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Silver Page 12

by Talia Vance

Joe lifts his hand slightly, acknowledging Haley with a curling lip. His dark hair is teased high, fully recovered from its run-in with the Blue Box. A white tee peeks out from underneath a crisp blue oxford shirt.

  I know Blake is there before I see him. The ache in my stomach is replaced with a gooey warmth, marshmallows melting into hot chocolate. My eyes find him, honing on his pale hair as light and shadows dance across it. Portia stands next to him, too close. Her burnt-orange sundress clashes with her chestnut hair. At least she got the memo about the dress code. She whispers something in Blake’s ear, but he doesn’t smile.

  As we step closer, Blake turns his head. His eyes meet mine and everything else fades away. I hold my breath, and I think he does too. In this moment, everything slides into place, filling me with a peace I haven’t felt in the two days since I last saw him. This is what I’ve waited for ever since he first walked into Magic Beans over a year ago.

  He sees me. Even with my bracelet.

  He looks away, and the moment is gone. I feel the churning emotions that swirl around in him as he pushes me away. Then it’s as if he’s walled me off completely, erecting a barrier that leaves me alone to wallow in my own pain.

  I look away, determined not to let him see how much he’s hurting me. I can’t keep it up for more than a few seconds. When I look back, Portia has her hand on his arm. The impulse to rip her away from him is strong.

  No. I can’t let myself lose control. Not with all these people here. But my eyes are drawn to the fire beside them. I can almost feel it calling to me.

  I spin away, abandoning Christy and Haley without any explanation. I head for the side of the house, as if putting stucco, glass, and wood between myself and Blake is all I need to do to change the direction of my thoughts, to keep from doing something that I can’t take back.

  I rush right into a pale green dress-shirt.

  Austin’s hands come out to steady me as I bounce from the impact with his chest, which is every bit as solid as it looks. “Juliet, take it easy.”

  “I’m sorry. It’s just … ” I rub my palms on my jeans and glance back to where Portia laughs and leans into Blake.

  Austin follows my gaze. “Right.” He grabs my forearm and pulls me in the direction I’d been walking. “Follow me.”

  I fall in step beside him, around the side of the house and down a narrow gravel path. The path ends at a three-tiered fountain that’s lit from the bottom by round lights. The little garden surrounding it is in full bloom. Yellow and purple flowers cling to the perfectly manicured bushes that frame a half circle behind the fountain. The splashes of water falling from the top bowl into the pools below cover the sounds of the party in a blanket of white noise.

  “You okay?” Austin asks, still holding my arm.

  I exhale, taking inventory. The crazy feeling is gone. For the first time in a week, there’s no pain. None. It’s odd to feel so normal. “I think so.”

  “Good.” He lets go of my arm and puts his hands in his pockets. He stares for a few seconds without saying anything. “You want to talk about it?”

  I can’t begin to explain any of it. Not my jealousy-induced pyromania in eighth grade, not this bonding thing with Blake. “It’s not a big deal, okay?”

  “You don’t know how badly I want to believe that.”

  “But you don’t?”

  Austin steps closer to me. A smile plays at the corners of his lips. “You could convince me otherwise.”

  I sit down on the cold bench, moving away from him. “I doubt it.”

  “Ye of little faith.” Austin sets his foot on the bench and leans forward.

  I feel trapped. Something about the way he’s watching me, his body blocking my way back to the path, is unnerving. I realize he’s waiting for me to say something. “I just need some time.”

  “I’m afraid you have less than you realize. Your fate will find you whether you hide from it or not.” He leans closer still, like he might kiss me. I don’t know if I want him to, but I’m not doing anything to stop him, either. I’m frozen, like something is keeping me here. His eyes grow darker, even as the gold flecks in his irises get bright. I’m lost in them, pulled toward him on an invisible current, my lips moving toward his.

  A loud crunch pulls our attention to the gravel path. Austin moves away, putting distance between us, and I feel like I’ve been woken up from a dream too soon—fuzzy and instantly alert at the same time.

