Lady Lavinia's Match

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Lady Lavinia's Match Page 4

by Mary Nichols

  ‘Indeed?’ He turned to Edmund and managed to convey a wealth of meaning in the tone of his voice and the way he lifted one eyebrow. ‘I hope you realise what you have undertaken, Wincote. Lady Lavinia can be a dreadful bully, you know.’

  ‘I find that difficult to believe, but if it be so, then I shall feel honoured to be bullied by so charming a director.’

  ‘And what part have you been given?’

  ‘None yet, but it is of no consequence. I will try my utmost in whatever part I am asked to play.’

  ‘I do not doubt you will,’ James murmured under his breath. Aloud he addressed Frances. ‘Has the Duke really given his blessing?’

  ‘Yes. Why should he not? It is only for the amusement of family and friends.’

  ‘Oh, is that all?’ He turned and grinned at Lavinia, sharing her secret; not for a moment would he betray her by mentioning Lancelot Greatorex. ‘So you will need a scene shifter?’

  ‘Yes, but do not think you can escape so lightly, James,’ she said. ‘You must take a role.’

  ‘Oh, no.’ He watched as the maid returned with freshly made tea and the Duchess filled a cup and handed it to him. ‘I would be no good.’

  ‘Why not? If Sir Percy and Duncan and Constance can do it—’

  ‘Hold your horses,’ Percy put in. ‘I never said I would. I am too old for such capers.’

  ‘But I need one or two older people. Someone must play the Duke of Athens and Egeus, Hermia’s father. It would look silly if they were young boys. That is why I need you and James.’

  ‘You need me because I am old?’ James said, affronted.

  ‘No, but you can act old, you do it all the time,’ she said, a statement which made the Duchess laugh aloud. ‘And we can paint your face with a few wrinkles.’

  He turned to Edmund and spread his hands. ‘See what I mean about being a bully.’

  ‘Her ladyship would not need to bully if you were more willing,’ Edmund said.

  ‘True, true,’ he admitted with an exaggerated sigh. ‘But I do not subscribe to the view that the ladies should have their own way all the time.’

  ‘Which is, I am persuaded, why you are still single,’ Lavinia retorted. ‘Now, do not be a spoil sport, or I shall not speak to you again for…for at least a month.’

  ‘Good,’ he said promptly.

  ‘James!’ Frances chided him.

  ‘Oh, very well, Mama. I suppose I will have no peace until I agree.’

  He had never had any intention of refusing her, especially knowing that Edmund Wincote was to be in the cast, but he could not resist teasing her. He did not know why he did it; it certainly did not promote his cause. If he were more serious, more careful of her sensibilities, and treated her more like a woman instead of a mischievous child, she might look at him differently. Almost every time they met he began with the intention of acting like a proper suitor, but something always intervened: either they roasted each other, or she said something to affront him, and they ended brangling.

  ‘Splendid!’ Lavinia said, smiling at him and quite overturning his bad mood. ‘You can begin learning Egeus’s lines, ready for our first rehearsal.’

  ‘And when is that to be?’

  ‘I do not know yet. I will let you know when I have all the characters decided on. Duncan has agreed to be Oberon. I asked him yesterday.’

  ‘Is that all you have so far? It is years since I read the play, but surely there are many more characters?’

  ‘Yes, there are, but leave them to me.’

  ‘And are you to direct us, my lady?’ James asked, still unable to refrain from teasing her. ‘As well as acting and painting the scenery and no doubt sewing all the costumes—’

  ‘James, you know very well I cannot sew. You must all be responsible for your own costumes.’

  ‘I do hope you are not going to begin these rehearsals before our ball,’ Constance said doubtfully. ‘I do not think I could concentrate on anything else before then.’

  ‘No, of course not. We have plenty of time. The performance is not to be until after the coronation.’

  ‘Oh, then it will not interfere with the Season.’

  ‘No, except that it would be advantageous if everyone knew their parts.’

  ‘Which part would you wish me to learn?’

  ‘Do you think you can manage Helena?’ It was a large role and might be beyond Constance, but so far Lavinia could think of no one else to fill it.

