Devoted (Book Two, Caylin's Story)

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Devoted (Book Two, Caylin's Story) Page 13

by S. J. West

  I’ll miss you too. Come to me when you can…

  I will. I love you

  I love you more.

  I love you most.

  I love you infinity…

  Ok, you win.

  No, we both win, Aiden.

  Yes…we do. See you later, beautiful.

  I put my phone back on the nightstand and hug Mae close. I’m not completely sure what the day will bring, but I do know my safety isn’t something I need to worry about. Uncle Malcolm would never place my life in any real danger, and Aiden would kidnap me himself if he thought there was even a remote possibility of me being hurt.

  By the time Aiden and Uncle Malcolm come to get me, I’m a bundle of nerves. I’m not nervous because I’m worried about my safety. I’m worried that I might make a mistake and completely screw something up.

  Aiden comes straight to me like we’re tethered by an invisible elastic string and takes me in his arms.

  “Are you ready?” He asks me.

  “I guess,” I say hesitantly, not really sure what will be expected of me on this mission.

  “You have nothing to worry about, Caylin,” Uncle Malcolm tells me coming to stand beside us. “Belphagor will be the easiest of the princes to capture. He’s just that stupid. That’s why we’ve targeted him first.”

  Aiden lets go of me and my mom walks over to give me a reassuring hug.

  “Don’t worry,” she tells me. “You’ll do fine.”

  I should have known it would be my mother who knew the true worry I had.

  “What exactly is it that I have to do?” I ask Uncle Malcom.


  I feel sure I misunderstood. “Shop? Like go around and buy stuff?”

  “Yes,” he tells me. “Belphagor has been living in New Orleans since the Tear was sealed. Around this time every day, he goes to the French Market to have lunch. The plan is for you to walk around the market and shop. He’ll notice and come to you without you having to do anything. While you act as a distraction, I’ll phase in and take him down with one of the daggers.”

  “And it’s going to be that simple?” I ask, thinking there has to be something that he isn’t telling me. There has to be a catch, right? We’re talking about one of the most powerful creatures on earth, an archangel. Surely, it won’t be that clear-cut.

  “It will be that simple,” Uncle Malcolm promises me.

  I nod, trusting what he says. “Ok, I guess I can shop and try to act normal.”

  I grab my brown leather cross body purse and slip it on.

  “Here,” my dad says, pulling out his wallet from his back pocket, “use cash.”

  I take the stack of bills he hands me and place them inside my purse.

  Aiden takes my hand, twining our fingers together. “Ready?”

  I nod and he phases us to New Orleans.

  I find myself standing outside the entrance to the French Market. I see numerous stalls within the open marketplace with vendors selling all sorts of items ranging from fresh produce to clothing and jewelry.

  “Ok,” Aiden says, turning to me, “just walk around for a while. He won’t be here for at least another 15 minutes so try to stay calm and just buy whatever you want like you’re on an actual shopping trip.”

  I nod, trying my best to relax but still feeling nervous.

  “It’ll be fine,” Aiden reassures me. “And I’ll be watching to make sure nothing unexpected happens. We all will.”

  “Who does ‘we all’ include?”

  “Besides Malcolm and me? Jered, Slade, Daniel, Andre, Brutus, and Desmond. We’re all here to make sure nothing strange or unexpected happens. But, this should be fairly straightforward. It’s basically just a snatch and grab. You’re just the distraction to take him off his guard while he tries to figure you out.”

  “Do you think I’ll be that much of a distraction for him?”

  Aiden smiles. “You distract me all the time.”

  Aiden leans down and gives me a chaste kiss on the lips.

  “Don’t worry, beautiful. Everything will be fine. I would never let anything bad happen to you.”

  I nod and Aiden phases, leaving me alone.

  At least, that’s the way it feels. I know he and the others are a safe distance away watching me, but that fact does nothing to stop the nervous butterflies in my stomach.

