Purveyors and Acquirers (The Phosfire Journeys Book 1)

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Purveyors and Acquirers (The Phosfire Journeys Book 1) Page 23

by Unknown

  Mirada had felt at the time that Izlan was touched to learn that most of her officers planned to join her in her new mission. Izlan had then informed everyone she would be in charge of orphans, taking care of people in need and relocating to the Temple of the Ladies of Life in the city of Arlanda. It was a vocation she didn’t think would appeal to any of them, yet five of her senior staff still followed her to the Temple.

  Izlan had depleted the company funds and provided every member of the company with one season’s severance pay. Mirada had been sure Izlan’s personal supply of coin was tapped, as well, thus enabling them all to either get a new start in another company or begin life as a civilian. Mirada wondered how much the children knew of their Matriarch’s past.

  The main gate of the Temple was open on their approach. Mirada could not believe how nervous and excited she was. Even though she was no longer a junior officer, she had the same tingling in her stomach that used to arise whenever she was about to present herself to Commander Casteel. An older gentleman on guard at the gate greeted Mehrle and Fronc by name and welcomed her to the Temple. She thanked him and followed the children into the building. The children had told the truth; they were known here.

  The Temple’s large common room was light and airy. Tables had been pushed to the sides and stacked with chairs. Adults and children cleaned, swept, and scrubbed, singing a round as they worked together, which eased the tasks and made the work more playful.

  “The rodent has nuts to gather, dear. ‘Cause winter soon draws near.

  Storing food in its nest. Its hard work now will later support its rest….”

  While cleaning, one group would complete a verse of the song, and then another group would take over singing the next.

  “Diddle ducks to the south they fly. They wing like arrows through the sky.

  They quack happily as they make their way. Soon they will reach the place they’ll stay…”

  Mirada could see Commander Casteel’s touch everywhere. The troops were doing their duties but enjoying them as well. This was a happy place. She was about to ask Mehrle where to go when she heard her name called.

  “Mirada De Shewolf, is that you standing there?”

  She turned in direction of the speaker and realized that one of the women, her hair protected by an old scarf and her face stained with ash from cleaning out the fireplace, was her former commander. “Commander Casteel,” she said with a laugh, “is that you standing there?”

  “Well, it’s just Izlan now, and it is wonderful to see you.”

  Izlan walked quickly over to Mirada and gathered her in her arms. “When did you arrive in Arlanda, and how did you meet up with these two?”

  She hugged Izlan just as tightly. “I arrived yesterday and met the children at the market.”

  “How long can you stay and visit? A few former members of the company will be just as excited to see you as I am.”

  “The ship that brought me will leave in less than a quarter of a moon, and I have to be on it.”

  Izlan released her and turned to the children. “Have Ladies Charion, Landis, and Patrice, along with Master Martell, join us in my workroom. Ask Cook to attend as well, please. Come this way, Mirada. The seasons have served you well. You look good.”

  She followed Izlan out of the common room. “I never expected to find you happily covered in ash and soot. How have you been, Commander? I mean Izlan?”

  Izlan opened the door to her workroom and pointed to the table and chairs. “Have a seat. Truly, I have been fine. There have been times I miss the life we shared together, but I have no regrets. In fact, our former life and this one seem destined to be joined, if recent events are any indication.”

  Mirada sat at the table. “I don’t understand. To what do you refer?”

  Before Izlan would elaborate further, there was a knock on the door and it opened. Mirada smiled. It was Martell and Patrice, who shoved at each other like the children they cared for, seeing who would enter and welcome her first.

  Martell stopped and stepped aside. “You go ahead, Patrice. I’ll greet her after you are done.”

  “That is very generous of you.” Patrice gave Martell a brief bow then was abruptly pushed aside by Landis, who rushed into the room.

  “Where is she?”

  Mirada was barely able to rise to her feet before being embraced by Landis. Mirada heard Izlan laughing.

  “Mirada, it is good to see you. Welcome, welcome, welcome!” Landis released her. “How have you been?”

  Mirada glanced toward the open door and saw Martell grinning at Patrice, who stood glaring at Landis.

