The Undead Day Sixteen

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The Undead Day Sixteen Page 10

by RR Haywood

  ‘Blowers,’ she calls quietly.

  ‘What,’ his voice sounds through, muted and strained.

  ‘You okay out there?’

  ‘Yeah fine, how’s the boss?’

  ‘Still the same,’ she replies, raising her voice enough for everyone to hear, ‘asleep I think…or…yeah just asleep.’ She bites the word unconscious off before it spills from her mouth. Howie isn’t asleep. You can be roused when you are asleep and the prospect of him being unconscious is too worrying to contemplate. Being unconscious means you can’t be woken up as something is wrong with you. It means your body or mind is fucked up and has shut down. Howie isn’t fucked up. Howie doesn't get fucked up. Howie is just resting.

  ‘He’s sleeping,’ she reaffirms, ‘he’ll be okay.’

  ‘What if he isn’t,’ Nick says from the shadows behind her. She turns to see his face flaring in light as he ignites the end of another cigarette.

  ‘He is,’ she replies quickly.

  ‘We gotta get him back to the doc’s. We grab what we can and get the fuck out of here.’

  ‘He just needs rest,’ she repeats.

  ‘I’m with Nick,’ Blowers calls through the hole, ‘we’ve got the Saxon, we fucking load up what we can and fuck off out of here. What if the boss needs medical help?’

  ‘Clarence’ll be back in a minute,’ Lani says with a glance towards the end of the room, ‘we’ll…’

  ‘He’s not asleep,’ Roy’s voice joins in the conversation as Lani winces at the blunt words, ‘sleeping people can be woken up. He’s unconscious.’

  ‘Lani?’ Cookey calls through the hole, ‘is that true? Can’t you wake him up?’

  ‘Cookey, Mr Howie needs rest so…’

  ‘Yeah but I heard you shouting at him,’ Cookey blurts, ‘everyone was bloody shouting and he didn’t wake up…so he’s unconscious which means something is wrong with him…we gotta get back…’

  ‘Cookey, calm down,’ Lani says softly, ‘he’s not injured…he didn’t hit his head or anything so…’

  ‘How do you know he didn’t?’ Roy says stepping closer to the gathering group, ‘head trauma can manifest in unusual or aggressive behaviour. He could have a blood clot for all we know.’

  ‘Roy!’ Lani hisses.

  ‘Fuck,’ Cookey exclaims, ‘I’m coming through…we’re getting Mr Howie back right now.’

  ‘Alex just slow down,’ Lani moves back as Cookey’s head appears through the hole.

  ‘He’s got a fucking blood clot…that shit kills people.’

  ‘He doesn't have a blood clot,’ she says softly.

  ‘He might,’ Roy says matter of fact.

  ‘He doesn't have a bloody blood clot,’ she snaps, ‘he’s exhausted…’

  ‘Yeah but Roy knows shit like that,’ Cookey grunts as he gets through, ‘he’s like the doc in our group…so…so like if he says Mr Howie might have a clot then we gotta get him back.’

  ‘You’ve been fighting non-stop for what? Two weeks?’ Roy asks.

  ‘More than that,’ Nick says dully, ‘and we’ve all got hit, whacked and fucked up…but we all watch each other like fucking hawks and Mr Howie hasn’t had a big bang to the head.’

  ‘What about the car park?’ Cookey asks, ‘he was out of sight and had that heart shoved in his gob…he could have had the shit kicked out of him then…’

  ‘It doesn't take a big bang,’ Roy keeps going as Lani stares daggers in the darkness, ‘any trauma to the head can cause that and we’ve all seen him fight…the way he fights…the man is unstoppable…’

  ‘Exactly,’ Lani grabs the opportunity, ‘Mr Howie is different…he doesn't get hurt or stop…he keeps going and nothing…nothing will stop him…’

  ‘But what I’m saying,’ Roy steps closer, ‘is that when he gets in that zone anything could happen and he probably wouldn’t notice it…’

  ‘Dave’s always with him,’ Nick says, ‘Dave would see if the boss got hurt.’

  ‘The boss has got hurt,’ Cookey’s voice rises in panic, ‘you seen all those bruises and cuts on him? He doesn't feel pain like we do…he’s got fucking bite marks all over him and…’

  ‘Cookey,’ Lani cuts him off.

  ‘No, Lani…Mr Howie takes more punishment than all of us put together…he could get hit round the head with a house brick and he’d keep going.’

  ‘What?’ Roy sneers, ‘he’s only human.’

