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FriendlySeduction Page 6

by Gillian Archer


  “Think that will be enough?”

  “I don’t know. It’s always a good place to start.”

  As he was zipping up his jeans, a distinct rumble filled the air. Marc watched Rob’s face turn red.

  “She wouldn’t—” But Marc was talking to Rob’s back as he tore out of the room, hopping while he struggled to pull his pants above his knees.

  It would have been a comical sight if not for the anger that’d been evident on Rob’s face.

  “Hey, man. Hold up.” Marc raced after his friend. “You need to calm down. It’s just a car.”

  “Just a car? I restored her. Slaved under that hood for five years. Sara knows better. I’ll be damned if anyone but me will ever drive it.” Rob now had his jeans over his hips as they ran outside, shirtless.

  But instead of the empty parking spot Marc expected, Rob’s cherry-red car sat idling with a very disheveled woman behind the wheel.

  “Now, Rob, remember what you said? It’s up to us to get her back.” Marc danced ahead of Rob and walked backward with his palms up. “Grovel if need be. On our knees?”

  “That was before she monkeyed with my car. No one touches my car.”

  Marc closed his eyes in surrender as Rob elbowed past him to jerk open the driver-side door. He knew it wasn’t going to be a pretty scene but he trusted Rob with his life.

  And his girl.

  “Just what the hell do you think you’re doing?” Rob roared.

  Sara glared back at him with a mutinous set to her jaw. “I’m going home. You guys were too busy comparing the sizes of your dicks to even notice I got dressed and left.”

  Rob reached over Sara to turn off the ignition. “I’m not having this conversation in my front yard with my dick hanging out for all the neighbors to see.”

  “Tough. Zip it up because I’m not going back in there with you.”

  “Fine.” Rob unbuckled Sara’s seat belt then pulled her out of his car. After hoisting her over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry, he turned to Marc. “Let’s go.”

  Marc shook his head in amusement. That was one way to get their woman back. How were they going to keep her though?

  “You son of a bitch! Let me down! I’m going home right now!”

  Rob tightened his hold on her legs. “Sara, keep it down. Some of the neighbors are still sleeping.”

  “I don’t give a shit! I want to wake them up, then they’ll see what an asshole you really are!”

  Marc watched as Rob’s long-legged stride quickly brought the couple to the front door and into the house. He paused at the front step and briefly surveyed the neighborhood. No one appeared, no doors opened and no curtains twitched. He breathed a sigh of relief.

  It wasn’t that he was embarrassed over Rob and Sara’s display or about their relationship either. He just knew Sara would find it mortifying later to face a concerned busybody while their unorthodox relationship was so new. Plus he didn’t want her to feel uncomfortable and bolt again.

  Now that they had her, he was going to do everything in his power to make sure she was too happy to ever want to leave again.

  He’d even…grovel if need be.

  Damn it, he really hoped it wouldn’t come to that.

  Sara grunted when Rob lowered her to the couch. The landing didn’t hurt but she didn’t want him to know that. She wanted him to feel bad about the scene in the yard. And to wonder if he’d hurt her with his manhandling.

  Taking his car had been an additional little screw you to add to their day. Just in case they didn’t understand she was hurt. Although leaving them naked in a room together with hard-ons was probably a better clue.

  God, she felt small right now. Small, mean and petty. Fuck it. They had hurt her. To spend one of their most intimate moments—that one special memory she would reminiscence over her whole life—bickering was not okay. And they should feel bad.

  She held on to her simmering anger.

  “I think we should all take a deep breath and think a minute before we say something we might regret later.” And there was Marc, their voice of reason.

  “Bite me.” Sara really couldn’t stand it when Marc did his calm-down voice.

  “Why do you have to be like that?”

  Marc walked over to Rob and patted his shoulder. “Rob? Maybe we should—”

  “No.” Rob shook off Marc’s hand. “I want to know. What’s with the passive-aggressive attacks? The digs at us, my car and now this? I thought you were an adult. I guess it’s silly to even think that you could handle this—us.”

