Defiant Hearts

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Defiant Hearts Page 39

by Janelle Taylor

  “He has no reason to doubt me or what I said, considering Jake and I are related. Besides, I was told to get close to Jake and spy on him. The only problem is how to do that when he or his men are away from the fort. I can’t ask Private Durance to help me trail them, and I can’t shadow them until I learn my way around this area. The only way to get familiar with this territory is by going riding with Durance as often as possible.”

  “Don’t worry about trailing them; I’ll take care of it when possible.”

  “But when it isn’t, Jim, how can we gather evidence if we don’t see what they do and where they hide their goods?”

  “Just leave that to me, Laura; your part is here at the fort. You just concentrate on culling clues from your uncle.”

  As Laura was returning home, she had the odd feeling that she had missed something going on between Emmaline and Jim. It was as if the woman had an unknown reason for wanting her to keep her distance from Jayce, while Jim, though he appeared uncomfortable by it, didn’t try to interfere and lacked a plausible reason to give her father for assigning another man. When Emmaline had looked confused and surprised after Jim suggested it might be possible to “glean clues” from Jayce, Jim almost had seemed to want his wife out of the room in a hurry. Strange, Laura concluded in bewilderment. Just as weird, her mind added, as Jim’s strategy for their mission. Surely the major didn’t expect Jake just to drop clues into her lap because she was his niece! Since the crimes weren’t being carried out at the fort, no real proof could be gathered there. Criminals had to be caught redhanded and concealment places had to be discovered. It was as if Jim didn’t want her tracking and observing the villains in action…

  Laura didn’t believe Jim was involved with the culprits, but she sensed there was something she wasn’t being told, something she felt that Emmaline knew. Why, she reasoned, had she been sent there and enlightened if they were going to keep her hands tied in certain areas?

  Maybe your imagination is only running wild, Laura; you could be too suspicious of everything and everybody because of your past work. Still, it’s best if you stay alert around both of the Wrights…

  Chapter Twenty

  The five days following March third were long and lonely ones for Laura, though many things happened at the fort and far away…

  Jayce left with his unit the next morning for Wickenburg, so she wasn’t allowed even a glimpse of her beloved or a word with him.

  On the same day, her father went to Prescott to pick up their laundry and remained at Charlotte’s for supper, a promising sign of romance, Laura deduced. She hoped the woman was worthy of Howard Adams after witnessing the joyful gleam in his hazel eyes, the jauntiness in his step, and extra care he took with his grooming. If he was in love and happy, she reasoned, his heart would be more inclined to be forgiving and understanding of her deceits and choice of husband. Yet, as much as she loved and respected her father, if he refused to approve of her marrying an ex-Rebel, she would be compelled to go against his wishes and hope he came around to her way of thinking and behaving one day. She hated to imagine such defiance evoking a rift as bitter as the one still existing with his brother. She didn’t want to defy and disappoint her cherished father, but Jayce was her beloved, her future.

  Jake ate Sunday dinner with them, and surprised Laura and her father with his good behavior. His mood was pleasant and he gave an occasional smile. She watched and listened as the two men reminisced about their deceased parents and only good times they had shared in the past; and there had been plenty of them, too many, Laura decided, to be cast aside for stubborn or selfish reasons. Yet, she noted their tensions and hesitations and how they skirted touchy subjects to avoid a quarrel. It saddened and dismayed her to realize they were only pretending with each other, and to recall she was now Jake’s nemesis.

  Her father kept Laura informed about the distant war and political news, grim for the South, but elating for the Union as it implied the conflict would come to an end before summer. To her amazement, the northern state of New Jersey rejected the abolishment of slavery while many southern states had halted the practice. For all intents and purposes, Custer and Sheridan finished off Early’s forces in the Shenandoah Valley, though Mosby’s Raiders continued to ride. Shockingly, General Grant refused to enter peace talks with General Lee! The United States Congress established the Freedman’s Bureau to handle afterslavery problems. President Lincoln gave his second inaugural speech. Sherman and his troops invaded North Carolina.

