the men held their arms out to my mother and me. Slipping our arms through theirs, we made our way inside. The moment my arm touched his, it felt like I’d been shocked; my body thrumming with arousal. He was the only man to be able to send my body soaring from the simplest touch. I also knew in that moment, he would always be the only one to make me feel this way.

  I really wished that our parents weren’t getting married. There was still something between him and me; something that I desperately wanted to pursue, but found I couldn’t. I knew he was feeling the same way when his eyes came to rest on mine. His brilliant blues were lit up with an emotion I was all too familiar with. He still loved me just as much as I did him. I wanted to openly sob, because there was no chance.

  My heart was totally on board being with Brad, but my head spoke differently. It was confusing. Should I listen to my heart or listen to my head? With the way I was feeling right now, I would say heart most definitely. But thinking of the aftermath we could leave behind, I desperately needed to follow my head. There was absolutely no other option.

  We walked behind our parents toward our table when I felt his breath against my nape. “Claire, I know you can feel it. Why are you fighting us so hard? Just give in, love.”

  I fought the lump that grew in my throat. If only it were that easy. To throw caution to the wind, and just follow my heart. “It’s not right, Brad. I shouldn’t feel what I feel for you, but dammit, I can’t help it. I should fucking hate you.”

  He briefly kissed my cheek, before whispering something into my ear that would rip my heart in two. “Just let go, Claire Bear. I will never let you fall, at least not alone. This I promise you … I will always be there to catch you.”

  Damn this man. I wanted to believe every word he was spouting. He made everything sound so easy, when in fact, this was the hardest thing I’ve ever been met with. With every fiber of my being I wanted to believe him. Being able to be with him would felt like heaven, especially after the years of hell I’d been living in. Would it be worth the plunge to finally take what I wanted … to believe him?

  As I sat down, my resolve broke. I can’t do this anymore. I can’t keep trudging from day to day, thinking I’m living but really just existing. He lit a fire inside of me so long ago; a fire no man has ever been able to flame since.

  I decided I believed him. He wouldn’t have said those things if he didn’t believe them without a shadow of a doubt. My mind began to calm as I stopped fighting what was between us. I knew he would never let me fall, but that didn’t mean we couldn’t jump together. I was tired of fighting us. The way I felt about him I was sure would never come again. No one would be able to fill the hole in my heart, except Brad. He was it for me.

  “I’m sorry,” I said as everyone seated. “But I need to talk to you, in private,” I steeled my gaze on Brad.

  “Is something wrong?” my mother asked.

  I shook my head. Henry asked, “Are you okay?”

  I nodded my head, a wide, bright-toothed smile. “Yeah, never better.”

  “How about a dance then?” Brad offered.

  I graciously accepted, letting him take my hand and lift me from the chair. With his hand still clasped around mine, his fingers threaded through mine, I followed him to the dance floor, which was located in a different room, away from prying eyes. He twirled me with expert precision before taking my waist in his hand. He swayed back and forth, waiting for me to start the conversation. I took a calming breath looking into his eyes and began telling him what I figured out.

  It may make me the most ignorant woman on earth, but I can’t deny my feelings. No matter how dumb they are. And it may seem fast, but our past dictated the way I feel about him now. He’s done some fucked up things, but so have I. I didn’t stay and fight when that’s what I should have done in the first place. People can change, don’t let someone tell you different. And since coming back here, I’ve seen that. Brad has changed; he’s not the boy he used to be back in high school. He’s the man I fell in love with.

  “Brad, I love you. There will never be anyone else for me. I know that now. It’s taken me what seems like forever to come to terms with it. I felt like this in New York, too. Even though I didn’t want to admit it to myself. Ever since you broke my heart all those years ago, I was never able to get you out of my head.” I started tearing up, and he swung me in a circle before pulling me back to him. “I don’t care what anyone says about us or how they perceive our kind of relationship. All I know is that I want you. Today, tomorrow … forever.”

  He seemed stunned by my words, not saying anything throughout the rest of the song or halfway through the next. He just stood stock still, letting my words wash over him. His eyes began to water as a big smile broke across his face. He picked me up, swinging me through the air before letting me down. I hugged him tightly to me. I was stepping up on my tiptoes to kiss him, when he shook his head. I frowned, wondering why he was rejecting me after I professed my love for him.

  He spoke softly, running the outside of his hand down my face. “Do you have any idea how long I’ve waited for that? To hear those words come from your mouth again. I thought I was going to go crazy thinking that I would never have you in that way again. Claire, you’ve just made me the happiest man alive. I sincerely hope you know that.” He brought his forehead down to mine, closing his eyes. “You mean everything to me. You always have.”

  I barked out a laugh as tears swiftly fell onto his hand. “Ditto, stink ass.”

  He chuckled, pulling away from me. “You’re really going to have to think of a better nickname. That just ruins the whole moment,”

  Inspiration hit me. “What about Brad ‘Thick Dick’ Titan,” I seduced.

  He smiled. “Now that, we can work with.”


  I attempted a second kiss, but he rejected me again. I was two seconds from grabbing his face and planting a good one on him, the teasing bastard, but he spoke quietly into my ear, “We have to keep it quiet until we tell our parents, okay? I want to tell them together, you and me. So wait until the wedding; that’s all I’m asking.”

