Boss Me

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Boss Me Page 19

by Lacey Black

  But I don’t.

  Instead, I grab a piece of the elephant ear on the plate in his hand and tear off a decent sized piece. Maybe if I stuff my face full of sugary deep fried dough, I’ll be able to refrain from saying the words I long to say.

  A whistle blowing pulls us out of the trance we’re in.

  “Look it’s the KissyCam,” Zach says, pointing to the Jumbotron in the center of the arena. Will and I both look up and watch as the camera zooms into couples around the arena, encouraging them to kiss on camera. With each couple’s kiss, the crowd erupts into cheer. We watch and cheer along until the screen is filled with two familiar faces. Mine and Will’s.

  Will doesn’t even hesitate. He leans over, laces his fingers through my hair, and lays one on me. It’s earth-shattering. It’s all-consuming. It’s life-altering. It’s the kiss to end all kisses. And promises more to come. I don’t even know when the cameras moved onto the next couple because Will kept kissing me. And I let him.

  A throat clearing behind Will finally pulls me out of the clouds. I open my eyes and look over his shoulder to see Zach smiling cheekily at me. “Come on, you two. That’s gross,” he laughs as he shakes his head.

  I pull back instantly causing Will to almost lose his balance. “Sorry, buddy. I had to kiss your mom on National TV so we didn’t get booed,” Will says as he turns and sits with his legs straight out in front of him, looking as casual as possible. How is that possible? My skin is tingling with awareness, my nipples are probably poking through my new push-up bra, and my legs are crossed so damn tight to keep the wetness from running down my leg. Yet, Will looks calm and relaxed as he watches the start of the fourth period.

  “It’s okay. Even though it’s totally gross, I’m glad you finally kissed her,” Zach says casually as he takes a big bite of his licorice rope.

  “Why are you glad?” I ask, not able to contain my curiosity.

  “Because he likes you and you like him. Kinda like how I want to kiss Jenna. But don’t worry, Mom. I haven’t kissed Jenna yet,” Zach says with a shrug. I have no response – absolutely nothing comes from my lips - and Will apparently doesn’t either, so we go back to watching the rest of the game.

  As the clock winds down the last few seconds of the game, we all stand and cheer. The Belters win ninety-four to eighty-seven. Zach turns and high-fives Will and fans around us. I busy myself by picking up our trash and dumping it in the trash bin that just appeared at the end of our row, while Will loads up his pockets with the goodies Zach won from his center court shot.

  When everything is gathered, we jump in with the masses and make our way out of the arena. Will takes my hand in his to keep us from separating while placing his other hand on Zach’s shoulder to steer him through the crowd. Cold air bites us in the face a few moments later as we make our way outside and towards the parking lot.

  Traffic moves surprisingly well as we make our way out of the arena, out of St. Charles, and towards Rivers Edge. Zach recaps every moment of the game, including his five thousand dollar winning shot.

  “I can’t wait to tell Dad. Can we go put it in the bank on Monday?” He asks from the backseat.

  “You can call him in the morning, and we’ll deposit the check in your savings account when the bank opens,” I tell him with a smile towards Will. His smile mirrors mine.

  “What do you want for breakfast, Will? Mom makes amazing biscuits and gravy with bacon on the side. It’s my favorite Sunday morning breakfast. Do you like biscuits and gravy?” Zach asks.

  Will looks over at me, stumbling on his response.

  “Zach, Will isn’t spending the night. He’s just a friend,” I tell him.

  “But you kissed. And I’m pretty sure you both liked it even though I think it was a little gross because you’re my mom. Why doesn’t he just stay the night and we’ll have breakfast in the morning?”

  And now I seem to stumble on my own response. “That’s not really how it works,” I finally mumble.

  “Well, I don’t see why not. He’s spent the night on the couch before when you were sick and he helped you take a shower. I’m sure Will wants some biscuits and gravy, too. Right, Will?” he asks, looking at our driver.

  “Yeah, I like biscuits and gravy, buddy,” Will confirms.

