Second Chance

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Second Chance Page 5

by Rebecca Airies

  Laci swallowed, biting back a moan at the images that sprang to mind. She wondered if there was something wrong with her. Her want was already clawing at her and their touch had not been meant to seduce or entice. Their words hadn’t been sweet. She shouldn’t burn with desire at the mere rumble of their voices. Not for these men who had bound her in cuffs and given her no choice about following them.

  Her mind whirled in turmoil. All too conscious of the other men in the shuttle, she balked at giving in to her desire. The confusion in her mind could not overrule her feelings. She wanted them, but did not want to want them. She longed to be free of this complicated situation, but she felt compelled to be with them.

  “I can smell your need,” Alek whispered, leaning close, his hand sliding up to cup her pussy through the cloth, one of his fingers sliding between the lips. “Fighting it is useless, Laci.”

  Alek growled his approval when he found the crotch of her pants damp. He stroked her through the fabric, a smile on his face as her legs splayed wider. She bit her lip and pressed back against the seat, locking a whimper of desire in her throat.

  “Give me your lips,” Darion urged as he leaned close and brushed his lips across her cheek.

  Laci closed her eyes, accepting defeat for now. That deep resonant voice alone sent ripples of want through her entire body. Couple that with his scent and those eyes and the desire already ripping through her, and she didn’t have a chance of denying him or the equally devastating man on her other side, either. She turned to Darion and brushed her lips across his.

  His tongue glided over her lips, tasting them, before it thrust between her parted lips. His crisp taste swamped her senses. She stroked her tongue along his, hungry for more. She tried to raise her hands to touch him, but they were pressed to her body by a male arm. She shifted, moaning against Darion’s lips in protest at the restriction.

  “No, be’rai, it’s not your turn to touch,” Alek growled.

  Darion slipped his hand under her green shirt and up over her abdomen. His fingers unfastened her bra, freeing the lush mounds. His hand brushed over her nipple and her back arched, thrusting the hard, pebbled peak against his palm. He smiled, loved her eager response and the evidence of her desire. “I could spend hours just feasting on your breasts, savoring your taste, the feel of those tight peaks thrusting into my mouth, and playing with the lush full globes.”

  Laci felt a tug at her neck and then the cloth was pushed aside and Darion began to knead the aching flesh before rolling and tugging at her nipple between his fingers. She turned her upper body into his touch. She stiffened, crying out under his mouth as he pinched and tormented her nipple. The sharp sensations excited her, heightening her need. She sank into Darion’s kiss, her last rational thought fading beneath the fiery onslaught.

  “You want our touch, don’t you, Laci?” Alek pinched her clit between his fingers, tugging at the hard little nub, letting the fabric of her pants add another layer of sensation to the caress. Her hips rolled against his hand.

  Darion’s lips left hers to nibble and nuzzle the sensitive column of her throat. Laci glanced down and saw that her shirt had been ripped open. The loose fabric had been pushed apart. Her breasts were exposed—the nipples were hard, red and puckered. She couldn’t believe that he had to ask. A few more of those devastating touches and she would come.

  “Yes, I want you,” Laci moaned and twisted, brushing her breast against Darion’s hand, which didn’t move from its position just above her nipple. “Give me more, please.” She licked her lips in invitation.

  “Soon, Laci.” Alek’s eyes traveled over the rosy tint desire had cast over her face and breasts. “We have arrived on the Chimau. Just so you don’t get any ideas about an easy escape, the Chimau is a Taurog battle-class ship.”

  Laci groaned as their hands and lips left her. With the absence of new sensation, she felt the cool air on her hot skin and the contrast caused her desire to grow even more. Laci felt a blush rise from her neck and explode over her cheeks.

  Alek drew her to her feet, curving his arm around her waist. Attempting to keep a shred of modesty, Laci tried to draw her torn shirt over her breasts, but strong hands stopped her as two deep growls announced the men’s annoyance. Tugging the material out of her hands, they pulled the shirt wide. They pulled the bottom ends behind her and tucked them into her pants.