  He gestured toward her. “Looks like you were a little slow. Let me show you how it’s done.” He stepped in and gently picked Landis up at the waist, set her down out of the way, and then turned to Mirada with arms open wide.

  She stepped forward, and Martell engulfed her like a bear welcoming its prey, lifted her off her feet, and spun her around in a tight circle.

  “It is very good to see you.”

  He then placed her on her feet in front of Patrice. “I think someone is waiting to address you. Here you go, Patrice. You better get your turn before Charion arrives and jumps ahead of you.”

  Patrice hit Martell in the shoulder with her fist before giving Mirada a hug of her own. “You have been missed. How long can you stay?”

  Izlan was laughing so hard at the antics of her team that she had tears in her eyes. “Let’s wait for the others. Mirada can tell her story and not have to repeat herself. I, for one, feel like celebrating. Mirada, you must stay for dinner, and of course you are welcome to reside at the Temple as long as you are in Arlanda.”

  Mirada felt like she would burst from the pleasure of being with her comrades. “Of course I will stay for dinner. You should know I am traveling with another person.”

  Landis nudged her. “Someone… special, perhaps?”

  “No, my special someone is back where I live, in Havensharth. His name is Greyhook. The gentleman traveling with me is called Ice.” A voice from the doorway drew her attention. Turning, she saw Charion standing there.

  “Mirada, it is you.” Charion hurried over and gave Mirada a hug. “Now, what are you doing in Arlanda? Welcome!”

  “It is good to see you as well.” Mirada’s emotions finally got the best of her and joyful tears began to flow. She felt a tap on her shoulder as Charion finally released her. When she turned, Martell held a linen square out to her.

  “Thank you.” Wiping her face and nose, she looked at each in turn. “It is good to be with all of you again.”

  After a quiet knock at the door, Mehrle, Fronc, and another girl were directed into the workroom carrying trays of sliced meat, cheese, bread, and dried fruits. Holding a large pitcher dripping with condensation was “Quarter Master Rie!” Mirada hurried over to the older woman.

  “It is just Cook now. What a pleasure it is to see you. Liddea, Mehrle, Fronc, place the food on the sideboard. Use the small plates and serve everyone while I pour their cider.”

  Mirada took the pitcher in hand and directed Cook to a seat at the table. “Oh no you don’t. Now, sit right next to me. Folks can fill their own cups.”

  Izlan chuckled. “I think you should do what Mirada says. I asked you here to join us, not to serve us.”

  Cook regally placed herself in the indicated chair then nodded to the children, who began quietly passing food around to the adults gathered at the table.

  Mirada now had a name to go with the other girl: Liddea. She could tell the young ones were on their best behavior. When she was their age, she would have been just as curious about having a stranger visit and would want to listen in on the adults.

  “Fronc, would you please close the door?” Izlan asked. “The three of you can stay as long as you remain silent. That is unless discussion moves in a direction inappropriate for you to hear. This is Lady Mirada, a former Raider.”

  Martell poured himself a drink. “Now that we are all he
re, tell us your story. What happened to you, Mirada, after the company disbanded?”

  She finished chewing and swallowed. “Unlike the rest of you, I didn’t have a calling to assume. I took my coin and, for seasons, went wherever my sword took me, sometimes fighting alongside former members of the Raiders. My journeys ended three seasons ago, when I met a Bard named Greyhook, who convinced me to go to Havensharth. It was there that I found a home and someone to love. ‘Course, I had to set my hook in place and reel the man into my net. After playing him like fish on a light tackle, I caught him. Greyhook still thinks it was his idea, but over time I realize that we actually netted each other.”

  Martell whistled. “Your Bard must be quite the minstrel, to woo you away from our old life, and Havensharth has to be a unique, to hold you in one location.”

  Patrice reached for more cheese. “Greyhook must be a wonderful man. Perhaps we’ll get a chance to meet him one day. So, what do you do in Havensharth?”

