BUY ME *Don & Peaches* (Mistress Auctions Book 3)

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BUY ME *Don & Peaches* (Mistress Auctions Book 3) Page 7

by Alexa Riley

  She looks like a goddess sitting on top of me like this. Her blonde hair wild around her and her green eyes looking down on me. Her big tits bouncing and her thick curves moving with her. I run my hands up her thighs, feeling her soft creamy skin as she moves up and down. Her waist dips in, and there’s a roll at her tummy. I run my hands across it. It’s where she’ll get bigger as my babies grow, and I start to cum at the thought.

  I feel my seed splash into her as I keep my hand there. Thinking about getting her pregnant and having a piece of me inside her turns me on just as much as the sight of her on top of me.

  I move my hand down slightly, rubbing my thumb on her clit, and the soft pressure is enough to send her over the edge, too. She cums on my cock and leans forward, clinging to me as she rides the pleasure to the end.

  I don’t let her move. I keep my cock inside her as I hold her to me, rubbing her back. In this moment I want to tell her how much I love her and how I will never let her go. I want to tell her everything I did to bind her to me and confess to her what she actually signed.

  But instead, I keep petting her body as she goes limp on top of me, and I thrust into her slowly. I make love to her as she falls in and out of sleep, as I need her again and again.

  Chapter Fourteen


  “Shut the front door!” I stare across the table at Stella as she finishes her story of how she became married and knocked up by two men.

  I met her a few weeks ago, right after Antonio took me from the Auction. I’d been dying to ask her how she ended up with two men. I know Antonio had a big part in Aaron and Justin’s lives. He’s like a father to them, and the brothers even took his last name. Every time I saw her, the two guys were glued to her hip. This was the first time I’d gotten her alone. I had to declare a girls-only lunch.

  “These Cortez men don’t mess around. They want something, they make sure they get it. Even if they have to use a little trickery.” She says this with a giant smile on her face, not seeming to care that her men not only orchestrated her being in the Mistress Auction so they could buy her, but also intentionally knocked her up.

  She absently rubs her belly, making me think about how Antonio and I’ve never used protection before. It never even came up. As much as we go at it, it’s only a matter of time. Or maybe Antonio can’t have kids, for all I know. We hadn’t talked much about the future. Other than him grunting about how I was never leaving him.

  It’s something I rather enjoy. In fact, the last two months have been the happiest of my life. This is the first time I’ve been away from Antonio for more than a few hours. I’d started teasing him about whether he even had a job. I told him it was okay if he didn’t because I had seventy-five million we could live off. He just laughed and showed me what he said his new job was with his mouth on my body.

  “I’m starting to see that,” I laugh, not caring if Antonio is manipulating things to keep me. He’s just making more work for himself if he is, because I’m not going anywhere.

  “I’m glad there are two of us now, and with your sass, it’s kinda like there’s really three of us,” Stella jokes, making me laugh. I’m not sure my sass works on Antonio like it’s supposed to. It seems to turn him on, but now that I think about it, he’s always turned on.

  “I should get going. I have a doctor’s appointment, and I know my men will be tracking me down any moment.” She goes to rise from her chair, and her female bodyguard is suddenly at her side, popping out of nowhere like a freaking ninja.

  “Mrs. Cortez.” The bodyguard says to Stella making my heart skip a beat. She and her husbands have their own little makeshift family, and I want that, too. Just seeing them all together makes me long for something I’ve never had. If I did have it one time with my mother and father, I was too young to even remember it.

  “It was nice seeing you without the men. We should do this again. Soon.” Stella picks up her purse.

  “Agreed.” I stand and give her a hug.

  “You’re good for him. I’ve never seen him like this before. Don’t break his heart,” she whispers in my ear before pulling away. I just nod because a lump has formed in my throat.

  “Take me to them,” she tells the guard before they both depart the little café.