  ‘If it is a big part, I would as lief you found someone else and let me stay in the background.’

  ‘I know you are not one to put yourself forward, Miss Graham,’ James said, with a gentle smile. ‘But I am quite sure you are equal to the challenge.’

  Constance blushed crimson, but could find nothing to say except to thank him without daring to look at him.

  ‘Corringham, I did not know you were coming to town or I would have sent you an invitation to the ball with all the others,’ Lady Graham said, tapping him on the arm with her fan. ‘You will be able to come, won’t you? It is to be on Wednesday, the fifth of July.’

  He bowed. ‘I shall look forward to it. Now, if you will excuse me, I shall take my leave. I have some business to attend to.’ He was reluctant to go while Wincote remained but he had undertaken to look over a couple of horses at Tattersall’s and was expected. There were to be some races on Hampstead Heath in a couple of weeks’ time and he had been foolish enough to enter and make a wager on the outcome. The stakes were minimal; he had no intention of falling back into his old ways; it was more a question of pride, but he needed a prime mount to win.

  It was only after he had left that Constance drew her mother to one side and whispered in her ear, which resulted in Lady Graham finding an opportunity of speaking to Frances when Edmund was engaged in being pleasant to Mrs Butterworth. ‘What do you know of Wincote’s background, my lady? Is he a proper kind of person to invite to a gathering like our ball? Constance seems to think we should include him…’

  ‘I really know nothing about him, except that he is known to James. Perhaps you should have taken the opportunity to ask James while he was here.’

  ‘Oh, I could not do that. It would have looked so obvious that I was checking on him. But he has delightful manners, has he not? And I can see no harm coming from it. And Mount Street is a respectable address, don’t you think?’ Without waiting for a reply, she went on. ‘I think I shall go and ask his exact direction so that I can send him an invitation. Poor Constance is so anxious…’

  ‘No more anxious than her mama,’ Lavinia whispered, as the lady hurried away in the direction of Lord Wincote. ‘I do feel sorry for Constance. Lady Graham sets her sights so high, is it any wonder she is constantly disappointed? James said it is because Lord Graham is in dun territory and must have a wealthy son-in-law.’

  ‘James does not know everything, Vinny, and it is unwise of you to repeat it.’

  ‘I only said it to you, I would not dream of repeating it to anyone else.’ She stopped speaking as Edmund, having stayed the customary time, approached to take his leave. The other ladies, having heard Lady Graham extending her invitation, had decided that he must be acceptable in Society and had besieged him with their own offerings, which he had accepted with great politeness and due gratitude.

  ‘Your Grace.’ He bowed. ‘I cannot remember when I spent so agreeable an afternoon. And to be received by your friends is indeed an honour. I shall perhaps see you at Lady Willoughby’s on Friday evening?’

  ‘I shall look forward to it,’ her ladyship said, offering him her hand, which he took and bowed over, before affording Lavinia the same courtesy. And then, smiling, he was gone, leaving a babble of conversation behind him.

  ‘Such a pleasant young gentleman.’

  ‘And so handsome.’

  ‘Perfect manners,’ Lady Graham added. ‘He may have come from the north country, but his address cannot be faulted.’

  ‘How did James come to know him?’ Percy asked

  ‘He did not say. I imagined they were at school together.’

  ‘But James is at least three years older than he is. I would hardly have expected them to be associates.’

  ‘Well, I do not know. If you are so curious, why didn’t you ask him?’

  ‘Not polite to quiz him in your mama’s drawing room, don’t you know?’

  ‘No, but it does not stop people from talking about him behind his back. Just listen to them!’

  It seemed the whole room was buzzing with talk of the new arrival and Lavinia felt a certain sense of triumph that she had seen him first. The faint mystery about him served only to intrigue and excite her. That James did not like him she was well aware, but put it down to the fact that the man was young and handsome and everyone was falling over themselves to be agreeable to him. James’s nose had been quite put out of joint, though why he should care she could not fathom. He had always been laconically indifferent to what others thought of him.

  ‘Yes, and I think it is time the party broke up,’ he said. ‘Fanny, I shall set a good example and take my leave.’ He bowed to the Duchess and left. Very soon everyone else drifted away, leaving Lavinia and her stepmother to dress for dinner and await the arrival of the Duke.