  “Occasionally instruct students in the use of martial weapons and in battle strategy. One of the enclaves trains fighters. Greyhook is the Senior Bard of the Bardic Library and head of Havensharth, a community that includes several enclaves, a few of them created by Craft Smiths. Mostly, I help him govern Havensharth, which is partly why I am in Arlanda. Ice, the man I mentioned, and I are envoys on a supply run for the enclaves. Arlanda is one of the ports of call for the ship we hired.”

  Cook patted Mirada on the hand. “Then it is lucky for us that your business brought you here.”

  She took Cook’s hand in hers. “I am the lucky one. It is so good to be with you all. Izlan, earlier did you say you were going to discuss something regarding recent events?”

  Izlan looked over to the children sitting in front of the sideboard. “One of the children, Liddea, was abducted, and we had to mount a rescue. She and four other girls were safely recovered. We could have used your talents, had you reached Arlanda a half moon sooner.”

  Mirada saw the girl Liddea blush, as all eyes turned to her. “So Izzy’s Raiders rode again. I am sorry I missed the opportunity to fight alongside you all once more. I hope no one suffered any harm.”

  Charion reached for more bread. “Primarily, the people responsible for the girl’s abductions were hurt. We were fine, but not so everyone who fought with us. Patrice did what she does best—saved lives and healed the wounded.”

  Mirada saw it was Patrice’s turn to have her face redden. “Liddea, you and all the other children and adults residing at the Temple are blessed to have my comrades caring and watching over you.” She raised her glass. “To Izzy’s Raiders!”

  Her toast was answered by a chorus of voices. “Izzy’s Raiders!” Mirada had a sudden thought. “Wait, I have gifts.” She turned to Mehrle. “The boxes. Would you get them for me?”

  Mehrle stood. “They are just outside the door.” Liddea and Fronc joined her, and the three soon placed Mirada’s purchases on the floor beside her.

  “Thank you. I am sorry I don’t have anything for the three of you, but I will later. Izlan, Fronc and Mehrle agreed to act as guides for me in the city but refused to accept payment.”

  Mehrle raised her hand.

  Izlan smiled. “Mehrle, go ahead and speak.”

  She glanced briefly toward Fronc. “We didn’t think it was right to ask payment from Master Ice, since he was family, if you know what I mean. Lady Mirada was with him and coming to see you, so we included her in the mix.”

  Izlan nodded. “Well, Mirada?”

  Mirada thought over what had just been revealed by Mehrle. It still didn’t change her plans to help Izlan’s wards in some way. “I applaud your good training, but it won’t do for you to work and not receive compensation. I will see to you later and won’t accept no for an answer. Come to think of it, I’ll make sure Ice takes care of his two guides, as well.” She passed out the boxes, handing the first one to Izlan.

  Izlan inspected her present. “This is delightful. I love the inlay on the top and can’t wait to see what’s inside.”

  Mirada sat quietly, happy to watch her friends open their packages and discover the contents.

  Patrice held a pink crystal that caught the light from a lantern. “This is a flawless healing stone. You shouldn’t have gone to such expense, Mirada.”

  She chose to ignore the reference to coin spent. “I heard the Temple was a place of healing and figured where better to put healing crystals to use? I have commissioned a shop called the Silver Bell that Mehrle and Fronc recommended. You all can have your crystal fashioned into an item you can wear, if you wish. Now, on the other hand, if you decide to visit me in Havensharth, I guarantee the Smiths there can design something unique for you.”

  Charion stared intently at her blue crystal. “Mirada, I might just take you up on that offer. You said you met Mehrle and Fronc at the market. What were the names of the children who are with your Master Ice?”

  “One is a lass who introduced herself as Tulip, and the other a lad called Zeal, who is quite handy.”

  Charion turned toward Mirada, a puzzled look on her face. “Handy?”

  “Yes. They were all polite, but Zeal exhibited his hidden talents. He made an effort to point out that my coin needed to be better protected while I was shopping in the market.”

  Martell laughed. “Oh, he took your purse.”

  “Let’s say I think Zeal was trying to be helpful.” Mirada glanced toward Mehrle and gave her a wink.

  Mehrle silently mouthed, “Thank you.”

  Izlan addressed the children. “Liddea, I assume you and Nester were close by?”

