Outlaw (Satan's Saints MC)

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Outlaw (Satan's Saints MC) Page 14

by Bella Love-Wins

  I reach a hand to the back of her head, gripping a fistful of hair. I don’t stop kissing her as I undo my zipper and press my hips into her inner thighs. She wraps her arms around my neck and grinds her pussy against my cock.

  She wants me.

  I want her.

  But we both need to accept that it’s is our last time together.

  Getting into position, I slide the tip of my erection past her folds, grab her ass, and slam into her core with a force that makes her breathe my name into our kiss. Every thrust is more forceful than the last as my nails dig into the flesh of her ass cheeks and drag her harder down my length, impaling her as far as I can go and further still. She slides her hands across the tops of my shoulders, clutching on tight as though there’s hope for us when we don’t stand a chance.

  I fuck her for longer than I should. Our fates are on the other side of this door, knocking as hard as the sound it makes each time her back slams against it. Her body lets me know when she’s close, and as she reaches her climax, I let each pulsation of her tight cunt take me closer until I release every drop of cum inside her. Locking her ankles around my waist, I carry her across the room and lower her to the bed. I stare down at her for a long moment before pulling one side of the sheets over her. It’s the last time I’ll see her pale, creamy skin and perfect curves.

  She lies there catching her breath while I sit on the side of the bed. After a short while, she pulls herself up and relaxes her back on the headrest.

  “Sorry. I’m the last person to judge anyone. I was just hoping to find a way out from under Lorenzo before things went to hell with the surprise engagement.”

  “That’s life.”

  Her eyes turn sympathetic. “You’re in the same boat as I am with Lorenzo.”

  “No. I’m not.”

  “How is your engagement any different from mine?”

  “Riley just broke it off.”


  “Yeah. And none of that changes anything. This meeting with your old man is still on. I won’t see you again.”

  “I understand. For what it’s worth, I’m sorry about—”

  A loud series of pops outside the window cuts off whatever Sabrina’s in the middle of saying, and we both jerk upright.


  Then someone screams.

  “It never ends around here, does it?” Sabrina asks.

  If this is another rival attack on the club, I’ll fucking kill Giovanni.

  Chapter 26


  I slam the half-empty bottle on the table and pull up Dean Roman’s number on my phone.

  “Twenty-four-hour ceasefire, my ass,” I roar into the phone when the Mongols MC President answers. “You fuckers are going to pay.”

  “Why the fuck are you calling me, Corrigan?”

  “That was your men and some of Los Diablos’ pricks who just fucking hit our club! Again!”

  “When?” Roman demands.

  “Two seconds ago.”

  “I never sanctioned it. And it can’t be Los Diablos either. Vasquez is right here having a drink with me.”

  “We saw their patches. I don’t care if they went around you or have a side deal going with the Italian mob. I’m coming after both of you.”

  Hanging up, I bolt downstairs, vaguely aware that Sabrina’s following behind me. “Stay away from the windows and doors,” I tell her.

  A few men from the Texas charter are outside returning fire on last of the cowards who just attacked us. I’m ready to get out there and put a hole in the back of the heads of each and every one of these pricks. More of my men gather behind me at our main doors. They’re just as eager to confront whoever’s out there, wanting blood, waiting to engage.

  I shove open the door, and that’s when I see her.


  Why the hell did Cindy choose to drive over here now?

  “Ma? Are you okay?” I bound down the front steps and drop to the ground beside her. Then I see the blood near her neck. “I’ll kill every single one of these motherfuckers. You’ve been shot!”

  Axe gets to her other side and checks to see where she’s been hit. “It’s a through and through. Upper shoulder. She’ll live.” He looks behind us and orders some of our guys to cover us as we carry her inside for one of the members with nursing experience to look at her. While they check her over, Axe pulls me aside. “They’re gone. Cole and Dean left on their bikes to follow them.”


