Seon's Freedom: Found by the Dragon (Book 2)

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Seon's Freedom: Found by the Dragon (Book 2) Page 24

by Lisa Daniels

  He looked down at it and reached out his own, “Leonides. It is a pleasure to meet you Bree.” There was something in his clear gray eyes that reflected amusement as he looked at her. His eyes stood out all the more because of the lovely black hair that played around the edges of his face.

  Bree realized that the man’s smile was probably a result of the fact that they were using human customs, something she had never really thought about until Calixto pointed it out. Fighting back the thought, Bree forced a brighter smile, “I think the pleasure is all mine, Leonides.”

  He immediately shook his head, “Not at all. Perhaps we can split the pleasure 50/50 as well.” His smile was sweet, but Bree’s mind immediately went back to her night with Calixto, causing her face to flush bright red. Leonides burst into his beautiful laugh, “That was not what I had in mind. And you can call me Leo.”

  Bree was embarrassed, a feeling that she was not at all accustomed to. She looked down, “Ok, Leo.” She found it difficult to look at him, but the young woman forced herself to look up as soon as she realized she was looking down. “So what brings you to Imalone? Or is it something you shouldn’t be talking about?” She gave him an out just in case the business was too personal or difficult to discuss.

  Leo smiled at her, “Unfortunately, it is a little too sensitive to talk about openly.”

  With a quick nod of understanding, Bree let it go, “Well, if there is anything I can do to help. I’ve got a decent talent for finding things that are lost.”

  “Does that include people?”

  The look on his face made Bree think of Phelan, “It might.”

  Leo laughed, “That’s alright. We are generally too proud to ask for help. Doing so would be considered an admittance of weakness on my part, and I have not been looking for long enough to admit that yet.”

  The young woman understood that all too well. All she could do was offer him a small grin. “Thank you very much for your help.”

  “Would you like to go for a drink?”

  Bree blinked at the man. If she had been fully herself, she would have made the same suggestion some time ago instead of talking so openly in the middle of the road. Trying to recover a bit, the young woman accepted the welcome invitation, “I would love that.”

  “Good.” Leo placed his hand on the small of her back and lead the woman toward the Butler’s Respite.

  Bree beamed at the shocked expression followed by a hearty laugh as Brandon noticed her. Leo saw her face and heard the laugh as he steered the young woman to a seat. “I take it you know him well.”

  Bree looked back at the man, “Yes. He’s a good friend. Yesterday he even gave me some advice that has ended up being spot on, and I’m not sure whether I should be grateful or upset.”

  Leo held her chair out for her before moving around the table to take his own seat. “Good advice, no matter how ill-timed or inconvenient is always better to hear. It’s just a matter of learning how to accept it and change.”

  Bree watched her handsome companion sit down across from her. She let out a little sigh of regret. If Leo had just entered her life one day earlier, how different would this have been. As interested as she wanted to be in him, every time she tried to imagine touching him, Calixto kept appearing.

  “It appears that I have said something that causes you a bit of stress.” His stunning gray eyes sparkled as he looked at her.

  Bree wrinkled her nose, “Not at all. You just remind me of an old friend.”

  Leonides tilted his head to the side, “I want to say I am flattered, but there is a touch of regret in your tone.”

  “Not regret,” she corrected him. “Nostalgia. He died a few years ago during a dragon attack.”

  Her eyes were on Brandon as she said it, so she missed the look that passed over Leo’s face. When she turned back to him, Bree thought he looked a little paler. “Are you alright?” Her brows furrowed a little.

  “I am fine, thank. Just…that doesn’t happen very often, so it is particularly tragic.”

  Bree shrugged, “Dragons are what they are. Most of the ones I’ve seen were rather unimpressed with people, preferring to stay far away until humans encroached on their areas. But like every creature, sometimes you get ones that are just broken.”

  Leonides nodded, “Yes, sometimes life just breaks people, and there is nothing that can be done but end their suffering as quickly as possible.” The man’s voice was thick with regret and his eyes were fixed on the window.

  Bree’s eyes followed his before looking back at the man, “Are you sure you are alright?”

  Leo turned and gave her a forced smile, “I will be fine. I am afraid that I remind you of such a painful experience.”

  To his surprise Bree laughed, “That’s not what I meant at all. You remind me of my friend, not the circumstances of his death. And despite that, I still love dragons, just like I enjoy the company of humans, despite the fact that there are far more of them that are pretty horrible.” Her voice was lowered as she said it.

  Leo leaned forward conspiratorially, “Indeed. I don’t think I’ve met anything quite as annoying as humans, but they can be highly entertaining if you remember their short life spans.”

  Bree’s eyes shone as she looked around at the people around them. “What do you think they would do if we let them know just how funny we find them?”

  With a smirk, the man replied, “I don’t think that I want to find out just how they will respond. I have a lot of work to complete and I really do not want to deal with the headache caused by calling out the deficiencies of humans to their face. That’s sport for another day.” The way he said it, Bree knew that Leo would never actually do anything of the sort.

  “You really are a good man, aren’t you?” She looked at his eyes.

  “You are nearly right,” he replied with a wink.

