Boss Me

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Boss Me Page 24

by Lacey Black

  “Grant, if you don’t leave your brother alone, I’m going to take you upstairs and have a little chat with you,” Travis says before they’re even fully inside the kitchen.

  Grant is six now and a first grader at Rivers Edge Elementary. He spends all of his free time out in the shop with his father, not playing in the house with his toys. He’s a smart little stinker and his hand-eye coordination is amazing. With the help of his father, he builds tons of little trinkets and such for his mom. Each gift he brings me fills my heart with warmth that the little guy built me something with his own hands.

  His little brother, Levi, is about to turn three next month, and is the spitting image of Josselyn. He has dark hair and hazel eyes that fill with mischief on a regular basis. The middle child figured out very quickly how to push his older brother’s buttons; always trying to get a rise out of him. He reminds me so much of Nate at that age.

  Then there is little Alexis, or Lexi Lou as we all call her, who was born just two short weeks ago. Travis and Josselyn celebrated their sixth anniversary this past November in style; by announcing their child would be a beautiful baby girl. She has two amazingly attentive big brothers, and hasn’t been put down since she was born. I know exactly where she is – in Travis’ arms.

  “Grant, listen to your dad, please,” Joss says as she sets a tray of appetizers down on the center island.

  “Can I go outside with Grandpa?” Grant asks with wide eyes.

  “Me too!” Levi hollers.

  “No, little man, you stay inside and play with Tessa and Annie. I hear them in the living room,” Travis says as he walks over and places a kiss on my cheek.

  “But I can go outside, right?” Grant asks with pleading eyes.

  “Yep. Listen to Grandpa, though,” Travis says moments before Grant takes off out the door.

  “Happy Anniversary,” Joss says as she places a kiss on my cheek. I hug my very first daughter-in-law tightly before turning my attention back towards Travis, kissing Lexi Lou’s soft little baby cheeks as she sleeps in his arms.

  I barely get to enjoy a few moments with Jake, Will, Travis, and their wives when the fourth family arrives. Nate and Lia blow into the house with their three-year-old in tow.

  “This house is going to burst at the seams,” Nate says with a smile as he follows his wife into the kitchen.

  Nate and Lia have been married four years already. Out of all of my children’s weddings, this is the one I didn’t have to lift one finger to help. They decided to have a destination wedding on the side of a mountain in Hawaii. Everything was completed for them when we all arrived two days before the big day. It was a hundred degrees in the shade, but the most perfect wedding ceremony ever. Standing in the thick grass, we all watched as Lia and Nate proclaimed their love for one another. The vows they wrote themselves still choke me up to this day when I think back on them.

  Nate and Lia have a special bond, cemented by his need and desire to protect her. A vow that he still takes seriously as he does everything within his power to ensure that he comes home to her each and every night. Nate is still a fireman, though he cut back his hours to only a few days per week. Lia has become partners with Avery at the bakery I started all those years ago. It warms my heart to see my own daughter and my daughter-in-law share the business and the love for it together.

  Like my other children, Nate and Lia wasted no time before starting their family. Their son, Carter, is three years old and his sister, Kinzie, is due any day now. Carter is going to be the best big brother with his huge heart and gentle demeanor. He’s so much like Lia with his bluish-green eyes and golden brown hair, yet has his father’s lone dimple.

  Watching Nate become a father has been a joy. He’s always had a wonderfully close relationship with his nephew, Grant, and that has carried over to Carter. Grant and Carter are best friends and even though they are a few years apart, they do everything together. I can’t wait for that phone call when they announce that Kinzie is on her way.

  “Lia, what did you bring?” Erin asks as she eyes the covered pan.

  “I brought a big salad,” Lia says.

  “Salad?” Jake asks, horrified.

  “Well, my first dish got burnt,” Lia mumbles as her face flushes three shades of red.

  “Burnt? How did you burn it?” Joss asks as she slides up next to her.

  “I had just put it in the oven and was taking off my apron when I…got distracted.” Again, fuchsia coloring fills her cheeks. I wouldn’t think too much about it if Nate didn’t start snickering and sporting the cockiest grin I’ve ever seen. Oh, he is his father’s son.

  “Nice,” Jake mumbles to Nate with a sly grin.

  “Good afternoon,” Holly says with a smile as she enters the kitchen, Jase hot on her heels.

  The entire room throws greetings at our newest arrivals. Though Holly and Jase aren’t an official part of our family, we made them unofficial members years ago.

  Holly and Jase have been married five years as well, getting married on a private beach in St. Thomas. A beach with a massive house that he revealed while there that he bought it for her. Some wedding present, right? They spent the first two years of their marriage writing music and just hanging out. While Holly worked part time, Jase took that time to unwind and enjoy life away from his band.

  Three years ago, Bent reunited for a massive stadium tour. Every single show sold out in mere minutes with fans flocking to whatever stadium or arena the band was playing at. Holly traveled with them the entire tour, and it wasn’t long until they had another passenger along for the ride.

