Rock Her Wild: A Bad Boy Rockstar Romance (Rock Her Series Book 2)

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Rock Her Wild: A Bad Boy Rockstar Romance (Rock Her Series Book 2) Page 7

by Alyson Hale

“Oh God, I’m gonna come!”

  I dig my tongue in as far as it will go, burying my entire face in her. Then I hear the scream I’ve been longing to hear since the day I woke up without her in the bed.


  A warm fountain explodes in my face, drenching me. I press her clit just slightly more with my thumb, intensifying her sensations. I don’t stop swallowing her down until her body stops spasming.

  “Fuck,” she whines, still panting. “You’re good at that.”

  A low chuckle crawls out of my throat. “You haven’t seen half of what I’m good at.”

  With very little effort, I flip her smooth body over and pull her arse up toward my face. Using my thumbs, I massage her labia, getting it nice and red and ready for me. When she’s least expecting it, I rear back a hand and smack it against the bubble-like curve of her arse cheek. She cries out in surprise. I even things out by smacking the other side. She bucks her hips up toward me.


  My cock strains out in front of me. Fuck. She loves the spanking, and I love how her flesh jiggles and reddens underneath my palms. I wonder if she’d like being spanked by other things besides my hands.

  I position my iron-stiff cock between her arse cheeks and rub up and down, watching my instrument turn angry and red with need. Veins appear underneath the skin, straining at their confinement. It isn’t long before my patience has worn thin and I’m ready to take the plunge.

  With perfect aim, I slide into my holster, feeling some of my desperation easing off as I stroke in and out of her. The intense, burning desire for her morphs into a rush of pleasure. I bend over her, grabbing onto her nipples for dear life. It’s going to be a wild ride tonight. I can’t control my movements anymore. My hips are thrusting at an insane rate, and she’s meeting every one with a hungry buck against me.

  “O-oh, Dami-e-en!”

  Leaning in further, I bite into her shoulder and hear a sharp intake of breath. She tenses under the prick of my teeth against her tender skin, but then a fresh gush coats my cock. I can’t help my satisfied grin. My girl loves the pain.

  Clenching her nipples, I pinch until she’s screaming so loud people five floors down could hear us. I straighten back up and slap her arse one more good time, and she comes undone all over my fuckpole.

  “Oh, fuck! Fuuuuck!”

  I echo her shout as my balls tense up and cum jets deep inside her in long streams. Coming inside a woman with nothing between us is a new sensation for me. It’s primal, binding. I just tied this woman to me, planted my seed inside her. My inner alpha beast is finally sated, roaring his victory cry.

  “Fuck, Alexandrea.”

  I melt on top of her, wrapping my arms around her waist and kissing her neck behind her ear. She sighs as we ease down beside each other on the bed. Her lips connect with mine, and we wrap our bodies around each other, giving in to the intimate gesture as if we’ve been together for years.

  “I don’t want to stop kissing you,” I whisper, brushing stray curls out of her face. Her eyes sparkle as she smiles up at me. “This is more than just sex. I’ve never felt this with any other woman.”

  She reaches up and fingers my stubbled jawline with affection. “Maybe it is more than sex. I’ve never done a relationship before, so I wouldn’t know.”

  “Me neither.” I pull her a little tighter into me. “All I know is this feels different from any ‘chemistry’ I’ve ever had. I’m consumed with you day and night. When I’m not with you, I ache.”

  “Same here,” she assents softly. Her gaze moves down to my neck, and she tucks her head underneath mine. “But it would be stupid to start something we can’t finish, wouldn’t it?”

  “I think it’s a little late for that.” Cupping her warm cunt, I tease her with my middle finger, and she groans.

  She kisses me again as things heat up between us. “Well, I guess I’ve done dumber things in my life.”

  “May I take you to dinner?”

  I only asked to be polite. The truth is I’d track her down if she tried to leave again without setting up a date. The only way another man would get his hands on my Alexandrea is over my cold, dead corpse, though even then I wouldn’t be too sure.

  Grinning, she flips me over on my back, straddling me and covering me with her heaven.