  Laura knew that once North Carolina fell, only her native state of Virginia would be left to be conquered. She was glad Jayce was no longer fighting there, but she wished Lily and Richard were not in the line of advancing peril. She prayed that neither Sherman, nor Sheridan, nor Custer would be the one to invade Richmond, since those officers were not known for their mercy to enemies.

  Her father left early on March eighth to tour the Verde Valley. He was to be gone for three to four days. He took a unit of thirty men and Pauline Weaver with him. Weaver was a legendary scout, guide, farmer, prospector, trapper, Indian fighter, and trail blazer. She had seen the unusual man during their departure: he had dark scraggly hair, a long and straight beard, a thick mustache that covered his mouth, a sharp nose, and small eyes under bushy brows. The man often hired out to the military or to private civilians for various reasons. Though not an enlisted man, the Tennesseean was called Captain Weaver.

  Pauline Weaver’s exploits and successes were known far and wide in the territory, according to what her father had told her the night before his journey began. Two mining districts, a copper and silver mining company, a boat landing at La Paz, a town, a creek, a gulch, and a Prescott street were named after him. He had arranged a treaty with the Indians in March of’63, but ignorant newcomers to the territory had broken it and sent the hostiles back on the raiding and war paths. Weaver claimed that the Indians only wanted peace and understanding, but they would kill when hungry or threatened. A run-in with the Apaches and Yavapais last December when he was with soldiers had ended his personal truce with them.

  Even so, Laura concluded that her father was safest with the skilled and knowledgeable Weaver as his guide and scout, though she wouldn’t relax until his return.

  At midmorning, a letter from Lily was delivered by a soldier, having been smuggled out of Richmond and forwarded by a Unionist acquaintance of theirs who had managed to learn Howard’s location. Now, she knew why Lily hadn’t given her message to Jayce. Ben Simmons was to blame! Lily had chosen her words carefully, but Laura read between the lines: Ben had visited Lily and warned her to keep quiet about Laura Carlisle to everyone.

  Laura scoffed under her breath as she read. “So when your friend came to visit, I was afraid to tell him where you had gone. If you want me to do otherwise if he returns or writes, please find a way to let me know. He was being reassigned elsewhere, so I haven’t seen him since December. He said he’ll look for you after the war as you two planned. I hope I did the right thing. I miss you terribly, but Ben said you’re safe, so that relaxes me a little.”

  You sorry snake, Ben Simmons! Laura fumed. You knew I was seeing Jayce Storm, didn’t you? You terrified Lily into staying silent to him so no Confederate would learn Vixen’s secrets or where she had gone!

  Then Laura calmed herself and realized that perhaps Ben had only been trying to protect her life as well as her new mission. After all, Jayce was on the opposite side in the war and lovers often made perilous slips to each other when blinded by love and passion. Perhaps Ben truly had learned of a plot to locate and expose Union spies, including the Vixen, and didn’t know if Jayce could be trusted not to betray her if it conflicted with his sense of duty and honor to the Confederacy. Or perhaps Ben hadn’t known about Jayce, but Lily had feared Jayce might be untrustworthy.

  No matter, Laura decided, things had worked out fine.

  At five o’clock, Laura’s heart leapt with joy when she looked out the window to see who was returning to the for
t amidst thundering hoofbeats and sighted Jayce and his company nearing the horse shelter. She watched until she saw him walking beside the lengthy stockade wall from the corral toward the gate, alone as if by magic. She boldly stepped onto the porch and summoned him.

  “Let’s talk fast. Can you take me riding tomorrow? I must see you alone. I miss you terribly. Father’s gone to the Verde Valley for days, but there’s no way you can sneak out of the barracks after Taps to visit me.”

  Jayce kept his expression passive and kept a proper distance from her to dupe any observers and whispered, “You’re right; it’s against regulations to leave without permission after lightsout, so I could get caught and locked in the guardhouse. If there’s no conflict with my other duties, I’ll be over at nine to get you. I love you, woman, and miss you like crazy. I’ll be glad when this war is over and we can be together without sneaking around.”