  “And Cindy’s wound isn’t a random shot. You heard the gunfire. They shot out a few hundred rounds before we got outside, and she just got one shot in the arm? She’d be riddled with bullets by now. Not that anyone wants that.” He shakes his head. “Boss, this is definitely someone sending you a message.”

  “You really believe that?”

  He nods. “It had to be a sniper. They targeted her, shot her once, and all the rest of that noise outside was just a distraction. Has to be. I just need a few minutes out there to listen. Their weapons make a distinctive sound. Or I can just draw them out.”

  “No one would want to shoot my mother.”

  “That’s the point. It’s about intimidation and sending a message. “I’d like to send a reply to those gutless fucks for targeting Cindy like this.”

  I head over to Cindy again. “Ma, did you see who they were before they took off?”

  “Los Diablos and Mongols,” she groans. “I’d recognize their gear and patches anywhere.”

  “Vasquez and Roman completely denied their involvement just now.”

  “Hired hands. Simple as that.”

  “Bring the truck around, Axe. We’ll take Cindy, Sabrina and Bain out of here.”

  Sabrina steps up to us. “Did you just mention someone named Bain?”

  I can’t hide my surprise as I shoot her a glance. “You fucking know him?”

  “He’s my best friend. Jordan Bain. He’s been missing for weeks. Well, not missing. Taken.”

  I shouldn’t be surprised at how fucked up this is. Her old man is forcing her to marry some power-hungry prick who keeps her under lock and key, and that same fiancé is holding on to her best friend to make sure she didn’t run. Mob families are fucking crazy. Except, this time they dragged the wrong MC into it.

  “Why would they hold Bain prisoner?” I ask. “What did he do?”

  “He didn’t do anything. I swear.” She avoids making eye contact. “It was Lorenzo. He had his men take him… as collateral… to make sure our wedding goes to plan. Do you have Jordan?”

  “We found him at Los Diablos’ clubhouse.”

  “Sorry, what?”

  “I’ll explain later. We need to move now.”

  I rush outside Cindy’s house when Dean and Cole roll up about two hours later. “Did you catch the shooter?” I ask impatiently. “What did you find out?”

  The crisp evening desert wind cut through my clothes, but I barely notice it. I want answers. I want payback

  Cole and Dean dismount their rides. “It’s taken care of,” Cole announces. “The long and short of it is Giovanni hired them.”

  “That cocksucker.”

  Cole rests a firm hand on my shoulder. “We’ll find him. Don’t you worry. How’s Cindy?”

  “Fine. The nurse patched her up. She’s stable and resting, but mad as hell about getting shot in the first place.”

  He smiles. “No doubt.”

  “What about the shooter? I don’t give a fuck if Giovanni’s behind it. He’ll get his due, but I want the shooter.”

  “I took care of it.” His lips form a thin line and he nods. “It’s done. Next is Giovanni.”

  “All right, but we’ll make sure Padrino’s on board.”

  “I think we can convince him he can live without that conniving piece of shit as his future son-in-law. But listen to me, Silas. We need to find out more about this newly formed Mongols and Los Diablos alliance. They outnumber us three or four to one. Those numbers don’t sit wel
l with me. Not while they’re going all in on their gun-for-hire plans.”

  “One fight at a time,” I remind him and turn to go back inside. “I need to check on Cindy and then we can talk before we head out. Take a few more men with you to keep an eye out.”

  Sabrina is waiting in the foyer as I step inside. “None of this makes any sense, Silas.”

  “Get back to your friend.”

  “We should talk.”

  “After I see how Cindy’s doing.”

  “Okay. Look, I just want to say thanks for getting Jordan back. It means a lot to me that you found him”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “Why does Jordan need to go to that meeting with Lorenzo?”

  “He just does.”

  “Lorenzo won’t be happy about getting caught red-handed like this. Do you know who Jordan is?”

  “He’s leverage. He’s some rich kid from your side of the tracks.”

  “His family has a lot of influence.”

  “Not as much as you think, to leave their son out there for weeks.”