  Brandon came over and took their orders and poked fun at Bree for having said it would probably be a while before she returned.

  Leo looked at her, his head cocked to the side in a way that made his hair sway close to his eyes. He really was an attractive man, Bree thought, completely missing his question.

  “Bree?” He waved a hand in front of her face.

  “Oh gods, I'm so sorry! I was just spacing out. I did warn you earlier that it has been that kind of day for me.” She gave the man a sheepish grin.

  “That’s quite alright,” he responded. “So you left yesterday, expecting to be gone for a while, only to find yourself back the next day?”

  Bree shrugged, “I was attacked by bandits and they took up enough time that I felt I should return and take a different route.”

  The man nodded, “Sounds like a good decision. Which way are you heading? Perhaps I can walk you there to keep you from any more trouble?” The expression on his was very open and honest, and it made Bree feel a little guilty for having lied. Leo had been so honest about what he would and wouldn’t talk about.

  “I doubt that you are heading to Kildeer as there is very little for you to find there.”

  The man nodded and sat back as their food was placed in front of them. “You are right. I suppose a meal will have to be enough.”

  Bree gave him a curious look, “Are you wanting to see more of me?” The man’s gentle push to see her for a longer period of time was helping her to recover herself a little bit.

  “I would indeed, but I’m afraid that my time is not my own, so if we are going separate ways…” he held up his hands to signify that he was willing to accept it.

  Bree placed her face in her hand and looked at him, “You are a strange one. I take it that you are not the head then.”

  Leo shook his head as he took a bite of his food, “No, I am second in command. Although I fear that our head has taken up an interest that is going to consume even more of my time.” There was a hint of bitterness in his voice.

  Bree grinned wickedly. She had caused men to feel that way many times, “He has taken an interest in a woman?” />
  Leo looked at her and sighed before nodding. “Yes, he has, but given she is human, I don’t understand how he can allow for such a distraction.”

  “Some of the best people I know are human, so you can’t lump them all together.”

  “This is true too. But,” his eyes bore into hers, “would you bet your life, everything you have on the love of a single human?”

  “My situation is not normal, so if I were to do such a thing, human or not, it could have some devastating consequences.”

  Leo leaned forward, “He is the head of a shifter clan, and we are exactly passive in our normal form.”

  “Oh, that’s right.” Bree looked at him and tried again to figure out what kind of shifter the three men were. Very slowly, she moved her mind and pushed against the man’s mind. There was a very forceful push in response, causing her head to move back a little.

  “Hey now, I am not pressuring you to talk, so it would be wise to show the same curtesy.” There was warning in the man’s voice.

  “I am sorry. That is not like me at all. I just…” Bree looked at the man, but all she saw was Calixto’s face. There was no doubt that they were something much more powerful than the average shifter.

  Leo went back to his food, “That is quite alright. I didn’t exactly expect it, but I know how curious humanoids can be. We aren’t exactly fans of the unknown.”

  Bree laughed, “You are quite right. If I were to ask you about your other form, would you tell me?”

  His eyes flicked up to hers, “If I were to tell you, would you believe me?”

  Bree laughed again. They ate the rest of their meal keeping the subjects to things that were of little consequence.

  They chatted as they headed for the door. Bree turned and waved to Brandon again, who gave her a curious look, then shifted his eyes to the gentleman with her. Bree shrugged in response. She knew that he expected them to stay the night.

  As soon as they stepped outside, Bree felt a powerful presence heading toward them. Her eyes shifted to Leo, who seemed to feel the same thing. His eyes were turned toward the gate through which she had left yesterday. Knowing who was coming, Bree decided she did not have time for shopping.

  She flashed a smile at Leo, “Thank you very much for the wonderful food and conversation. If things had happened a little differently, I would have been tempted to ask you to stay the night with me here. Brandon certainly expected that.”

  Leo looked at her like he was caught off guard by her words, “I can’t imagine you are so willing to act human that you sleep with men you barely know.”

  Bree paused for a moment before responding, “In my line of work it is somewhat essential.”

  The man frowned, “I find that difficult to believe. The more powerful the creature, the riskier it is to procreate.”

  Bree opened her mouth, then shut it again. That had never occurred to her. A thin smile spread across her face, “It is not something I have ever worried about.” Her mind when to Phelan and Taja, and she had to concede the point, “However, I can see how caution should be exercised for most creatures.”

  Leo shook his head, “I would ask you more, but-”

  “The more you hear, the less you want to know.” She winked at him as if to make him feel better, as well as to hide her own sadness.

  With a quick inclining of his head, Leo agreed. “I don’t know anyone of my kind who takes such activities lightly. If we did, it would have a potentially devastating effect on the world. I suppose the more desperate the creature, the easier it is to give into temptation.”

  Bree felt her heart ache at the words. Though she knew he hadn’t meant her, it was clear that the words applied to her situation. Humans had fleeting lives, and hers was mostly a lonely life.

  Hiding the ache, she looked into his eyes and said, “It has been wonderful getting to know you and I sincerely hope we can meet again.”

  Leo’s eyes shifted down to look at her, his attention clearly returned to the approaching presence. “I will walk you to the gate, but I dare say that I will need to stay here a little longer.”