  Her words make me want to see Antonio. I’d learned over the past few weeks that he was sincere. He had no reason to lie to me. He’d had a contract that would’ve made me stay with him. He didn’t have to whisper the things he’s said to me.

  I rummage through my purse, looking for my phone as I make my own retreat out of the restaurant, only to run right into someone.

  Senator Walker Keaton. I just stare up at him, dumbfounded. What are the odds?

  “Call him off.”

  I look around to see who my former stepfather is talking to, but no one else is near. He’s just staring down at me. Call him off? What is he talking about?

  “Get your husband out of my fucking business, Georgia.”


  Maybe my former stepfather has lost his mind. He was a jackass, but after mama died, he was grief-stricken. Maybe it was all too much for him.

  “Haven’t you taken enough from me?”

  His eyes look a little wild, and I take a step back, putting some distance between me and crazy. Oddly, I don’t feel anger towards him like I did weeks ago. In fact, I’m not mad at all now. I just want to put him in his place.

  “I’m pretty sure you’re the one who dissolved the trust and took my inheritance. I didn’t take shit from you.”

  “I’m not talking about the money, Georgie. I took the money to get back at for what you took from me.”

  Yep. Definitely crazy.

  “Walker, I’m didn’t take anything from you.”

  “She always loved you more. You were all she really cared about. No matter how much I loved her, she just wouldn’t love me back.”

  Understanding hits me. My mother. Mary-Grace only ever loved three things: me, my father, and money. And in that order. In fact, if she had known Walker would’ve taken my inheritance, she probably would’ve cut off his balls and fed them to the dog. My mother was the best charmer east of the Mississippi, but she didn’t fuck around.

  “I’m sorry, Walker,” is all I can really say. I actually do feel sorry for him. I couldn’t imagine loving someone and them not loving me back. If Antonio didn’t love me—

  My own train of thought cuts off. Holy shit. I’m utterly, madly in love with Antonio. It would be heartbreaking if he didn’t love me. I shake off that thought. Of course that man loves me. I’ll be confirming that first thing when I see him. When he took me from the Auction, he told me he was going to prove to me what I meant to him, and he had. I knew I was it for him. That he’ll spend the rest of his life making me happy, and I plan to do the same for him.

  “If you’re sorry, then call your husband off.”

  “Walker, I’m not married.”

  “Cut the shit. I started digging when I got word someone called Antonio Cortez was making moves to make sure I didn’t get re-elected. Tried to figure out why some casino owner all the way out here in Vegas gave a shit about the Senate elections in Texas. Didn’t take long to figure out when I saw who he was married to.”

  “We aren’t married,” I try again. Not that it matters if we are or not. Either way, I’m sure Antonio’s probably gunning for him. I should’ve seen it coming. When I told him about everything that happened and how I grew up, the anger towards Senator Walker Keaton was clear. Or maybe I did see it coming and just didn’t care.

  Once I had only anger towards Walker, but now I have sympathy, too. Still, being so petty as to be jealous that a woman loved her child more than him is ludicrous. I don’t see one problem with Antonio making sure he won’t be a senator again. His priorities and ethics are clearly messed up.

  “I saw the marriage license. Not to mention it was in the paper, Georgie. A billionaire doesn’t get married without it making the news,
” he barks out in that tone he uses when he’s mad but doesn’t want anyone around us to hear.

  I stand there, staring at him in shock. I didn’t get married. What the hell?

  I turn and make my way towards the elevators.

  “Where are you going?” I hear Walker yell behind me.

  I look back at him. “If I were you, I’d stay away from me unless you want to make things worse with Antonio. He doesn’t like when things upset me. This much you’ve seen already.”

  I leave him standing there without so much as much as a goodbye. He’d be wise to heed my warning, but petty men like him tend to be stupid, too.

  When I finally make it back to the suite, I head straight for Antonio’s office. I stalk over to his desk and begin to dig through the drawers. I don’t give two flying shits about being nosey.