  “How about after I’m done with you?”

  “And when will that be?”

  “Tomorrow night?”

  I can only manage one word as she rocks back and forth on my cock. “Deal.”

  Chapter 15


  Relaxed in a plush white robe with trays of food surrounding me on the bed, I can’t help but feel like life doesn’t get better than this.

  The plan was for Damien to take me out to dinner tonight, but we ended up spending the whole day in the hotel room just like I said we would. Damien has been waiting on me hand and foot, and the more we indulge each other’s sexual fantasies, the better the spoiling gets. He got me a molten chocolate lava cake earlier today, but the chocolate ended up smeared all over my tits with Damien enjoying every drop. Luckily, we saved half of it and I got to suck it off his big, juicy cock afterwards. After that, I got to drink champagne while watching Sex and the City on TV and being feasted on by Damien down below.

  If I had ever bothered conjuring up an ultimate “best day ever” I wanted crossed off my bucket list before I died, this would definitely have been it.

  Right now, Damien’s downstairs cursing out the hotel staff because they brought us a wine that was not “top shelf.” He’s being an asshole about it, but not just for himself; he told me no girl of his should ever be served less than a top shelf wine. Personally, I couldn’t care less, but I do like having someone around to watch out for me. I know it’s going to be short-lived, but this experience is one I’ll never forget, and God knows I could use something happy in my life for once.

  My phone rings suddenly. I pick it up and answer it.


  “Hey, sweetie!” I can hear the fake happiness in her voice. She’s worried and pissed at me for not coming home yet. “Just checking in. I haven’t heard from you all day.”

  “I’m out with a guy right now. I’ll be home later.”

  Mom gasps. “Have you been with this guy since last night?”

  A blush sears its way into my cheeks and neck. “Yes…”

  She cries out in excitement. I can almost hear her bouncing up and down. “You must really like him!”

  “Yeah, Mom, okay. Whatever. He’s going to be back here any minute.”

  “Have fun making my grandbabies,” she teases, and then she hangs up.

  Meanwhile, a rock settles in my stomach.

  Fuck. Damien and I haven’t used a condom ever since we’ve been together. The first night it was okay because he didn’t come inside me, but over the past twenty-four hours he’s come in me at least six times without protection. Normally I’m so careful, but with him I just didn’t care. I wanted the feeling of him inside me. Probably because I have feelings for him.

  I’ve wanted children ever since I was a young girl, but not like this. Not with a philandering rock star who could cheat on me or leave me behind as he travels the world. What have I done?

  My hands start to tremble. I clasp them to keep them still. This is the first time in my life I’ve been worried about pregnancy. Damn these feelings. They’re a danger to both Damien and me. I knew I should have stayed with my original plan and kept this a one-time thing.

  Before I can pull my wits together and bolt, Damien enters the room with two bottles of top-shelf wine.

  “Finally, alone again with my best girl,” he says with a grin. “Wine?”

  “Actually, I should probably be going.” I stand to my feet, searching the room for my belongings. “This was great, but my mom is sick and needs me to come home.”

  My stomach churns at the lie. I’ve always hated lying. It’s never worked out well for me, either, but
right now I just need to get out of here and take a chill pill…and maybe a contraceptive pill while I’m at it.

  Damien freezes in his tracks, then clears his throat as he sets the wine down on the dresser. I watch as he clenches his jaw, making a muscle near his neck go crazy.

  “Well, shit…this is a first for me.”

  I raise an eyebrow. “What, the mother of one of your fuck buddies getting sick?”

  His face hardens and those eyes burn straight through me. “Being blown off with a bold-faced lie. And ‘fuck buddies’? Is that what you think this is?”

  “That’s all it ever is for me.” I keep my face deadpan, looking him right in the eye. This time I’m not lying. “Damien, I was caught up in the moment last night when I said this could be more than just sex. It can’t. Not ever. I know you don’t understand, but—”

  “I understand better than you think.” He crosses the room with two big steps and stands in front of me, commanding my attention with his mere presence. “My life has only ever been a series of one-night stands. I‘ve never stayed in one place for more than a couple of nights. I’ve had more ‘fuck buddies’ than I care to admit and my share of groupies, but you’re no groupie, Alexandrea Ward. You are everything.”