  “If they find out Lorenzo had something to do with Jordan’s kidnapping, they’ll go after my father.”

  “And they won’t get anywhere. Padrino’s at the top of the totem pole. He’s untouchable.”

  She shakes her head. “I’ve been telling you all along that there’s way more out there than what Lorenzo or my father can offer you.”

  “This crap again? Listen. The only people higher up than the Padrino are billionaires and political bigwigs in some clandestine society, with secret handshakes and high-priced lawyers with kinky sexual habits. I don’t want to know more about them, let alone work with them.”


  “Drop it. I’m going in to see my mother, who was shot because of an order from your fiancé. All you are to us right now is collateral for the next two meetings. I can’t have you or your friend getting hurt. Things with your future husband are escalating out of control, so from right now on until we give you back, where I go is where you go. But that doesn’t mean you can try to work on me of whatever you think you’re doing. Understood?”

  “You really are an ignorant, sexist prick,” Sabrina says in a rage-filled whisper because she’s a guest in this house. She throws her hands onto her hips and her cheeks grow red.

  “Yes. That’s me. Take a seat and keep your voice down.”

  “You’re using Jordan and me like everyone else.”

  “Sure, and you used me first. But we’re not anywhere close to being even.”

  We’re about to burn a few bridges. Once we do, there’s no going back for the MC. I need to talk to Cindy alone.

  Chapter 27


  I settle into the leather couch in the dimness of Cindy’s living room. Silas stares out the window. The way his face is partially cast in shadow makes him look so vulnerable. He got too close to losing his mother in a senseless attack.

  Because of me.

  “Cindy’s going to be okay,” I say to him.

  “I know.”

  I glance out the window and when I look up again, he’s passing through the living room entryway, going off to somewhere else in the sprawling, ranch-style house. Idly picking up one of Cindy’s magazines on the coffee table, I flip through it. Jordan’s resting in one of Cindy’s guest bedrooms now. This is the last place I want to be, now that Jordan’s finally back out from under Lorenzo’s thumb. I should be thousands of miles away, with my best friend at my side, where Lorenzo can’t find us. I should be pleading for Jordan’s forgiveness because I’m to blame. By virtue of our friendship, he was dragged into this nightmare. Which is why I need Silas to listen to reason. Putting Jordan’s life and safety in Lorenzo hands is a dangerous move. Silas can’t afford to take that chance, and I’ll do anything to make sure it doesn’t happen.

  I wait a few minutes, mindlessly leafing through some more pages of a gossip rag. Now, I’m restless. Waiting around won’t help anyone, so I make a snap decision and head off to look for him.

  “It was the right thing to do, Ma.”

  The sound of Silas’s voice makes me stop short. I don’t mean to, but they’re talking openly, and I don’t feel like turning away. Cindy must be further away as I only hear bits and pieces of her side of the conversation.

  “It won’t jeopardize the strong ties we have with our Texas charter.” Silas says in a more urgent tone. “I’ve looked at it from every angle. It’s for the best.”

  “Do you know how long this alliance has been in the making? You want to drop Riley on a whim for some girl you barely know? Someone who put your family and the MC in the eye of a hurricane? I thought I did a better job raising you to take his place.”

  Crap. They’re talking about me. I should probably walk away right now, but hell, if they wanted to have a private conversation they should have shut the damn door. Fuck it.

  “You know full well it was Riley’s decision. And I agree. We can be allies without a piece of paper. We’re better as friends, and she knows I’ll have her back no matter what.”

  “You’re old enough to know that friendships evolve. Things can change.”

  “That happens to married people too. And don’t point fingers at Sabrina. This decision is between Riley and me. It has nothing to do with her. She’ll be back to her old life in a few hours.”

  “Bullshit. Whether or not you can admit it to yourself, that woman has more to do with your choices in the past few days than you know, Silas. Open your damn eyes. If you can’t admit it to yourself or to her, admit it to me.”