  Bree nodded, “I understand.”

  Several minutes later they were at the gate where they said their goodbyes. “Good luck Leo. I hope your hunt comes to a successful and satisfying end.”

  His smile was forced as he nodded at her. “Good luck Bree. May all of your endeavors bring you peace.”

  The young woman’s eyes looked into his as his choice of words caught her off guard. With a slight smile, bowed her head and headed to Kildeer.

  Chapter 5

  The Tailor, His Daughter, and a Fleeing Fit of Jealousy

  Within half an hour of leaving Imalone, Bree was reminded exactly what her mental state had been when she had reached the little town. Trying to put her thoughts back on her job, Bree pulled her veil closer around her. If what Leo had said was right, Calixto would be able to track her easily. It was difficult to imagine him coming after her, he didn’t seem like the type to want such a complication like her in his life. But there was no doubt that the presence she had sensed upon leaving the Butler’s Respite was his. She tried to convince herself that it had been nothing more than him trying to get supplies or something just like she had. Yet there was a lingering doubt.

  Do you want to be mine?

  The reminder of his words sent chills down Bree’s spine. It took a lot of self-control to keep from turning around and running back to him. Of course, he would not be happy to see her. She had left him alone in a cave without so much as a farewell. For the first time in her life, the young woman felt guilty about walking out on a man.

  Shaking her head, Bree knew there was no time to consider what she had done. Frustration with herself at her inability to just shake it off was going to cost her.

  “Stop being an idiot.” Her imitation of Annora’s voice was nearly perfect.

  Bree sighed before responding to herself, “It’s not something you can understand. Any man who tries to get close to you ends up unable to procreate.”

  Assuming her friend’s voice, Bree answered, “Better to fix them before they break you.”

  Bree felt indignant at her own response. “Hey, that was uncalled for!”

  Twisting her face up, she assumed Annora’s voice again, “I’ve been warning you for years, so it was only a matter of time before you proved me right.”

  “Shut up Annora,” Bree snapped. Her face was almost scary as she continued to walk in a silent anger all the way to Kildeer.

  As soon as she reached the town, the young woman sought another long-time friend. Kildeer was slightly bigger than Imalone, so it had a few more professionals around, including her favorite tailor in all of Letera.

  It had been a while since she had visited Isaac and Saffron, his daughter. Prying her mind out of the cycle of frustration and anger, Bree plastered a smile on her face and walked with a hint of excitement toward their home.

  “Knock-knock,” she sang out near an open window. Bree watched as the salt and pepper hair looked up from a table and turned toward the window.

  “Bree!” It was a female voice from the upstairs that acknowledged her first. A striking woman leaned out of the window and waved down at Bree. The sorceress beamed up at her, as another head popped out the nearest window. “Hello, my dear. I take it you want a few dresses?” Isaac’s smile was heart warming.

  “If you have any laying around, I will gladly take them off of your hands.”

  The middle-aged man laughed as the sound of footsteps running down the stairs echoed behind him.

  The woman from the upper window threw the door wide open. “Come on in, I have the perfect dress for you.” She didn’t bother to wait as Bree laughed and moved to the door. The red-head was barely inside when the woman from the window bounded up to her with several beautiful dresses. She was busy holding them up to Bree as Isaac greeted their guest, “It has been a while. And every time I think that you can’t get any lovelier, you show up again an
d prove me wrong.”

  Bree giggled as his daughter gave him a sideways look, “You are too old for her father.”

  The guest was quick to disagree, “On the contrary, do you have any idea how difficult it is to find such an accomplished man who is still so magnificently built. If I didn’t have so much respect for him, you can be certain that I would not hesitate to seduce Isaac.”

  The man began blushing and laughing as his daughter protested, “Bree!” She slapped her friend’s arm, “That is disgusting! After all of the adventures and men you have had, how can you even say that about my dad.”

  Bree’s smile faded for a moment, “Ah, Saffron, the things you don’t understand about men is a lot.” She gave a dramatic shake of her head, “Older men are both wiser and better. The only advantage that young men have is that the can go at it more vigorously.”

  Saffron’s expression was picture perfect and Bree burst out into giggles as Isaac finally stopped their discussion. “It’s all well and good for you to say, my dear, but I know you are just being kind.” When Bree tried to protest his declaration, the man changed the subject, “How about trying this one on?” He snatched a dress from his daughter’s hands and offered it to their guest.

  Knowing that the discussion was best left where Isaac had ended it, Bree took the dress and gave him her best smile, “As always, you know exactly what will make me smile. Excuse me.” With that she swept out of the room and up the stairs.

  When she returned a couple of minutes later, Saffron began clapping. Bree turned and twirled to show off every angle. Finally, Isaac spoke up, “It needs a little taken off of the middle because it isn’t quite slim enough for your figure. Have you lost some weight?” His eyes looked into Bree’s.

  She shrugged. “It’s possible. I’m pretty sure that I still had some of the baby fat clinging to me the last time I was here, so it is very likely that my figure is a little tighter than it used to be.”

  Isaac shook his head to disapprove of the change, “The thinner you are, the harder it will be to get pregnant.”


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