  I work to swallow past the lump in my throat. No man has ever said anything like that to me. I’ve always been the quick fuck, the “whore,” the “cum slut.” I’ve never been “the one” or “the girlfriend.” Guys have tried to get me to go beyond the one-night stands in the past, but it was usually because they wanted more sex, not because they wanted me. For some reason, even though he doesn’t know me, this man wants it all.

  “Damien, you don’t know what you’re getting into. I’m fucked up. There’s no fixing me. You’re better off just moving on.”

  “No, please.” Shaking his head, he grabs me by my arms, but I tense up.

  “Don’t force me.” The words squeak out without my permission. I hate the weakness I hear in my voice. I’m afraid of this man, and it’s not just because he’s huge and could probably crush me like a bug if he wanted to. It’s because he could crush my heart, and I’m not ready for something like that.

  Damien holds his hands up in surrender. I catch the surprise in his eyes. “I’m not forcing you—”

  “I’d better go.” Choking back a sob, I hurry out of the room, letting the door click closed on another unfinished chapter of my life.


  “Okay, so now we know. You should definitely not become a cosmetologist.” Kyri groans as she looks at herself in the mirror. I gave her a haircut, and now it looks like some sadist tortured her by taking a knife to her beautiful red waves. She had a professional look before, and I butchered it, just like I butcher everything else.

  “I am so sorry, Ky.”

  “Don’t worry about it.” She smiles as she turns around in her chair. Laying a hand on my arm, she says, “At least you didn’t ruin it. I can get my mom to fix this easily.”

  I let out a sigh of relief. Kyri pulls her hair up into a bun and we lay on my bed side by side. When I look into her eyes, they’re darkened with concern.

  “So…tell me about Damien. You would normally be chattering on and on about your latest conquest by now. Something’s wrong. Did you two get into trouble? I’ve heard things about him—”

  “Oh, no. Nothing like that. He was great.” My voice catches on my emotion. He was more than great.

  Reading me like an open book, Kyri leans in. “Then what’s the matter?”

  “Ky, something happened in Europe.” Scrunching my face, I try to keep the tears inside. I can’t speak without sobbing and the tears escape anyway. I tell Kyri all about what happened: Viola getting me high on God knows what, the group of guys coming in to join us, and then me waking up in the morning naked with the evidence of what happened all over me.

  By the end of my story, we’re both crying and holding on to each other for dear life. Kyri eventually leans back with bloodshot eyes.

  “Alex, why didn’t you tell me? Why did you pretend everything was fine for so long?”

  “I couldn’t bring myself to tell you,” I admit. “It was so much easier pretending things had been amazing on my trip. And now Damien wants more from me, but all I keep seeing in my mind’s eye is a monster waiting to prey on me instead of the guy I could potentially fall for. Everything I’ve been through has demonized men for me.”

  “I can imagine,” Kyri sobs. I watch her struggle as she tries to keep the weeping under control. I hate that I’ve done this to sunny, innocent Kyri. She should be enjoying her new boyfriend and planning a future with him. Instead, I’ve pulled her into my drama.

  “God, Alex, I’m so sorry. I’ve been burdening you with my issues—”

  “Stop. We’re best friends. You can tell me anything. And I’m sorry, I should have told you things weren’t all right.”

  “No, you told me in your own time and that’s fine.” Kyri pulls me into a comforting embrace. “Jace told me some things about Damien, though. I’ve been worried about you.”

  I pull back, confused. “What kind of things?”

  “He’s known as the band’s wild card. The one who always slept with a lot of women at once, got addicted to coke, got in trouble by doing inappropriate and dangerous things in public…he’s even been in jail overnight several times. With all you’ve been through, I’m just concerned he might be your undoing.”

  I admit to myself I’m worried he might be my undoing in a different way.