  Sara saw red. “What? That’s fucked up. We were in the middle of the most special moment—probably in my entire life—and you guys wanted to argue about who was the biggest stud! You guys were the ones to talk about our first time like it was a game. That I was some kind of challenge. I can’t handle it? I think you guys need to take a look at yourselves.” She stood up to walk to the front door. “Lesson learned. You value your car and your reputation more than you do me.”

  “Sara, wait!”

  “For what, Marc? For you guys to grow up? I don’t think I can wait that long.” She opened the door with a determined set to her shoulders. She couldn’t let them see what this was doing to her. She had to stay strong, had to leave. Because if she didn’t do it now, she would never be able to and the way they were treating each other… She didn’t need any more dysfunction in her life, she already got plenty from her family.

  “You’re right.”

  Marc and Sara gasped in unison as they turned to look at Rob.

  “I’m sorry. We treated the most important moment of our relationship like it wasn’t special.” His voice became husky. “I’m sorry.”

  “I’m sorry too, honey,” Marc rumbled. “It won’t happen again.”

  “We won’t let it.”

  Sara stared in fascination at them. That had to be the first time in her life she’d heard Rob apologize. And he sounded so heartfelt, so honest. Her shoulders sagged as all her indignation drained from her body. Their promise worked like a balm on her heart. But was it enough? Could they make this crazy relationship work?

  She couldn’t imagine going back to the way things were before this morning. The sexual tension between them couldn’t be ignored. And she couldn’t pretend she hadn’t seen them naked—in all their considerable glory. Her nipples tightened at the memory.

  “All’s forgiven?”

  Sara jerked at Marc’s softly spoken question and her face burned with a blush at having been caught daydreaming.

  Rob chuckled. “Judging by that smile and her blush—I’d say yes.”

  Sara attempted a cosmopolitan tone. “I think you guys have some more apologizing to do. After all, you have a lot to make up for…”

  “Sounds good to me.” Rob marched over to close the door. Sara squealed in surprise as he hoisted her once again over his shoulder. As she bounced down the hall, she looked up at Marc following behind them. If his smug grin was anything to go by, it was going to be some apology.

  Chapter Eight

  Rob gently laid Sara on his bed. His heart still felt lodged in his throat. The sight of her standing at the door about to walk out had made him take a long, serious look at his actions. His stomach clenched as he remembered that look on her face—her shimmering eyes and trembling jaw. They had to make it up to her. He had to be a better man.

  He looked over and saw a determined expression on Marc’s face that no doubt graced his own as well. This would be a day none of them would ever forget.

  Jerking his head, Rob motioned Marc over to the other side of the room for a quick conference. “Let’s light some candles and draw the curtains. We need a calm and romantic atmosphere. More so than earlier.”

  “And no more smart-ass comments. We definitely don’t want a repeat of last time.” Marc said exactly what Rob was thinking. If only they’d gotten their heads out of their asses earlier.

  Rob shook off his gloom—they had
more important things to do.

  They started on opposite sides of the room and worked efficiently. Rob closed the blinds while Marc lit candles, softening the lighting into a warm glow. Would music help the mood or push them into cheesy territory?

  Rob mentally ran through his MP3 playlist. Barry White would be too cheesetastic. Maybe some slow Celtic tunes turned down low. Nah, not quite what he was going for. He finally settled on an R&B playlist an old girlfriend had loaded for him. No need to fill Sara in on its origins.

  He turned back to the bed to find Marc already cuddled up to Sara, kissing. It was a sight he’d have to get used to if they were going to make this work. He shoved down the bitter, jealous part of him clawing to the surface.

  If this was ever going to work, if he was ever going to be with Sara, he’d have to get used to seeing them together. Rob turned around to block the scene if only for a moment.

  Taking advantage of their inattention, he quickly stripped. One less thing to worry about later. He took a deep breath to settle himself and turned back just in time to watch Marc undress Sara. Man, she was gorgeous. As her shirt cleared her arms, her breasts bounced from the motion. There wasn’t a hotter sight on this earth.