  “You have beautiful breasts. We want to see them.” Darion’s hard stare dared her to argue.

  “But everyone else…”

  “They will envy us this lush feast.” Alek ran his eyes over the reddened nipples and licked his lips. “I want to taste those nipples, to feel them harden beneath my lips and tug at them with my teeth. The others have seen breasts before. We will want to touch you at times. It’s completely normal for a woman to be seen with a man at her breasts.”

  “Maybe it’s normal among the Norik,” Laci grumbled, frustrated and angry as they marched her out of the shuttle without giving her any more time to argue.

  “As you are Norik, it’s normal for you as well.” Alek gave her a pointed look which she ignored. “You have absolutely no fear of us, do you?”

  “Genetically I am, but I can’t do anything about my genetics.” Laci glared at Alek. “And, no, I don’t fear you.”

  A stinging swat landed on her right butt cheek. It didn’t actually hurt, but it got her attention. Surprised, she realized that that tingling blow also caused a flood of moisture to rush to her pussy. That flare of sensation had intensified the pleasure coursing through her. She shifted as she felt the hot moisture on her inner thighs.

  “That’s enough.” Darion’s hand tightened in warning on her arm. His deep, bass voice was stern and uncompromising. His hand released her and moved out of sight. It brushed over the rounded flesh of her ass once more in a clear warning.

  Laci swallowed, watching the two men with wary green eyes. She had never encountered anyone like them. They were arrogant, supremely confident and exuded a masculine menace that seemed to incite a feminine defiance in her that she hadn’t known she had. Even if she had ever found someone similar, it would have been just one man. Dealing with two of them offered a set of trials she’d never known existed.

  As they left the shuttle, a young lab tech came forward from a group of men standing near another shuttle. “Everything is ready, Jatohn.”

  “We’ll be there in a few moments.” A predatory, very satisfied smile flashed across Alek’s face as he released the cuffs at Laci’s wrists.

  “What are you talking about?” Laci edged back a step. That was as far as she could go. Alek still had a hand on her arm.

  “Laci, you know that you can’t remain as you are. You must change. You must be as we are, so that if you’re ever in need we can easily aid you.” Darion’s voice was calm and reasonable, and his hand settled on her lower back.

  “You son of a whore,” Laci growled. She narrowed her eyes and tried to find a weakness to attack. “Let me go. You just want to be able to know where I am at all times.” She struggled, but to her disgust, found she couldn’t break even the light grip Alek had on her arm.

  “You are determined to be wild, aren’t you?” Darion shook his head. “You know I admire your fiery passion, but we will only tolerate so much. If you would calm down, you’d see that this is the only way. You are here to stay.” His hand securely gripped her other arm. Laci writhed and twisted, kicking, but they held her in an unbreakable hold.

  “I have the equipment set up in med-bay,” the tech announced.

  * * * * *

  They hauled her to med-bay, pulling and towing her when she became especially resistant. Laci fought them every step of the way, lunging, twisting and pulling. She tried to bite them, but every time her mouth neared one man’s flesh, a tug from the opposite side pulled her away from her goal.

  There was no return from what they wanted to do. Her nano-cytes identified her as Third Gen and tied her to the other Third Gen women. If the First G
en nano-cytes were injected into her bloodstream, they would replace the ones she carried now. The First Gen nano-cytes were very aggressive which was why the scientists had altered the nano-cytes in their later experiments. Injected with those, she wouldn’t be able to return to her home among her friends. The signal of the nano-cytes would serve as a beacon to any First Gen male close enough to feel it. She would never risk her friends’ safety in that way.

  “Laci, you know we aren’t going to hurt you.” Darion held on to her struggling form. “I didn’t think you would react this strongly. Settle down.”

  The two men pulled her through the door to med-bay when it swished open at a touch on the pad beside the door. For a moment, she stood in the doorway as they tugged at her arms. Her heels dug into the carpeting, but she stumbled forward when they pulled her off-balance.

  “You’re going to cut me off from my friends, from everything I know if you put those in me.” She was almost hysterical by now.