  I walk into the French Market and start to browse the various vendor stalls there. The smell of freshly brewed coffee and the music from a small jazz band nearby fills the area I’m in. I buy a pair of pink glittery mardi-gras masks for Mae and Ella to play with from one of the vendors. In another stall, I find something that reminds me of Aiden.

  It’s a double stranded black braided leather bracelet with a silver infinity charm in the middle. I’m sure he’s watching me buy it so giving it to him as a surprise probably isn’t an option anymore. But, I don’t care. At least he knows I’m thinking about him.

  “Is that for a special someone?” A man standing beside me asks.

  I look over at him and instantly know he’s Belphagor because Jess’ bracelet grows warm around my wrist. Only someone who means me harm would cause the bracelet to send out its warning.

  I guess I didn’t expect Belphagor to be so dashingly handsome. Shouldn’t he have horns or something jutting out of the top of his head? But then again, the princes simply took whatever human body they wanted. Why would you choose an ugly one if you didn’t have to?

  “Yes, it is,” I tell him.

  Belphagor crosses his arms over his chest as he studies me, and I notice something on one of his hands. It’s a raised circular brand with archangel writing embossed across it. But, I don’t understand the significance of the word.

  “Levi said you were dangerous,” he tells me looking me up and down. “But I just don’t see how an innocent little thing like you could be of any danger to us.”

  “Did you see what I did to him?” I ask, thinking that should be evidence enough of the threat I pose. “I don’t suppose you happen to know where Levi is now, do you? He and I have some unfinished business.”

  Belphagor gives me a toothy grin. “Do you now? Think you can finish him off? I highly doubt it. Not even Lucifer can do that.”

  “Has Levi taken on a new form?” I ask, trying to get as much information as I can before Uncle Malcolm shows up.

  “Not yet. But when he does, I would be careful if I were you. He seemed rather put out by the inconvenience. And Levi really isn’t someone you want to piss off.”

  Uncle Malcolm phases in so close to Belphagor’s back that when he slips the dagger into the prince I don’t even realize he did it, much less anyone else around us. The only thing that gives it away is Belphagor’s look of surprise just before he closes his eyes and begins to slump forward. Uncle Malcolm wraps an arm around Belphagor’s waist to hold him up against him.

  “Go home,” he tells me just before he phases.

  I immediately phase home as instructed. My mom and dad are by my side almost instantly.

  “How did it go?” My dad asks, trying not to sound anxious but not being able to hide it very well.

  “It was quick,” I say in total disbelief. “He didn’t seem to see it coming at all.”

  Aiden and most of the others phase in just a few seconds later.

  “Are they all going to be that easy?” I ask Aiden, completely dumbfounded that we took down a prince so effortlessly.

  Aiden walks over to me, and I already know the answer to my question by the strained look on his face.

  “No,” he says regretfully. “Belphagor has never been very bright. The others will be more of a challenge because they’re smarter and more cunning. Plus, they’ll soon realize Belphagor is missing which means we’ve lost the element of surprise now.”

  I look over at my group of chosen and notice someone missing.

  “Where is Daniel?” I ask.

  “Malcolm is handing Belphagor over to him now,” Aiden tells me. “Dani
el will be in charge of hiding him until the girl from our family line is ready to deal with him. And he’ll be the only one who knows his location, just like Mason planned.”

  “So, now what do we do?” I ask.

  “Mason and Jess will let us know when it’s time to attack the other princes,” Aiden tells me. “For now, we just sit and wait.”

  “Is that why they weren’t with us today?” I ask. “Because they’re planning what we do next?”

  “Yes. They’re scouting the next prince.”

  “The next victim you mean,” Desmond says with a grin as the others walk over to join us.

  “Belphagor has always been the pussy of the group,” Slade says snidely. “The rest will be just as easy though.”

  “You shouldn’t underestimate them,” Jered tells Slade, a grave undertone of warning in his voice. “You might think they’re simple minded because they’ve followed Lucifer for this long, but they are not. I assure you. Belphagor was the exception to the rule because of his nature. The others will not be taken so easily.” Jered looks to Aiden. “They might even go on the offensive even more aggressively now.”

