Her Alien Masters (Captives of Pra'kir Book 3)

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Her Alien Masters (Captives of Pra'kir Book 3) Page 2

by Renee Rose

  “I understand punishments are necessary, but if we find out from the girl you’ve mistreated her, there will be consequences,” he clipped to the guard.

  If the way the guard paled was any indication, Jakk had the authority to back his promise up. Was he the judge or the police commissioner? Judge, she’d guess. Yeah, he probably had the authority to do a great many things.

  She’d already learned through experience the Pra’kirians had a penchant for corporal punishment. Would this one enjoy wielding a strap as much as her prison guard had? The thought shouldn’t send a shiver of excitement down her spine, but it did.

  Gav’n must have noticed. “Don’t worry. My brother may seem scary, but he likes feisty alien females as much as I do.” He propelled her down the hall, and Jakk fell in beside her. She dared glance up at Jakk—actually, she had to crane her neck to see him. He seemed more formidable up close. His resting face was stern. No smile lines crinkled around his eyes or mouth, the way they did on his brother, and the mismatched eyes gave him an even more alien appearance to her.

  Who were these males, and what would they do with her? Another shiver ran down her spine.

  “Are you cold, little alien?” Gav’n asked.

  “Human,” she corrected. Not alien.

  He flicked his eyebrows and shot a quick glance over her head to his brother. “Human, yes. We’ll discuss the proper way to respond to a question when we get home.”

  Proper way to respond to a question? Fuck that. If they thought they’d be teaching her manners, they could jump off a cliff.

  They led her out of the building to an underground parking garage of sorts. No—more like a train station, but with individual shuttles. They had no wheels, but instead, were attached to tracks. The brothers’ shuttle was a metallic sky blue, shaped like a bullet.

  A trio of males passed by and gawked openly at her.

  Jakk unlocked the vehicle and opened the passenger door. “You’d better put her in manacles for the ride,” he said to Gav’n. “She might try to escape.”

  Gav’n switched his grip, pulling her wrists together in front of her, instead of behind her back. “Actually,” he said with a grin, “I think I’ll hold onto her.” He adjusted the huge bucket seat backward and sat in it, pulling her onto his lap. “If you try to get away, little alien—human—I will bare your little bottom and spank you until you are very sore and sorry. Right here, in public. Understand?”

  She turned away to hide the flush flooding her face. Spank her? The guard had whipped her when she refused to eat. Now this male suggested spanking her like a child. Clearly, this species had a love affair with using the buttocks for punishment.

  Without her permission, her awareness crept to her ass, which happened to be pressed tight against the huge alien’s lap. Was that his cock? Oh Lord. Yep, his cock twitched under her.

  Heat snaked between her legs, filling her core and bringing a buzzing to her clit. Under the scratchy yellow prison garb, her nipples hardened.

  Gav’n gripped her jaw and turned her head toward him as Jakk climbed into the driver’s seat. “Yes, master, is the only correct answer to that question.”

  So this was the conditioning they’d mentioned. She pressed her teeth together mutinously and willed the thrum between her legs to subside. She absolutely did not find any of this sexy.

  Jakk settled in his seat and studied her with a cool gaze. “We’re not the enemy, Mira. I promise.”

  Something about his use of her preferred name made the words ring with truth. It was probably some conditioning technique, though.

  She opened her mouth but could think of no response, other than—if you spank me, I’ll cut off your balls. Did the aliens even have balls? Lord, now she was thinking about their cocks again—yes, cocks plural. Because two very large male aliens were looking at her as if they owned her. Which, according to Pra’kirian law, they technically did.

  Lord help her.

  “We’ll have a few days to settle in together and straighten out roles and expectations before the girls come home from our parents’ house in the country.” Jakk maneuvered the shuttle forward and accelerated, entering a rapid stream of traffic.

  She stiffened. “Girls?”

  He glanced over with those quirky, mismatched eyes. She wondered if the trait was common on Pra’kir. “Weren’t you told about your placement?”


