High Voltage (Ramsey Security Book 3)

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High Voltage (Ramsey Security Book 3) Page 14

by Hunter, Bijou

  “With my dick this hard, it’s shocking I can think at all.”

  I stand up and reach for the towel. “My shop very much wants to help with your hard dick problem.”

  When a grinning Dino stands, I nearly orgasm at the sight of all his wet, hard muscles. My fingers can’t decide if they want to touch him or the needy spot between my legs.

  “We need to hurry,” I whisper.

  Dino chases me to the elevator where we get a little foreplay out of the way. Once the doors open, we haul ass down to our room. I know we should be on guard, but I’m too horny to care.

  As soon as we enter the room, I strip out of my bikini. Dino turns off the internal cameras. He doesn’t rush to join me, instead watching me crawl on the bed.

  “Are you ready to see my Italian sausage?” he asks without any humor.

  My eyes widen as I bounce on the bed. “Yes, please.”

  Dino laughs at my enthusiasm. “I’m trying to set a mood here, Apples.”

  “Save the fancy shit for another day,” I say, rolling onto my back and spreading my legs in the air. “For tonight, just pork me, okay?”

  Dino removes his swim trunks and tosses them towards the bathroom. My gaze only focuses on the thick erection I imagine inside me. Dino crawls over me and finds my lips.

  “I need it now.”

  “Maybe I ought to make you beg.”

  Cupping his face, I stare into his dark eyes. “I will tie you down and take what I want if you keep teasing me.”

  “Who’s the man in this relationship?”

  “The one with the dick,” I murmur, gazing down at his erection. “If you loved me you would have fucked me twice already.”

  Dino grunts. “You don’t play fair.”

  “And I never will.”

  We laugh until the head of his cock disappears inside me. After sighing in unison, we quickly find a hard, fast rhythm. Dino doesn’t stop when I come or even when he comes. He never seems to go soft. He only flips me over and slides back inside my body. Not that I’m complaining about the man’s stamina.

  By the time Dino relaxes next to me, seeming satisfied for the time being, I’m an orgasmic puddle.

  “Yeah, I’m that good,” he says, resting his cheek against my breast.

  “Your hips are like a machine.”

  Dino grins up at me as he rolls to his stomach and kisses the fullness under my breast.

  “Rafael wants the job done,” Dino says.

  “Don’t you?”

  “Sure. Now that you admit loving me, we can go anywhere.”

  “So, do we storm Black’s hideout or smoke him out? The cabin is accessible by one road, and he’ll be waiting for us. If we go in with guns blazing, it’ll be a little difficult to make his death look like a suicide or accidental.”

  “What if we don’t kill Black?” Dino asks in a voice muffled by his lips against my waist.

  “Except that’s the job.”

  “No, the job is to return Common Bend to Johansson. We can do that without taking out the top guy. With him hiding in the woods, the assumption is we’re gunning for him. Why not flip the script?”

  “I’m not seeing how.”

  “His power comes from his lackeys. We’ve wiped out his main meth lab and made him look weak. If we take out a few more of his loyal deputies, he’ll lose the power to do much more than follow orders.”

  I smile at his devious expression. “You still have that one deputy’s gun.”

  “A murder-suicide would make everything nice and tidy. One of his guys got his balls blown off, but Black never let the info hit the papers. Hayes killed another, and again the story stayed quiet. If we take out two more deputies, Black would be scared. If Johansson gives him the chance to walk away, the asshole will take it.”

  “Is that a suitable solution for Cooper?”

  “If we kill Black, he’ll still have to worry about the deputies. This way, Black hides the mess we’ve made since he doesn’t need the heat. When he walks away to save his ass, Johansson can install a new sheriff who can get rid of the rest of Black’s loyalists.”

  I watch Dino kiss and nibble at the flesh around my belly button. “I like the plan, but what if it makes us look like we couldn’t get to Black and chickened out?”

  “I don’t give a shit what anything looks like. If Johansson told us to come into town and whack the sheriff the first damn day, Black would be dead, and we’d be back in Houston. Of course, if he did that you wouldn’t have had the time to fall head over heels in love with me.”

