I Need You Here: Standalone, HEA, Erotica Contemporary Romance, Suspense Romance, BDSM, Dominant Alpha Male, Action & Adventure Romance

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I Need You Here: Standalone, HEA, Erotica Contemporary Romance, Suspense Romance, BDSM, Dominant Alpha Male, Action & Adventure Romance Page 17

by Cynthia P. O'Neill

  Derrick and my father had the foresight to have a doctor standing by. Ian’s wounds were through and throughs, and none of the bullets struck any major arteries or organs, so his prognosis was excellent. The doctor didn’t even think he needed to go to the hospital. He stitched him up downstairs and Ian was back at the party in no time, with his arm in a sling. He’d finally removed his disguise and I could see what Dawn’s hair would look like when her true color grew out. She had her dad’s hair and his strong determined jaw.

  After speaking with police, Derrick and Taylor both returned to the party. Dawn’s mother had also removed her disguise, and I could see where Dawn got her beauty. It wasn’t hard to see why Ian had fallen in love with his wife. Her eyes were a little darker amethyst than Dawn’s, but their smiles were identical. She’d definitely resembled her mother more.

  With the threat of attack no longer looming over us, Ethan talked animatedly to Mrs. Jamieson, asking her one computer question after another. He seemed in awe over her knowledge. They ended up talking for nearly an hour before Marjorie interrupted them. I could see a friendly rapport developing between Ethan and my cousin and wondered what that meant.

  Dawn and I had found a quiet, out of the way space, where we could keep watch our loved ones, but could hold each other tight; each never wanting to let the other go. “So, what should I call your mom and dad? Will they return to their original names or will they keep their new ones?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know about them, but I’ve gone by Dawn for most of my life, even when my name was Doniska. So, I’d prefer you call me that if you’d like.”

  “I’d like to call you wife.” She looked up at me with a smile.

  “You know what this means now, right?”

  She nodded, as I pulled her closer into my side. “It’s our turn to get married.”

  We jumped when my mother said. “Sounds like a good idea to me. How about you Ian?”

  MY MOTHER MOVED ASIDE, and we turned to see both of my parents, Dawn’s parents, Dane and Marissa, Ethan and Marjorie, along with Nate and Gianna, all smiling. I’d noticed that Gianna and Nate had already changed into more casual clothes and found my cousin already sported a beautiful new necklace, very similar in style to those the other ladies in our lives wore.

  I smiled up at Nate and winked knowingly. He chuckled and tried to act all innocent. I was happy for both of them, but had to ask, “Why is everyone staring?”

  We heard another set of footsteps approaching and found Dawn and Marissa’s other roommate, Ashley. “Hi guys. So, are we going to get these two married today or what?”

  Dawn and I looked at each other in surprise. She was the first one to speak. “I don’t see how we can. I don’t have a dress, we don’t have a license, we have nothing to wear.”

  I had to agree. “It’s a nice thought everyone, but it’s not possible.” Besides, I hadn’t even finalized her collar’s design. I’d only managed to get a hold of the jeweler a couple of days ago. I’d managed to slip away from the safe-room, with my father’s help of course, long enough to explain the design I wanted and to commission its production.

  The women all pulled Dawn up from her seat and pushed her toward the house, while all the men took me in another direction. “I don’t understand what you all think you’re doing. There’s no way we can get married today, besides I wouldn’t want to take away from how special this day is to Nate and Gianna.”

  Nate spoke up. “Bro, you have to understand. While Gianna and I love one another dearly, what makes it special is being surrounded by family. My wife and I want to share our day with you, so we can all have special memories. Besides, Marissa looks like she’s ready to pop at any moment. You’ll want to get married soon, since she’ll have her hands full and probably not be able to be in your wedding for months. I know for a fact that Dawn has always wanted Marissa as her matron of honor and Ashley as her bridesmaid. Now all you have to do is decide who will be your best man.”

  I wasn’t an overly emotional man, but I was on the verge of tears with the outpouring of love my family was showing us. “But, I haven’t even asked her father’s permission yet!”