  “Yes, we were, Lady Izlan. It was decided between us that I would shadow Mehrle and Fronc, while Nester did the same with Zeal and Tulip. Due to my recent disappearance, we thought it best to assume Master Ice and Lady Mirada were not trustworthy till proven.”

  “Glad to see you are all being careful, taking precautions, and listening to your mentors.”

  Mirada smiled and tried to mimic the command glare Izlan had just used on the young ones. “You are safe with me and Ice. For a moment, after we first met, I wondered if we were safe with you.”

  Izlan reached for the pitcher of cider. “Where are you staying, Mirada?”

  “Ice and I have rooms at the Slumbering Giant, an inn run by a woman known as Widow Kipper.”

  Izlan set the pitch down and sipped. “You and Ice are welcome to relocate here. We have room.”

  “I don’t know how comfortable Ice would be. He prefers to avoid large social gatherings. When next I see him, I’ll discuss your offer.”

  “Why don’t the two of you join us for the evening meal? Your visit calls for a celebration. Ice is welcome to invite his friends, if needed. We’ll make him feel welcome.” Izlan instructed the children sitting by the sideboard, “Two of you locate Ice and the others. Extend my invitation to him and any guests he wishes to include.”

  The children nodded to each other. Without saying a word, they each produced a polished coin which was set spinning on the floor. They waited until the coins stopped turning and landed on a side. The money was put away. Liddea and Fronc stood and left the room, closing the door behind them.

  Izlan leaned back in her chair. “Tell us, Mirada, more of your travels and of Havensharth.”


  AS ZEAL ENJOYED the subtle flavors nuts and fruit combined in the spice cake, periodically, he heard two females whispering, their voices too faint to understand but distracting nonetheless, especially since Tulip was the only girl present and neither belonged to her. In the room, faintly outlined in the wall next to the table, he noticed a door with writing above it. The script was not one he was able to decipher. Maybe the speakers he heard were on the other side of the wall, he thought.

  Then sound and speech in the room suddenly ceased. When he looked toward Masters Feneas and Ice, he saw their mouths moving but could no longer hear them. An adult female addressed him.

  Boy, ignor
e the door. Come over to me. I want to look at you.

  He looked up and then to either side. What was going on? He heard the summons inside his head yet sensed it had originated from behind him, so he turned around in his seat. The area across the room was no longer encased in darkness. Standing in front of a sleeper was the largest female feline he had ever seen. Lying on the floor in front of her, also watching him, was her babe. Forgotten were the other people in the room.

  The piece of cake he was holding fell from his hand. He slid from his chair to the floor in an attempt to remain unnoticed by the other people in the chamber and crawled over to them.

  Get down where she can see you better, and let us examine you.

  Compelled, Zeal started to sit but instead dropped prone, face-level with the little one. The small feline came closer till they were nose to nose. Its eyes opened wider, the pupils began to expand, and the color of its irises changed, transitioning from green to red then settling on black. The small veins leading to the eye’s clear center pulsed. The rhythm became a reflection of his beating heart. He felt the animal’s breath on his face. The scent of milk recently suckled was drawn into his nose, and his stomach growled with reawakened hunger as his breathing matched the baby cat’s.

  Trying to analyze and make sense of what he was experiencing, he thought back on his first meeting with Lady Iris. At the time, it had never occurred to him that he was possibly in danger. Should he be afraid now, though? he wondered. Was he in peril? Just as before, he found himself, well, curious and fascinated. What did the two want of him?

  Well, here he is. Hunt well. You have a decision to make.

  Fingers laced under his chin, Zeal found he was unable to move, even though he wanted to gather the small entity to him. Can I touch her, please? he said without using his voice to communicate his wish.

  No, be still. Keep your hands to yourself while I see if you are prey.

  Zeal found the silence disturbing. What would happen if they decided he was prey? His vision narrowed until he was only able to view the two eyes in front of him. The creature’s orbs acted as mirrors. He found himself looking at his own reflection, which began to morph, becoming more catlike, his snout extended, ears moved toward the top of his head, mouth broadened. He grew fangs as whiskers and fur sprouted.


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