  “So true.”

  “After we finish here, we’ll visit your mom.”

  “Or we can return to Houston and hang out for a while.”

  “Why put it off?”

  “I’m not sure I’m ready. You know how you walked away from your life after your father died? My dad dying made me ditch my life in Salem. We weren’t even close, but something changed in me, and I blamed Mom. I’m not sure I can stop blaming her.”

  “What did she do?” Dino asks, taking my hand.

  “Nothing that caused his death.”

  “How did he die?”

  “He was helping an asshole move, and another asshole came over and argued with the first asshole. The first asshole pulled a gun on the second asshole. There was a struggle over the gun between the two assholes. Each one got shot and lived. My father got what he thought was a flesh wound, but he died. That was my dad in a nutshell. The sucker who gets killed while assholes live for-fucking-ever.”

  “I’m sorry. He sounds like a nice guy, though.”

  Thinking of my dumpy, sweet dad, I wish I’d known him better. “Yeah, and being nice got him nothing. No woman to love him. Overlooked at work. Used by everyone he met. Mom wasn’t the first or the last. His death wasn’t her fault, but I couldn’t look at her afterward. She is exactly the kind of person who brings bullshit down on others.”

  “Are you having second thoughts about visiting her?”

  “No, but I don’t want to be a nutter when I see her.”

  “What are you afraid will happen?”

  “I’ll scream or cry or try to strangle her. Just do something wild and then I’ll feel like I need therapy, and I don't want any fucking therapy. All of my girlfriends go to therapy, and that’s great for them, but I’m not doing it.”

  “After you scream or cry or strangle her, you just go on with your life. It doesn’t have to mean anything besides you faced a fear.”

  Tightening my grip on his hand, I ask, “And you’ll be there with me?”

  “Most definitely. I’ll cover my ears if you scream. I’ll wipe your tears if you cry. I’ll hide the body if you strangle her. I’m not going anywhere.”

  Smiling, I slide against him and sigh when his arms wrap around me.

  “I’m sorry I hit you so much.”

  “That punch was one reason I fell for you.”

  “No, I’m not sorry about that punch. You were fucking asking for that. I meant more about when we started this job. I kept smacking you even when you were just regular annoying. I’m sorry.”

  “You thought that shit would keep me from wooing your pretty ass. Poor, delusional Minka.”

  “I know, right?” I say, grinning. “Normal men would be freaked out from all the hitting, but I knew you weren’t normal. I didn’t think out my plan.”

  “In the end, it worked out.”

  I stare into his dark eyes and smile. “I’m still sorry.”

  “Good girl,” he says, patting my head.

  “You’re making me less sorry.”

  Dino chuckles. “I’m like a puppet master, and you’re my doll.”

  Pretending to be offended, I turn away. Dino rolls against me, and I feel his growing erection poking at my butt. Glancing back at him, I share his smile. Dead deputies and crappy moms will wait for tomorrow. Tonight, I only care about this sexy man.


  ~ Dino ~

  Playing Dress Up

Never as a mob hitman did I need to disguise myself. The concept feels silly, but Minka reacts excitedly to the idea of dressing up as elderly tourists. She pulls out a suitcase full of makeup and wigs. I watch her bouncing around and enjoy the view. My day is going well until she hands me a gray wig.

  “Will it itch?” I ask.

  Minka grins but says nothing. She’s giddy about us dressing up. When she pulls out her makeup kit, I dodge her.

  “No, I’m good.”

  “There is no way you’ll pull off playing an old dude without makeup.”

  “Ugh, why did you have to call it makeup? Now I’m putting my foot down.”

  “The big strong man can’t handle a little foundation?” she asks, pushing me on the bed and stepping between my legs. “Now, I’ve got you pinned. So, are you gonna keep whining or can we do this thing?”

  Frowning, I hold still while she leans back my head and dabs on makeup. My scowl fades when I realize I’m eye-level with her tits. The day is looking better already.