  ‘Say that again you fucking prick,’ Cookey snaps, ‘Mr Howie is better than any one of us.’

  ‘Calm down,’ Roy groans, ‘Howie is the same as the rest of us.’

  ‘He fucking isn’t,’ Cookey’s voice drops dangerously low, ‘and it’s mister Howie…’

  ‘Roy,’ Nick gets to his feet, ‘I like you but say another word like that and I’ll knock your fucking teeth out.’

  ‘Grow up,’ Roy snaps, ‘listen to reason…Howie…okay, Mr Howie is a human being and human beings are all subject to the same laws of science…if he gets hit in the head it hurts him like it would the rest of us.’

  ‘No, cunt,’ Cookey takes a step towards the older man, ‘Mr Howie isn’t a human like the rest of us…you weren’t there, Roy. You didn’t hear him in our heads that day.’

  ‘The prayer?’ Roy asks somewhat too lightly.

  ‘Everyone heard it,’ Nick says, ‘every person on that field heard it…one man in thousands stood in the middle of thousands and every man, woman and fucking child heard it…you telling me that every fucking human being can do that?’

  ‘Well no, but…maybe…’

  ‘Maybe what? Maybe we all fucking imagined it? That it? Maybe we all had a shared fucking phenomena? Thousands of people all fighting to stay alive and…’

  ‘Okay, okay,’ Roy waves them down, ‘but that doesn't detract from the fact that if Lani and Dave can’t wake him up then he must be hurt.’

  ‘Where’s Clarence?’ Cookey heads off towards the rear exit doors, ‘CLARENCE?’ He shouts.

  ‘Cookey,’ Lani jogs after him, ‘they’re sorting the people out.’

  ‘Fuck the people, fucking cowards hiding in here,’ Cookey’s voice breaks with emotion concealed by a rising anger and panic, ‘CLARENCE?’

  ‘What?’ Clarence strides through with Paula right behind him, ‘what’s happened?’

  ‘Mr Howie’s probably got a blood clot, we need to get him back.’

  ‘Blood clot?’ Clarence says.

  ‘No, no he hasn’t,’ Lani interjects, ‘Roy said he could have a blood clot if he’s asleep and not waking up.’

  ‘Roy,’ Paula says in a warning tone, ‘what did you say?’

  ‘Nothing,’ the man replies, ‘just that confusion, aggression and changes in behaviour are all signs of head or brain trauma and that Mr Howie might have a blood clot.’

  ‘Roy!’ Paula snaps, ‘you don’t say things like that.’

  ‘Why not? He might need medical attention.’

  ‘He’s just exhausted,’ Lani stresses, ‘look what he’s been through.’

  ‘Fuck it,’ Clarence mutters, ‘he might be right. We should have thought of that.’

  ‘Clarence,’ Lani takes a breath, ‘Howie does not have a blood clot, he is just…’

  ‘None of us are doctors,’ Clarence cuts her off, ‘and Roy makes a good point…’

  ‘Oh fuck,’ Cookey reels on the spot, ‘he’s got a blood clot…oh fuck…oh fuck…’

  ‘Cookey!’ Nick grabs him by the arm, ‘he’s fine and Roy is bang out of order for saying that.’

  ‘No he’s not,’ Paula steps in, ‘yeah Roy is too blunt but he’s also a complete hypochondriac which means he’s clued up on this sort of thing.’

  ‘Hang on,’ Lani says, ‘you just said Roy shouldn’t say things like that.’

  ‘Yeah but he might also be right, Lani,’ Paula says, ‘Howie changed today…we all saw it…he could have a brain trauma and…’

  ‘Fuck’s sake,’ Nick growls, ‘Mr Howie doesn't have a fucking br
ain injury.’

  ‘Right, listen in,’ Clarence booms, ‘the other people here have legged it and…’

  ‘Eh? Legged it?’ Jagger asks, ‘legged it where?’

  ‘Just legged it,’ Clarence shrugs, ‘gone out the back door at the far end.’

  ‘Seriously bro?’ Jagger clucks his tongue, ‘s’fucked up innit.’

  ‘All of them?’ Blowers asks, ‘they all legged it?’

  ‘That’s what I said isn’t it,’ Clarence snaps, ‘so we get loaded and go…Blowers I want you to…’

  ‘We going after them or what?’ Mo Mo asks.

  ‘No,’ Clarence says with forced patience, ‘we are not going after them, we are loading what we can and going…’

  ‘We should go after them,’ Nick says, ‘we can’t leave ‘em out there…they won’t last five minutes.’