  He turned wooden. She wrestled with Gav’n to get her hands free, only because she desperately wanted to clutch at the dashboard or find a handle somewhere as the bullet shuttle zoomed past several other shuttles, passing them on the right.

  “You are to give back to the society you’ve taken from. Our sister was killed by your ship’s crash. Gav’n and I were left guardianship of her children, our three young nieces. Your duty will be their care.”

  A chill seeped into her chest and sank like a stone, closely followed by panic. The urge to cry and throw herself out of the vehicle also came simultaneously. She had never contemplated what it would be like to come face to face with a relative of someone they’d killed. And now they expected her to raise the children of a victim? Those kids would hate her. How could they not? And she’d feel guilty and horrible for the rest of her life—assuming she stayed with them for the rest of her life, which was a distinct possibility, since without their fuel cell, there’d be no way to communicate with Earth or ever get a ship off Pra’kir. If their ship hadn’t crashed, they could have used the star charts to figure out where they were, because the ship had the coordinates of where they’d come from. But the stars on Pra’kir had different names, and none of the constellations were recognizable.

  “I—” She cleared her throat, still struggling with Gav’n for the use of her hands. “I’m sorry for your loss. Crashing here was out of our control, and we never intended to injure any beings.”

  “So you say.” Gav’n wrapped a muscled arm around her waist and squeezed her against him. His cock had definitely grown with her struggles and now pressed insistently against her ass.

  She blinked back tears. “I can’t see how this is a good idea. Your nieces—they must be grieving terribly. Having me around will only amplify their pain.”

  The males exchanged an incomprehensible glance.

  “They’re grieving, regardless,” Gav’n said. “I don’t think you can make it much worse.”

  Oh hell. What did that mean?

  “Hey.” Gav’n swapped hands again, moving the one at her waist to grip her throat. She jerked with alarm, but his fingers didn’t tighten. Instead, he used the palm at her throat to pull her head backward until it rested on his shoulder in an arch. “You’re responsible for our situation, and we need your help.”

  Well, damn. It was about as compelling an argument as she could expect. After being treated as Public Enemy Number One by everyone else, they hit her where it hurt by appealing to her humanity. Humanity—hah. They weren’t human. Well, her sense of compassion, then. Her heart.

  Motherless children and two hot alien guardians who needed her help. Damn. They were difficult to harden herself against.

  She sighed and relaxed into Gav’n’s hold, watching the scenery flash by. Endermere, the coastal city where they’d crashed, was built upon a C-shaped section of peninsula. It appeared green and lush, with little pollution and lots of vegetation for such a densely populated area.

  She braced when Jakk passed another shuttle at an insane speed. There was no brake pedal she could see. The controls mainly seemed to consist of a joystick.

  Jakk must have noticed her watching because his eyes slid over to hers. “You’re an engineer, right?”

  She nodded.

  “Did you fly the craft that crashed here?”

  “I maintained and repaired it.”

  “Then driving one of these should be easy for you. Everything’s controlled with this.” He patted the joystick.

  “How do you brake?”

  Jakk’s brow furrowed. “B
reak what?”

  Stupid translator. “Slow down. How do you slow down?”

  He tapped the joystick again until she looked at it, then he pushed the entire stick down. The shuttle slowed.

  “Ah. Clever.” Her jaw dropped as they sped along a cliff’s edge, standing high above a sparkling turquoise bay. Pra’kir was unbelievably beautiful—a fact she hadn’t had time to note when they’d crashed and had to run for their lives while the locals had attacked. It was like Earth in many ways, with blue skies, mountains, and oceans.

  “We’ll teach you to drive after your initial conditioning,” Gav’n promised. “Our sister’s shuttle has automatic steering, so we can program a destination in, but I have a feeling you’re the type who likes to understand how things work.”

  “What exactly is this conditioning?”

  Jakk made a sudden turn, screeching around a bend in the tracks to shoot off toward a cluster of tightly packed multi-story buildings, nested along the coast.