  Minka moans when my teeth tease her nipple through the thin tee she’s wearing.

  “I’m working.”

  “Uh-huh,” I murmur as my hands grip her ass and roll the flesh in my hands.

  Minka ignores my fondling for a few minutes, but my teeth refuse to relent on her hard nipples.

  “Fuck,” she groans, tossing aside the makeup and pushing me back.

  “That’s all I wanted.”

  Minka is in a frenzy until my cock fills her completely. Sighing, she smiles at me before riding my hips wildly.

  “You’re putting on the rest of disguise.”

  “Sure, Apples,” I say, reaching into her shirt and pinching her nipples.

  A wild, fun ride later, Minka returns to making me look like my grandpa.

  “I’d fuck you,” she says, admiring her handiwork. “You’re a handsome old bastard.”

  Minka turns away before I can get her back on the bed. She hurries into the bathroom and works on her makeup. I try on the clothes in the case. They fit fine length-wise but are too baggy.

  “Who used this disguise before?”

  “Troy. Don’t worry. It’s all been cleaned. You won’t get his cooties.”

  “I’m more thinking size-wise,” I say, joining her in the bathroom. “Hello, sexy Ethel.”

  Minka looks good wrinkled up. I imagine popping quite a few Viagra when we’re old enough that our bodies won’t cooperate with the dirty thoughts in our heads.

  Minka bats her eyes. “Looking good, Ernest.”

  Pulling at the excess shirt, I mutter, “Your ex was a fat fucker.”

  “It’s so cute when you’re insecure,” she says, sliding on her wig. “He’s beefier than you. A lion versus a jaguar.”

  “I like that,” I murmur, feeling her up through her granny shirt.

  “Knock it off. You’ll make me sweat, and the makeup will run.”

  “Why do we need this again?” I whine.

  “How old are you?”

  “When my dick gets hard, I’m about twelve,” I say, tugging at my pants. “Don’t blame me. Blame nature.”

  Minka laughs. “People will notice two hot people like us in Common Bend. Old people are ignored.”

  “Not when they’re this hot,” I say, cupping her left tit.

  “Don’t make me start smacking you again.”

  Minka dodges my greedy hands until we’re parked in Common Bend. Half a block down, two of Black’s deputies enjoy a three-hour lunch. Next to me, in the late model sedan we borrowed from Hayes, Minka sports a green visor and a fanny pack. Despite the shitty rock music CD she’s playing, my raging boner tries to talk Minka into crawling into the backseat and getting frisky like the old timers in Cocoon.

  “Never saw the movie,” she says, pretending to look at a map.

  “You’re missing out.”

  “Old people fucking doesn’t interest me.”

  “It’s a quality movie. One of my mom’s favorites.”

  Minka gives me a grin. “You’re such a mama’s boy.”

  “Laugh it up. One day, you’ll have our sons wrapped around your finger too.”

  Minka wants to say something feisty. I sense her need to mock me, but her mouth remains shut.

  “I’m proud of you,” I say.

  “Nearly broke a hip but I managed.”

  “How long are we going to sit here?”

  “Do you want to walk over there and shoot them in front of everyone?”


  “We could do a drive-by.”

  “I’m game.”

  “We have the deputy’s gun. Seems like a waste not to use it in a murder-suicide scene.”

  “You’re too professional. Let’s half-ass things and then leave this redneck paradise.”

  “When we get back to Houston, will we live together or hook up a few nights a week?”

  “I’m marrying you, Apples. Screw that ‘few nights a week’ shit.”

  “I just wanted to make sure you were still ready to make me an honest woman.”

  “Are you gonna stop lying and cheating once we’re married?”

  “No, but I promise I won’t cheat on you or lie about important stuff.”

  “Can I lie too?”

  “To me? No. To other people? Sure.”

  Before I can complain, I catch sight of the deputies readying to leave.

  “Maybe they’ll go somewhere private so we can finish this.”

  “I betcha they won’t. You’re not that lucky.”