  ‘We are not going after them,’ Clarence sounds each word out carefully, ‘we are loading up and getting the boss back to the fort.’

  ‘Mr Howie would go after them,’ Nick continues, ‘you know he would. I’ll go…’

  ‘I’ll come,’ Mo Mo adds quickly, ‘can’t leave ‘em alone bruv.’

  ‘Me too,’ Blowers shouts through the hole.

  ‘No,’ Clarence says firmly, ‘we’re loading up and going.’

  ‘Clarence, you can’t leave people to die,’ Nick says equally as firmly.

  ‘We can and we will…’

  ‘I didn’t sign up for that,’ Nick retorts, ‘Mr Howie came after me when I got isolated and you know he’d fucking go after them.’

  ‘Don’t swear at me, Nick,’ Clarence shifts his gaze to look down at Nick.

  ‘What? I always fucking swear so don’t start that shit.’

  ‘With the boss down,’ Clarence glares round, ‘I give the orders…and my order is that we load up and go.’

  ‘Er,’ Paula speaks out clearly, ‘firstly, no one agreed that you take command and secondly, we’re all adults and we all have valid opinions.’

  ‘This isn’t a fucking meeting for accountants,’ Clarence growls, ‘this is…’

  ‘I know what it is,’ Paula snaps back.

  ‘Guys,’ Lani says quickly, ‘get a grip. We can do both.’

  ‘Both what?’ Paula asks.

  ‘Go after the people and load up and get then get Howie back to the fort.’

  ‘I thought everyone had to call him Mr Howie,’ Roy states.

  ‘I think,’ Lani says hotly, ‘that given the fact I’m his bloody girlfriend I can call him Howie.’

  ‘So I’ll take Mo Mo and Blowers after the people and you lot load up,’ Nick stubs his smoke out and grinds the ember under his boot, ‘Blowers, you coming through?’

  ‘Yes mate.’

  ‘I said no,’ Clarence’s voice drops, ‘we’re loading up and going now.’

  ‘And you can’t go with just you three,’ Lani says, ‘you got to have Dave or Clarence with you.’

  ‘Why?’ Nick asks pointedly.

  ‘You know why,’ Lani replies.

  ‘Dave won’t leave the boss,’ Cookey says quietly, ‘Clarence, you going?’

  ‘No. Nobody is going. Blowers, I want you to take Nick, Cookey, Jagger and Mo Mo down the end to sort out the ammunition we need. Roy, you and Lani head outside to see if you can find another vehicle, preferably a van or something big that we…’

  Nick interrupts quickly, ‘I can take Mo Mo and Blowers after the group, Cookey, Jagger and Paula can sort the ammunition out and Roy and Lani can find the transport.’

  ‘Stop fucking interrupting me,’ Clarence seethes, ‘there is a chain of command and…’

  ‘We’ve all got voices, Clarence,’ Paula cuts in, ‘and we’re not soldiers.’

  ‘We bloody are,’ the big man finally raises his voice, ‘we are bloody soldiers and we’ll act like bloody soldiers and do the fuck as we are told.’

  ‘Say something?’ Mo Mo cuts in with a surprisingly tactful tone to his voice, ‘Mr Howie said if he wasn’t here then Clarence and Dave were in charge, he said that to me and Jagger.’

  ‘Swear down,’ Jagger nods.

  ‘So’s, if he’s out of it then it’s either Clarence or Dave innit,’ Mo Mo adds.

  ‘Dave’s out of it with the boss,’ Jagger says.

  ‘So’s it’s Clarence,’ Mo Mo shrugs, ‘like, I wanna go after them people cos like, that’s what Mr Howie would do, but…but like Maddox always says we look after ourselves first…so…what I’m saying is that we do what Clarence says, you get me?’

  ‘I get it,’ Nick speaks before anyone else, ‘but they’ll die. We fucked up their safe place and made them leg it so…’

  ‘They shouldn’t have been hiding here in the first place,’ Cookey points out, ‘and Mr Howie asked them to put the rounds outside but they fucked us over so it’s their fault. Fuck it, we’ve got to Mr Howie back to the fort in case he has a blood clot.’

  ‘Why don’t we vote on it?’ Paula asks.

  ‘VOTE?’ Clarence booms, ‘soldiers don’t vote.’

  ‘Okay then we vote on who is in charge and all agree to do what that person says,’ Paula says calmly, too calmly.