  Lord Wincote appeared at Lady Willoughby’s soirée on Friday, his dress and manners as impeccable as before, though the day had been hotter than ever. Having been greeted by his hostess and exchanged pleasantries with the Duchess, he made a beeline for Lavinia and stayed by her side most of the evening, engaging her in small talk and pretty compliments.

  ‘The last three days have certainly been worth the effort of making the journey to London,’ he told her. ‘Such pleasant acquaintances I have made since my arrival and none more agreeable than your good self. I am overwhelmed by your kindness to me.’

  ‘I have not been particularly kind,’ she said. Unable to meet his gaze, she was pretending to look about her at the company, though the tension in her body was enough to tell him she was not indifferent to him.

  ‘Allow me to disagree, my lady. For someone who is a stranger to the capital with nothing but my good name to commend me, I have been made most welcome. And it is all down to you.’

  ‘Fustian!’ She turned then and smiled at him. ‘Please do not be so formal. I shall begin to think you are as stiff as James.’

  ‘The Earl of Corringham,’ he said thoughtfully. ‘A very agreeable gentleman, though I collect he likes to tease.’

  ‘Yes, but I take no note of it. He is like a dear brother, though of course we are not related.’

  ‘Oh, are you not?’

  She looked sharply at him. ‘No. The Duchess was his stepmother before she was mine. I am surprised you did not know that.’

  ‘I must have done, but I had forgot. Living so far from London, I am not up to date with events, you understand. My grandfather was something of a recluse.’

  ‘Then where and when did you meet James?’

  ‘My brother introduced us when I went up to Cambridge, seven years ago now. Henry, like the Earl, was three years older than me and they were almost at the end of their time there. They were friends, but so far above me as to be indifferent to my presence. I was surprised his lordship even remembered me. Henry died the following year, which made me my grandfather’s heir; after Henry’s funeral, I did not return to my studies but stayed at Grandfather’s side until I came into my inheritance earlier this year.’

  ‘I see. And you never came to London while you were at Cambridge?’

  ‘No, as I said, I was not there very long. My last visit to the capital must have been…goodness, I have forgotten the date, it was so long ago.’

  ‘You must find it much changed.’

  ‘Oh, yes, indeed. There are so many new buildings and more being built; whole streets have disappeared and new ones put in their place, all in excellent taste. I particularly like the use of trees to line the roads and the gas lighting which makes moving about at night so much safer.’

  ‘Yes, that is one thing I suppose we must thank his Majesty for.’

  ‘I have seen articles and caricatures in the newspapers, of course, but until I arrived here, I had not realised the contempt in which he is held…’

  ‘Only by some. And it is not so much contempt as ridicule. He is so very, very fat.’

  ‘I saw the Queen yesterday as I was leaving my lodgings in Mount Street. There we saw so many people crowding round and cheering her, I was unable to make a way through them until she had entered her carriage and been driven away.’

  ‘I believe it happens every time she stirs outside. If it were not for Stepmama being here and needing my company, I should return to our country estate in Derbyshire.’

  ‘I do hope you will not. I have been looking forward to furthering our acquaintance.’


  ‘Yes, but you must know that already.’ He paused, then went on, apparently plucking up his courage. ‘Having but lately arrived, I have not yet acquired a carriage, or I would have begged the favour of being allowed to drive you out.’

  She laughed suddenly. ‘What, at seven in the morning?’

  ‘No, not at all, that would be highly improper and if I did not know you are incapable of the slightest unkindness, I might be tempted to believe you were making a May game of me…’

  ‘Oh, no, my lord, I beg your pardon—I am so used to roasting James. It was very unkind of me. Please forgive me.’

  ‘Of course. How could I refuse?’ He smiled. If James had been there he would have described it as a smile of triumph, but Lavinia took it at face value. ‘I had in mind a gentle hack along Rotten Row, at a suitably respectable hour,’ he went on. ‘Shall we say, half past ten, tomorrow morning?’

  ‘Are you always so careful of protocol, my lord?’