  “I banged you a few hours ago. I’d say that makes me pretty lucky.”

  Minka laughs while adjusting her giant grandma sunglasses. I’m dying to make her laugh in the backseat. She’s pretty ticklish, and I know all her tender spots. Unfortunately, we’re on the clock.

  The deputies end up at the sheriff’s office.

  “Told you,” Minka says, again pretending to be looking at a map.

  “How long can you look at that?”

  “I have bad eyes. I’ll look at it until I’m done.”

  Sighing, I scratch my head and nearly knock off my wig. Minka never looks at me, but I hear her snickering.

  “I’m bored.”

  “Let’s talk then. Don’t married people do more than fuck?”

  “Yeah, they talk and stare at the TV. I think they might do some other shit too, but mainly it’s those three things.”

  “Fine, let’s talk.”

  “Do you ever talk to Frankie?”

  Immediately tense, I growl, “No.”

  “Are you angry with him?”

  “He’s a fucking rat. We can’t be buddies.”

  “Did he rat on you or your family?”

  “No. He went undercover in a different family. Told my parents he was working in construction. He looked my parents in the eyes and lied. Then he testified against the Tovino family and took down some of their big guys. Did he think about how I might get killed when people found out Frankie was a rat? Or did he worry about our parents? Fuck no. He only cared about his magical idealism bullshit.”

  “Do you really not know where he is, or is that a lie to avoid seeing him?”

  “He’s in hiding, I assume. People want him dead.”

  “Are you one of them?”

  “He’s my brother.”

  “Just checking.”

  Minka falls silent, but I know she’s still thinking about Frankie. She won’t let the topic drop until she’s satisfied. Not after I pushed her on visiting her mom.

  “He sends my mom cards and calls her once a week. He won’t say where he is, and he didn’t come home for Dad’s funeral. I know he probably couldn’t, but it still pissed me off.”

  Minka studies me from behind her giant glasses. “Are you pissed because he was a cop or because he was a rat cop?”


  “Or are you mad because the brother you idealized kept secrets from you?”

  Narrowing my eyes, I mutter, “I didn’t
idealize him.”

  “Yeah, you did.”

  “I looked up to him a little.”

  “Don’t lie to your future wife.”

  I roll my eyes but admire her ability to fuck with me. “Low blow.”

  “It’s okay if you feel like he betrayed you. I just want you to be honest about why you’re mad.”

  “Fine, I’m mad because he had to be a dickhead and go on his own and do his stupid bullshit and lie about it all.”

  “Do you want to talk to him?”

  Shrugging, I’ve considered her question a million times.

  “If he contacted you, would you take the call?” Minka asks.

  “Sure, just to tell him to fuck off.”

  Minka’s soft fingers caress my face. I wish I weren't wearing the stupid makeup so I could feel her better.

  “My brother always seemed like the coolest guy,” I admit. “He was a do-gooder as a kid too. I knew that, but having him be a rat cop was too much.”

  “I’m sorry he disappointed you.”

  “Our lives are just too different. Even now, he wouldn’t approve of my choices. I think it’s best to remember him the way he was when we were kids.”

  Removing her glasses, Minka takes my hand and smiles at me. Somehow these small gestures make me feel better. Love is a powerful fucking tonic.

  “It breaks my heart to see you unhappy,” she says.

  “You’re a good woman, Minka.”

  Blinking rapidly, she looks a little teary-eyed. I squeeze her hand and distract her by whining about my wig again. Minka smiles appreciatively. Neither of us wants to lose sight of the day’s plans.


  ~ Minka ~

  Bang Bang Bang

  If I ever have henchmen, and they know the enemy is on the move, I’ll be sure to instruct the idiots not to get drunk. Black clearly didn’t have this talk with his deputies, since they’re wasted an hour after arriving at the blond one’s house.

  “These dipshits love blowjobs,” Dino says as if he isn’t talking about every guy ever.

  While sliding on my boots, I bang my knee on the dashboard. “Crap! Stop distracting me with your whining.”

  “You seem tense. Want a pussy massage?”


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