  A strong hand landed on my shoulder. “Rafe, my son. You have been a light in our daughter’s darkness. You took a risk to hide her away, allowing us time to find Liam. It’s because of you we now have our lives back. You may marry our daughter with our blessing. I only ask that you promise to love her and protect her with your life.”

  “Not a problem, sir; and thank you.” I extended my hand to shake his, but he pulled me into a hug with his good arm and gave me a squeeze. “Welcome to the family, my boy.”

  My father pulled me over to the side for a private discussion. “I know you’re worried about all the missing details, but your mother has secured your marriage license, thanks to a contact at the courthouse willing to do us a favor. And I overheard you talking with the jeweler the other day and had him rush the item you wanted made. It’s here waiting for the both of you.”

  “But what about rings? I never picked any out. I don’t have anything to give her.”

  I watched my father reach into the pocket in his tuxedo jacket and withdrew a double ring box. “When I went by to pick up the collar yesterday, I’d asked the jeweler what rings he thought would best compliment your collar design and match the engagement ring. He suggested these, but said he’d be on call for us today, ready to bring other options should you not care for them.”

  I took the box from my father, my hands shaking nervously. I’d never expected today to be our wedding day. I wasn’t afraid to seal my life to Dawn, I wanted it more than I’ve ever wanted anything. I was afraid that she’d get to the altar and decide she couldn’t go through with it.

  I took a deep breath in and finally lifted the cover. The rings were perfect, identical platinum bands with an infinity design carved into them. That’s how our love would be––infinite. “They’re perfect, dad.”

  I could feel my control start to break, when my father enveloped me in a hug. “It’s okay, son. You’ve found the one who’s touched your heart. Now, go make her your own.”

  I didn’t have much to do to get ready for our wedding. I was already dressed in a navy sport coat. The only thing I wanted to change was my tie. My father had managed to find a tie that matched Dawn’s beautiful amethyst eyes.

  I was surprised when Dane pinned a boutonniere onto my lapel. “Mom had some dresses brought in and I’ve been told that Dawn is almost ready and looks radiant.”

  He took a step back to make sure the flower was straight. “I can’t believe my little brother is getting married and expecting a baby. When the hell did this happen?”

  I had to laugh. “I guess I’m just following in your footsteps, bro. I’d like it if you and dad could stand up for me today.” I felt like I should ask Ethan to stand beside me, but I’d noticed he’d been sitting with his leg propped up for the last half hour.

  I nudged my brother and pointed over toward our cousin Marjorie, who was doting over Ethan. She’d brought him another cup of punch and a slice of cake. “What gives with those two? Am I missing something?”

  He shook his head. “Damned if I know. They’ve been having lunch together a couple times a week at the office. From what I hear, they just talk and try to be support systems for one another, helping each other out with their problems.”

  “I hope they both can come to grips with their pasts, so they can move on and learn to live again. I wish the same thing for Jackson too. He is so caught up with work and Nicola that he hardly lives anymore. I hope he can find the strength to forgive and move on.”

  “I hear you, Rafe. I wish all three of them are able to heal and find love.” He looked over at he refreshment and hors d’oeuvres area. “I see mom selected some sort of cake for you. Looks like it might be cheesecake.”

  I glanced over at the table and, sure enough, it was cheesecake. How she knew it was Dawn’s favorite dessert and mine, I’ll never kn
ow, so I asked. “How did she know?”

  He draped an arm across my shoulder and led me toward the aisle, where I saw the preacher already waiting. “Didn’t you know? Mom knows everything.” I looked at him and cocked an eyebrow. He snorted, admitting, “Okay, so she knows everything because she picked Marissa’s brain.”

  My dad followed us up and stood next to Dane. I still couldn’t wrap my mind around everything that was happening. All of the guests seemed to know to take their seats. Our mothers sat together on the front row, smiling warmly as the music began to play.

  I watched Marissa and Ashley come down the aisle in matching, deep purple dresses. I couldn’t tell you what design they were or how the women looked. My eyes were solely on my bride, Dawn. Everyone stood as she came down the aisle. To look at her, you’d never know she was five months pregnant. The doctor had told us that she’d not really begun to fill out because she’d been malnourished. However, he assured us that, with the proper diet, she’d catch up in no time.