  “Me, too, Jayce; it’s awful having you so close but unreachable. But it’s better than being separated by thousands of miles.”

  “You’re right about that; I would be crazed if you weren’t here and I didn’t know if you were all right. Mercy, how can we have such good luck and still feel so dissatisfied and miserable?” he jested.

  “I know what you mean. Heavens, I love you and need you.”

  “That means I best get outta here before I forget myself and yank you into my arms and carry you inside that cabin. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  Laura wished she could stand there and watch him, but that would look suspicious to others, so she went inside. She wanted him so badly that she didn’t know how much longer she could keep up the pretense of being mere acquaintances. She wished they could take leisurely strolls, talk for hours, and dine together; but that would not appear proper and would look strange considering she was the Union commander’s daughter and he was an ex-Rebel, now a Galvanized Yankee, a legal prisoner of her side. There was also the risk of imperiling Jayce’s life with his villainous ex-Confederates if she was exposed.

  I’ll be with you tomorrow, my love, if God is in a generous mood…

  Jayce guided Laura to Granite Dells, four miles north of the fort. He knew no troops were supposed to be in that particular area today, and there was no reason for their assignments to be changed, so they should have privacy. He was delighted that Emmaline Wright was visiting a friend at a ranch along the Aqua Fria River, southeast of Prescott. Even if that weren’t true, he doubted the woman would have tagged along after Jim told her not to do so again, since Jim thought he might be able to extract clues from Laura about Jake if they were alone. Jayce knew he would not use Laura to get at his target. If his love dropped a vital clue, he would pick it up, but he would not deceive her into doing so, no matter how badly he wanted to obtain evidence and complete his final mission. All he could do was pray that Laura, also a devout Unionist, believed he had done what he must for peace and patriotism. Of course, that still left her father to deal with, since Jake was Howard’s only brother. He didn’t want to imagine a bitter Howard trying to stand between him and Laura…

  Jayce led her into a section of red to salmon-colored rock formations. The outcropping of various-size stones almost formed a circle around an area with numerous evergreens. He located a wide crevice between two upheavals of granite and weaved past trees and bushes, which would conceal them and their horses should anyone enter the sort of miniature canyon. Beyond their secluded position, tall hogsbacks and rambling ridges dotted the rugged landscape; their distant backdrop, snowcapped mountains.

  As they dismounted and tethered their horses’ reins to cedar limbs, Jayce said, “I was told certain Indian bands used to gather here to talk and camp before they went on raids or hunts. In an odd way, it’s pretty.”

  Laura smiled and murmured, “Pretty because we’re alone at last.”

  Jayce leaned forward and fastened his mouth to hers. Between kisses, he confessed, “I love you and want you so much it almost scares me at times.” Scares me to think I might be endangering you for selfish reasons! If I had the strength, I’d refuse to be withyou until it’s safe. God, help me if I bring any harm to you, woman, for being so weak-willed. He swept aside her dark-gold bangs and kissed her forehead. “If there’s one thing I know for certain, Laura Adams, it’s that we were destined to meet and marry.”

  “I agree,” she said, clinging to him as her desires heightened with every tender word, engulfing gaze, and fiery contact. “I have no doubt we were meant for each other. I love you so much, Jayce. If anything happened to you, I couldn’t bear it.”

  “Nor could I bear to lose you, Laura, so we’ll make certain we stay safe and alive.”

  “Much as we try, Jayce, that decision might not rest in our hands.”

  “I know, and I would die for you, Laura Adams.”

  “I would die to save you, Jayce.”

  The ravenous pair kissed and caressed each other as they savored their stolen rendezvous.

  With bold courage and because stolen moments were rare, she asked, “Can we be together without removing all of our clothes since we might not have time to re-dress if someone intruded on us?”

  “That can be managed, my love.”

