Boss Me

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Boss Me Page 22

by Lacey Black

  “Home. The park. The library. The backyard. His friend, Dylan’s house, which I’ve already called and verified that he’s not there. That’s it. Those are the only places I can think of. The only places he ever goes after school or on weekends.”

  Will stares straight ahead and the officer assigned to keep us company takes another phone call. When he shakes his head at me, I know it’s not the call we’re waiting on.

  “That’s it? Those are the only places he would go?” Will asks, dropping down to his knees in front of me. His hands are entwined with mine as they rest on my lap.

  “I can’t think of anywhere else,” I whisper and lean forward until my forehead is resting against his.

  Suddenly he pulls back and almost makes me fall forward. Will grabs my shoulders to keep me from falling out of the chair. The look in his eyes is full of life and assurance. “I know where he is!”

  We both jump up together as he stares straight into my eyes. “I know where he is,” he says again with a smile. “Come on, let’s go!” he yells as he pulls me out of the office.

  “Wait!” the officer says, trailing behind us. “Where are we going so I can call it in,” he adds as we run down the lifeless corridor.

  “To the rec center,” Will yells over his shoulder.

  The rec center. Oh my God, that’s it!

  We go barreling out the front doors of the school as Will takes his cell phone out of his pocket. “Get in my squad car,” the officer says as he runs around to the driver’s side. Will and I slide in the back as quickly as possible, all while he dials a number on his phone.

  “Jake, it’s me. I know where he is. He’s at the rec center,” he says. “Meet you there,” he says moments before he hangs up the phone.

  Will reaches over and grabs my hand. “We’ll get to him, baby, I promise. He’s going to be alright,” he says as he places gentle kisses on my knuckles.

  The police cruiser, donning flashing red lights, races through town towards the rec center. I pray that Zach is found inside and fine. If he’s not here, I don’t know what I’ll do. I can’t lose him.

  Will seems to understand my internal turmoil and pulls me tight against his hard body. He continues to rub long, soothing strokes up and down my back as we race towards the place where Zach and Will have so frequently played basketball together.

  Five agonizingly slow minutes later, the squad car pulls into the parking lot and heads straight for the front door. As soon as he’s stopped he opens the backdoor for Will and me to exit. As we race up the steps of the center, several other squad cars pull into the parking lot and head toward us.

  But, we don’t wait.

  Will pulls open the door and we sprint inside. My hand is firmly held within his as he pulls me to the left and toward the basketball court. The sound of a ball dribbling echoes off the empty seats.

  Please let that be him, I chant over and over again until we’re finally reaching the double doors of the basketball court.

  Will gives the door a tug and we sail inside. There on the opposite end of the court, shooting a free throw is Zach. My brown haired, brown-eyed twelve-year-old is fine. And playing basketball.

  “Zach!” I yell as I take off across the court toward him.

  Zach drops the ball and turns around facing us. His face is tear-streaked and slightly dirty, but I don’t care. I throw my arms around him and squeeze so hard, I’m afraid I’ll hear bones break. But I don’t care about that much right now either, because Zach is back in my arms and it’s one of the greatest feelings on earth.

  “I’m sorry,” he cries into my shoulder.

  “Shhhhh. Don’t worry about that right now, okay? Are you hurt?” I ask, pushing him back so I can check him over. Zach shakes his head no as he wipes the tears from his eyes.

  “Hey, buddy,” Will says as he kneels next to me in front of Zach. Zach doesn’t hesitate as he launches himself into his arms.

  “I’m sorry, Will,” he mumbles as the tears stream down his face and soak into Will’s coat.

  “You have nothing to apologize for right now. We’ll talk about all of this later. We’re just glad that you’re alright,” Will tells him. “We’ve been worried sick.”

  “I know,” Zach says as he drops his eyes and stands back up.

  Maddox and Jake, as well as a few other police officers, join us on the court. A few questions are thrown at Zach, and then at me, but for the most part, everyone seems to be glad this situation has a happy ending. Something happening to Zach is my greatest fear, and this incident having a bad outcome would have killed me. Figuratively, and probably eventually, literally.