  Neither of them said a word for quite a while. It’s not the best time for me to breathe, let alone make a quiet exit.

  “I’m not saying she’s the best match for you, but she’s also not the worst, for a mobster’s daughter.”

  “Drop it, Ma. We’re not talking about this.”

  “No, no. Y’all got me shot so that gives me the right to lecture you for as long as I damn want. She’s got solid connections of her own. Her mother was a fantastic lawyer, God rest her soul. And Sabrina’s well on her way to becoming one too. Her mother’s passing was hard on her… In any case, you never know. Once we make it through this, having a decent law firm on our side can’t hurt.”

  Wow. As nice as it is to know that Cindy approves of me, her words fucking sting.

  My hands ball up in fists. There it is again. Is that all I am to everyone? If I’m not a lawyer, a mobster’s daughter, or useful in some way, then I don’t have anything to offer.

  Silas quickly changes the subject. While he busies himself getting her settled in for much-needed rest, I search for the kitchen. After finding a glass and downing three glasses of ice cold water, I head back to the front of the house and decide I can try to pretend I never overheard a word. But I have no more delusions. I’ll have my talk with Silas, convince him not to take Jordan to Lorenzo, and after we all meet with Dad, that’s the end of it.

  I’m still mentally repeating my to-do list when Silas returns to the living room. He surveys the spread of half-read magazines with a skeptical gaze.

  “I’ll clean this all up,” I tell him, hoping I can maintain the neutral expression of someone who was indulging in celebrity gossip as opposed to eavesdropping.

  “Okay. We’re leaving in a minute.”

  “Silas, I really don’t want you to take Jordan to this meeting with Lorenzo.”

  “We’re back to that again?”

  “No, listen to me. If you do that, you won’t just be putting Jordan in danger. You’ll put Lorenzo on the defensive, and he’ll say anything to look good to my father. By now, he must know the Los Diablos don’t have Jordan anymore. He could have already set up your MC as responsible for the kidnapping. The best thing you can do is return Jordan to his father. It’s a win-win. You’ll collect the cash reward, and Governor Bain will know you had nothing to do with holding his son all this time. The reward has been public knowledge for weeks.”

  Silas raises his hand and stops me. “Hold on. Back up a second. That kid is Governor Bain’s son? Governor Bain as in the Governor Harvey Bain, as in the Governor of Nevada?”


  “Fuck. I heard about it in the news. Bain took a lot of heat from the media for offering such a big reward. I didn’t think anyone local had the balls to pull it off. I mean, I can see why someone would try, but Giovanni? The Governor is a bigshot billionaire. He’s got connections everywhere with all his family’s oil money. Trust your idiot fiancé to be fucking short-sighted.”

  “You won’t get any disagreement from me. Can we take him home? He’ll confirm you had nothing to do with what happened, other than rescuing him. Especially if you keep him away from Lorenzo and possible re-capture.” I scramble in my pocket for my phone. “Do you have a charger? I’ll show you what I mean about the reward.”

  “What is it? Tate can check it out later.”

  “It’ll really help if I call his dad from this phone. I have his house number in my contact list. He’ll take the call…and no one else has to know. The reward is just like I said. All cash, confidential, and with no paper trail. It’s half a million dollars, Silas. Money that rightfully should go to you for freeing him.”

  “I didn’t break him out of that shithole for profit.”

  There’s the badass biker hero with a heart that I met on the elevator. I’m moved almost to tears, and am grateful that his phone starts buzzing, stopping me from saying anything I’ll regret. Silas drags the phone from his pocket and checks the screen.

  “Son of a bitch.”

  “What is it?”

  “You’re right about your fiancé. He just sent me a text.”

  “Why? What did he say?”

  “The meeting tonight is off. He now wants both of you turned over at the sit-down with Rizzo.”

  “That’s exactly what I was trying to tell you! He’s covering himself. I’d bet money that he’ll accuse you of taking us both.”

  “That fucking weasel.”


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