  Blake moves forward, a shadow in the setting sun, his footsteps quick and determined.

  The light of the fountain dances across his face as he stops at the path’s end. His spine is rigid, making him look even taller than his six-foot frame. I feel his barely contained aggression, not only from his posture, from the inside. It flares up in me.

  Mine, but not mine.


  “What exactly do you think you’re doing?” Blake’s voice is a roar.

  I stand up and step around Austin. “What does it look like, Blake? I’m obviously having wild sex on a cement bench with my best friend’s boyfriend fifteen feet from a yard full of people.”

  “Do you two want to be alone?” Austin steps around me.

  “You don’t have to leave.”

  Austin moves a few steps away from me anyway. As soon as he does, the now-familiar warm hum and angry stomach pain converge on my abdomen like bad carne asada.

  Blake comes closer, standing directly in front of me.

  “You have to end this now.” His voice is soft but he can’t keep the menace very far below the surface. “I’m going to kill someone if you don’t.” He glances at Austin, just in case I haven’t gotten the hint.

  “So you get to completely ignore me and hang out with whatever girl you want, and I can’t even talk to another guy?”

  “Don’t pretend you don’t want him.” He lowers his voice so only I can hear. “You want him so much that half of me wants him too.”

  That is so not an image I want to have. And he’s wrong. I don’t want Austin. I moved away when he tried to kiss me, didn’t I? It’s still all fuzzy.

  Blake runs a hand through his hair. “You have to end this.”

  I take a step closer to him. The warmth in my gut swallows the pain as I get closer. I take another step, stopping only when I can feel the heat from his chest against my collarbone. “I don’t know how.” I let my hands come up to his shoulders. He doesn’t back away. I take one more tentative step, so that my feet are touching his. I let my head rest against his chest.

  His arms curl around me. “You have to find a way. I need my life back.”

  I don’t argue, although at the moment the last thing I want is my life back. I just want him to hold me like this.

  Steps crunch on the path as Austin turns and walks back to the party.

  Blake’s hand moves in spirals down my spine. I sink further into him, emboldened by the swirls of pleasure that follow the trail of his hand. His mood lifts. His pleasure becomes my own and the adrenaline that flows through me feeds a craving I didn’t know I had. I’m helpless to do anything but wrap my hands around his neck, closing my fingers in his hair.

  When he kisses me, I’m completely lost. Nothing matters except his lips on mine. His fingers moving along my back. His chest pressing into mine.

  He breaks the kiss abruptly. “Damn it.”

  My breath comes in ragged, shallow gulps. “Blake, please … ” I feel the pain that tears him inside. It slices through me, sharp and jagged. I want to fall over from it.

  “I can’t do this, Brianna. You have to figure out how to fix this before it’s too late. You don’t understand what it means.” The anger and hurt and worry all bleed together.

  “So tell me!”

  He shakes his head. “I can’t. Just trust me, okay? I don’t want this.”
br />   “You’re lying.” I pound my fist against his chest. “You wanted me on the beach. And I can feel what you’re feeling now. You do want this. You can’t pretend you don’t.”

  He grabs my wrist, stopping me from continuing to hit him. “Let’s get one thing straight, bandia. You’re a cold, evil creature who would just as soon see me burn as kiss me. And I can’t ever forget it.”

  He knows.

  He knows exactly what a jealous lunatic I am.

  The thought fills me with raw panic that is one hundred percent mine.

  He lets go of my wrist so suddenly that my hand falls to my side. “Stay away from me. Just stay the hell away.”

  I step back, hiding my face in the shadows so he can’t see my tears as he walks away.

  Falling back onto the bench, I clench my stomach, trying to control the stabbing pain before I die of internal bleeding. I don’t bother trying to keep from crying now. At least the sound of the fountain drowns out my sobs.

  Blake is bringing out the monster in me, but it’s even worse than that. He knows. He knows exactly what kind of crazy I am. No wonder he thought I burned down his house. No wonder he hates me.