  She looked radiant, a vision in an off-white gown. I noticed she’d picked an off the shoulder number and the back hid her scars. I liked how the front hugged her cleavage and emphasized the curvature of her hips. Her hair had been pulled into a messy bun, and she’d opted for no veil, only a rhinestone clip to help hold her hair in place.

  Her father stood proudly as he passed her hand into mine. “Take good care of her, my son.”

  “I will, sir, with honor.”

  We walked the rest of the way to the preacher. I didn’t hear what he said in the beginning, only feeling pride to have my woman standing by my side. It wasn’t until he’d asked, “Would you like to speak from the heart or would you prefer more traditional vows?” that I focused back on the moment at hand.

  We both looked at one another and shrugged our shoulders, causing our guests to laugh. “From the heart, mi amore?” I’d finally asked.

  “Yes, from the heart.” She’d nodded, smiling.

  “Whenever you’re ready Rafe.”

  I tilted my head a second. “Gee, no pressure coming up with wedding vows on the fly for a wedding you didn’t even know you were having today.” Everyone laughed again.

  I swallowed hard. “I’ll be the first to admit that I scoffed at the idea of love at first sight, but my brother and Nate proved that it does exist. I’d fought the idea, but the moment my eyes found you, Dawn Marie Jamieson, I could think of nothing else. I didn’t know what it was like to find your soul’s connection, until you came into my life. I can’t promise I’ll always do the right thing, or act the right way, or say the right thing; but I can promise that I love you more today than yesterday, and will love you even more tomorrow. I’ll be faithful to you, through our good times, our bad times, and everything in between. I’ll try to be everything you’ve ever wished for, and more. This is my vow.”

  Tears were streaming down her face. Dane pressed a tissue into my hand and I leaned forward to dry her tears. “No crying today, love. Only happiness from this day forward.”

  She nodded in agreement. “Yes sir,” and smiled.

  The preacher turned to Dawn. “Whenever you’re ready, you may begin.”

  “How does one follow vows as eloquent as that?”

  She took a deep breath in and began. “Raphael Antonio Prescott, you came into my life like a lightening bolt, out of the blue. I thought you were crazy when you followed me out to my car and asked me for a kiss. But, in that kiss, I felt the pieces of my heart become whole again and I knew there was something magical about you. We spent months talking on the phone, video chatting. I learned a lot about you, but I learned so much more about myself than I thought possible. Because of our conversations, I realized I’d been living my life in a hole; never opening up enough to trust anyone to show me what love was truly about. You pulled me out of that hole and showed me what love and trust were. Through your patience and persistence, you saved me in more ways than one. I don’t know that I’ll always be the perfect wife, but I’ll try to be there for whatever our needs are in life, to be forever faithful, through good times, bad, and any wrenches life may toss our way. I pledge to you my love forever.”

  I had to fight not to kiss her right then and there. Her words showed me just how alike we were, both perfect halves of the same whole, only complete with one another.

  “May I have the rings, please.”

  I turned to Dane, who placed both rings in my hand. I handed my ring over to Dawn and watched as her eyes pool with emotion when she saw the infinity symbols carved into the rings.

  “Please face one another and repeat after me, while placing the rings on each other’s fingers. I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and devotion.”

  We pushed the rings onto each other’s fingers, where they sank perfectly into place sealing our union to one another. I lifted her hand to mine and gave it a kiss for good luck. I watched as she repeated the action with my ring.

  “We have witnessed the love and union of this couple. What God has joined together, let no man put asunder. Rafe, you may kiss your bride.”

  “Gladly!” I heard giggles all around me, but I didn’t care. I stepped forward, placing a hand on each side of Dawn’s face as I pulled her close and took possession of her lips. I didn’t care that we were surrounded by family and friends; I wanted her to know that she now belonged to me and to expect this kind of passion from now on.

  Time seemed to pass, but neither of us was ready to break our passionate kiss, until Dane cleared his throat and my father said, “That’s enough, son. You have to leave something for the wedding night.”

  At this point I didn’t care. I wanted Dawn all to myself, back in our own little bubble.