  ‘I am a stranger in your midst, my lady, I cannot flout convention until I am established and then I would do so with the greatest care not to upset those whose regard I value.’

  She was reminded of his comment when meeting her driving James’s phaeton, that their secret was safe with him, and wondered if he was referring to that. ‘My lord, if you are implying that I should not have accompanied Lord Corringham in his phaeton—’

  ‘No, indeed not, my lady. You have explained he is regarded as your brother and none but the worst gabble grinder would infer anything else. I simply meant I wished to be correct.’

  ‘In that case, you will want to ask the Duchess for her permission to take me riding. It is no good speaking to Papa, he is never at home these days.’

  ‘Naturally, I will, as soon as you give me leave.’

  ‘You have it. I shall be delighted to ride with you.’

  He hurried off to importune Frances, leaving Lavinia, smiling to herself at his seriousness.

  ‘Lady Lavinia, your obedient.’

  Lavinia turned to find Benedict Willoughby at her elbow. She did not like the young man, who had tried forcing his attentions on her years before. She had been saved by Frances and James, but not before she had slapped his face and his cheek had been cut by her ring, an injury that kept him indoors for a week. He had only been seventeen at the time and trying his wings, but she was sure he had not forgotten it any more than she had, even though he had apologised and she had forgiven him for Duncan’s sake.

  ‘Mr Willoughby.’

  ‘I came to ask if I might take a part in your play. Duncan says it is going to be great fun and, if he is much occupied with rehearsals, I shall see nothing of him all Season.’

  ‘Yes, I can quite imagine you would expect to find some fun in it and possibly at my expense.’

  ‘Oh, my lady, you wrong me. I have wanted to do something of the sort for an age.’

  ‘Oh, Vinny, let the young shaver have a part.’ James had strolled over to join them and heard the young man’s request. ‘You cannot afford to be particular, you know.’

  ‘James, I did not expect to see you here.’

bsp; ‘Must I always give notice of where I intend to be, so that I may always be expected?’

  ‘No, don’t be silly.’

  He looked from her to Benedict, who was still waiting for his answer, then back to her. Whether it was the warmth of the room or the glass of wine she had consumed or simply that he had flustered her, he did not know, but she had a delightfully heightened colour and her green eyes sparkled with vivacity. Her gown of cream Michelin lace over a matching silk slip followed the lines of her figure so that he was hard put not to stare. ‘Well, are you going to keep him in suspense all night?’

  ‘Oh, very well,’ she said. ‘You can be Bottom, Mr Willoughby.’

  ‘Bottom!’ Benedict exclaimed. ‘Isn’t he the one who wears an ass’s head?’

  ‘Yes, but it is a good part and you will have Titania fall in love with you.’

  ‘Who will be Titania?’

  ‘I don’t know yet.’ She smiled suddenly. ‘I will find someone young and pretty for you. So, will you do it?’

  ‘Very well,’ he said, bowing and leaving them.

  ‘Vinny, you vixen,’ James said. ‘You enjoyed tormenting him, didn’t you?’

  ‘No, I am completely indifferent to him. But you were right, I cannot afford to turn anyone away. You are not going to let me down, are you?’

  ‘Vinny, you know I would never do that…’ He paused, watching Lord Wincote threading his way through the throng towards them. ‘And I sincerely hope others will not either.’

  She noticed the direction of his gaze. ‘Surely you do not mean Lord Wincote?’

  ‘I meant no one in particular, but if by chance he should do anything to upset you, he will have me to contend with.’

  ‘Why should he upset me?’

  He did not have time to answer before the gentleman in question arrived before them. Wincote was smiling broadly. ‘My lady, her Grace has been so kind as to say yes, providing you are properly chaperoned, of course.’

  ‘Yes, to what?’ James demanded.

  Lavinia turned and looked at him in surprise. His question was so abrupt and really it was no business of his. ‘Since you ask,’ she said levelly. ‘I have arranged to ride in the park with Lord Wincote. Now, if you will excuse us, I am going to introduce his lordship to some more of the company. I see Lord Haverley and Mr Drew over there. Perhaps they can be persuaded to join our little production.’ And with that, she laid a hand upon Edmund’s sleeve and went off with him.


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