  “I appreciate the concern. Honestly, I doubt I’ll see him again unless it’s through you, and I won’t be sleeping with him again. We won’t be hanging out at all. I need to focus on other things in life.”

  “Well, that’s good, as long as the other things are not ‘cutting hair’.” Kyri giggles when I scowl and punch her. I’m relieved that we can still joke and mess with each other. Sometimes when you tell a person about your darkest moments, it changes things, but I should have known my honorary sister and I would be just fine.

  “Are you planning on seeing a therapist?”

  I hurry to shake my head. “No. It didn’t help the last time, I don’t see what could possibly be different now.”

  “Maybe you just need to see a different one.” Kyri lays a hand on my arm. “Alex, I don’t talk about it much, but I worry for you. I mean, really worry. The way you’ve been living is going to end in a lot of pain if you don’t get some help. Sex has been a coping mechanism for you. You’re dominating men so you can forget the way you’ve been dominated. I know you want to hurt them, but revenge isn’t the answer, especially if seeking revenge leads you into even more trouble.”

  Tears build up in my eyes again and spill over, soaking my cheeks. “You’re right. I thought swearing off men after sleeping with Damien was enough, but it’s not. I...I don’t want to be alone forever.”

  Kyri takes my hand, squeezing it. “Promise me you’ll get help. Please.”

  I fall into her arms and let her hold me the way only a sister-friend can. “I promise.”

  Chapter 16


  3 months later

  It’s been three months since the only woman I ever fell for bailed on me. Three months I’ve been living on my own in an apartment in Atlanta, going insane from boredom and the pain of rejection every minute I’m not high. The arseholes I call “band mates” have been making all the plans for our next tour and leaving me out of them. Eddie calls me to let me in on everything. If he didn’t, I probably wouldn’t even know.

  I’ve written what feels like hundreds of songs in the past few months; some of them sad and rage-y, others euphoric and ridiculous. Nothing in my life is going as I want it to right now. I’m exiled from my own band, Alexandrea wants nothing to do with me, and I’ve fallen down the rabbit hole again.

  Taking a straw from my end table, I place it at the nearest end of a line of blow and snort it up my nose. The stuff immediately numbs my nose and throat. I s
igh and lean back on my futon, which serves as my bed and seating area. A studio apartment was all I needed. After living in a trailer so long, I don’t need a lot of space.

  The high from the coke doesn’t take long to kick in, and I start feeling better about myself again. I’m Damien Turner, best of the best. No man or woman alive can match my guitar skills. Countless music magazines have said so. I’m the shit. I could get any woman I wanted, get away with anything out in public. And I have, many times.

  Alexandrea will come around. She’ll see. It’s just a matter of time. I’ll find her again and win her over. She’ll never get away from me again.

  It’s not that I haven’t looked for her. I’ve called every phone in Covington, the small town she lives in outside Atlanta, looking for her. Every time, I was told I had the wrong number. I’ve searched the town for her high and low, but either she hasn’t been out lately or she’s avoiding me. I’ll find her, though. She can’t hide from me forever.

  My mobile goes off in my pocket. I answer and pull it up to my ear.


  “Well, someone sounds happy.” Eddie’s voice holds a note of suspicion.

  “Just hanging out with an old, dear friend. Are you calling to give me good news? Did Hawthorne drop dead from sexual exhaustion?”

  From what I’ve heard, Jace is engaged now. I wanted to vomit when I heard it. It’s one thing to get hung up on a girl, I understand that feeling more than I like to admit, but the whole wedding planning process is only going to distract him from our goal.

  “No, I’m calling to invite you to Christmas at the Calloways’ house. Kyri’s mother invited us all over for a homecooked dinner and gifts. I thought you might be interested in coming.”

  What, so I can watch my rival kiss his fiancée under the mistletoe? Not likely.

  “Kyri’s friend will probably be there,” Eddie says, reading my thoughts.

  I nearly drop my phone. “You think so?”

  “Kyri wouldn’t leave her best friend out and invite her fiancée. If you’d been around the past few months, you would have known that.”


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