  Their daughter, Scarlet, was born the morning of the final show in Los Angeles. Jase was by her side for the entire labor and delivery, only leaving her side long enough to perform the band’s final show. Though, it was my understanding that he refused to go. I believe threats were made to poor Jase’s manhood if he didn’t go do the show. Holly insisted that he finish the thing he started, she and their daughter waited in their hospital room until he was done so they could all go home: together.

  “Thank you for inviting us, Mrs. Stevens. Happy anniversary,” Holly says with a warm hug. This girl truly is like another daughter to me. She has been my daughter’s best friend, confidant, and keeper of her secrets since way back before braces and scrunchy hair accessories.

  “I’m so glad you could be here,” I tell the beautiful woman in front of me.

  “Thanks for including us,” Jase says before wrapping his tattoo covered arms around me. This man is a hunky young thing. With his tattoos and his piercing green eyes, I can see why all the ladies around town fawn over him. And as he wraps his arms around his wife, I can see why she clearly adores him.

  “We’re here!” Brooklyn hollers from the front entryway, a whole herd of noise following in her wake.

  Avery and Maddox, my only son-in-law, look frazzled as they enter the room with their brood in tow. Out of all of my kids’ love stories, theirs is my favorite. As soon as their hands are free, Maddox has his wrapped around his wife, nuzzling her ear with his nose. Apparently so many early years of denying their feelings for each other hasn’t caught up with them yet, because they still can’t keep their hands off of each other. Jake is the worst when it comes to their displays of affection. It doesn’t bother me any. Heck, Michael and I have always been just like them. I knew all those years ago that they would get to this place eventually. I watched that boy as he protected her from afar, and not as her brother’s best friend. I may have been the only one who saw it then, but I knew that they loved each other. Of course, most of the time, they were too young to realize it. But, I knew. A mother always knows.

  It’s hard to believe that Brooklyn will be eleven in just a few weeks. She’s the spitting image of her mother and still has her father wrapped around her finger. You’d never know that Maddox wasn’t her biological father. He’s her father in every way that’s important and nothing makes me happier for them as a family.

  Ryder celebrated h
is fifth birthday with a huge GI Joe party complete with the live-action hero in attendance. Ryder has no idea it was his Uncle Jake underneath the muscular costume. He looks just like his dad, but is more controlled and calculated. You can see the wheels practically spinning in his little head as he weighs the pros and cons of each decision he makes. Troublemaker, Dax, will be two this fall. I love all of my grandchildren equally, but there’s something special about this little one. His ornery grin and mischievous brown eyes sparkle just before he does something he knows he’s not supposed to do. He literally walks around with a grin that leaves you wondering what he just got into or what he’s about to do.

  Dax was very quickly followed by a little surprise in the form of Ellie. See what happens when you enjoy an extended weekend away right before Christmas and forget your birth control? Ellie arrived just eleven short months after Dax. Yep, two babies in one year. To say that Maddox and Avery have their hands full is a slight understatement. But, I pitch in daily. I still watch all of the grandkids that are too young for school while their parents work. Avery still runs the bakery with Lia, and Maddox was promoted to Sergeant.

  “Congratulations, Mom,” Avery says just before she throws her arms around my neck. She smells of sugar and dough – my favorite scent.

  “Thank you, baby girl,” I reply, hugging her extra tight.

  “Is Dad outside?”

  “Where else would he be?” I ask with a laugh.

  Before too long, the entire house is overflowing with laughter and love. No seat is empty, no appetizers left, and no quiet to be found anywhere. It’s just the way I want it.

  When dinner is ready to be served, I send Brooklyn outside to gather the boys in the garage. While hands are being washed, my daughters all help me set the tables. Our large dining room table isn’t nearly big enough to hold the family, and hasn’t been enough for quite some time. We put the smaller kids at the kitchen table, and use a card table in the living room for a few of the extra adults. Dinners are now served buffet style; everyone forms a line in the kitchen to get his or her food. It’s too hard to pass the food from table to table; room to room.

  Just as everyone takes his or her seat, Michael taps a spoon on his water glass. “Can I have everyone’s attention, please?” Silence falls on the entire house. Even the young children all seem to wait quietly to hear what Grandpa has to say.

  “Forty years ago, I made the best decision of my life. I married the only woman I’ve ever loved, my Elizabeth. It wasn’t easy, especially in the beginning. There were times I wondered if I would survive another night of eating burnt casserole. We both learned so much about each other and ourselves as we navigated those first few years. They were trying years, but they were blessed years. First with Jake, then Nate, Will, Travis, and finally Avery.” Michael clears his throat as he stares down at the homemade centerpiece that Brooklyn and Grant made, seemingly collecting his thoughts.

  “When a man finds the woman he’s supposed to be with, it can be a scary thing. Some of us aren’t ready to give up our independence or maybe we think that marriage just isn’t for us. Until one day, a girl with long blond hair pulled up in a ponytail, walks into your classroom. You see her from across the room and realize right then and there that life as you know it no longer exists. Everything changes. You fall in love.