  I could see his reason. This was something that would throw them for a loop. It would be best to wait until the wedding. I would return to New York but only to gather my things and transfer to a PR firm down here. This was my home. How could I think otherwise? He was my home. I would never feel complete until I was with him, in our house with children running and playing around us.

  “I agree.” I said before breaking out into a devilish grin. “After that … it’s on.”

  He chuckled. “You can bet your sweet ass it is.”

  We made our way back to the table with huge smiles on our faces. My mother gave me a sheepish look when I sat down, but I chose to ignore it. She would get her news Sunday, right before they left for their honeymoon. Not a moment sooner, or later. I was sure she was going to freak the fuck out. But in the state of mind that I was in, I didn’t care at all. I had Brad. So my entire world was drastically better.

  Our waitress came over to our table, taking everyone’s orders. She stood there not saying a word as I focused on my menu. After I gave her my order I sipped at my wine, only to choke a second later when her voice rang out for the first time.

  “You hussy! You didn’t even notice me. Girl, you’re losing your game,” Alex rushed out, chuckling when my head snapped to hers. “Might want to slow down there, teetotaler.”

  I pushed my chair out, jumping up to throw my arms around her neck. I couldn�
��t believe that she was here. How … Why … Who? I broke the hug, glancing over at my mom and Henry. Both had warm smiles on their faces. I can’t believe they would do this for me. This was just over the top. Ever since coming back here, I’d felt lost without her. I was so fucking glad that she was here. I had so much to tell her. She would love me to, especially since I planned to blab everything.

  “Oh my God! You’re really here,” I gushed hugging her tighter to me.

  “You’re crushing me, sweets. Let … me … go,” she wheezed.

  I pulled back, tears in my eyes, and took her in. She was dressed for the night and everything. No wonder I couldn’t get her on the phone when I had called earlier. She was in the air. I knew there was a reason she wasn’t answering me. That wasn’t like her, not at all. No matter what time it was in the day, she was always there for me. She was my sister more than she was my best friend.

  “Well, who’s this piece of hot stuff?” She gestured toward Brad, drool practically from her open mouth.

  I let out a carefree chuckle. “That would be Brad, my soon-to-be stepbrother.”

  Her wide eyes shot back to me, disbelief evident in her bright greens. “You’re shitting me? This is the Brad, and he’s going to be your stepbrother.” At my nod, she busted out laughing. “Wow, that’s a bitch.”

  We sat down at the table, my chair being next to Brad and Alex’s next to my mother. She was talking to my mother about her wedding when my phone beeped with a text. It was a little weird that I was getting a text. The only people that ever texted me were my mother and Alex, both of whom were at the table with me. Opening my clutch, I saw a message from an unknown number.

  Unknown: What are you wearing underneath that beautiful black gown?

  My eyes snapped up, glancing all around me. I couldn’t see anything out of the ordinary, but someone was definitely watching me. I swallowed the lump that began forming in my throat and texted back.

  Claire: Who is this? How did you get my number?

  Within seconds, a new reply came through.

  Unknown: Think about it. Who else would ask you what’s on underneath your gown?

  I looked through my lashes to see Brad cracking up with laughter. He was currently talking to his father. Since he was the owner of a construction company, his father didn’t press about him being on the phone. Brad had many sites that he needed to keep a close eye on, thus the usage of the phone. But his father would shit if he found out that he was texting for pleasure and not business. I typed out a reply, knowing it would rev him up.

  Claire: Very funny, Brad. As for someone else asking me about my undergarments, there is no one. However, I could be convinced to change my mind.

  I quickly programmed his number into my phone, laughing when his name popped up again. If someone got ahold of my phone, I was fucked. His name was not a conventional one, but damn did he live up to it.

  Thick Dick: When and where, love?

  I snickered at his obvious excitement.

  Claire: Our tree. Midnight.

  Thick Dick: Done.

  Putting away my phone, I included myself in the conversation and Alex gave me a knowing smile. I winked at her in return. I was almost dead on my feet, but just thinking about being under our tree as he took me later thrusting into my wanton cunt, left me feeling like a live wire had been put to my skin. I was livelier now than I’d been all day. I tried to keep my eyes from his but caught myself looking over at him every few minutes. Watching the way his throat moved from drinking his wine was about to drive me insane. If midnight didn’t come soon, I was liable to combust from all the pent-up arousal.

  After being at the country club for more than three hours, everyone finally called it quits to go home. Thank God. That left me just under an hour to get home and flake out on my mom and Alex. I knew I would have to tell Alex where I was going, and I was sure she wouldn’t put up a fuss about it. Alex was not very conformed. If a man turned her on, she went for him. Stepbrother or not. It didn’t matter to her; all that mattered to her was getting some cock.

  Brad escorted Alex and myself from the restaurant, one on each arm. As we got to the bottom of the steps, he let Alex go but kept my arm hostage. He looked at me with a spark in his eyes and a gentle smile on his face.

  “I’ll see you at midnight, love. Until then,” he sizzled out, going over to get into his father’s car.