  And the sickest part is how much I need to be near him. I’ve turned into an obsessive stalker while he seems to be able to just walk away, even though I know he feels the same connection I do. He complains about it enough. Joe was right about one thing—a relationship with Blake Williams will only lead to heartbreak, and that’s the best-case scenario. It could be far, far worse.

  I twist the charm hanging from my wrist. I don’t want Blake to ignore me. God knows, I should, but I don’t. I unclasp the bracelet. I sniffle and wipe my nose. Oh yeah, he’s going to fall all over himself now.

  I drape the little chain across the top of the fountain, letting the water run over it. As the water runs over my fingers, I feel a surge of energy. The water not only flows across my skin, but underneath it. It pumps through my veins, cold and strong. I draw its strength to me, closing my hand around the stream. It crackles and freezes. I open my fingers to a perfect flower blossom formed in ice.

  The odds are about seven billion to one that water would freeze into just this shape. And no law of nature can explain how water could freeze at sixty four degrees Fahrenheit. I close my hand around the flower and let it melt back into the fountain.

  There is no flash of light, no electric shock or rustling of wind. Nothing to indicate that any magic is in the air at all. Because it isn’t. It’s inside me. All of it. The earth, wind, water, and fire. I laugh, giddy with power. I don’t have to look at my reflection to know that I’m beautiful. I feel it; the power that can possess a man, body and soul. That already has.

  “Freeze,” I say under my breath, and the water in the fountain is instantly frozen, a solid block of ice. Icicles hang where the water spilled over only a second before. I squeal with excitement.

  I step onto the small lawn, kicking off my sneakers and socks and letting my bare feet sink into the grass. The earth is solid and strong, waiting for me to command it. I laugh again as I hold the power of the earth between my toes. I dance on the grass, spinning and laughing.

  “I knew I heard something.”

  I stop and turn toward the male voice in the darkness. The tone is light and friendly, but there’s some other indefinable quality to it.

  “Keep going,” he says from the shadows. “I like to watch.”

  The emphasis on that last part makes my skin crawl. I put my arms around my chest, wanting to cover up even though I’m fully clothed. Jonah steps out of the shadows and walks toward me, the outline of his body lean and strong. I back up as far as I can, until I’m pressed up against a large juniper bush, its rough leaves clawing at my back.

  “You can run if you want,” he says, as if my fear is entirely expected. “I like the chase too.”

  I freeze in place as he comes closer, not sure whether to run or scream, and seemingly unable to do either. I reach for the power I felt only seconds before. There is no trace of it. Nothing but damp grass beneath my feet and the frozen water in the fountain, mocking me.

  He bears his teeth as he smiles. “You really are something,” he says, his voice still calm. “Better than I ever imagined.” He grabs my arms, hard, hauling me against him. I try to bring my knee up to his groin but barely make contact with his thigh. He squeezes my arms tighter, laughing at my feeble attempt to fight back.

  “Jonah,” I say, finding my voice at last. “Don’t do this.”


  “Don’t do what?” Jonah holds me against him. He traces his index finger down my cheek. The motion is eerily soft.

  Bile rises in my throat.

  He cups my chin in his hand and tilts my head up so that I’m forced to look into his dark eyes. “I never in a million years would have suspected Brianna Paxton. Hiding in the shadows of her hot little friends.” He laughs to himself.

  I manage to lift my foot and come down hard on his instep.

  He doesn’t flinch. His left hand grabs my neck. “You wanna fight?” He squeezes, cutting off my breath, letting up only when I gasp for air. “Don’t tempt me to end this early.”

  “From what I understand, you can’t help ending early.” My voice is raspy and dry, but my meaning is clear.

  His eyes widen and his grip around my neck tightens. “You have nerve even showing up here, at the home of a giolla.”

  Giolla? “Where’s Blake?” I rasp, hoping to buy some time. I hear laughter from around the corner. We’re not far from the party. Someone might hear us if I can get him to let go long enough to scream.

  “You think Blake will help you?” Jonah’s hand tightens, making me gasp again. His thumb presses hard where my pulse throbs. “He’ll be first in line to rip your heart out.”