  When I see a file with my name on it, I pull it out and open it. The first thing on the top is indeed a marriage license. A signed marriage license. The signature is mine.

  Those slick bastards. I must have missed this. When I signed the Mistress Contract, I must have signed a marriage contract, too. I can clearly see he didn’t rip this one up along with the Mistress Contract.

  I look through the rest of the folder and find a ton a pictures of me and information on Walker.

  I pick up my phone and send Antonio a text.

  Me: Found the marriage license. I’m packing my shit.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I’m sitting in my office and going over mindless paperwork. Anyone in my staff could handle this, but Georgia wanted to go to lunch with Stella alone. I keep thinking about her, counting down the seconds until I get to see her again.

  My assistant, Jen, walks in, and I roll my eyes. “Don’t bring me anything else for the rest of the day. I mean it.”

  “Don, I’ve got ten other people who work for you on speed dial to handle this. But if you’re here, why not just take care of it yourself?”

  She gives me a knowing smirk, and I lean back in my chair. “She put you up to this, didn’t she?”

  Jen smiles and lays the stack of papers down in front of me. “Peaches is very charming. She told me to keep you occupied while she enjoys her lunch and gets gossip about you.”

  With that, Jen walks out of the office, closing the door behind her.

  Letting out a sigh, I reach for my cell phone. I put it on the far side of my desk so I’d leave her alone instead of texting her every three seconds like I wanted to.

  I see I have a couple of missed texts from Charles, a friend who owns the Snake Eyes casino, asking about doing a husband and wives poker night. I laugh, thinking that nobody wants to go against my girl. She’ll take them all down.

  I scroll down and see I missed one from Georgia about a half-hour ago.

  Sweet Cream: Found the marriage license. I’m packing my shit.

  “Fuck!” I leap out of my chair and run for my office door, flinging it open and heading for the elevator. As the doors open, I see Jen jump up from her desk, and I turn to shout at her. “Get security by the front door! Find Georgia, and don’t let her leave the casino! Now!”

  The door opens, and I slide my card in, hitting the code for the penthouse.

  “Please, please, please.” I’m begging the elevator. Don’t let her have gone. Let me get to her in time. I can explain everything.

  When the elevator door finally opens and I walk through the double doors of the penthouse, I’m momentarily relieved to see that Georgia is standing in the entrance. Panic sets in, however, when I see bags and boxes of her stuff are sitting there. She’s packed.

  “Georgia. Please, baby. I can explain.”

  She puts her hands on her hips and starts tapping her high-heeled foot on the ground.

  “We’re rich. We should have people doing this shit for us.”

  I stand there, not knowing what she’s talking about. I open my mouth, only to close it again, not knowing how to answer that.

  “Why are you standing there like someone kicked your puppy? I’m not leaving you, Antonio.”

  The sense of relief that washes over me is so great, it’s scary.

  “Then why have you packed?” I say, pointing towards her stuff.

  “Because we’re married, and I’m not living up in some hotel like a secret side piece. No, I’m your wife. You’re getting me a house. You can afford it, so call somebody and get to it. I’m gonna be in the bathroom sorting out my make-up. That’s the precious cargo, and I need to make sure it’s packed delicately.”

  She turns around and walks towards the bathroom mumbling something about making an honest woman out of her.

  I haven’t moved from my spot. I feel like I got hit by a train named Georgia. What the hell just happened? Before I can think on it too much, my phone rings. I see it’s Jen. Thinking I need to tell her to cancel the security, I answer.


  “I’ve got a listing agent on the phone saying we have a cash offer on a house just outside the city. Would you like to make the wire transfer and have your attorney okay the sale?”

  “Tonio!” I hear Georgia call from the back of the house. “I picked a house and told them you were buying it for me as a wedding present. But you still have to get me another one because it doesn’t count if I know what it is.”

  I can’t help the laugh that bubbles up my throat as I tell Jen to approve the transaction. “Yes, go ahead. And can you send some movers here tonight to take some of our essentials to the new place?”

