Mended Fences: Will love and kindness be able to mend the fences broken by intolerance? (Mended Hearts Book 2)

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Mended Fences: Will love and kindness be able to mend the fences broken by intolerance? (Mended Hearts Book 2) Page 20

by Sarah Markel

  “We need to take baths together more often.” Kelly said, pressing herself back against Alex’s breasts. Alex laughed and pressed a kiss to Kelly’s lips. “I love you.” she said, lying her head back against the tub and closing her eyes. Contented, Alex let herself relax in the hot water. “Honey, let’s go to bed.” Kelly said softly, dragging her nails along the inside of Alex’s thigh. Alex’s eyes popped open, instant arousal blazing through her. Without a word, she nodded and followed Kelly quickly out of the tub. Alex shook her head and chuckled when Kelly tossed a towel into her face and sauntered naked out of the bathroom. Alex wrapped the towel around herself and made her way into their bedroom. Closing the door, Alex dropped the towel and walked slowly toward the bed where Kelly waited, her naked body flushed with desire. Lowering herself carefully over Kelly’s body, Alex whispered “Do you have any idea how sexy you are?” Kelly looked up into Alex’s emerald eyes and bit her lip. Alex leaned down and pressed feather-soft kisses along the blush that had spread over Kelly’s face at the complement. When she moved her kisses lower, Kelly urged Alex’s head up to meet her eyes. “Do you have any idea how much I love you, Alex?” Before Alex could answer, Kelly claimed her mouth in a soul-searing kiss. Alex let herself melt against Kelly, the promise of a night full of passion lingering in the air.


  “He’s such a good little sprout.” Kelly said. May was half over and spring was in full bloom. The clear skies and warm sun had finally managed to happen on a Saturday, and Alex and Kelly had invited Chelsea and Billy and Lauren and Judy to bring the kids over for a picnic lunch. Addy, Carrie, and Dej were playing in the yard, while Zane, Colton, and their girlfriends lounged around in the gazebo. Kelly, Chelsea, and Judy were settled on the grass with Chelsea’s one year old son, watching the baby as he crawled around in exploration. “He really is.” Chelsea beamed, brushing the boy’s unruly auburn curls out of his eyes. When baby Andy crawled over and reached for Kelly’s hand, she pulled the boy into her lap and tickled his tummy. “Are you and Alex planning on having more kids?” Judy asked, leaning back on her elbows and stretching her legs in front of her. Looking toward her guests, Kelly shrugged. “We’ve never really talked about it. I would love a few more, but Alex hasn’t said anything about wanting more.” When Chelsea and Judy both snickered, Kelly swatted playfully at them and laughed. “If Alex wants more kids, she will say so. If not, then I will just have to focus all my mommy instincts and urges on Zane and Dej.” Judy and Chelsea exchanged glances when they saw the momentary look of longing on Kelly’s face.


  “Alex! Stop ogling your woman and pass me those shingles!” Lauren said sternly. “Tell me again why I asked you to help me.” Alex replied dryly, hefting the stack of shingles onto her shoulder and carrying them over to where Lauren knelt. This spring had started out even wetter than usual, and now that they had a break in the weather, Alex had decided to replace the old shingles on the garage with new ones. It was a chore she had been putting off since before their Easter trip to Florida. When their guests had arrived that morning, Alex had recruited Lauren and Billy to help. Chuckling, Lauren slapped Alex on the ass as she dropped the load next to her. “Because I know what I’m doing.” she said, watching her friend. Alex had carried a look of longing ever since Chelsea and Billy had arrived with their kids. Lauren wasn’t sure if anyone else had recognized it, but she had. Alex had baby fever. “Alex, why don’t you just tell her you want a baby?” she asked, throwing the old shingles she had gathered down to Billy at the dumpster. Billy’s assistance had been limited to cleaning up the mess the two women were throwing off the roof, because he was deathly afraid of heights. Alex huffed out a breath and sat down on the ridge of the roof, resting her elbows on her knees. “She hasn’t said she wants a baby yet. With the wedding coming up in a couple months, I don’t want to overwhelm her.” she replied, her shoulder’s slumping. “You know,” Lauren said, climbing up to sit next to Alex “I used to be a lot like you. I never told Judy what I wanted, because I figured if she wanted the same thing she would speak up. We were married for five years before I broke down and told her I wanted her to have a baby. And when I did, she was so pissed that I hadn’t said something earlier. She had been ready since the day we got married to start a family. Did you ever hide what you wanted from Callie?” Alex looked out over the street and smiled at the memories of her time with her late wife.