  ‘I just said soldiers DON’T FUCKING VOTE,’ Clarence explodes, ‘we are a disciplined group and we work with discipline. That means we get on with it. Blowers, take them down and get the ammunition sorted. Roy, outside with Lani…’

  ‘We should ask Dave,’ Paula interjects, ‘he was a soldier too.’

  ‘Yes but not that kind of soldier,’ Clarence hisses.

  ‘What kind of soldier was he then?’ She asks pointedly.

  ‘He killed people.’

  ‘That’s what soldiers do.’

  ‘No. Soldiers follow orders and the very last thing is to kill people. Dave just killed people. That’s all he did,’ Clarence reaches up to rub the back of his neck.

  ‘Dave?’ Paula calls out, ‘can you hear me?’


  ‘What do you think we should do?’




  ‘I said what do you think we should do?’

  Dave sits on his haunches with one hand resting on Howie’s chest feeling the rise and fall and the solid heartbeat within. In the darkness he remains, ever watchful, ever present and never resting. One hand grips the pistol with the index finger held extended over the trigger guard.

  ‘Dave, what do you think we should do?’

  Dave doesn’t reply but knows that he should. He knows Mr Howie would go after the people and do what it took to get them to safety. Mr Howie would give the orders and everyone would respond instantly. The ammunition would be loaded, the guns made ready, guards and look-outs posted and they’d be gone within a few hours. His eyes flick over to Meredith lying at Howie’s feet. Her ears pricked and twitching at the rising sounds of the conversation in the main room.

  Dave knows he could stand up and walk into that room and assume control within seconds. They’d all listen to him, even Clarence.

  ‘You just going to ignore us then, Dave?’ Paula snaps.

  ‘Don’t talk to Dave like that,’ Cookey responds instantly.

  Meredith twitches her ears with a soft whine coming from deep within. She lifts her head to look back at Dave who rests on his haunches with one hand on Howie’s chest and the other gripping his pistol.




  ‘You awake?’


  ‘I was thinking.’

  ‘I not awake. Shush.’

  ‘About Howie and the others being immune.’

  ‘I not awake.’ She stretches a hand out from the thin blanket and feels her way up Maddox’s chest to his mouth where she presses her fingers onto his lips.

  ‘Howie is immune. Lani is immune,’ Maddox moves his head to free his mouth from the pressing fingers, ‘and Cookey is immune.’

  ‘Fine. I awake now,’ she
groans and rolls over to face him. Blinking heavily, she props her head up on one hand and yawns. ‘I hear you,’ she taps the side of his head, ‘in there…you never do the switching off.’

  ‘There’s no way they’d make each other immune,’ Maddox turns to stare at the sleepy Polish woman.


  ‘No way,’ a tiny shake of the head, ‘Lani was the first wasn’t she?’

  ‘Urgh,’ Lenski stretches, ‘that is what they say, yes.’

  ‘Lani was turned but went back to normal. Then Howie. Then Cookey.’


  ‘Howie and Lani could have kissed or had sex…but Cookey?’

  ‘Yes. They touch him,’ she says softly, ‘when he bit. They touch the place he was bit.’

  ‘Yeah I saw it, but…you don’t pass immunity like that.’

  ‘No? Maybe it happen now, maybe they do this.’

  ‘Pass disease but…’ Maddox trails off, ‘I need to see the doctors.’ He sits up in one fluid movement.

  ‘Are you sick?’ She asks quickly as she sits up with a worried look.


  ‘Why you see doctors? It early. Doctors sleep now.’

  ‘They were immune before this happened,’ Maddox sits on the edge of the bed and twists his upper body round, ‘Lani has a different immunity… but Howie and Cookey were immune before this happened.’

  ‘I er…’ Lenski blinks again and shakes her head, ‘I not know…’

  ‘They didn’t share immunity,’ Maddox explains in a rare show of talking more than one sentence at a time, ‘they already had immunity.’

  ‘Oh,’ Lenski nods, still not quite sure she understands.

  ‘If Howie, Cookey and Lani are immune,’ Maddox states, ‘how are they together? Everyone else dies if they get bitten but three people in the same group are immune.’

  ‘Oh,’ Lenski nods slowly, ‘yes we know this, they know this, the doctors they know this. Everyone they know this.’

  ‘It’s bugging me,’ Maddox sighs softly, ‘really bugging me.’

  ‘You not fix everyone,’ she reaches out to touch his muscled shoulder, ‘you young but old…everyone they look to you…you not fix everyone.’

  ‘They look to you,’ Maddox replies, ‘and Howie when he’s here.’


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