  Laura unbuttoned his jacket and the top half of his long johns before she pressed kisses to his bared virile chest. She halted as he unbuttoned her riding jacket and shirt, then struggled with the tiny buttons on her camisole after deftly untying its ribbon laces. She felt the cool air waft against her exposed skin, but she didn’t care; the heat of love and passion warmed her soul and radiated to her body.

  Jayce’s arms embraced Laura. He nestled his cheek against her hair and inhaled her heady fragrance. He wanted to move slowly but they had so little time. He knew the tension he sensed from her was from caution and a dread of being discovered. Trying to make her relax, he fondled her breasts as his mouth explored hers.

  Laura’s arms encircled his waist, her palms flattened against his broad and sleek back. Her nipples were erect and there was a constant tensing in her woman’s region. Her fingers slid into the fullness of his ebony hair and she liked the way the thick mane buried and tickled them. Despite a chill in the air, she was hot and tingly from head to feet. She relished the feel of his supple skin beneath her hands.

  Jayce’s right hand sensuously traversed her torso and caused her to quiver. His lips planted kisses all over her face. His fingers stroked her left side before claiming a breast and kneading it. He ached to bury himself inside her, but he did not want to rush any more than was necessary. His mouth wandered down the enticing column of her throat, brushed over her collarbone, and climbed a beckoning mound. His tongue swirled around the taut peak and he gingerly teethed the nub to heighten her arousal, and coaxed soft moans of pleasure from her. He thrilled to be giving her what seemed to be exquisite delight.

  Laura unfastened her riding skirt and stepped out of it, placing the garment close by for quick and easy reach in an emergency. She didn’t remove her bloomers, as their open crotch made that unnecessary.

  When Jayce trailed his fingers over her rib cage, across her abdomen, and toward a destination between her thighs, she tingled in suspenseful anticipation of being appeased. She was willing and eager to give her all to him. She sighed in bliss as his fingers parted her thighs to allow him the space and freedom to do as he pleased. His questing finger located the entreating and pulsing pinnacle and traversed it with skill, applying the right amount of pressure and using the perfect pace to excite her to a feverish pitch.

  Jayce’s kisses were deep and hungry as he enflamed her with his fingers and dexterity. He savored how she murmured and wiggled and stroked his back. His tongue played with hers, and he nibbled at her lips.

  Fervent and scorching needs attacked and consumed them as they rejoiced in the absolute wonder of their love.

  Laura unbuttoned his pants and the lower half of his long Johns and freed his straining erection. His maleness was hot, hard, and eager to possess her. She looked into
his blue gaze. She cherished this man with all of her heart and soul, and surrendered fully to his tender conquest. A sweet tension built rapidly in her loins as he moved to enter her.

  Laura felt no shame or restraint with the man she loved. A flood of suspenseful rapture washed over her, one so powerful that she could deny him nothing he wanted from her, here, hidden away from all that separated them. She trailed her fingers over the rippling muscles of his back and along the bones of his spine. Through the material of his long Johns, she felt the muscles in his firm buttocks contracting and relaxing and she matched his pace, refusing to let him withdraw completely or hesitate for any span of time.

  Laura clung to Jayce as she approached passion’s peak. She belonged to him in every way except one: marriage, and that would change soon. She loved and desired this Confederate officer and she would not allow their differences to prevent her from having a future with him.

  Jayce leaned back his head and gazed into her glowing eyes, so full of love and desire for him. “You’re mine now and forever, Laura Adams.”

  “I love you, Jayce, with all my heart and soul.”

  “I love you, Laura, more than you can know or imagine.”

  The fire within him blazed higher and hotter. His muscles rippled as he drove onward and upward in his quest to sate them. His embrace tightened and his kiss deepened when she arched her back and moaned against his mouth as victory washed over her. After her climax and tension subsided, he allowed himself his release and a landslide of pleasure carried him away. His heart brimmed with love and jubilation; his spirit soared with victory. Laura Adams was his of her own free will, he told himself, and she would remain his forever if he could find a way to explain his loyalty to the Union at the expense of her uncle’s freedom and life. “I love you, woman.”


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