  “No.” she sighed. “I told her everything I ever wanted and she did her best to make it happen.” Looking back to her friend, Alex leaned her head to the side and rested it on Lauren’s shoulder. Patting her friend on the back, Lauren said “Well, you’ve said that you want to give Kelly everything she wants, so why not ask her?” Shrugging, Alex stood when she noticed that Alan and Terry were heading their way with little Ollie. “I’ll ask her once the wedding is over.” she said. Cupping her hands around her mouth, Alex yelled down to the men “Hey, Terry! Send Alan out back with the other birds and come up here! Lauren is making a mess!” She laughed when Lauren let out an offended gasp and playfully slapped her on the shoulder.


  A few hours later, Alex, Terry, Lauren, and Billy joined their spouses in the back yard. Taking a seat on the bottom step of the deck, Alex pulled Kelly back to sit between her legs while the others took seats next to their respective spouses. “So what are we talking about that has you ladies all giggly?” she asked, pressing a kiss to Kelly’s cheek. Alex and the others had heard the group laughing for the last thirty minutes. “Alan was telling us about Terry’s devotion to RuPaul.” Judy laughed. Shaking her head, Alex raised an eyebrow at the man. “RuPaul, huh? Are you a closet queen, Terry?” Terry covered his face with his hands, hiding the blush that had suffused his face. Alex, Billy, and Lauren joined in the laughter. Placing a hand on Terry’s shoulder, Lauren said “Don’t be embarrassed, dude. Everyone loves a queen.” Terry groaned and held his hands out to quiet everyone. “Was it the ‘Champion’ story?” he asked, cutting his eyes at his husband. Nodding, the girls broke out in renewed laughter. Shaking his head, Terry set the record straight. “I don’t know what gossip girl here has told you, but the only reason I wore that outfit was because we were going to a costume party. The theme was famous queens, and I chose RuPaul. You all laugh it up, but I won the costume contest with that outfit.” he said, raising his hand in a royal wave.

  “So where are Steve and Angie?” Chelsea asked, looking at Alex. Shrugging, Alex rested her hands on Kelly’s stomach. “They haven’t been overly social lately. Angie’s been sick as hell the last two weeks, and Steve has been babying the hell out of her.” she said, scanning the yard to do a head count. “Hey, where is Dej?” she asked, not seeing the child anywhere in the yard. Just then, the girl poked her head up from behind Billy’s back and screamed “Gotcha!” as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Chuckling, the man stood and pulled Dej’s legs around his sides, holding on to her so she didn’t fall. While the child squealed in delight, Billy ran around the yard, yelling for someone to help get the monkey off his back. The other kids ran to join them as Terry stood and scooped Carrie up onto his back. The women sat back watching as each of the children took their turns getting piggy back rides. While the other kids were occupied, the group of teens went over to join the adults by the deck.

  “Hey Moms, can I ask a question?” Zane said as he sat next to Kelly on the grass. When Willow sat next to him, he took the girl’s hand and rested it on his knee. Alex smiled at the sight. He’s growing up so fast! She thought to herself. “Do I have to be the ring bearer at the wedding?” he asked. After exchanging a glance with Kelly, Alex shook her head. “No, not if you don’t want to be.” she said. Looking at the ground after he noticed the look of hurt flicker over his mother’s face, Zane explained. “Well… the ring bearer is usually a little kid, and I think little Kevin would be better for it. I’d rather be an usher or something.” With a big smile, Kelly patted her son’s knee. “Sweetheart, that
is very nice of you to let Kevin carry the rings.” she said softly, leaning over to kiss his cheek. Blushing like mad, Zane playfully swiped at his cheek and groaned “Eww, gross! Now I’ve got mom germs!” When Willow and the others started laughing, Zane grabbed her around the waist and rubbed his cheek against hers before taking off across the yard. “Willow has ‘mom’ germs!” The adults laughed as Willow ran after the boy, Colton and Shantel joining them. Shaking her head, Judy chuckled “And here I thought they had outgrown the cooties stage.”


  “Daddy, I have a question for you.” Kelly said that evening. After their friends had gone home, Alex had suggested that Kelly call and talk to her father about little Kevin being in the wedding. “Zane doesn’t want to carry the rings, so he suggested that maybe little Kevin could do it instead.” she explained. “Oh Kelly, he would love that! All he talks about to his friends is how his big sister is getting married and he gets to go all the way across the world to be there.” Kevin said with a chuckle. “And he will be even more excited when I tell him that it was Zane’s suggestion. He idolizes that boy.” It was Kelly’s turn to laugh as she remembered how her little brother had followed Zane around during their visit for Thanksgiving and how he had been Zane’s shadow during Easter. After making arrangements with her father for the family to come up a week sooner so Kevin and Kylie, who was now a flower girl, could be fitted for their outfits, Kelly said goodbye and went to find Alex.