  “More aggressively?” I ask. “Just how much more aggressive can they get?”

  “I’m not sure,” Jered tells me, and I can see his worry over not knowing written plainly on his face. “But if they learn Belphagor was taken by us, they will know we have access to something formidable. I just hope they don’t jump to the conclusion that our secret weapon is you, Caylin.”

  Everyone falls silent, like they don’t know what to say about what Jered just said. It’s not until there’s a knock at the front door that the quiet is broken.

  My Aunt Tara peeks her head inside.

  “Oh good,” she says, opening the door wider, bringing in two handfuls of plastic white shopping bags, “most of you are here already. Why don’t some of you angels be useful and go out to my car to bring in the rest of the groceries for me?”

  Jered and Brutus immediately head outside to do my Aunt Tara’s bidding.

  “Are we having a party?” I ask, mentally visualizing a calendar to make sure today isn’t my mother’s birthday.

  “Kind of,” my mother says to me. “Your Aunt Tara and I thought it would be a good idea if we got to know the Watchers you chose a little better. They’ll be in our lives for a long time. It would probably be a good idea if we all became friends.”

  I couldn’t argue against the idea. I did want to get to know my chosen a little better. They would be in our lives and the lives of mine and Aiden’s descendants until Anna was born. Essentially, they would become a permanent part of my family. It was a reminder to me just how special my particular family was. We weren’t just tied together by blood. We were bound to one another by choice, by loyalty, and by love.

  Now, we had six new members. I just hoped my unconventional family didn’t end up feeling any growing pains from the additions.


  It always amazed me how my father could teach almost anyone how to cook, except for my mother and me. I guess we just weren’t gifted with that particular gene. My dad and Aunt Tara take charge of the food preparations for our impromptu get together. Jered, Brutus, Desmond, and Andre watch them prepare the meal in hopes of picking up a few culinary tips. Jered seems to be the most interested, but, unfortunately for him, he looks as helpless as me in a kitchen.

  “You would think Jered’s never cooked before,” I say to Aiden as we sit at the dining table and watch the others ask my dad and Aunt Tara questions as they cook.

  “I would imagine cooking is as new to him as it is to me,” Aiden says, looking over at the others in the kitchen like he wants to join them for the lesson being given.

  “Why is that?” I ask. “I mean you’ve been around a long time. Why haven’t you learned how to cook by now?”

  Aiden looks back at me. “Because human food wasn’t what I survived on, Caylin.”

  I instantly realize how stupid my question was. Of course cooking would be new to Aiden and Jered. Both of them had survived on human blood as their main source of sustenance for a very long time.

  “I’m sorry,” I tell him. “I wasn’t thinking.”

  Aiden shakes his head at me. “No, don’t be sorry for forgetting what I was. I’m glad you can.”

  “But I should have been more thoughtful,” I say.

  Aiden grins at me. “When you were in the French Market, I got the feeling you were thinking about me. Was I wrong?”

  “No,” I tell him, unable to suppress a smile, “you weren’t wrong at all.”

  I reach over for the little purple shopping bag with his bracelet in it. When I take it out, Aiden automatically stretches his left arm towards me so I can put it on.

  “It made me think of what I texted you this morning,” I tell him, fastening the bracelet around his wrist and finding that it’s a perfect fit. “I thought you might like it.”

  Aiden looks at the silver infinity symbol on the front of the bracelet and smiles so bright his whole face lights up.

  “Thank you,” he tells me. “I love it, and I love you.”

  I look at Aiden with only one thought in my mind, getting him alone somewhere and kissing him until he can’t think straight. He seems to be able to read my thoughts because he chuckles and holds his hand out to me.

  “Not yet,” he tells me, even though I can tell by the sparkle in his eyes that he wants to do the exact same thing.

  I place my hand into his, and he squeezes it.

  “Why not?” I ask in a whisper.