  “We’re going to make you one of us,” Alek growled. “It would happen anyway, Laci. At least by changing you now, we can be assured that we’ll be able to treat you if you get seriously hurt.”

  “How can you be certain that there would be blood-to-blood contact?” Laci swung her fist at Alek when Darion’s grip relaxed, but the blow never landed. Alek dodged and Darion recaptured her wrist. “I would be very careful. I won’t get hurt.”

  “It’s part of the Norik marriage ceremony.” Darion raised his free hand to her shoulder. The touch was almost soothing for a moment, but then his grip tightened. “This has to be done even if you don’t want it. I want our medics to be able to easily help you if something happens to you. Right now, they couldn’t do much if you were hurt. Most importantly, we need you to be a part of us, with us in all possible ways.” He and Darion guided her to the exam table. “When you finally settle down and accept that you belong with us, we will have the ceremony.”

  “What if that day doesn’t come?” Laci’s voice was strained. She lunged away from them, but they tugged her back and urged her to sit on the table.

  “It will.” Darion’s confidence was obvious. “Time will change how you feel. Do you think you’ll resist us forever? You underestimate our determination and the attraction you feel toward us. We’ll make you happy.”

  That confidence grated on her nerves. They thought they knew what was best. Well, they didn’t know her. When would they see she wasn’t the woman they once knew?

  The tech waited beside the table with a tray of syringes laid out on a small cart. He swabbed both her arms with a sterile wipe. Picking up a syringe, he injected the clear fluid into her arm. After the first injection, Laci slumped in defeat. She sat motionless and, with dull eyes, watched the tech. He picked up a second syringe and injected it into her other arm.

  “Bring her to med-bay sometime tomorrow for the last of the injections. She shouldn’t feel any pain or even mild discomfort from the transition from Third Gen to First Gen nano-cytes. If she does, bring her back to med-bay.” The tech began gathering his supplies and tidying them away as Darion and Alek pulled her to her feet.

  Darion and Alek guided her to the lift. Laci glared at them, anger bubbling within her. They had said they wanted to make her happy, but her wants obviously counted for nothing. The fiery desire that had raged through her earlier was now raw, fear-fed fury. She didn’t want them. She may have their nano-cytes within her now, but she didn’t have to be with them. She wouldn’t let them just lead her to their lair after what they had just done.

  “I don’t want you.” Laci tried to whip her hand out of Darion’s loose grip as she stared at him with icy disdain. “I hate you for what you’ve done.”

  Alek laughed at her dramatics. “I know you’re angry, but there is too much passion in you for the cold, distant attitude to last too long.”

  That was it. That laugh broke her tenuous control. Laci lunged at him, catching him by surprise. He fell back against the gray metal wall and his hands grasped her hips. She swung her fist at his chin. He dodged his upper body to the side and her fist sailed by with a bit of space to spare. Darion grabbed her arms and pulled them down to her sides.

  “We will never have to wonder what you’re thinking. It’s there for all to see,” Alek laughed as he brushed his lips across her forehead. “Even if it wasn’t, we would only have to wait a few moments and you would tell us.”

  Laci couldn’t continue her struggles. She was pressed between two large, hard bodies and could barely move, let alone continue the fight. Now, they moved to reignite the flame of desire that had burned before they’d taken her to med-bay. Their hands roved over her, leaving trails of heat everywhere they touched.

  “You’re angry, true, but as for your supposed hatred, I don’t believe that.” Darion’s hot breath brushed across her ear. “You don’t like what we have done, but you will adjust and survive.”

  “Stop telling me what I will do.” Laci pushed fruitlessly against Alek’s chest, trying to create some space to move, but her writhing and twisting only succeeded in causing her shirt to slip off her shoulders. The soft green material bunched between them at her lower back. “I’m not your meek little Satira. You may have made it impossible for me to go home, but that doesn’t mean I have to stay with you.”

  Laci felt her body being lifted between theirs as they came away from the wall. Strong hands urged her legs high until they were hooked around Alek’s waist. Her pussy was pressed against the hard ridge of Alek’s cock. She was held like that for a long moment.