  She found Alex lying on the couch, with her feet crossed at the ankles on the arm, and her eyes closed. Kelly stood by the back of the couch and smiled as she watched Alex sleep. I’m going to be her wife! She thought, I can’t believe it, in just a few weeks I will be Mrs. Alex Walker. Kelly reached her hand down to brush at a strand of hair on Alex’s forehead, and was surprised when Alex grabbed her arm and yanked her down. Falling over the back of the couch to lay on top of Alex, Kelly let out a grunt when she landed. Chuckling, Alex opened her eyes and pressed her lips to Kelly’s. “Sheesh, I was just resting my eyes, Stalker.” she said playfully. “I know. I was just trying to figure out how to make that beautiful face of yours smile.” Kelly replied, playing her tongue over Alex’s bottom lip. Moaning softly, Alex pressed her hand to the small of Kelly’s back. “The kids are at Colton’s for the night.” she murmured against Kelly’s lips. Nodding, Kelly pressed herself firmly against Alex’s center. “I know. I have plans for you tonight.” she said softly, nipping at Alex’s neck. Alex groaned and tipped her head back slightly so Kelly could kiss along her jawline. “Plans, huh? Are we going to play a game?” Kelly looked contemplative for a moment before she answered. “Of sorts, I guess.” she said as she stood. Grinning at the look on Alex’s face, Kelly took the other woman’s hand and pulled her toward the stairs.


  Once they were upstairs, Kelly pressed herself against Alex. She leaned up on her toes to reach Alex’s ear. “Take off your clothes.” she said, her voice barely audible. Alex sucked in a breath as her arousal skittered to life. Doing as she was instructed, Alex rid herself of her t-shirt and jeans. Standing before Kelly in just her underwear, Alex reached out to pull her forward. Kelly shook her head and stood back a step. “Lay on the bed and close your eyes.” she instructed. When Alex complied, Kelly skirted the bed and walked toward their bathroom. “I will be right back.” she said before disappearing behind the door. She is so fucking sexy when she’s demanding! Alex thought as she watched the door close. Alex waited, propped up against the headboard with her legs stretched out in front of her and laced her fingers behind her head, until Kelly opened the bathroom door and told her to close her eyes.

  When Alex closed her eyes, Kelly stepped out of the bathroom and walked slowly to the edge of the bed next to Alex. Leaning down close, Kelly whispered “Keep them closed until I say.” Nodding, Alex caught the scent of Kelly’s perfume and felt herself swoon. Oh my God! Alex thought. I’ve never smelled anything like it! Carefully, Kelly climbed onto the bed and straddled Alex’s hips, keeping distance between them by staying on her knees. “Don’t touch.” she said when Alex raised her hands to rub Kelly’s thigh. Alex bit back an impatient groan but set her hands back on the bed and waited. Kelly leaned down and whispered as she reached under her pillow. “Will you still touch me every night when we are married?” she asked, pulling the toy from its hiding place. Alex bit her lip and nodded. “I’ll touch you every night whether we are married or not, baby. I can’t get enough of how you fell under my fingers.” she breathed. Teasingly, Kelly moaned and pressed her hips gently against Alex’s belly causing the woman to gasp. “Oh, no fair!” Alex whined. Placing her finger against Alex’s lips, Kelly whispered “Patience.”

  When Alex whimpered and nodded, Kelly placed just her fingernails on Alex’s chest. She watched as Alex struggled to keep her eyes closed and bit her lower lip when Kelly dragged her nails lightly down her chest. When Kelly’s nails dragged over her taught nipples, Alex sucked in a breath. “Holy shit, baby.” she panted. Kelly smiled to herself and continued her sweet torture of Alex’s flesh. Making her way around Alex’s sides, Kelly whispered “Lean up a bit.” and unclasped Alex’s bra. Removing the garment and tossing it aside, Kelly dipped her head to play her tongue across the raised peaks. Alex arched her back, making small mewling sounds in her throat. It was Kelly’s turn to whimper at the sounds of pleasure that emanated from Alex at every touch. Christ, I love making her tremble! She thought as the sounds increased. She made her way slowly, with her lips and her nails, down to the waistband of Alex’s panties. When she scraped her teeth over the taught, warm flesh under Alex’s navel, Alex’s hips shot up as the woman gasped “Oh God, Kelly!” Kelly placed a soft kiss on the same spot and quickly pulled the panties down over Alex’s raised hips. With the panties gone, Kelly rested herself between Alex’s thighs. “Just a little longer, sweetheart.” she murmured softly, her voice thick and husky. Alex bit her lip again and nodded, her body quivering with anticipation.