  An ambulance arrives a few moments later, and Will explains that it’s standard procedure to have Zach checked out, which I already know. Even though he appears fine and states the same, we want to have a quick assessment done to make sure he’s healthy after his afternoon of being on his own and walking a couple of miles in the January elements without a coat.

  I walk with Zach towards the waiting paramedic. Will joins us, shaking hands with Tim as we approach. Tim takes Zach over to his supplies sitting next to the bleachers and begins checking his blood pressure and other vitals. Will and I slowly make our way over toward where they’re at.

  “So,…” he says, leaving the rest of his sentence completely open for me.

  “So, I was thinking,” I start but cut off when Zach rejoins us.

  “Everything looks great,” Tim says as he packs up his supplies. “I have a blanket in the back of the rig that you can use to wrap around him until you get him home. I don’t see any reason why he needs to go to the hospital for further evaluation.”

  “Thank you, Tim,” I say, sticking my hand out towards my former employee.

  “You’re welcome, Carmen,” he says without hesitation.

  “How’s the new baby?” I ask.

  “She’s perfect,” he says with a big smile.

  “Good to hear,” I say as I wrap my arms around Zach one more time. The thought of never being able to do this is too much to bear.

  “Jake and Maddox are going to run us back to the school to get our cars,” Will says as he approaches and ruffles Zach’s hair.

  The ride back to the school is surprisingly quiet. Everyone seems lost in their own thoughts, and Zach knows that the inevitable discussion and expected punishment is still to come. When we reach the school, Will steps out and waits for us to join him. His hands are casually tucked inside his coat pocket, but you can see the uncertainty in his eyes. He’s anything but casual.

  “About what I said,” I start, but cut off again.

  “Dad!” Zach hollers and turns to run toward Nick. Will and I each turn around and watch as Zach launches himself into Nick’s waiting arms. I choke back the emotion that is, again, threatening to overtake me as I watch Nick wrap Zach securely in his arms. Though I can’t hear what he’s saying, I see Zach shaking his head up and down against Nick’s shoulder.

  Eventually, after their own private moment, they both approach Will and I. Nick gives Will the once-over and turns his attention towards me. “I’d like to go back to your place for a bit,” Nick says looking directly at me.

  “Of course,” I reply before turning and looking at Will.

  “I’ll let you all get out of the cold. Zach, I’m glad everything turned out okay,” Will says as he steps forward and extends his hand to my son. Zach completely ignores it and throws himself in his arms once more. My heart slams into my chest with the force of a semi at their exchange. No man has ever touched my life the way Will Stevens has. No man ever will.

  “Nick, it was good to see you again,” Will says as he shakes hands with my ex-husband.

  “Nice to see you, Will,” Nick says, his tone casual, yet business-like.

  “Goodbye,” Will says, this time directed at me. The intensity of his blue eyes knocks me for a loop as I sway slightly on my feet. Not enough that anyone would notice, but enough that I feel it all the way to my toes. That on
e word was painful to hear, and it just confirms my thoughts on Will and our future together.

  I smile a small smile as Will turns and walks toward his car.

  “You don’t want him to come to the house for the talk?” Nick asks with his well-groomed eyebrow up in his styled hairline.

  “What?” I ask, confused at his question. Didn’t he have a problem with Will?

  “If we’re going to have a talk about what happened with our son, I thought you’d want Will to be there for it,” he states. “I figured that it must be somewhat serious if you’re bringing him around our son. You obviously lean on him when you need someone. He was here for you today, so I assumed he’d be a part of this discussion. Unless your relationship isn’t at that point?”

  I turn to look at Will as he approaches his car. My feet carry me towards him before I even realize what I’m doing. I run towards him, my breath coming out in white puffs from the cold.

  “Will!” I yell as he reaches for his door handle. Will turns around just as I reach him. “I…I’m sorry I called you so upset.”