  My eyes stayed locked with his until Henry pulled away. Getting into my mother’s car, we made our way home. I had to come up with an excuse as to why I was leaving again when we got there. But damn if I could think of anything. My mind was already thinking about the way he would take me under our tree. It was completely lost to me when we pulled into the driveway; both Alex and Mom had already gotten out of the car.

  Stepping out, I linked my arm through Alex’s and made my way inside. Once we got there I told my mother we were going to go up and get out of these gowns and hang around. She didn’t protest, since she was beat. Alex was giggling when I started dragging her up the stairs. She knew something was up. But she would soon hit the fan when I told her. I just hoped that she took it in a good way. I kicked my door closed, pinning her with a stare.

  She giggled, sitting down on my bed to remove her heels. “Out with it, Claire. I know something’s going on.”

  I took a deep breath, the excitement becoming too much. “Brad wants me to meet him at midnight.”

  Her mouth hung open in shock. I didn’t know whether to take that as a bad thing or a good thing, so I began to pace. Maybe it hadn’t been such a good idea. If she was acting this way, she probably didn’t approve. I have no idea what I would do if she didn’t. She was my only friend, dammit she just had to.

  “Then what the hell are you doing here, chicka? Get your skinny ass over there,” she whispered with a cheeky grin.

  I stopped, staring at her. “Are you sure? I mean, if you’re not completely sure, I’ll stay here.”

  She chuckled. “Go get your feathers ruffled, sweetie. I’ll cover for you here. But damn, you better give me details.”

  I stood there looking at her a moment, completely amazed by her. She accepted me no matter what I did, and I believed that she always would. However, there was something eating at me, something that I needed to get off my chest first. “You don’t think this is weird, do you?”

  She cocked her head to the side, smile still in place. “What, that you want to get your lid flipped by your stepbrother? Hon, I’ve never been normal, neither have you. It’s not like he is your flesh and blood. If that were the case, I’d say you were a nasty fucker. But it’s not, and he isn’t. Now get the hell out of here before I meet him in your place, because let’s face it, that man is a hot piece of meat.”

  “Oh, my God! Thank you so much, Alex. I will never forget this,” I jumped up and down excitedly.

  She went downstairs, playing her part of the mission impossible. She whistled, signaling all was clear. I could tell she was having fun with this. That’s why I loved her, she was down for anything at any time. After running out the door, I stopped to give her a grateful wave before getting into my car.


  It didn’t take me long to get to the Titan residence. But as I parked my car down the street a little, butterflies starting flapping in my stomach. Just the thought of having Brad, with no reservations, excited me to no end. I took several calming breaths before stepping out of the car. Even though it was almost midnight, the street was still lit up by the security lights. Anyone, at any time, could see us. Was it worth the risk?

  When I saw Brad standing next to his truck wearing a leather jacket with no shirt underneath, dark washed jeans and boots, I knew I was seriously fucked. We would be lucky if we even made it to the tree before I ravaged him right here on the street. To make matters worse, he shrugged out of his jacket, and the closer I got, his tattoos, piercings, and muscles were on full display. My mother hadn’t been wrong when she said he had aged well. At that m
oment I wanted to take a bite out of him.

  I stopped a few feet away from him, his determined eyes burning a hole through me. I shivered when he pushed off his truck, his muscles jumping and bulging from every movement. I stood stock still as he walked a full circle around me, a growl catching in his throat. God, why did that sound make me so wet?

  “So, little Claire Bear wants to play, does she?” His gruff, sex-laced voice rumbled through the quiet street.

  Oh, fuck me! I’ll cream right here if he talks like that again. I know I will.

  I didn’t say anything, afraid that my voice would crack from the arousal coursing through my veins. He pulled a strand of my hair between his fingers, inhaling as deep as he could. I saw the light glint off his nipple piercings, turning me on even more. He growled low in this throat as my breathing quickened—my body already so close to overheating, and we haven’t even done anything yet. There was no way I was going to last, especially if he kept up the bad boy façade.

  “Nothing to say, love?” his voice deepened an octave as he stepped closer to me, his lips now firmly against my ear. “Well, I have a few ideas. Ones that will have you begging to ride my cock before we’re done. Does that sound like something you want to try? Hmm?”

  I nodded my head. He nibbled my lobe, going lower to nip and suck at my neck. “Yes. God, yes,” I whimpered.

  With quick movements he had me over his shoulder, arms banded around my upper thighs, my vision now zeroed in on his tight ass. Taking off at a dead sprint, he cleared the side of his father’s house, my breathing now racing off the charts the closer we got to our destination. Could one really pass out just from pre-sex talk? I didn’t know for sure, but if he didn’t get to it, that’s exactly what would happen.

  He chuckled, slapping my ass as we passed the outdoor pool. Feeling a bit playful myself, I returned the favor. My hand landed on his ass, one that seemed to be made of pure stone. He groaned into the night, his hand tightening on my thighs. When he stopped running, he lowered me over his body, my front sliding against his all the way to the ground. The smile on his face was laced with pure devilish intent. Damn, did that one look thrill the fuck out of me! I wanted everything he had to offer, plus more.


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