  Kelly danced her fingernails over the tender flesh of Alex’s inner thigh, stilling her movement when she reached the soft, moist, copper curls that covered her destination. Lazily, she parted the curls and moaned softly when the swollen evidence of her lover’s arousal came into view. Kelly readjusted herself, wrapping her arms around Alex’s thighs to steady them, and lowered her tongue to press against the hard nub. Alex’s hips surged forward at the contact, her breath hitching. Reminding herself to take her time, Kelly lavished Alex’s center with thorough attention. When she felt Alex tense underneath her, Kelly closed her lips around the throbbing bud and sucked gently. Unable to control herself any longer, Alex wrapped her fingers in Kelly’s hair as her orgasm washed over her. “Baby! Don’t stop!” Alex panted as Kelly urged her through another wave of pleasure. When her muscles relaxed, and her body began to shudder, Alex gently urged Kelly up and with her eyes still closed, claimed the woman’s mouth. “I love you.” Alex murmured when their lips parted and Kelly once again straddled her hips. “You can open your eyes now.” Kelly murmured, once she was settled.

  Opening her eyes slowly, Alex gasped when her gaze landed on Kelly. She smiled as her gaze traveled over the magenta, open fronted baby doll lingerie that covered Kelly’s voluptuous breasts. “Can I touch?” she asked. Kelly closed her teeth over her bottom lip and nodded quietly. Alex groaned as she slid her hands up Kelly’s abdomen and cupped the silk covered breasts for a moment, before letting her hands roam over Kelly’s sides and come to rest on the woman’s hips. “You look stunning, baby.” Alex said breathlessly. “So you like it then?” Kelly asked cautiously. Nodding, Alex grinned. “I love it.” she said, pulling Kelly down into deep, sensual kiss. Kelly sat up when their lips parted and reached down next to Alex’s shoulder. Lifting the toy into Alex’s line of sight, Kelly grinned and wagged her eyebrows. Alex let out a chuckle and nodded. Kelly kissed her again and guided Alex’s hand down between her legs. When Alex’s fingers grazed her swollen sex, Kelly moaned. Alex f
elt the pulse quicken between her legs as her fingers stroked gently over Kelly’s arousal. She urged Kelly up and quickly inserted the strapless toy into herself. Pushing herself up into a more upright position, Alex watched Kelly’s face as she lowered herself onto the rigid toy.

  Alex placed her hands on Kelly’s hips and leaned forward to tug with her teeth at the thin sash that held the lingerie between Kelly’s breasts. When the material fell away, Alex smiled at the sight of Kelly’s dark, tightly erect nipples. Keeping her hands in place over Kelly’s hips, Alex leaned forward and gently sucked a nipple into her mouth. She moaned against Kelly’s breast when she heard the sharp intake of breath and felt the throbbing of Kelly’s sex against her own. Rolling the nipple between her teeth, Alex bit down, just shy of hard. When Kelly hissed in a breath and whimpered at the same time, Alex pulled her head back and let the bud pull from between her teeth. She looked up into Kelly’s sapphire blue eyes and whispered, “Tell me what you want, baby.” Kelly rocked her hips and holding Alex’s gaze, she whispered back, “I want you. Hard and fast.” Alex bit her lip again and, tightening her hold on Kelly’s hips, gave the woman exactly what she asked for.


  Kelly groaned and stirred, slapping her hands over her eyes at the brightness from the sun streaming through the drapes. “Good morning, baby.” Alex said thickly as she placed a kiss to the back of Kelly’s neck. Groaning again, Kelly stretched and winced. Alex’s eyes shot open when she heard the small gasp of pain. “Are you alright?” she asked with concern. Kelly nodded, but let out a whimper when she reached down to the extremely tender spot between her legs. Unconvinced, Alex tossed the blankets back and sat up. “Let me see, sweetheart.” she said, urging Kelly onto her back. When Kelly opened her legs, Alex breathed “Oh fuck! Baby, I’m so sorry.” Alex winced when she saw the bruised, swollen skin between Kelly’s thighs. “I must have gotten carried away last night.” she said, guilt making her throat tight. Kelly shook her head and pulled Alex down next to her. “It’s not your fault, honey. I couldn’t seem to get enough of you.” she said, placing a gentle kiss on Alex’s lips. “I never want to hurt you, Kelly. I should have been a little gentler, or at least stopped using the toy to satisfy you.” Kelly gingerly rolled onto her side and faced Alex. “You never have to apologize for giving me what I ask for, Alex. I’ve told you that before.” she said, punctuating her words with a kiss. “Besides, last night I was in the mood for hard, rough sex. Bruises and tenderness have a way of happening in those instances.” Still skeptical, Alex kissed her back and got out of bed. “I’ll make us some breakfast. Do you want to eat up here?” she asked. Shaking her head, Kelly pushed herself into a sitting position and eased off the bed. “No, I think once I take a shower, I will be fine. I’ll meet you downstairs.” she replied. Nodding, Alex made her way into the bathroom to grab her own quick shower before she went downstairs.


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