  Rob quickly jumped on the bed to join the amorous couple.

  “Mmmmn,” he groaned in appreciation. He loved the way her nipples immediately tightened with the slightest manipulation. He was definitely a breast man and Sara had the best set in three counties.

  “Oh,” Sara cried as both he and Marc suckled at her breasts. Apparently Marc was a breast man as well. Not a big shocker there. Any man in the vicinity of Sara couldn’t help it.

  He pulled back and nipped at the tip. Sara groaned in response. He nipped again, a little harder. She wiggled and arched into him, offering her breasts for more delicious torture. Rob smiled as he rolled her nipple between his thumb and finger. His girl liked it just a little rough. That pleased him just fine.

  He continued to torment her with his fingers and his tongue. Out of the corner or his eye, he watched Marc inch down her torso, licking and nibbling his way to her pussy. Caught up in the moment, the sight of the other man didn’t make him flinch as it would have earlier. Instead Rob was torn, he couldn’t decide what was hotter—having Sara arching into his mouth or watching her hips dance as Marc ran his finger up and down the slick lips of her pussy.

  Sara began to pant, her chest heaving as they continued their torment.

  Rob looked up into her passion-glazed eyes. But still through all the ardor, a question mark loomed. Was she worried about him and Marc getting along or was she still hung up about her body? Either way, they were silly fears.

  He covered her lips with his, reassuring her with a bruising intensity. He tried to funnel all his love and emotion into Sara, into their kiss.

  As if they shared the same mind, Marc lowered his head and began lapping at Sara’s pussy. Sara tensed in response, her body drawn as tight as a violin string.

  Rob broke their kiss. “Just relax, babe,” he murmured. “Don’t think about anything. Just feel.”

  Sara took a deep breath, her shoulders still rigid with tension.

  Rob once again took her lips. He commanded with his kiss, wanting her to think only of him, only of their kiss, before he gentled, coaxing her to lead him in a thrust and parry. While he distracted her, he continued to pluck and tease her swollen nipples, pinching them just enough to cause her to catch her breath in a hiss before she moaned in pleasure.

  Gauging her body, Rob knew she was close to orgasm. A new tension throbbed through her as she hovered at the pinnacle. Rob pinched both nipples in unison while Marc attacked her clit in a flickering kiss.

  Sara snapped, her body quivering as she went over the edge of her sexual high.

  More than anything, Rob wished his fingers were buried deep in her pussy, enjoying the amazing feeling of her body rippling around him. Once again, he pushed down his jealous feelings. This was Sara’s moment. He wanted to be with her and this was the only way to see that happen. He just needed to suck it up. After all, he finally had his heavenly girl in his arms after waiting so long.

  Rob cuddled up to her, murmuring comforting sounds, and tried to block the sight of Marc doing the same on her other side.

  Sara sighed in contentment. She knew there was more to come—the air crackled with tension but she took a moment to enjoy the boneless sensation from her orgasm combined with the awesome feeling of cuddling with her two guys.

  Before Marc and Rob, she’d only had orgasms in the privacy of her own bedroom. In the dark. There was something deliciously decadent about making love in the full light of day—let alone with two guys. She couldn’t hold back the smug little grin curling at her lips.

  “Looks like someone is feeling pretty damn good,” Marc whispered huskily in her ear. He pressed up against her side, his jeans rasping against her naked hip. The hard, insistent length of him reminded her that they still had more yummy fun on the horizon.

  Her grin grew wider. “Yup, I’m feeling freaking fantastic.”

  “Let’s see if we can’t make it even better this next time.” Rob, ever the competitive man, slid down her side and took up residence between her thighs.

  Sara held in a moan as he teased and tormented her. First he petted her, sliding his fingers up and down her slit, slipping inside her to stroke gently all the while maintaining a steady rhythm. Just when she got into his flow, he pulled away to attack her clit, flicking with his fingers and nibbling with his lips. God, it was torture. She would get so close before he pulled away and found a new erogenous zone to tease.