  “Will do,” she says and hangs us.

  I put my phone down on the table near me and walk back to the bedroom to find Georgia in the bathroom sorting her make-up.

  “I’m gonna need a mess of bubble wrap before I go any further,” she says, not looking at me. She’s focused on what she’s doing, clearly oblivious to the hell I just went through thinking she was leaving me.

  I walk over to her, pick her up, and throw her over my shoulder. Her squeal of excitement is followed by her smacking my ass in indignation.

  “Put me down!”

  “As you wish.” I toss her onto the bed and climb over her as she giggles and tries to get away.

  I grab her wrists and hold them above her head while I move between her legs, pinning her body to the mattress. My hard cock presses against her panties as her dress gathers around her waist.

  “You knew exactly what you were doing when you sent me that text.”

  She raises an eyebrow and shrugs her shoulder, pretending not to know what I mean.

  “I should’ve told you. I just couldn't risk you leaving me.”

  “You think I’d leave you again? I love you, Antonio. I’m not going anywhere.” Her hand wiggles free from my grip, and she places it on my cheek. “I love you. I’m happy that I’m married to you.”

  I know that I’ve felt it from her, and I certainly know that I love her, but hearing her say the words is everything I hoped.

  “I love you, too, Georgia. But you know that already, don’t you?” I give her a wicked smile that’s matched by her own.

  “What’s not to love?”

  This woman is going to challenge me every step of the way. And I can’t wait. Leaning down, I kiss her lips, holding her tightly to me. I grind my hard cock against her soft body, needing relief inside of her.

  I reach between us, undoing my slacks and taking out my cock. Then I pull her panties to the side and slip into her wetness. My cock finds its home and thrusts inside her tight welcoming channel.

  “That’s it, Antonio, right there,” she moans, throwing her head back and gripping the bed.

  I thrust harder, giving her every inch of me. I pull down the top of her dress, exposing one of her breasts. Immediately, I latch on to her nipple, sucking on it as I move in and out of her.

  I angle my hips so that I’m rubbing her clit with every thrust. Her pussy grips me tighter, and I’m so close to the edge. I need her with me with I cum. My deep thrusts hit he
r sweet spot, and in only a few perfect strokes, she’s pulsing around me and shouting in pleasure.

  Holding myself inside her as I cum, I empty every drop into her waiting warmth. She grips me so tightly it’s almost painful, and we both reach the peak of our passion and cum as one.

  Once we’ve caught our breath, I give her gentle kisses across her chest and neck. I work my way up to her cheeks and then to her lips, tenderly loving her body after our quick coupling.

  “You owe me a wedding,” Georgia says with her eyes closed and giant smile on her face.

  “Oh, I do?”

  “Oh, yeah, Daddy Warbucks. A big one.”

  I laugh at her joke and bury my face between her big tits. “Anything you want, Sweet Cream. Anything.”

  “You’re going to make one hell of a husband, Antonio.”



  Eight months later…

  “It’s like trying to get ten pounds of sugar in a five-pound bag,” Georgia huffs as the zipper to her dress gets stuck.

  I walk over and push her hands away, helping her fix her dress. When she’s all zipped up, I kiss her exposed shoulder and let my tongue linger there. “Every inch of you is gorgeous,” I say, running my hands up and down her body. “You look absolutely stunning.”

  “If you keep that up, I’m not going to make it to dinner, and you know how much I love steak.”

  She turns around in my arms, going up on her tiptoes to kiss me on the lips. Her pregnant belly bumps between us, and it makes me smile.

  “Don’t laugh at my belly. My baby girl is hungry.” She smiles and bites my lip.

  She couldn’t stand waiting to know what we were having until delivery, so like always, I gave in to her, and we found out. We’re having a bouncing baby girl next month, and I can’t wait. I’m filled with equal parts excitement that she’ll be just like my Georgia, and dread that she’ll be just like my Georgia.


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