  “See? So, Will can stay the night and have breakfast with us. And maybe then we can go to the rec center and I can show Jake and Nate my new stuff!”

  I’m quiet the rest of the ride to town. Zach fills the silence with more chatter while my mind wonders to every different scenario about Will staying over and waking up for breakfast. Sure, he can sleep on the couch. That’s the easiest and most logical answer. But, if Will is going to be in my house, I want him in my bed.

  Eventually, Will pulls into my driveway. Inside the house, I send Zach into his room to change into pajamas.

  “I can come up with an excuse about breakfast,” Will says as he stands almost uncomfortably in front of me. His eyes are a deep shade of blue and study my face intently.

  “The problem is,” I start, dropping my voice down to just above a whisper, “that I don’t think I want you to make an excuse.”

  Will pulls me against his body. The hard planes of his chest and legs cause my heartbeat to flutter and my body to shiver uncontrollably. “Are you saying you want me here for breakfast in the morning?” he asks as he strokes one hand down my back and the other up into my hair.

  “I think that’s what I’m saying.”

  “You think?”

  “I know. I want you to stay tonight. I just don’t know how to process all of this with Zach here,” I confess.

  “If you want me to sleep on the couch, I will. Just say the word.”

  “I want you to sleep next to me in bed,” I say breathlessly just as his lips descend onto mine. The kiss is light and tender, but the promise of more to come is flashing like a neon sign.

  “I want that too. But only if you and Zach are okay with it,” he mumbles against my lips.

  “He’s the one who invited you. As much as I might be concerned and slightly uncomfortable with it, the fact that he knows and understands that you staying over is a logical step, then I’m willing to try it.”

  “He knows we’re more than friends, Carmen. We’re just waiting on you to catch up,” he says as he places these intoxicating feather-light kisses on the corners of my lips and on my chin.

  “I’ve already caught up, William. In my heart, I already know we’re more than friends,” I say.

  “What else does your heart say?” he asks as he strokes my neck while placing more of those amazing kisses on my skin.

  “I’m…” I start, but am cut off by Zach opening his bedroom door. Will and I pull apart as he walks into the bathroom to brush his teeth.

  “I’ll get us some drinks,” Will says as he walks to the kitchen.

  Zach meets us in there a few minutes later, ready for bed.

  “Good night. I love you,” I tell Zach with a hug.

  “Love you, too,” he says before heading over to Will.

  “Thanks, Will, for everything. Tonight was the best night of my life,” he says as he throws his arms around Will’s neck. “I love you,” he adds.

  Will pulls him tight against him and closes his eyes. “I love you, too, buddy,” he says. I have to turn away from the raw emotions of the moment. That, and so no one sees the tears gathering in my own eyes or the way I struggle to suck air into my lungs.

  “See you guys in the morning,” Zach says as he runs off to bed.

  I turn around as he turns the corner. My eyes collide with Will’s eyes. There are so many emotions churning there that I almost pull back from the intensity.

  Without saying a word, Will sets his glass down on the counter and takes my hand. He flips off the kitchen light, walks over to the front door and verifies that it’s locked, and pulls me toward my bedroom. When the door is securely shut and locked behind me, Will pulls me against his body.

  “No t
alking,” he says hoarsely.

  His big hands slide up my sides, pushing my tee up as he goes. I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling myself as close as humanly possible without sharing skin. When my shirt is gone, I do the same to him and do away with his jersey. The skin of his chest is hot against my own. Even through the padded bra, I feel his heat. I want more. I need more.

  I step back and slowly remove my skinny jeans. Will watches with wide, hungry eyes as I expose my legs, inch by inch. When I have the jeans gone, I stand up, allowing Will to see his surprise for the first time. His eyes are on fire and glow in the dim bedside lamplight as they drop to my panties. He audibly hisses as his eyes drink in my white, lace push-up bra and the white Belters thong. He just looks – more like stares – for long moments as if committing this moment to memory. Memorizing the way I look right now.