  She stifled a squeal when the shuttle dived down off the tracks, swerved around several slower shuttles, and zipped into a tiny garage accessed from a narrow alleyway at the rear of the row of buildings. He parked next to two other bullet shuttles in a miniscule yard. Well, more like a small garden with flowers and plants making neat rows along the back and one side of the parking spaces.

  “We’ll talk about it when we get inside,” Jakk said.

  She didn’t like the sound of that.


  Gav’n led their little human up the back steps of his sister’s home, which was situated above a bakery in a tight row of historic waterfront buildings. The place was small, but he and Jakk had decided uprooting the children from their home would be too stressful for them following the death of their mother, so they’d moved in, the two of them sharing what had been Analie’s bedroom.

  “The girls are at our parents’ house for a few days, while we get you settled in.” And make sure you aren’t a danger. He hoped they got her settled quickly because their elderly parents couldn’t take the stress of caring for the girls, especially when they were still grieving their Analie’s death, too.

  From the concern Mira had shown over the girls’ feelings, he thought this would work. They just had to convince their little ward of it.

  “Clothes off,” he said, releasing her wrists. She still wore one of the bright yellow prison jumpersuits normally worn by juvenile offenders, since the adult uniforms were too large.

  She spun to face him, mouth agape. “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me. Take off your prison uniform. For the initial conditioning, we’ll need you naked at all times. It enhances your sense of vulnerability and submission and helps establish our roles as your masters.”

  “Fuck. That.”

  He didn’t understand the command to fuck that. Not only was she not being specific about what he was supposed to have casual relations with, but the only thing he was in a mood to fuck was her. Unfortunately, it appeared more like she wanted to kick his teeth out, which was damn cute.

  Jakk closed in from the other direction. “If we have to help you undress, Mira, you will earn your first consequence.”

  She bolted.

  The little human ran straight for the door, moving faster than he would’ve expected. Jakk lunged forward, catching her around the waist, covering her mouth when she screamed. He carried her a few steps forward, offering her up for Gav’n to undress. She didn’t make it easy, wriggling and twisting like a wild animal, but he managed to work the prison suit off her while his brother held her flailing body.

  “And now your consequence.” Jakk used an emotionless tone, as if they always stripped young females and paddled their naked bottoms. His brother carried her to the settee, and Gav’n followed, sitting next to Jakk, so Mira’s head fell in his lap when her bottom went over Jakk’s. He took control of Mira’s wrists while Jakk scissored one thigh over her kicking legs.

  Mira opened her mouth as if to bite him, but his reflexes were quicker, and he caught her by the hair and pulled her face away in time. “Ah ah, little human. Biting will earn you a second consequence.”

  Jakk’s palm landed on her bare ass with a resounding crack, and the little thing jerked. Gav’n watched as first shock, then fury scrawled across her features. The pink imprint of Jakk’s large hand bloomed on one of her cheeks. Jakk slapped her again, harder, on the other side. Jakk picked up the pace, spanking her rapidly on one cheek then the other, right where she sat.

  “Ow! What is this? You can’t keep me here like this—ow!”

  Her resistance turned him on. Still holding her by the wrists and the hair, Gav’n leaned forward and spoke softly in her ear, making his voice as loving and gentle as he knew how. “Easy, Mira. It’s a spanking. To teach you to obey. That’s all.”

  Her eyes swiveled to peer at him as best as they could with his hair-hold. They revealed betrayal. Her small, rounded breasts heaved as she panted with the pain and stress.

  He shoved a pillow between her head and his lap and released her hair, massaging her scalp when her head fell to the pillow. To his satisfaction, she remained collapsed, as if she’d accepted her fate. He continued to massage her head while Jakk slapped away at her rapidly reddening ass.

  And a rather perfect ass it was. As was the rest of her. Pale ivory skin glowed with health; her slender body was built of lean muscle, legs long. She was certainly the most beautiful creature he’d ever had the good fortune to disrobe.