  The preacher winked at us as he asked us to turn and face the crowd. “It gives me great pleasure to present, Mr. & Mrs. Rafe Prescott.”

  We walked down the aisle to roaring applause. When we reached the end, I had to ask, “Any regrets, wife?”

  “Only one. I wish my sister could’ve been here.”

  I slowly turned her around to face the last row of seats, where her sister had been seated. “Oh my God! I can’t believe you’re here.”

  Her sister was just as spunky as she was, only younger, and she looked more like her mother. “Did you think this chica would miss her big sis getting married? I don’t think so. Mom and dad called yesterday to tell me about your surprise wedding to Rafe. Mr. Prescott sent a plane to collect me and made sure I’d make it here on time. I wouldn’t have missed this for the world.”

  Erica looked over at me, “At least I’m getting a nice looking brother in-law. You wouldn’t happen to have any younger brothers, would you?”

  “Sorry, sis. I’m the youngest and last of the eligible Prescott men.”

  She shook her head. “Just my luck, but oh well. At least I can join the party and let my hair return to its original color.”

  We enjoyed some of the wedding cheesecake and fresh fruit, before throwing both of the bouquets and garters. Ethan cringed when he caught Dawn’s garter and Marjorie caught her sister’s bouquet. I guess they were only friends, but one could hope.

  Dawn and I thanked Gianna and Nate for sharing their wedding day with us. Nate had joked, “At least we can help each other remember our anniversaries.” My cousin was not amused.

  We saw them off as they left to begin their honeymoon. Nate had shown me a pamphlet of an all-inclusive resort, set out above the water in the Maldives Islands in the Indian Ocean. They’d be spending a week there before flying onto Ireland for a romantic adventure around Dublin and its surrounding areas.

  We’d made our way up to my old room to discover all of our clothes had been moved from the basement to my old closet. A new dress waited for Dawn, most likely courtesy of my mom, she loved to spoil her daughters in-law, while a polo shirt and dress pants were laid out for me. I noticed a long, familiar, jewelry box was tucked between our outfits.

  I picked up the box and turned away from Dawn to look at
it. It was sheer perfection. I liked how Dawn’s skin tone would accommodate both silver and gold, so I decided upon an infinity motif, with alternating platinum and yellow gold links The platinum infinity links were covered in medium colored amethyst chips, while a few of the alternating gold links were dotted with diamond chips.

  I dreamed of the day I could put this around her neck, having our own private collaring ceremony to commit our love for each other on a more intimate level.

  “What’s that? It’s beautiful.” I hadn’t heard Dawn come up behind me to peek over my shoulder.

  I kept the lid open and she ran her fingers over it. She glanced down at her wedding band and then back at the necklace, an “Oh” forming on her lips.

  “I’m not going to ask you to accept my collar today. My father thought we might be ready for it and put a rush order on the collar, but you’ve only just entered into our lifestyle. I would like to give it a month or two, or however long until you feel comfortable enough to commit to me,” I decided to wave my hand between us, “No, to us, on a more intimate level. It would be unfair to ask you to take such a pledge right now.”

  She placed her hand over my heart. “You’re right. There’s so much more I need to know about your world, a lot of questions I need to have answered. When the time is right, I’ll gladly accept your collar and offer you my surrender. I wasn’t kidding in the safe room when I called you Master. I want the deepest possible connection I can have with my soul mate.”

  I closed the box and opened the door to my closet, placing it in the safe hidden in the wall behind my clothes. I gave the box a kiss. “For later,” I said as I looked up and down her body appreciatively, realizing that she truly was mine now and I finally had her here to myself.

  “Let’s get changed, then we can go down and enjoy the rest of the celebration with the remaining guests. I wish I knew all this was planned for today. I would’ve planned a romantic getaway for us so we could celebrate. As it is, we need to figure out what you’ll want to keep from your apartment in Atlanta. I need to put my condo up for sale, and we need to find our new home. I need to get you a regular ob/gyn to monitor your pregnancy; maybe we could use Marissa’s doctor. We also need to consider picking out furniture for the new house and the nursery.” I was talking and pacing back and forth, running my hands through my hair.


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