  “Don’t be. I’m not. You can call me anytime you need me, Carmen.”

  “What if…what if I need you now?” I whisper, staring up at his brilliant blue eyes. They dilate and turn dark as he takes in the words I said.

  “What do you mean?” he asks without moving.

  I take a step forward until I’m invading his personal space. I feel his body heat rolling off of him in big, warm waves. I long for those arms to wrap around me and pull me into his embrace.

  “What if I’ve discovered that I need you in my life? Tonight. Tomorrow. And maybe even after that,” I say, trying to school every feature I have to remain strong and collected. What if he says no? What if I’m too late? He said he’d wait, but what if it’s already too late to get back what we had?

  “Maybe?” Will asks, his handsome face giving away nothing. “Honey, I’m pretty sure that if you want me tonight and tomorrow, you’d better be ready for every day after that, because there is no way I am letting you go again,” he says before finally cracking a hint of a smile.

  I waste no time throwing my arms around his shoulders and my lips against his. They are cold and dry, but oh so warm. So right.

  “The only reason I walked out that door when I did was because I knew you were upset. And the only reason I’ve stayed away this long is because I know we both had issues to work out. But, I can’t do it anymore, Carmen. I can’t stay away. Don’t make me stay away any longer,” Will all but begs against my lips.

  “I don’t want you to go away, Will. I want you to stay. Stay with me,” I tell him, laying my heart out in front of him.

  “Then, I’m all yours, sweetheart. Forever,” he whispers before claiming my lips in a searing, sultry kiss. The kiss that signifies the start of our life together.

  “I love you, Carmen. You. Always you,” he whispers as he places open-mouthed kisses on my lips and cheeks. His warm hands cradle my cool cheeks as he worships my mouth with his own.

  “I love you, too,” I reply and mean it from the bottom of my heart.

  “Mom, I’m gonna ride over to the house with Dad, okay?” Zach hollers from behind us.

  “Okay,” I reply, throwing a look over my shoulder at my son, my breathing coming out in big white puffs of air. He’s standing there with a big smile on his face as he watches us, taking in the sight of Will and I embracing.

  “You should head home,” Will says as he tucks me securely within his arms.

  “Aren’t you coming with me?” I ask, voice laced with panic.

  “Not right now. You need to have this conversation with Zach and Nick without me. But, don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere. Call me when he leaves and I’ll come over, okay?” he says, his hot breath warming the top of my head.

  “Okay. I’ll call you later,” I say as he lets go of me. Will walks me over to my car and waits until I’m safely inside. He stands there watching as I start up my car, wait a few moments for it to warm up, and then pull out of the parking spot. He waves and smiles as I pass.

  And I will call him later. As soon as Nick leaves. As much as I want him there for support, I know that he is right. I need to handle this situation tonight with his moral support, not his physical being. This is one of those times where a mother and a father – even if they’re no longer married – need to band together for the good of their child. Will knew it before I did.

  I drive towards my house with a smile on my lips. Lips that still tingle and are slightly swollen from Will’s kisses. Lips that will devour his magical lips again later tonight. That you can count on.

  What have I learned from all of this? Well, I’ve learned that my job is just that – a job. It doesn’t define me as a person and I need to be brave enough to be the same person at work as I am at home. With Will next to me, I know I can be that person.

  Plus, that phone call I received earlier from a man named Chase Delaney doesn’t hurt any, either.

  I’ve discovered a lot about myself in the past few months. I’ve learned that it’s okay to lean on someone for help and guidance. That it doesn’t mean you’re weak or unable, it just means you have someone special in your life to share the journey. And life is a journey. It’s full of ups and downs, twists and turns. Sometimes you stumble – or slip on the ice – and the result may be finding that special someone. The person who challenges you and completes you. Someone you can laugh with and snuggle with, and helps dry your tears. Someone who’s quiet, yet bossy in all the right ways. Someone who turns your world completely upside down and turns out to be the love of your life.

  Who knew?