  “I fell in love with my wife the moment I laid eyes on her. She has blessed me with forty years of marriage, five beautiful, strong, and healthy children who have in turn blessed me with twelve grandchildren with another one on the way. We share our family with close friends who are just as much a part of this family as anyone else at this table.” Michael offers Holly and Jase a smile.

  “Life is a beautiful journey, and I’ve spent the last forty years on the ride of my life. Elizabeth, I love you more today than I ever have. I crave your laugh, your smile, and your light because when you walk into the room, you light up the world with your goodness, and your love. Thank you for loving me, for choosing me. Thank you for raising our family. Thank you for holding my hand as we navigate through this life together. You are my world, and I’m so damn thankful you said yes,” he says with tears in his eyes.

  Unchecked tears fall as I slowly stand up. I pass by pair after pair of wet eyes as I make my way toward my husband at the end of the table. When I reach him, he uses the pads of his thumbs to wipe away the tears of joy streaming down my face.

  “I love you, too,” I whisper before his warm, familiar lips claim mine. I don’t even care that we’re in a room filled with our family. This man is the reason I was put on the earth. He is my one and only. My North Star.

  “To Mom and Dad,” Jake says, standing up with his glass of wine; everyone else following suit. “May you celebrate forty more anniversaries. And may each of us enjoy the same love and laughter that you two have shared.”

  Our children, grandchildren, and friends toast us as we take a drink to forty years. I never would have imagined that we’d make it to this day. Now that we’re here, it was worth every moment that led to today. In joy and sorrow, we’ve been a family. And always will be.

  “And to our children,” Michael states as he wraps his arm securely around me. We gaze at the faces of those nearest and dearest to us; their eyes shining as brightly as I’ve ever seen.

  “I’ve never been more proud of you than I am right now. May you always find trust in each other. Fight for your love every day. Expect life at times to be difficult and never give up. Promise to always be true to each other. Protect the ones you love with everything you have. And always remember, boys,” he says with a wink at his sons around the table. “Remember who the real boss is in your relationship.”

  “May you always have love. Together. Forever.”


  “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.”

  ~Dr. Seuss

  A Message From The Author

  Dear Reader,

  When I reached the end of the short story, I found myself unable to type those two little words. Even though I put them at the end of Boss Me, I knew it really wasn’t the end. I had planned the short story from Elizabeth’s point of view even before I started Boss Me. So when I finally reached the end, I couldn’t type the words. Instead, I typed the famous Dr. Seuss quote we’ve all heard most of our lives. And then I cried. This series has become such a big part of my life, that I felt like I was losing a part of me. Even though I have books lined up and ready to go next. Even though I have more than enough storyline ideas to keep me going for the rest of my life. Rivers Edge is my first love. And I don’t want to let go.

  So I’m not! At least not yet!

  You will find a holiday novella featuring our very first Rivers Edge couple, Maddox and Avery, in an anthology releasing November 2015. Want to know what happened on that fateful mini-getaway that resulted in their surprised pregnancy? Find out in Trust Us: A Christmas Novella.

  Thank you for your support and for loving Rivers Edge. I promise more great things to come!



  There are so many people to thank, and I’m sure I will accidentally omit someone. Thank you to my dear friends Emily Getty for editing, Amanda Lanclos for plotting and beta reading, as well as Sandra Shipman and Joanne Thompson for beta reading and offering valuable suggestions throughout the writing process. Thank you Ginny Gallagher for another great cover! Kelley at Smut Book Junkies for helping spread the word and organizing the cover reveal and blog blitz. Thank you Brenda with Formatting Done Wright for working your formatting genius. Thank you to all of the bloggers who take the time to read my books and write amazing reviews. Thank you to all of the readers who took a chance on me and grabbed one of my books. To my family who is eager for the next book, and my friends who fuel me with enough funny stories to last a lifetime. To my best friend and biggest supporter, Holly. My favorite group of ladies, Lacey’s Ladies. And finally to my husband and our two beautiful children. THANK YOU, THA

  Until next time!

  All my love,


  About the Author

  Lacey Black is a Midwestern girl with a passion for reading, writing, and shopping. She carries her e-reader with her everywhere she goes so she never misses an opportunity to read a few pages. Always looking for a happily ever after, Lacey is passionate about contemporary romance novels and enjoys it further when you mix in a little suspense. She resides in a small town in Illinois with her husband, two children, and a chocolate lab. Lacey loves watching NASCAR races, shooting guns, and should only consume one mixed drink because she’s a lightweight.

  Lacey’s debut novel, Trust Me, was released in August 2014. It spent six weeks in the top 100 in contemporary romance on Amazon’s Top 100 Best Sellers for e-books, and reach #42 on Amazon’s Best Sellers list for Free e-books as well as #1 for Contemporary Romance. Fight Me, Expect Me, Promise Me: A Novella, and Protect Me were each Amazon Best Sellers in both contemporary romance and romance categories.

  Email: [email protected]






  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve



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