  The pain must have set in, because Mira lifted her head again, tugging against his hold on her wrists and squirming. Of course, with the two of them holding her down, she wasn’t going anywhere.

  Jakk spanked her steadily for another full minute and then stopped, rubbing her pink buttocks. His mismatched eyes had darkened, and Gav’n knew his brother must be as aroused as he was. Jakk drew in a deep breath, his palm roving over Mira’s punished ass in a caress, now. “Do you smell that, Gav’n?” he asked thickly.

  Gav’n inhaled through his nose. Feminine arousal. The delicious scent of Mira’s musk reached his nostrils. “I think Mira enjoyed her spanking as much as we liked giving it.”

  Her head flew up, anger blazing in her eyes.

  He laughed. “Your body can’t lie, little one.”

  Jakk released one of her legs from under his leg-hold, prying her thighs open to slide two fingers along her sex. He held up the glistening proof for both Gav’n and Mira to see.

  Mira’s face flushed, and she struggled with renewed vigor. Jakk slapped her ass a few more times, and she subsided, panting prettily.

  “There’s no reason to be upset. You see, we haven’t explained this part yet. We will give out punishments—as often as you need them or we see fit—but we will also give you pleasure.”

  Jakk stroked his fingers over her delicate slit again with a sensuous glide, up and down with three long strokes.

  Mira let out a shaky breath when Jakk stopped.

  “Would you like us to show you pleasure?”

  She sucked her lower lip into her mouth and shook her head, but he didn’t believe her. Her eyes didn’t meet his gaze, didn’t have the fire burning there he’d seen a moment before.

  Jakk returned his fingers to her sex, and this time she arched, lifting her ass toward him for more. Jakk grinned.

  “No?” he prodded when Jakk had once more removed his fingers. “Are you sure? My brother and I are very good at giving a female everything she could ever desire, and more. Have you ever had two males at once, Mira?”

  She shook her head and let out a whimper, which he thought might be her concession they’d won.

  “All you have to say is, yes, master.”

  The fury that had been absent flared in her expression, but Jakk had already returned his fingers to her clit, and whatever he was doing made Mira suck in her breath with a sharp inhalation and buck on Jakk’s lap.

  “Say it. Yes, master.”

  “Fuck you.”

Again, based on the blaze in her eyes, he didn’t think she truly meant she wanted to have intercourse. Later, he’d ask her about the translation.

  Jakk freed her other leg from under his thigh. “Flip her over.” In tandem, they rolled her in the air to lie on their laps on her back.

  “What are you—?” She lifted her head and watched as Jakk eased one of her knees up toward her shoulder and lowered his mouth to her sex.

  He licked along her slit, parting her nether lips with his tongue, stroking inside with short licks. “She tastes delicious.” He sat up.

  “Yes, master. Do you want Jakk to continue?”

  For one moment, Gav’n thought she was going to cry. Her lips trembled, and she blinked a few times. “Yes, master.” Her defeat caused her anguish, but the moment Jakk lowered his head, gripping her lifted thigh and applying his tongue with alacrity, her head dropped back, eyes rolling.

  Her rasping breath made him harder than a rock. Gods of Na, he wanted to pick her up and sit her right down on his stiffened cock, make her ride it until they both came, screaming loud enough for every customer in the bakery downstairs to hear. But he and Jakk had discussed the parameters of Mira’s conditioning before they’d picked her up, and they’d decided no intercourse unless she specifically desired it. Otherwise, they were taking advantage of their position as her guardians. They both held important offices with the government, and if it ever got back to the council they’d excessively abused their ward in any way—went beyond normal punishments and rewards—they might be disgraced.

  Still wrestling with her wrists in one hand, he gripped her jaw with the other, turning her face toward him to watch it contort with pleasure. He plunged his thumb into her mouth, and she immediately sucked it, hard. Ah...hell, yes. He imagined it was his cock between her lush lips, his cock her tongue stroked and cheeks hollowed to suck.


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