  Not me.

  But I wouldn’t trade a moment. Not for anything.

  Believe me, I know. I am the boss.



  Six Weeks Later

  “Come on,” I yell from the front door, pacing back and forth with nerves.

  “I’m coming. Quit being so bossy,” she says as she waltzes into the room with a little extra sway to her hips. I almost throw her over my shoulder and carry her right back to the bedroom.

  “We need to go,” I whisper as I pull her flush against me. She rubs her center against the crotch of my suddenly too-tight pants.

  “I know. Keep your pants on, Will,” she says with a smile. She hasn’t called me William in a month. Well, except that one time I slapped her ass when we were at my parent’s house for supper. I don’t think she was too amused. But, don’t worry. I made it up to her later that night.

  “Yeah, but if we don’t go now, we’ll lose the good parking spots to Nate and Travis, and that can’t happen. Besides, if I take my pants off, we’ll never get there,” I say with a smirk.

  “Fine. Let’s go,” she concedes as she grabs her coat.

  Zach is spending the weekend with his dad. Nick has been surprisingly attentive lately where his son is concerned. Well, ever since the incident over a month ago where Zach ran away from school. He’s also being polite toward me and has included me in a few of the conversations they’ve shared regarding Zach. Not that I’d ever expect to be included in matters pertaining to their son, but he’s being thoughtful to both Carmen and me.

  I wasn’t surprised when Carmen told me about her job offer with the community college. I tried to act the part, but apparently my acting skills are a little rusty because she saw right through it. I know that even if I wouldn’t have placed a call to Chase, she would have found a job sooner rather than later. She’s a determined, stubborn woman with a bossy streak a mile long, and she’s not the type to sit back idly and wait for something to come along. She forges her own path and makes her own decisions. Though, I’m fortunate enough lately that she’s including me in many of them.

  “So, what do you think of that house on Grant Street that we looked at yesterday?” she asks as we setting into my car.

  We didn’t get to discuss it after we left the realtor since I had to head out to work. I s
tarted my new job last week at the smaller hospital in St. Charles. They have several ambulance stations throughout town and I was lucky enough to get an opening at the one stationed at the edge of St. Charles along the main road we take from Rivers Edge. The thirty-minute drive doesn’t bother me much, but I’m working the twelve-hour overnight shift. So, I go in at 6pm and get off around 6am. They anticipate an opening soon for the earlier shift and have already promised me the position when it becomes available. With Zach’s desire to play basketball next year, I definitely want to be available for every game he has. So, that overnight shift will do. For now.

  “I liked the house. The backyard is big enough and there’s already the basketball hoop for Zach,” I say as I link my fingers with hers.

  “I really liked it too. It’s definitely my favorite out of all the ones we’ve looked at. If we made an offer on that one, I’d be happy,” she says with a brilliant smile.

  And I’d do anything to make her happy, so consider that phone call done as soon as I can steal a moment away. Placing a kiss on the top of her knuckles, I say, “I agree.”

  “Did you see the big shower in the master bathroom?” she asks with glowing features.

  “Even if I missed it, I couldn’t have missed your reaction to it. I thought we were going to remain passive for the realtor so she didn’t know which way we were leaning,” I say with a smile.

  “Hey, I tried. But I really, really liked that house. I think Zach will love the room we picked for him.”

  “And let’s not forget the other room that we’ll use for a nursery,” I say, kissing those delectable knuckles of hers again. I swipe my tongue across the soft, sensitive skin causing her to gasp and give an involuntarily shudder. It’s a reaction I see often, and it never gets old.

  “Someday,” she adds with a smile.

  “Someday,” I repeat.

  It doesn’t take but a few minutes and we’re pulling into the parking lot adjacent to the hospital. I quickly step out into the cool March afternoon air and adjust my coat around my neck. It has warmed up a bit, but not enough to completely melt the snow we received earlier in the week. As soon as I have my door shut, Carmen meets me around the front of the car, and we head into the hospital hand in hand.


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