  I reach forward and unbutton his jeans. Will makes quick work at kicking off his shoes and removing his socks and jeans. He’s finally standing before me in tight boxers, his erection straining against the taut blue material. I drink my fill of him. From his muscular shoulders down his hard chest and ripped abs. The delicious V of his trim lower stomach that leads to his strong legs. The man should be hanging in a museum. He’s perfection.

  I walk over and lie back on my bed. Placing my arms over my head, I wait for Will to make the next move. Control. I completely give it to him. Willingly.

  He’s joining me in bed a moment later. He stretches his long body over the top of mine, covering me from head to toe. The feel and weight of his body on top of me is like an aphrodisiac. Lightning courses recklessly through my bloodstream as Will’s lips find mine. This kiss is urgent. Penetrating. Full of unspoken desire.

  Will runs his hands all over my body as he worships me from head to toe. I feel it in his touch and see it in his eyes. No words are spoken, yet I know exactly what he’s doing and feeling because it’s the exact same that I’m doing and feeling. Love. This is love.

  Will slides his large hand around my back and with the flick of his wrist, unsnaps my bra. He removes it slowly, kissing each arm as he removes the intimate garment. Then his lips turn toward my exposed breasts. With each kiss and flick of his tongue, I feel it. His kisses are dripping with passion. His touch is full of adoration. Even as he slowly removes my basketball themed thong, he takes his time, worshiping and kissing every inch of my body.

  I barely even register the ripping of the condom wrapper or the moment he removes his own underwear. The only thing I register is the intensity in his blue eyes. Like a sea of brilliant blue waters, I could stare at their majesty all day, every day. Lost in the serenity and comfort deep within. Him. Only him.

  Will positions himself within my thighs. I open willingly and widely for him, ready to join as one. The first taste of completion is immediate. As soon as he penetrates me, I feel whole. Alive. We’re singular.

  The kisses are full of passion and promise as we convey our feelings through this one act. Will nips at my lips with his teeth, but he’s still gentle with his touch. He plays my body like a finely tuned instrument. He knows every groove, note, and melody to hit as our bodies sing together, a slow pace towards the finish line. Though, this is no race. This is something so much more.

  This is magic.

  Will rubs his swollen lips across mine several times. His breath fans out around my face and his eyes remain glued to mine. In what is probably the most intimate moment of my life, I finally allow myself to give in. Give in to the emotions coursing uncontrollably throughout my body. Give in to Will and the affection I have for him. Give in to love.

  “I love you,” he whispers against my lips so softly that it’s like an intimate caress, all raw and pure.

  My heart slams into my ribcage and beats a dangerously fast pace. His words, those sweet, beautiful words on his lips are what I long to hear.

  “I love you, too,” I whisper back, my tear-filled eyes still glued to those blue eyes in front of me.

  Together, we reach for the finish line. The release rips through my body like a tsunami. It’s powerful. Direct. Forceful. It’s amazing because Will is right there with me. Without breaking eye contact, we ride out the waves of our orgasms together. Two bodies with one soul. One love.

  If I never have another moment like this again, I know that my life is complete. Having Will beside me, with me, inside me, is my euphoria. He is my one true love. I thought I had this once. But now? Experiencing this kind of love? This is it.

  He’s the one.

  Chapter Eleven


  I haven’t been able to wipe the smile off my face for the last day and a half. I woke up early on Sunday morning and made sure I was dressed and in the kitchen before Zach woke up. Even though he was expecting me to be there, I didn’t want him to find me in his mom’s bed. And I definitely didn’t want to be one of those guys who strut out of the bedroom with crazy bedhead and wearing nothing but a pair of boxers. After a delicious breakfast, Zach and I met Jase and eventually Maddox and Jake at the rec center for some basketball. He was more than eager to show off his five thousand dollar check and the signed memorabilia that he won during his shot.

  Of course, the guys all watched the game to see if they could catch us on television so they all saw the shot live. If I would have turned on my phone after arriving back at their place Saturday night, I would have been able to talk to everyone who called and texted with congratulations for Zach.