  “Your mouth will undoubtedly land you in trouble, Laci.” Alek’s golden eyes were molten with hot emotion, but the fiery anger swirling in those liquid depths was controlled. “You’re not leaving us. The only way you leave this ship is with one of us. When we’re on any planet, you won’t be away from us. We won’t give you a chance to run.”

  “Tell me you don’t want us, little liar,” Darion challenged as his hips pushed against her buttocks, his hard length riding the cleft between the two soft globes. His hands cupped her breasts, his thumb and forefinger tugging at her nipples while his palms squeezed and caressed. His firm touch changed slowly to a sensual caress.

  “I can smell your heat, Laci. I can see the growing fever in your eyes.” Alek lapped at her lips. His tongue teased the stubbornly closed crease. His hard cock brushed her swollen pussy as he rocked against her.

  Laci wrenched her head to the side. She resisted giving in to her rising desire. “My body doesn’t know what bastards you are. You could have given me a choice. You were part of the scientists’ experiments just as I was, even if you weren’t made.”

  “We won’t lose you, Laci.” Darion smoothed his hands up her ribs and slipped between Alek and Laci to cup the full mounds of her breasts. He was careful to keep her arms pinned at her sides. “The choice was made when you told us that the two types of nano-cytes weren’t compatible.”

  “There could have been a hybrid. It is possible. It would just take time. You could have given…” Laci sighed. She was trying to keep her anger alive enough to cool the fires that the two men ignited, but it wasn’t working.

  “Shh…” Alek placed a kiss on her lips. “No more ‘could haves’. Our nano-cytes are already in your body. The battle has been won. Give me your lips.”

  Laci didn’t move toward him, but she couldn’t resist opening her mouth when his lips brushed hers. His tongue flicked out and swirled over her parted lips. His lips moved over hers in coaxing repetition until she reciprocated. She lapped at his lips, brushing her tongue over his before retreating. His tongue slipped between her lips and she savored that unique taste, so male, so very Alek.

  She relaxed in their embrace. She didn’t notice when the pressure at her arms relaxed or when Darion backed away. Her tongue glided along Alek’s, stroking and teasing. Her arms circled his neck. The mound of her cunt brushed against his hard cock as she rocked against him. Each brush pulled the fiery knot within her a little ti
ghter. Soft whimpers escaped her lips as Alek’s hands cupped her buttocks, pulling her tight against him.

  Chapter Five

  Alek and Darion moved through the corridors without a word. Laci’s fiery temper accompanied her hot passion and they wanted to keep that passion inflamed. They would deal with her temper later.

  Alek was relieved when they reached their quarters without further incident. Here, they would be free to inflame her without restriction. He urged her legs down, setting her feet on the floor. His hands went to the fastening of her pants, tugging them open and pushing them and her sheer green panties over her hips.

  Darion stepped forward and snaked his hand around Laci’s waist, cupping the mound of her sex as he pulled her back against him. “There’s nothing sexier than the smooth skin of your bare cunt. I want to lick you until all you can do is moan and come.” His fingers slipped over the slick skin of her labia. He parted the plump folds, dipped two fingers into her creamy, hot slit before bringing them up to pluck the hardened nub of her clit. “You’re so responsive that you nearly burn me with your heat.” His breath fanned over her ear.

  The sexy noises that escaped her lips and her ready reaction made him ache. After a few strokes, she was writhing against him, arching her back and riding Darion’s hand. Her hips bucked in demand for more when he teasingly withdrew his touch.

  Alek pulled off her boots and pushed her pants off her legs as Darion fucked her with his fingers. He worked the thin band off the end of her hair and freed those gorgeous curls. Laci was more than ready, he saw. She was panting—small, hot moans escaped her even as she bit her lip.

  Alek moved away from her only long enough to grab a bottle of lube from the drawer in the base of the bed. Tossing the capped bottle onto the bed, he stripped off his clothes with little regard to the material. His cock was painfully hard, aching to thrust into her body. His hand slipped down her body and replaced Darion’s as Darion stepped back.


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