  She focused all her attention on Rob and the sensations he aroused until a rustling on the side of the bed broke her concentration. Sara had forgotten Marc was even in bed with her. Turning her head, she found him reclining on his side, propped up on his arm and staring avidly at her face. Sara closed her eyes in mortification. God, if she hadn’t felt naked before, she definitely did now.

  “Uh-uh, baby. None of that.” Marc brushed something across her closed lids.

  Sara’s cheeks burned while she opened her eyes and stared into Marc’s. She felt so exposed meeting his gaze. She wanted to look away, wanted to protect herself from this vulnerability. But she couldn’t. A fire smoldered in his gaze and drew her in deeper.

  She gasped as Rob’s caresses grew in intensity, faster and faster until she hovered on the edge. Marc held her close and seized her lips just as she went over. Her entire body racked with her convulsions. She couldn’t hold back her cry as electricity raced through her veins and had her muscles quivering. Her pussy milked the fingers still inside her, clenching and releasing until her orgasm ebbed to ripples quaking her body.

  As she came back to herself, she became aware of Marc kissing her cheeks—sipping the tears she must have cried—while Rob nuzzled her trembling thighs. That had to be the most amazing orgasm she had ever had in her life. The connection between them—all three of them—was indescribable. She couldn’t imagine having a moment like this with anyone else.

  A girl could definitely get used to orgasms at the hands of these two.

  “Ready for the finale?”

  Sara took a gulp of air. Finale? There was more? She really didn’t think she could handle much more.

  “It’s okay, darlin’. We’ll go easy on you this time.”

  Sara gulped again at Marc’s reassurance. Somehow she didn’t feel any better. “I don’t know, guys. I don’t think I can take much more.”

  She moaned as Rob started stroking her again. Maybe she had enough in her for one more…

  God, she was turning into a glutton. But with the promise of more orgasms like the last one on the horizon, she couldn’t help herself. “So what happens next?”

  Rob leaned over and opened the nightstand drawer. “Marc here is going to suit up.” He slapped a neon-green condom in Marc’s hand. “And I’m going to reacquaint myself with the twins.” The comical leer on Rob’s face
was priceless.

  Sara giggled at the combination of Rob’s face and the disbelieving look on Marc’s as he took in the oddly colored condom.

  “What the hell, man? I’m not a circus performer.”

  Rob glared back. “Go dig out your own then,” he said through clenched teeth.

  Sara tensed at the new undercurrents filling the room. She wasn’t entirely sure what was going on but it made her feel uncertain and a little nervous.

  Rob and Marc exchanged a long, intense look.

  Marc broke the moment by ripping the wrapper open, stripping off his jeans then quickly donning the condom. “Nope, this is just fine.”


  Sara watched the exchange in silence. What was going on? Why were they circling each other like two junkyard dogs? Today should be fun. If anyone should be nervous it was her, damn it. “I think you guys need to loosen up. This shouldn’t be a chore.”

  Marc chuckled unevenly. “You’re right, honey. We’re just a little nervous.”

  “Yeah, you’re my first virgin.”

  “Mine too.”

  Sara suddenly knew what a gazelle felt like when two lions stalked her. Rob slid over so that Marc could steal into the middle of the bed. Marc crawled between her legs while Rob reclined on his side next to her. Her gaze flickered between Rob and Marc, taking in both intense stares. Her body began to tremble.

  “Aww, none of that now.” Rob brushed the hair from her eyes before kissing her cheek. “It won’t be fun for any of us if you’re tense, baby.”

  Sara nodded and took a deep breath. It didn’t help the trembling though.

  Rob smiled slightly. “There’s nothing to worry about, babe. We’re right here and we’re going to go at your pace.”

  Marc caressed her thigh. “This is your show.”

  “Here, sit up a sec.” Rob pulled her into a sitting position and then slipped in behind her.

  Sara groaned as Rob ran his hands up and down her sides in a teasing caress that never touched her breasts and yet made her nipples throb.

  “See I’ll be right here behind you—”


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