  “I would feel like I was disrespecting your parents if we ran off and did that right now,” he tells me. “They want us all to spend some quality time together. And even though there’s nothing more that I want than to kiss you until you beg for mercy, now isn’t the time. Later. I promise.”

  “Mercy?” I ask, wondering just what Aiden has in mind to bring me to the brink of saying such a word.

  “Yes, beautiful,” Aiden murmurs, a new promise lighting up his eyes, “mercy.”

  “You know that’s completely unfair, right?” I ask. “Saying something like that to me but making me wait to find out how exactly you’ll make me want to ask for such a thing.”

  “Well, that’s part of the fun,” Aiden tells me, a sexy smile tilting the corners of his mouth up. “Anticipation is half the pleasure.”

  “More like torture if you ask me.”

  Aiden chuckles and brings the hand he holds up to his lips. I expect a simple kiss, but my heart does a somersault inside my chest as Aiden presses his lips against the middle knuckle and gently licks it with his tongue.

  “Are you kidding me?” I whisper breathlessly.

  Aiden just smiles and winks at me. “Later, beautiful. I promise. And I will always keep my promises to you.”

  I sigh, completely frustrated because I know there isn’t anything to be done about it now.

  The front door opens and Uncle Malcolm and Slade walk inside the house. Uncle Malcolm is carrying a silver metal box in his hands with some wires hanging from it. I knew he and Slade were outside doing something, but I wasn’t sure what. They both come over to us, and Uncle Malcolm places the box in front of me on the table like he’s handing me a gift.

  I just stare at the strange contraption not having a clue why he’s giving it to me.

  “What is it?” I finally ask.

  “I took the governor off your car,” he tells me. “We thought it was time.”

  I look up over at my dad standing in the kitchen and see him grin at me. Then I look at my mom sitting in the living room with Mae and Ella as they play with the masks I bought them. She winks at me and smiles.

  I look back down at the box and realize what’s really sitting in front of me. My freedom.

  They haven’t just made it so I can go faster in my car. They’re telling me they trust me to use my own judgment now. They’ve done their best to prepare me for my life, but the time has come for m
e to start making decisions for myself.

  “Thank you,” I say to all three of them, knowing they understand I’m not just thanking them for removing the governor. I’m thanking them for having faith in me to know what’s right.

  “Can I take your car for a spin?” Slade asks anxiously.

  “No!” Uncle Malcolm and I answer at the same time.

  “Sorry,” I tell Slade, “I promised Uncle Malcolm no one would drive my car but me.”

  Uncle Malcolm digs in his front pocket and pulls out his set of keys, throwing them over to Slade.

  “Take my Bugatti if you want to go for a joy ride,” Uncle Malcolm tells him.

  Slade smiles like a teenage boy given his first car and heads out of the house. We don’t see him again until lunch is ready to be served.

  “Are Jess and Mason coming for lunch?” I ask later when we’re all sitting down to eat at the table. Aiden holds my chair out for me as I sit down.

  “No,” he tells me. “But they said they would contact us when they have a plan set for the next prince.”

  Brutus leans over to grab a piece of fried chicken but soon gets his hand slapped away by Aunt Tara.

  “Now you of all people should know we need to say grace before we eat,” she tells him as if he’s a child needing to learn some manners.

  Brutus sits back in his chair, eyes wide in what appears to be shock at the admonishment. I seriously doubt Brutus has ever been slapped so readily by anyone in his life much less someone almost half his size.

  “I’m sorry,” he says.

  “Well, that’s all right, hon, but in this family we say grace before we eat together. Understand?”

  Brutus nods his head and Slade snickers.

  Aunt Tara raises her eyebrow at Slade which, amazingly enough, seems to make him uncomfortable and causes him to immediately wipe the smirk off his face.

  “Let’s all bow our heads and give some thanks back,” Aunt Tara says.

  I can’t help but smile as all the Watchers do exactly what Aunt Tara has instructed without question or argument.


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