  After basketball, Carmen and Zach went with me to my parents’ house for dinner. They visited and chatted with everyone comfortably like part of the family. And since then, I’ve actually been thinking about making that happen. Of course, we have a few hurdles to jump over first. Namely, our jobs.

  I’m still smiling at the end of my eight-hour shift. I plan to sneak up to Carmen’s office to steal a kiss from her lush lips. Lips that I’ve been daydreaming about all fucking day. Mondays are usually her busiest day, but I’m hoping I can steal a few moments before heading home.

  Just as I close my locker, Carlos enters the room.

  “Hey, man. Gerald’s office just called down here and said they’d like to see you in the conference room. You in trouble?” he asks with a shit-eating grin.

  “Who knows? Maybe,” I reply as I grab my coat and throw it over my arm.

  “Yeah, maybe Cruella’s gonna can you?” he asks with a laugh.

  I tense instantly at the reference to Carmen. It actually takes all the strength I possess to not leap over the bench and slam my fist into his jaw. In reality, he didn’t say anything that anyone else hasn’t said on a regular basis. Hell, what he said isn’t even bad. It’s the fact that he called my woman Cruella. Because she’s so much more than a stupid nickname. She’s dynamic and passionate. And I fucking love her.

  I mumble something non-committal as I head out of the locker room. The elevator seems to take forever to deliver me from the first floor to the second. I probably could have used the stairs three times by now and still be at my destination before the elevator arrived.

  Walking down the hall towards the small conference room on the other side of the administrative offices, I notice Carmen’s office door open. I decide right then and there that I’ll stop in and steal a kiss before I proceed to the end of the hall to the awaiting administrator. But when I reach Carmen’s office, it’s surprisingly vacant. I’m thrown a bit since her door is open. With the amount of employee crap she has in her office, she’s a stickler for keeping the door closed and locked when she’s not in her office.

  I reach the end of the hallway and give the door a firm knock.

  “Come in,” I hear from the other side.

  When I step inside the room, I notice a handful of familiar faces. First, Gerald Peterman is sitting at the head of the table. To his right is Chris Carter, the assistant administrator and CFO of the hospital. To his left, Janella Crispman, the director of human resources.

  “Will, please come in and have a seat,” Gera
ld says sternly.

  My throat instantly tightens as an uneasy feeling takes hold. Something about this situation doesn’t feel right. My stomach starts to churn, bile rising up ever so slightly in my throat.

  “Will, do you know why we’ve called this meeting today?” Gerald asks.

  “No, sir,” I reply, folding my hands together and resting them on the table in front of me. I hope to look cool, calm, and collected on the outside. On the inside? I feel a roiling mess.

  “Will, we have policies in place at this hospital to protect the employees, the board, and the patients. Would you agree that rules are necessary in this line of work?”

  “I would agree they are necessary anywhere, sir,” I reply, looking him dead in the eye. Suddenly I know what this is about, but I’m not about to let him know. So, I wait.

  “Are you aware that I have season tickets to the Belters?”

  “No, sir. Congratulations.”

  “I’ve been a ticketholder for almost twenty years. I go as often as possible whenever they are at home. I just happened to go to Saturday night’s game,” he says as my entire being fills with dread. I don’t respond, so he continues.

  “I was at the game Saturday night with my sixteen-year-old son. We were enjoying ourselves as we often do at those games when something unusual caught my eye. Not so much something as someone. A couple of someones. Do you know who I’m referring to, Will?” Gerald asks.

  “Yes, sir,” I state.

  “Can you tell me what you and your boss were doing together at the game? And before you tell me you just happened to run into each other or you’re just friends, I advise you to remember that I saw the halftime show and the KissyCam,” he adds with a pointed look.

  “Look, I’m not going to deny that you saw us there. I purchased the tickets as a gift to her son who is a fan. He’s a great kid who I’ve become very fond of. But, it didn’t start out that way. It didn’t start with the kid, but with Carmen. I tried to stay away from her, to keep a professional relationship, but I couldn’t. It’s me. I did this. Not her. Whatever happens here at the hospital, it’s on me. Fire me, but let her keep her job. She has a son to support.”


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