  He pushes me backward, thrusting his foot behind my knee and sending me sprawling to the grass. He does nothing to slow the momentum of my fall. My back hits the ground fast and hard. I want to scream at the shock of pain, but I can’t get a breath. He’s on top of me before I can do anything, his fingers back around my neck. His body is a dead weight, trapping me against the grass and dirt. The earth is cold and unforgiving. I try to find some connection to it. There is nothing.

  Jonah’s leg pushes between my legs. I try to kick. I can’t move beneath his weight. My arms are pinned to my sides by his body. My stomach heaves. I’m going to puke.


  At the sound of Austin’s voice, Jonah freezes. “This is none of your business,” he growls, still pushing against me.

  “Help!” I try to scream. The word comes out in a whisper. Austin is there in a second, pulling Jonah off me. I scramble to my feet as soon as I can, grateful to be off the ground. I shudder, my hand coming up to rub my neck.

  Jonah is on his feet too, glaring at Austin, his eyes wild. “Stay out of this, Montgomery.”

  Austin stands his ground, turning his shoulders to block me from Jonah’s line of sight. “Go home, Jonah.”

  Another set of footsteps comes around the corner. Joe takes in the scene and marches toward us, shaking his head.

  Jonah steps closer to Austin, appearing larger and more menacing. His entire body is tense, and there’s no mistaking the threat he poses. “Last chance, Montgomery. If I have to go through you to get to her, I will.”

  “Have you gone mad?” Austin responds, with no trace of the fear that pulses through me. I shrink back from Jonah.

  Joe lays a calm hand on Jonah’s shoulder. “Time to go.”

  Jonah doesn’t move. “You see what she is. I have to finish this.”

  Joe looks around Austin, searching me out. “You okay?” he asks smoothly, his hand still on Jonah’s shoulder.

  I’m pretty sure I’m not okay. I mean, the guy just attacked me. I don’t wan
t to think about what could’ve happened. My stomach lurches again. There is no stopping it now. I move over to the hedge and puke.

  I wipe a trail of saliva with the sleeve of my jacket. “Keep him away from me.”

  Joe grabs Jonah’s arm with a strength that belies his skinny frame. Jonah stumbles to remain upright. “Time to go,” Joe says again, still cool and smooth, leading Jonah away.

  Before they turn the corner, Jonah looks over his shoulder and silently mouths, “Later.” He kisses the air, sealing the promise.

  I tremble. Jonah is not going to let this go. Whatever this is.

  “Are you okay?” Austin asks, his eyes searching.

  I shake my head and run to him. I bury my head in his chest; his arms come around me, holding me to him. He rubs my back, gently stroking my hair. “It’s okay.”

  I nod, wanting desperately to believe him.

  “Let me take you home,” Austin whispers. His breath is on my neck, too close. I back away, but his smile is so innocent that I’m sure I must have imagined the invitation in his tone.

  He leads me toward a gate in the side yard. I’m glad we aren’t going back toward the party. I’m not ready to face anyone yet.

  But as we pass the fountain, something isn’t right. I stand taller and walk faster, pulling Austin with me. “We need to hurry.”

  He resists. “Don’t worry. Jonah’s just a bad drunk. Joe can handle him for now.”

  We’re isolated in the side yard. A cold breeze comes off the fountain, raising the hair on the back of my neck. I regret not going out through the party now. “We need to go back.” I turn around and pull on Austin’s arm. The water in the fountain is no longer frozen. It churns and laps, spilling over the edge of the basin. “Now.”

  Austin doesn’t move to follow me. “Brianna.” The quiet way he says my name is more terrifying than if he’d screamed it.

  I turn around slowly. Austin doesn’t move, his eyes focused on something in the shadows in front of him. A flash of silver glows in the darkness, growing a blinding white light. An onyx shimmer appears in the center of the light, sucking the light to its center like a giant black hole. Then the light is gone, except for a silver glow that illuminates the dark figure.


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